
Chapter 288: [Purple pupil]

Chapter 288 [Purple Pupil]

Self-determination? !!

Xia Yayi was on the spot-what the **** is this Green doing? I did n’t take such a big idea and let Lao Tzu decide for himself? I'll make a dead man!

What's crazy about that guy Hasting? Baba went to Laozi County Mole to do? Am I self-determining? How do I decide?

What is Lao Tzu using to deal with Hastings? !!

Hastings is not as good as Manninger! !!

Charlie's brows froze and she stood there, her teeth rattling. The nearby A Cai and others looked at Xia Ya with such an expression, and they all stunned. A Cai whispered, "Sir, is there anything wrong with Denzel?"

Xia Ya listened, a flash of light flashed in her eyes, took a deep breath, and then slowly spit it out, looking at the people next to him. In addition to A Cai, the city's garrison was looking at itself.

"Hahaha!" Charlie no longer worried. An ordinary smile was made on his face, and A Cai glanced at him: "What's the wild guess? What can happen to Denzel? The Green guy said that if the troubles of the frontline Odin were solved, wouldn't it People from all the villages and towns gathered in the city went home to farm ... Damn, it was him who set the fire on the ground, but now this thing is annoying Lao Tzu. "

He said so, but A Cai's eyes were obviously sharp. A Cai first froze, and then there was a flash of enlightenment on her face, and she quickly shut up and stopped talking.

Xia Haha smiled, and let his men first send this army officer from Denzel to rest, and then pretended to go around the city wall leisurely, looking as usual, without anxiety, walking along the way, also Say hello to these sergeants, pat twice on this shoulder, take a nap on that chest, and encourage a few words before walking away.

It wasn't until she left the city that Acai followed behind Xia and followed the steps, and gradually realized that the adult's footsteps were getting more and more solemn!

Xia Ya took a few steps and looked back. Only A Cai, who was with her, sighed in a low voice: "A Cai ... His, do you think this God is blessing me or torturing Lao Tzu? ? "

Looking at A Cai's face was bewildered and seemed a little helpless. Xia Haha smiled, but his smile was bitter, and he whispered again, "Sometimes, I really want to take off this skin and go into the mountains to be a hunter happy. His, now this day, I live It's cool, but he's so exciting ... "


The county guard house in Mesta was originally badly damaged when the Odins last captured it, and during the battle that returned to Mesta city in Xia Ya, the county hand house was also in flames. After the resumption, Xia was only concerned about maintaining the city defense, but the county guard house didn't care much.

His troops were not enough at first, and there was not much garrison guard in the county guard house, but he kept 20 guys who were originally mercenaries and samurai to follow. There was no servant in the house. They had to eat and dress. This uncle Charya can do it himself.

After returning to the county guard's house, Xia sat in the lobby and didn't call any guards, but let Acai follow, without opening the boy. As soon as I sat on the chair, holding my head and thinking hard ...

Hastings, Black Flag, Odin ...

The Odins' southward invasion was divided into three paths. To the east was the Black Flag Army of Hastings. After solving the Sixth Corps, it occupied a county on the northeastern border of the empire. The middle road is Manninger's Red Snow Army, heading south from the front of the wildfire field, going south along Mor County, and defeating the 7th Corps in Siltan County. On the west road, I heard that the great emperor of the Odin empire led the army personally. He adjusted the 10,000 elites of the royal family and added 40,000 fighters from various clans to form a legion. It is the slowest to go south from the west road, but because there is no central standing army in the northwest of the empire, relying only on the resistance of the local garrison, the Odin army on the west road is the smoothest to enter.

But the three-way army of the Odins has always not interfered with each other.

Especially in More County, according to Odin's south invasion, it seems that it should be regarded as the site of the Red Snow Army. Hastings rashly led the army into More County. Is n’t it a violation of power? If it is usual, this is simply a move to compete with the friendly forces, is he not afraid of causing internal fighting?

Or, Hastings had already learned of his small actions in County More and he was the first to deal with himself?

Can it be said that ... there was a traitor inside him? Tell the news to Hastings?

But this seems not to be true ... My Mesta City succeeded, and more than 10,000 troops have been gathered, which is enough to threaten the Manninger Department invaded by Odin Middle Road. If there were internal traitors and Audis, why didn't he directly inform Manninger? And ran with Hastings?

...... So many chaotic thoughts floated together. For a time, Xia Ya only felt so complicated and didn't know where to start.

After thinking for a while, I suddenly patted my thigh and whispered to myself, "Fuck! What do I want to do so much! No matter what the reason is, always Hasting has arrived! What is the most important thing now The answer is! "

Leaving aside those thoughts, Charlie felt that her thoughts were opening up.

There is nothing more than two roads in front of it: First, stick to Mesta City. Second, lead the army to aid Denzel City!

He only has 10,000 troops. If Hastings really strikes, then his strength is already inferior and he will be stationed in two places, which is even more stupid behavior. Concentrating 10,000 troops in one place, there may be the possibility of knocking back the enemy.

The question is, where do you choose to stay?

Denzel City? Or Mesta City?

The advantage of Denzel City is that the walls are large and strong. It was originally built in accordance with the standards of a military fortress. As the bridgehead in the northern part of the Empire closest to the wildfire field, it has always been the largest military stronghold of the Byzantine front against the Odin army. The city walls are tall and the defense system is complete, and there are still some ordnance materials left over from last year's war.

From a purely tactical point of view, the defense of Denzel City is more conducive to defense.


Mesta City is the capital city of County More! The size of the city is much larger than the small town of Denzel, and its population is also larger.

And the location of Mesta City is more important than Denzel. As the capital city, Mesta City is located in the heart of the county's grain-producing region. The essence of Mor County is radiated around the city, and the surrounding countryside and all fields are the essence of Mor County.

It can be said that holding Mesta City is equivalent to holding half of More County firmly in your hands!

However, the defense of Mesta City is much worse than that of Denzel. From a purely tactical point of view, it is not an easy point to defend and difficult to attack ...

Moreover, Mesta City is, after all, the capital city, a symbol of the power of a county, and can occupy Mesta City, from any angle. Great for the rule of County More ...

Xia Ya thought for a long time, and was hesitant in her heart, making it difficult to make a choice. At last, she took a sigh of relief, raised her head, and saw that A Cai was still standing in front of him. This was the case when the teenager was in a daze in Xia Ya. Standing there all the time.

"Why are you still here?" Charlie raised her eyelids.

"Wait for your orders."

"Um." Charlie stood up, turned around in the hall twice, and suddenly looked at A Cai, and said, "Ask you a question. Are you saying that Mesta City is important, or Denzel City is important?"

After listening to this, A Cai thought seriously, then said, "Denzel City!"


Xia Ya was shocked, but he did not expect that A Cai's answer was actually like this, because in Xia ’s own mind, she felt that Mesta City was more important, but the city defense here was not so good.


A Cai didn't hesitate and immediately said, "Sir, I only know that Denzel is your territory."

This immediately reminded Charlie.

His official official position is the Chief of Arms of Moree County, and the Archon of Denzel City. If you look at it this way, Denzel City is your true home base.

If it is in peacetime, it is absolutely impossible for you to come to Mesta and give orders.

"Hmm ... is there another reason?"

"And ..." A Cai lowered her head for a moment, then continued: "Denzel City relies on the wild fire to enter, if we can't fight, there is still room to run."

If another general listened to this, I'd be afraid to scold A Cai immediately. Even if the battle has not yet been fought, even if you think about the problem of escape, in the whole empire, I am afraid that only the rabbit general Ruhr will have this kind of thinking.

Xia Ya heard, but suddenly her eyes were bright!

Wildfire Plain ...

If you're stationed in Mesta ... Indeed, in the event of a slight decline in the end, you will have no way out, and your enemies will be up, down, left and right.

But if you are in Denzel ... even if you can't keep it in the end, you can retreat to the wildfire! !!

"Orders." Charlie looked away: "Let the battalion-level officers go to the county guard to discuss!"


Golden Horn is located in the south of Esria County. If you go north from Golden Horn City, there will be a Silver Horn city over fifty miles. If you cross Silver Horn City, you will enter Siltan County.

Right now Siltan County has been occupied by the Odin Red Snow Army, but Esria County has not been attacked by the soldiers.

The county of Esria was originally a central administrative region in the northern part of the empire, and was one of the areas governed by the central empire. But in the early days of the civil war, a rebel force bordering Esria County sent troops directly.

Esria County originally had only a few local garrisons. Where were the rebels' opponents. After a symbolic resistance for a while, the county guards were a cartilage. After receiving the rebel's promise, they surrendered quickly .

Currently governing Esria County is a member of the "Red Round Table" and is owned by the Besta Military District. The Besta Military District was also one of the first to respond to the erection of the rebel flag in the early years of the civil war, and was one of El Salvador's strongest allies.

After occupying Esria County, the Besta rebels stopped expanding, sending troops to occupy critical points everywhere, taking over towns and replacing them with officials to rule and manage.

At the same time, they also cooperated with the division of five flag regiments and stationed in the north near the border of Siltan County to maintain the intimidating posture of the 7th Corps of Siltan County at that time.

After the 7th Corps was annihilated by the Odin Red Snow Army, the Odin quickly reached an agreement with the rebels, and the Ebesta rebels retreated, leaving only two flag regiments at the border. .

After the city defense forces and officials of the Golden Horn City were replaced by members of the Besta Military District, the size of the city has not changed much.

The original county guard was not a good official. After serving for several years, there was no benefit to the people. Therefore, the people of Esria County did not provoke any dissatisfaction with the change of rulers.

At this moment, it seems that there is a peaceful atmosphere in the Golden Horn. In addition to the eagle head flag no longer hanging from the city head, and the soldiers patrolling on the road have also replaced the rebels in the Besta Military District, almost There is not much change, and even the shops in the city are open as usual, but because of the war, the north-south road has been cut off, and it seems slightly depressed.

In a pub on the side of the road, sitting on the second floor of the room window, Povdax looked out the window and slowly talked about the current situation in Esria County. Defeny and Adeline Sitting opposite him, listening to this guy talking eloquently, telling the situation in the northern part of the empire as well as knowing it ...

Adeline is not okay, but Duffini, but the more she listens, the more shocked!

After all, she is from a celebrity like the Minas family. Her father and brother are all members of the army. They are not embarrassed from the ears. It is not the empty bag of beauty. Seeing this mysterious man knows so much, she can't help it A bit of jealousy was born in my heart!

During the war, the roads in many places were cut off. I am afraid that even the Imperial Intelligence in the Imperial Capital may not know this clearly! How did the man in front of me know so much news?

Even after Povdaks drank a bottle of wine, he laughed, "Is this Besta military district, I heard that the governor does not have much ability, but he has a very powerful wife. He heard that His wife was very tactical. At the beginning of the civil war, Governor Besta was still hesitating to respond. His wife resolutely suggested that the Governor immediately start his troops and quickly march to capture Esria. This idea was also made by the Governor ’s wife. In less than a month, the territory of the Besta Military District doubled. After the occupation of Esria County, the rebels did not commit crimes and did not harass the place. Without disturbing the people, the possibility of friction was reduced to a minimum. It did not provoke any troubles, and with very little effort, I held such a large Esria county firmly in my hands ... these Idea, I heard that it was all from the Governor's wife! Hey, this woman is not easy! "

Dax drank a glass of wine, showing a bit of unpleasant taste in his eyes: "And I heard that the governor's wife is also a beautiful beauty. When the governor was young, he was seduced by flowers and he married this beauty After that, I was cleaned up and obedient, obedient to my wife, and did not disobey. If it wasn't the governor's wife is really beautiful, I'm afraid I can't help the governor's heart. Ha! A beauty and wisdom coexist Great beauty, I really want to have a chance to meet her! "

Dafeni just pouted his mouth and looked at Dax carefully. This guy was drunk and hazy, and his face looked like a pig, but Dafini was in a deep escape from these days. Feel the horror of this man!

Everywhere he went, the man first settled down his two girls and settled down. Then he went out on his own and took a circle. When he came back, he found a way to escape. Everywhere, there seemed to be someone to cooperate with him. Listening to his assignment, he can always find the safest chariots and horses, and even buy the guards to release them.

As if on this way, every place I visited, there were hidden forces listening to his dispatch!

Even more recently, in a city occupied by the rebels a few days ago, the three were pretending to be priests in a religious institute and cheated the defenders! At that time, the three were hidden in a transport team of the religious institute!

This guy actually has an insider in the religious house! !!

I remember at the time, this guy came to a nun in a religious place with a careless smile. After taking off the hat, the nun hit a slap on Dax's face, but Dax didn't care and went up. Hugging that nun was a mad kiss. The last nun, in front of him, immediately became supple like a kitten!

Not to mention the seduce of a nun is a felony of the church ... And that nun seems to obey this man and even arranges his own escape route!

When he arrived at the Golden Horn, he did n’t know what he used. The three of them got into a caravan of the caravan, and they easily entered the city. Come in!

"Her beautiful lady, do you look at me like this, is there a flower on my face?"

Defeni was thinking about it, and suddenly heard Dax's words, then saw the man come together with a smile, frowned immediately, and turned his head.

"Ah, is it Your Royal Highness that you look at me handsomely and have an admiration for me?" Dax continued with a smile on his face, still holding his hair distressed, "Oh, what can I do? Beauty, one beautiful and intelligent, but one with my favorite pair of beautiful legs ... "

He said, turning his face to Adeline: "Beautiful Highness, seeing my hard work **** all the way, let me touch your legs as a reward?"

"Go to death!"

Adeline was furious. She grabbed the plate on the table and lost it. Dax caught it and was about to say something. Suddenly his face suddenly changed and he became serious and abnormal. Look!

There was a weird footstep sound on the stairs, which seemed a little heavy and stagnant, but for a moment, the sound seemed to have a strange rhythm.

Immediately, a figure came up slowly from the stairs, and the most striking face was a long purple hair!

The slender figure was wrapped under a long black cape, with half an iron face on his face, and a strange long bow on his back.

As soon as Dax saw the figure, he immediately sat down and narrowed his eyes.

The man who came upstairs, no need to ask, naturally it is Via!

Via walked up the stairs and suddenly stopped on that step.

There are not many people on the second floor of this pub. The most striking thing is of course a man and a child sitting near the window. Dax was dressed up casually and his eyes were beautiful. Although the two beauties had put on some makeup and covered up their beauty a little, after all, the grace and grace were unavoidable.

Via stood on the steps and glanced at her. Suddenly she saw the back of Definy and Adeline. In her purple eyes, there was a flash of strange color!

There was no change in her cold face, but she slowly walked over step by step, and then sat down next to a table.

With a snap, a long bow was shot on the table!

I saw her still clutching the corner of the bow, sitting there, but staring at Dax tightly.

There was a table between them, and they looked at each other like that, their eyes flickered.

Dafini and Adeline also noticed that they were weird. They were both surprised by Via's strange outfit, but they saw Dax's giggling look as if it had never been before ...


Via first opened his mouth, and the cold voice fell in the ears of people, as if with cold, making everyone feel cold!

Dax sighed softly: "That's enough ... you came upstairs and took a total of 13 steps, right? In 13 steps, you have adjusted your breath to the best state ..."

As he said, Dax smiled bitterly: "Dear Via ... you are much better than when you last met ~ ~"

Viamer was silent, but his fingers clenching the corners of his bow tightened.

Dax grinned: "It seems that I can't get along with me. I can just find a pub and I can meet you. Are you from the north or south?"

Via frowned, and didn't answer, but fell on the two girls next to Dax. After looking at them again, Via's face became even more ugly.

She took a soft breath and stared at Bo * dax, only a short word came out of her mouth.

"Release it, immediately!"

Dax grinned, touched his nose, looked at the strange faces of the two girls, and then sighed, "Don't your two Highnesses recognize this icy beauty? She has a lot in the Byzantine Empire A famous character. "

His tone also gradually condensed: "One of Mr. Carvey Hill's best disciples, and the only disciplinary disciple trained by Mr. Carvey Hill, the famous" Purple Pupil "!"

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