
Chapter 299: 【encounter! 】

Chapter 299 [Encounter! 】

Let's go back to time more than ten days ago ...

Since leading the army to expel the harassing Black Flag Rangers. Charya was also stunned, with five hundred horse thief cavalry, and did not rush back to the city. She settled by the river on the border of County More and County Knox for two days.

Anyway, he had confidence in his heart. Even if the Black Flag really killed the army, he had 500 cavalry soldiers, and he was fast enough, even if he ran.

The five hundred horse thief cavalry was stationed along the county border for two days. Every day, Xia divided his men into five hundred men and patrolled along the river along the border. But after two days, there was nothing on the other side.

The Black Flag Army seems to have died down and is no longer visible.

In the early morning of the third day, Charya lost her patience and simply took her home to Denzel.

Charlie was still wondering: Is Hastings really full? Are you okay to send some squads to harass Lao Tzu?

After returning to Denzel, the army was reorganized, and the defense of the city was assigned to Green. Charlie still took cavalry to patrol outside Denzel every day.

The trail of the Black Flag Army is like a heavy stone pressing on Charya's heart. This mystery is unsolved. How can he feel relieved?

That afternoon. Xia took more than thirty rides and searched for about twenty miles northeast of Denzel City.

In this region, Xia has already run several times these days and is already familiar with it. Towards the evening, I ran to the entrance of a small village.

Under the red sunset, the village in front of it was quiet and without any vitality. I have been here a few times earlier, and Xia already knew that the village was empty. There were originally dozens of families in the village. Long before the Odin invasion, all the people sent by Green had moved to Denzel.

The village has been deserted for nearly two months. Although the farmland on both sides of the village was once burned by the fire, after a month-long rainy season, the abundant rainwater almost washed the farmland again. A rundown. Lush weeds grew out of the field because they were left unattended.

When walking outside the village, Xia Ya looked at the horse immediately, and couldn't help but smile and said the sentence: "This field was burned with fire, and after so much rain, the grass and ash were washed into the ground It will be more fertile in the future. "

Seeing that it was getting late, Xia had a bit of saber in her hand: "Let's stay overnight in the village, we will go back tomorrow morning."

Although this unmanned village has been going in and out a few times before, Xia was afraid to relax her vigilance and sent a few riders into the village to search. After confirming the safety, they brought people into the village.

Because this year's rainy season is particularly heavy, the village is uninhabited, and the roads are already muddy. After the rainy season, they were exposed to the sun for two days and became potholes.

Most of the original buildings in the village were houses made of earth and wood. Some of the houses were washed away by heavy rain for a month. They had collapsed and damaged, and the beams of the houses fell down because they were uninhabited. by the road.

A barely intact building was selected in the village, and Xia ordered his men to be separated to watch the night, and the rest gathered in the courtyard of the building to rest.

At the earliest time, Green's scorched earth policy was implemented extremely thoroughly. The granaries stored in the village had already been burned to the ground, let alone food, and even several wells were blocked with stones. Fortunately, a small pond came out of the village after the rainy season. I can barely drink horses. As for the cavalry, there are water bags and dry food carried with them.

This family has already lived in Denzel City. The house is empty, it is estimated that it was blown by the wind during the rainy season, and the door panels have fallen aside. Xia Ya simply walked into the room. There wasn't much furnishings in the room, and after soaking in the rain, there was a smell, and even a few clusters of mushrooms grew on the wooden boards in the corner. Xia Ya identified it carefully and determined that it was non-toxic and edible, and then people made a pot of water and stewed a pot of mushroom soup with joy.

There was no incident that night, and the thirty horse thieves and cavalry men under Xia's hands, since they could follow Xia's side, were naturally selected elites. But after so many days of running around, everyone was tired. After drinking the delicious mushroom soup, only the vigils were left, and in this room, he randomly found firewood to lay on the ground, and lay down horizontally to rest. Within a moment, the snoring sound in the room was like a row of mountains Come out.

As a sergeant, Xia naturally occupied the only bedboard in the room. Although the bedboard had collapsed more than half, Xiaya fell asleep. Anyway, he was born of hardship, and he was with a man in a house. Rest, listening to everyone's snoring in the ear, do not feel unwell.

It was only that night that she lay on the bed for less than two hours, but suddenly woke up. I always feel a little strange in my heart, as if it is a sign of the sixth sense. There seems to be something big going on.

Although this kind of keen sense cultivated in the mountains and forests from an early age does not make much sense, but in the experience of Charya, this feeling has saved him many times.

Suddenly this strange feeling again tonight, how can he sleep peacefully? He just got up, touched the fork in his hand, and walked quietly to the yard outside the house.

Outside the yard, the vigilant cavalry was still guarding around, and two dark whistle were set up in the two houses beside it.

Seeing Xia came out alone, the vigil soldier immediately greeted him, and before he spoke, Xia waved his hand, motioned to the other party to salute, and whispered: "I drink too much soup at night, find a place to put water ... … Don't call me, my brothers are tired and they are sleeping soundly. "

Xia Ya walked out of the yard, and there was no one in the village anyway, so she randomly found a corner, opened her pants and urinated, and drank a lot of mushroom soup at night. But suddenly I heard strange movements in the distance in the dark night.

Xia Ya suddenly jumped in his heart, listened carefully, and recognized it after a while, as if something like a dog was barking, he didn't care, he was going to go back before shaking, but he just left. Two steps, suddenly startled!

This village has been deserted for almost two months! Let alone food in the village, there is no grain! Not even the rats have anything to eat. Where's the dog? !!

As soon as this thought moved, Xia instinctively realized that something was wrong.

He ran back to the yard, hesitated slightly, and only asked the two vigil soldiers to follow him, and quietly searched in the direction of the voice just now.

This dark night was quiet. Xia took a few more steps, and heard the voice from afar again, and quietly ran to the village entrance with the two vigilante soldiers. By the faint starlight, he saw the rainwater accumulating in the village entrance. There are two or three dark shadowy nests next to the small pond, one of which is digging his head to the edge of the water and drinking water, and the other two are nesting on the ground, sending out a humming sound from time to time sound.

Charya couldn't help laughing when she looked closely.

Where is what dog, clearly three wolves.

I don't know if it came out of the nearby mountain forest, but actually came to this village. It was probably that the village was deserted for too long, there were no people, and the courage of these beasts was so big that they ran to the pond at the mouth of the village to drink water.

After seeing clearly, Xia Ya made a gesture to the two soldiers behind him, thinking: After eating dry food for two days, and hitting a wolf back, Minger could get a taste of the meat.

He quietly inserted the fire fork back into his waist, and both soldiers had short crossbows in their hands-this short crossbow was still a good thing captured from the Governor's House guard in Corsica County.

Three people leaned on their feet, in the dark, fluttered twice, two short crossbows fired at the same time, the two horse thieves and cavalry hit their heads very well, the heads of the two wolves hit directly, the two beasts did not hum Just a moment, he was stunned.

It was the third head who was stretching his head to drink water. Xia took a few steps, and the fire fork in his hand dropped into the distance. He slammed it directly into the wolf's back. Charya had a lot of strength. She threw this hand out and immediately pierced the wolf's body and nailed it firmly to the ground! The third wolf was immortal, and suddenly opened his mouth and blew his throat.

Xia had already caught up, and stepped on the wolf's neck with a single click, and broke the wolf's neck.

The two soldiers behind them both cheered and ran up happily, and the corpses of the three wolves were carried back.

But at this time, Charlie could see clearly beside her, and her face suddenly changed, staring at the wolf corpse on the ground: "Yi ?! What is this?"

The three beasts on the ground were all in gray fur, and they looked like wolves. But they were much bigger and bigger than the gray wolves in the mountains common to Byzantium. More than two turns, and the fur is thicker.

In particular, Charya was surprised that the three wolves each had a metal collar on their necks! !!

This is obviously not a beast, but someone has domesticated it! !!

The collar on the wolf's neck was seen by Xia, and the soldiers under his hands naturally saw it. Suddenly all three's faces were abnormal.

Charlie looked at the two and frowned, "Have you ever seen anything like this?"

One of the horse thieves thought about it, and said, "Aunt, wolf wild, it is difficult to tame. We Byzantines rarely hear about wolf taming. But ... I heard ..."

"I heard that Odin was brave in the north. I heard that hunters in Odin's tribe have the habit of taming wolves. When hunting, spilling tamed wolves to attack prey is much better than hunting dogs."

As soon as the Odins were mentioned, Charya's face suddenly became more serious.

"Moreover, I heard that the Odins also used tamed wolves as scouts when they fought. This kind of animal action is more agile, and it is not easy to be detected. Once the hostility is found, these tamed animals are still living. They will run back to report warnings, and even if they encounter an enemy, these wolves have the ability to attack the enemy. "

Charya looked dignified and whispered, "Go back to one of them and yell your brothers! Please do something, don't make any noise, and don't torch! Since this tame wolf is here, then the Odin scouts must be Not far! Damn, it looks like today has gained something! "

Immediately someone ran back, and within a short while, the resting cavalry had already risen. Under the order of Xia, he quietly dragged the horse to the village entrance without firing a torch.

Xia Ya took a closer look at the wolves and suddenly laughed: "Fuck, it's good luck for us! Was this tamed beast easy to be noticed by us? Nothing but these three heads The wolves are all male! Now it is the spring and summer alternating season. These beasts make * commotion, howling at night, and it is also natural. This will be discovered by us. It is also those Odin scolding bad luck! Those who left footprints on the road, let's feel it and burn those Odin people! "

Identifying the wolf's footprint is difficult, though. But for Xia, who grew up in the mountains and forests and had a good hunting skill, recognizing the beast footprint is his best practice.

A group of thirty riders led Xia to identify the footprint of the wolf, and the others followed. Walk quietly at night.

I ran straight in the middle of the night, and it was almost early in the morning, so I didn't run three or four miles away, but I finally gained something. I ran across a deserted village far away, and Xia carefully identified the footprint on the ground. Finally, he looked up and saw a forest in front of him. Haha smiled and whispered: "That's right! It should be there! This footprint is all from there!"

As soon as he waved his hand, the horse cavalry separated from his two teams, and quietly walked around from the left and right. Charya led a team and forced it directly towards the forest.

The forest is not large, even if the Tibetan soldiers will not exceed one hundred people, Xia Ya is brave and brave. Even if he meets one hundred people, he will sit in town and sneak attack at night, although his own team has only thirty riders. Xia also has the confidence to eat this share of Odin!

When it was only a stone's throw away from the woods, Xia Ya calculated the time, and the people on both sides should also be in place. At this moment, there is no need to hide the trail anymore, and he just yelled, and led his cavalry, rushing horses Chi, kill in the woods!

The horseshoes were rushed, and the distance of the arrow was only a short moment away. Xia Ya took the lead and rushed into the woods. At this moment, the people and horses on both sides of the road arrived. a bit.

Xia Ya rushed into the woods and heard the sound of slaughter and a few screams.

Suddenly, a black flame rushed into the sky, and a loud noise clicked, and the four or five big trees around the light were chopped and dropped!

When Charya saw it, her heart suddenly jumped! The other party has a master! !!

He speeded up, rushed forward, ran another hundred and ten steps, and saw the scene in front of him, and couldn't help trembling! !!

There were indeed Odins in that wood, but there were only three of them! On both sides, two Odins were holding burly axe, and they were burly. The man in the middle, of medium build, had a black cloak. Under the cloak was a thin, delicate soft armor. Standing there, although he was shorter than the people on either side, when he saw the figure of that person, Xia Ya The heartbeat almost jumped out of the cavity!

The man stood there, cold and arrogant, with a triangular warfare gun in his hand! How did Shaya not recognize the shameful face and the self-assertion?

Hastings! !!

The enemies on both sides have been killed, but the Hastings's rifle swept past, and the four or five cavalry rushing in front of them suddenly led the horse, and it became a flesh and blood in the black flame! !!

Suddenly there were many corpses on the ground, but they were all Char's!

As soon as Charya saw Hastings, she knew it was bad!

He knew very well that Hastings was a bit better than his boss! Although he brought thirty elite cavalry around him, the advantage of this number was far from enough in front of Hastings!

At first, Hastings rushed into the garrison government in the wildfire town with a single gun, and smashed Bonfret. Among thousands of defenders, he rode through the long street alone, killing the horse, and breaking through the gate !!

Thirty people here, where is his opponent? !!

But now that it's met, and it's already fought, where can it be retreated?

Xia Ya bit her scalp and yelled, but she leapt up from her horse immediately, gave up the horse, and flung it in the air. The fire fork in her hand swung in a flash of red light!

In the face of such a strong enemy of Hastings, Charia did not dare to slack off, and when she came up, she used her strongest trick, crimson and murderous!

The red murderous energy is like a glow of light ~ ~ It suddenly entered the black flames of Hastings, and with a bang, the flame fork blocked Hasting's triangular rifle!

Xia felt a shock all over her, and Hasting's majestic strength forced him to almost let go of the fire fork!

Hasting also yelled, looked closely, saw Xia Ya, and his face changed: "Is it you ?!"

Then Hastings became angry: "You scumbag!"

Xia Haha smiled: "Not just Lao Tzu!"

He took a deep breath and had already found the largest crystal from his arms with his backhand and shoved it into the handle of the firefork. He laughed a lot, and his whole body turned red, like a tussle wrapped around him In it!

The big crystal was given by Cavill Hill at the beginning. Although it has not been clear what it is, Xia is very clear. After this large crystal is set in the fire fork, it can make his own crimson. Multiply your power!

Upon seeing the red light on Charya's body, Hasting's face was even more weird: "Huh! Your crimson murder has improved a lot!"

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