
Chapter 332: [Fashionable middle finger]

This is called 嚷. The voice was like a gong, but Xia recognized it immediately. Needless to say, it was naturally the unconscionable dog leg Dodoro.

Dodoro's appearance was like a rainbow, sitting on a flying carpet, standing upright, holding one hand behind him, and holding the radiant crystal ball in one hand, the crystal reflected on the green-skinned frog. The light is quite extraordinary.

The most important thing is that this guy hasn't been seen for many days, but it seems to be pulling a lot at this moment. Although the flying carpet is flying at high speed and the wind is strong in midair, the guy's feet are standing on the flying carpet as if he had nails. No matter how strong the wind blows the hair, it still looks easy. With this skill alone, it is obvious that it is not the same as the wretched guy of the past.

However, Dodoro's chic, it only kept for less than ten seconds ...

The appearance of that dark cloud clearly annoyed the flamingos above. The flamingo seemed to be upset with the dark cloud that suddenly blocked its own light. After a long scream, the wings vibrated, and a flame swept away.

Totoro was still standing on the flying carpet, seeing that the flames were sweeping in, and he suddenly screamed "Ouch", hurried to his feet and fell on the flying carpet. Fortunately, his skill in controlling the flying carpet was good. When the flames swept through, the flying carpet had quickly reduced its speed. A high-speed dive swept across the flames, but Poor Doro was lying on the flying carpet, but he was lifted from the top of his head. The scorched flame blew for a moment, and then a scream was made, and a few hairs on the head caught fire. After a few screams, it was extinguished vigorously.

The flamingo missed a shot, which further stimulated the fierceness. The wings contracted slightly, and they also chased after a dive. It was huge, dived down, and rolled up a gust of wind. Doodor looked back, and saw the huge flamingo rushing down behind him, yelling immediately. Seeing that the flamingo opened its mouth, a ball of red light came over. Fortunately, Dodoro raised his height in time, and the flying carpet suddenly pulled up more than ten meters. The ball of red light shot empty and hit the ground far away. On, it just sparked a fire.

Dodoro sat on the flying carpet and jumped up and down, playing a chase game with the flamingo in the sky. Although the flamingo is powerful, after all, it is huge and the flight speed is not slow, but in the face of the small flying carpet, it still lacks some dexterity after being tossed and moved. It flew under its mouth, turned around, and eased around behind the flamingo.

With Doodor attracting the flamingo's attention in midair, Charia on the ground got such a short breath of breath, and immediately felt that the strength of her whole body was quickly restored, but in a short time, it was 80% to 90%. And many wounds on the whole body are almost healing at a magical speed, but after a few breaths, the painful feeling has disappeared completely!

Xia Ya immediately knew in her heart! Doodor's appearance is also worth mentioning, he recovered at such a magical speed ... I'm afraid it was because of the frog in the crystal ball in Doodor's hand!

Damandras! !!

The frog brought by Dodoro must have been changed by Damandras!

With Totoro attracting the attention of the flamingo, Xia regained her strength. She suddenly yelled at "Hey", leaped up from the pit, reached for the fire fork, and walked towards the pit. Mr. Tao rushed over!

This time Xia learned the previous lesson and did not attack directly at once, a few jumps, quickly slamming into Mr. Tao.

Mr. Tao also returned to God at this moment. Seeing that Xia was approaching, he immediately guessed the opponent's idea: nothing more than trying to approach himself, and then approached himself to deal with this magician.

When martial arts deal with magicians, this is the most sensible choice.

Although Mr. Tao was shocked but not confused, he sneered, and his body still retreated as fast as before. His flying skill was extremely exquisite. How did Chaya chase, but he could not catch up with Mr. Tao. The two figures were still on the ground. Chasing back and forth, one flutters forward and one backs back, but the distance between the two is still about ten meters.

Seeing that she could not catch up, Xia Ya was anxious, and finally raised her hand. He stopped drinking and raised more than ten black lights in his hand, smashing his head at Mr. Tao.

This is when Xia jumped out of the pit just now, a stone that he was holding in his hand had been crushed into more than a dozen pieces by him. Seeing that he could not catch up with Mr. Tao, he raised his hand and lost it directly. . With his strength, such a short distance of more than ten meters smashed in at a glance, the power survey than a dozen archers at the same time volley.

Dense black light fell in front of Mr. Tao. The face of the elven mage remained unchanged, but a group of lights flashed in front of him. The more than ten stones were mixed with energy and smashed up, but it seemed to fall into an invisible airflow. In the middle, it was as if stones were thrown into the water. There were more than ten waves of ripples in the air in front of Mr. Tao, but those stones were all bounced off easily.

Xia Ya saw that a stone could not help the opponent, but a sly smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Seeing that more than ten ripples in the air in front of Mr. Tao had not dispersed, he had flew up, the fire in his hand The fork stabbed!

With a click, a tiny but dazzling red light projected!

The light of this dragon thorn. Xia Ya went all out and seized an extremely delicate opportunity!

Even before Xia's counterattack, Dora had already given him an idea!

"This guy's strength has obviously not yet reached the level of the strong. He can block your dragon thorns, not because he can change the space at will like the strong, but only by having a powerful magic to guard the enchantment. And, it ’s worth noting that, in general, the magic guardian enchantment is fixed in one place. But when this guy is moving, the enchantment can always protect him as he moves, which is obviously not a cast The magic that came out is what advanced magic equipment must be on him. This magic enchantment must be attached to any magic equipment. Or simply a high-level guardian magic scroll. Many wizards will choose this approach. , Once ordinary guardian magic is performed, it cannot be moved at will. This method is equivalent to making a guard cover for yourself. However, the magic that is pre-attached with equipment is dead, after all, it is not as good as the magician himself The performance can be changed. In other words, there is a gap!

The defensive magic that is stored in advance can only be used to attack the area based on the frequency that is stored in advance. In simple terms, if you punch him, he can resist it, but if you fight too fast, you can hit it in one breath. Ten punches, his magic was too late to react! !! This is the same as when you fight with people. When the opponent blocks your first strike, the opponent's strength is already old. In martial arts reason, the old force is exhausted and the new force is not born. If you attack him while taking advantage of this gap, you will have the opportunity to penetrate his defensive enchantment! "

These words, before Xia's shot, Dora quickly uttered in Xia's mind. Xia wasn't stupid at first, and her comprehension ability was first-rate.

At this moment, after a frantic chase, he threw a handful of stones to trigger the opponent's defense magic enchantment first, and saw that the magic light of defense flashed, and then faded away, just when the magic light was about to recede ... ...

The light of the dragon's thorn has been stabbed directly!

Mr. Tao, who has always looked proud, has finally changed color at this moment!

This beam of red light penetrated directly from the magic defensive enchantment in front of him, and it happened that his magic light had just stopped the previous wave of stone attacks, but had not yet had time to urge it again ...

Seeing that this red light had hit Mr. Tao, the old guy suddenly twisted in place, but the old body turned like a fish in the water. Pulled the magic wand in his hand and quickly blocked it in front of him. At the same time, the whole part of the person's waist suddenly turned over behind ...

With a clear sound, the red light hit Mr. Tao's wand. The wand was immediately cut into two, and the half of the wand flew out. The gem on the top also waved into powder!

After the red light of the dragon thorn interrupted the wand, Yu Guang rubbed Mr. Tao's cheek and shot in the distance, tens of meters away, cut a distant rock on the spot, and then dispersed!

Mr. Tao then hurriedly made more than ten steps in a continuous volley, and when he stood up, he had shed his hair, his face was a little more than three points, and his face was red and blue.

Xia issued a blow to the Dragon Spike, which was very physically demanding, and he gasped slightly, without having time to catch up.

Just like that, Mr. Tao finally stood still, and glanced at the ordinary wand left in his hand. There was a hint of resentment in his eyes, and he threw the disused wand to the ground, staring at Xia Ya in front of him. , Chest can't stop undulating.

"Sure enough!" Mr. Tao gritted his teeth, and his voice was not as leisurely as before, and there was a faint smell: "It actually ruined my wand ... hum, it seems that although you are a warrior, you are quite magical If you know, you can see through the weakness of my magical enchantment! Huh ... "

Xia was out of breath, and forced to hold it again with the fork-at this time, the water dog was hit without pain.

A magician without a wand in his hand ... how much more can he do?

There was a little bit of resentment in Mr. Tao's eyes, and when Xia was again holding a fire fork to try to come again, the elf mage sneered, "Huh! Speculation and tricks, thought you could beat me? Huh ... You are not a People who do n’t know! Do n’t you know that elves are not only good at magic? Well, martial arts, am I afraid of you ?! ”

After speaking, Mr. Tao shook his long sleeves, and drew his right hand in the sleeve of his left hand quickly. When the right hand was raised, a bright dagger was already in his hand.

Mr. Tao turned around in place, and the dagger in his hand immediately spun out an arc of light. He froze, and his long messy hair was cut away. The rest Although a short hair looks a bit ugly, it is much more capable and refreshing.

With only this one move, Xia Ya immediately put away Xiaoxin's heart! !!

Cut off your messy long hair, in the battle that comes immediately, you can save a lot of trouble, lest the messy long hair will block your vision ...

This single hand is enough to prove that this old man is not just a magician! At least for melee melee, definitely not a layman!

But ... shit! In the contest, is my uncle Xia still afraid of you old man? !!

Xia Ya felt a pride in her heart, and flung it up when she held up the fork. There was a glob of red light all over his body, and the crimson murder had been evoked, and his mental strength had been raised to the extreme!

Under the action of crimson and murderous spirit, Xia ’s sense of acuity immediately increased exponentially, a few big strides reached in front of Mr. Tao, and he lifted a fire fork and slashed!

But soon, Charlie found that he was still undervalued.

Mr. Tao moved!

His movement, his figure fluttered like a ghost, like the leaves in the wind, like a butterfly among the flowers. The figure is light and elegant, but at the same time, Charya is dazzling! Even under the strengthening effect of Crimson Murder on his own mental power, Xia felt that it was almost impossible for her eyes to catch up with Mr. Tao's actions!

This old man, just like a light smoke, shuttled back and forth among the red light of his own fire fork. The steps under his feet were light and fast, just like a very clever dancer, after a series of dazzling shadows ... ...

Xia Ya slashed more than ten notes with a fire fork in one breath, but nine Chengdu slashed straight! As for the occasional one or two hits, it was also gently blocked by the short sword in Mr. Tao's hand.

More importantly, this Mr. Tao's martial arts is simply ...

It was born to restrain Chaya's powerful opponents!

Xia Ya casts her crimson murderous power. It was originally indestructible and strong. Even if the opponents of the same level met, there was only a loss. )

However, this Mr. Tao is a completely skilled warrior. His spooky figure, in the stormy attack, can find a gap and interspersed away, and even if he was occasionally forced into a dead corner by Xia, he only used a short sword to light on Xia's torch. Lightly, almost use the skills of pulling force and unloading force to be amazing! Obviously the weapons intersect, but Xia originally planned to use the power to suppress the other party directly, but felt that Mr. Tao ’s sword was not at all powerful, and even if his own power was re-powerful, the other party would just retreat and then cleverly play. Open, open the distance between the two sides.

Xia Ya attacked in a violent storm, and the "Breaking the Thousand Armies" taught by the old man had been deployed twice by him, but he did not even touch a piece of clothing of Mr. Tao. Instead, Mr. Tao pumped a cold child, and three consecutive swords stabbed him!

Fortunately, Xia ’s own speed is also extremely fast, showing off the vital parts, and the strengthened body is also extremely powerful, but a cut has been made on the left thigh, blood dripping, although it is not fatal, and the wound will heal and recover automatically. It was, but it also annoyed Xia.

Since his debut, he has fought with countless people, except for encountering opponents who have a higher level than Hasting himself, not to mention that among other opponents, he has never encountered such a guy who makes himself so stingy.

After fighting for a long time, Xia felt almost as if he was fighting air!

Fortunately, after more than ten consecutive face-to-face encounters, Mr. Tao suddenly gave a stun, and walked far away, standing more than ten steps away. After standing, his face was dull and he frowned at his hands. arms.

It turned out that the dagger in his hand was already densely packed with seven or eight gaps in the blade's front!

After all, Char ’s fork is too sharp, and the two have been fighting for a long time. Although Mr. Tao has tried his best to avoid confrontation with his opponent in terms of strength, after all, the two arms inevitably also intersect. Char ’s fork was too sharp. After a while, Mr. Tao ’s weapon was scrapped.

When Charya looked at it, she immediately smiled and said, "Ah, let you hide! Even if you run as fast as you can, your weapon ..."

Unfortunately, Charlie's proud smile had not yet fully bloomed, and her face collapsed immediately.

It turned out that Mr. Tao threw the dagger on the ground, but with a left hand, he drew from the sleeve of the right hand ... After a black light, he had a brand new weapon in his hand!

A long pistol with the tip of the gun divided into three edges, the whole body is black and bright, faintly exuding an intense cold!

Charya scolded at a glance: "Damn! This is not Hasting's triangular rifle! You old **** is deceiving !!!! It's so unreasonable!"

Mr. Tao raised an eyebrow: "It makes sense to kill you!"

With that said, he held up the triangular rifle and rushed forward.

Xia was helpless and could only hold the fire fork to fight. This time, the two were entangled together again. The weapons collided twice in a row. Sure enough, Hasting's triangular rifle was also an artifact. The fire fork, but it is not much different, this time the two people compete, on the weapon, Mr. Tao is no longer a loss.

Only this time, however, the situation gradually turned in favor of Xia Ya.

Although the triangular rifle in Mr. Tao's hand is hard and sharp enough, he is holding such a long gun with a distance of two meters in his hand. The weight is heavy, let alone. The two-meter long gun was originally used immediately for combat. Long weapon. It takes a full circle to reach its full potential.

However, Mr. Tao's martial arts are the kind of dexterity and sharpness peculiar to the elf family. If he has a short sword in his hand, he can naturally walk like a flower butterfly ... let him hold a handle in his hand. With a big gun more than two meters long, if he can still walk out of the kind of butterfly wearing flowers, he would already be a strong one!

This time, the sharp three-sided rifle actually dragged Mr. Tao's ghostly figure into a straight line and slowed down by two or three grades. Although it is still as fast as a blast, it is no longer as dazzling as before. Now, under the strengthening of crimson and murderous spirit, Xia has been able to keep up with the rhythm of the opponent.

The weapons of the two men clashed for seven or eight consecutive times, but Mr. Tao suffered a lot—in terms of strength, he was not Charya ’s opponent at all. He slammed it several times, but Mr. Tao only felt that his chest was tight and short of breath, and his arms were faintly hurting ...

In the end, Xia yelled, the fire fork stabbed like Changhong Guanri, and under a red light, Mr. Tao finally stepped slowly and couldn't escape, but he barely raised his breath, holding his triangular war gun in his arms. Stopped hard.

I heard a bang, and Mr. Tao was blasted out with a spear. He flew straight out for five or six meters before falling heavily on the ground. After landing, he rolled twice on the spot, but he didn't get up yet, old man. He opened his mouth and spit out his mouth, and finally the three-sided rifle in his hand could not hold it anymore, his hands were loose, and the spear fell to the ground.

Looking down at the blood on his chest, there was a bit of resentment in Mr. Tao's eyes. Seeing that Xia Ya was holding the fire fork and wanted to rush up again, he flew out quickly, and a quick whistle came out of his mouth.

Xia was about to stab through the fire fork, and a loud long humming came from her head, and a huge red light struck her head. This time, Xia knew that, and quickly leaped out quickly.

The red light fell in front of me, and the sand suddenly flew away, and a large pit was smashed on the ground, and the flamingo hovered overhead!

The flamingo heard the call of the master, and finally abandoned Dodo, who was chasing. At this moment, the poor magician had been chased by his ass, and lay on the flying carpet, and there were some burnt parts on his clothes.

When the flamingo missed it, it circled again and opened its mouth to Charya ...

Xia Ya sighed and could only step back again, holding the fire fork in both hands, ready to fight hard again.

But at this time, Dodoro in midair suddenly flashed a faint expression on his face. With a loud cry, the flying carpet rushed down and landed in front of Charya!

The timid Doodor, actually stopped in front of Xia, in a protective gesture, blocked in front of the flamingo!

At this moment, even Xia was stunned.

I saw Dutoluo's pale face, his eyes stunned, his legs stubborn, apparently afraid of the extreme, but biting his lips, facing the flaming bird flying, raised his right hand ——He wears a peculiar black iron ring on his right middle finger.

Then, Doodor raised his **** towards the flamingo ...

(Is this old boy crazy ?!)

Although Xia often scolds Dodoro, but he still protects himself shortly. Seeing that the magician has made a move to death, he rushes up and yells: "Dodoro is going to die! You will die! !!! "

Totoro had closed his eyes, his cheek muscles couldn't stop trembling, but he meditated quickly ...

The next moment, sudden change suddenly occurred!

On the upright **** of Dodoro's upright, the black iron ring suddenly turned into a black light, and quickly changed into a small launcher like a crossbow.

On closer inspection, a round metal pipe at the top exuded a sense of black gas.

This thing was held in his hand, and looked full of weird feeling.

Charya saw it at a glance, but froze.

The shape of this thing, he has clearly seen it, is in the underground cave of Dammandras ... but it is infinitely smaller in size ...

This thing is awesome ...

boom! !! !! !!

A loud noise made Xia's heart jump!

A huge black beam of light went straight to the sky from Dodoro's middle finger! !!

That huge black beam of light almost reached its limit! Above the beam of light, there are still countless thin current cocoons flowing back! In the black light, there is also a feeling of distorted space!

The black beam of light cast off so fast, like lightning! The flamingo didn't even have time to dodge, and was hit in the head!

In that loud noise, it seemed as if the speed of time and space was slowed down in an instant!

As if you can clearly see this beam of light, hitting the flamingo's head in the front, and this huge Warcraft, after the head was hit, then the black light penetrated from its head to its tail! Then, starting from its head and neck, the wings on its body were instantly burned into ashes in a cloud of black gas and dispersed! Then his body suddenly swelled up, just like a balloon. After it had inflated to a certain extent, it suddenly shrank violently!

boom! !! !!

Above the sky, this huge muffled sound came!

When you look up, the huge flamingo no longer exists!

There are black aerosols being scattered all over the sky ~ ~ sandwiched between all the large and small fragments that can't distinguish the original shape, and then fell densely on the ground like rain. It has become scorched earth! !!

This strike is so powerful! !!

Xia Ya was completely shocked and stunned, her mouth opened wide, her jaw almost fell to the ground!

Totoro still closed his eyes, clenched his teeth, raised his right hand high, raised the **** to the sky ...

Immediately, the poor magician shook his body twice, grunted back, and fell on the flying carpet.

But even if Dodoro was already lying on the ground, he still kept the gesture of holding his right **** up to the sky ...

In the distance, Mr. Tao was as dead as a face, and suddenly he fell on his knees, as if he was paralyzed!

Xia finally returned to God, spit in his mouth, rubbed his eyes, and muttered.

"Fuck me! Dodoro, this **** is too cocky!"

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