
Chapter 425: [Make up] (1)

[====== Hand hit =====] The giant bell on the palace tower is ringing.

There was a chaotic situation inside and outside the imperial city, and all the servants of the imperial palace who were running around showed panic. Outside the imperial city, the fire in the distant city blocks can be clearly seen, and the disturbances have also passed to the imperial palace.

The Royal Forest Army is gathering, but from soldiers to officers, everyone has a haze on his face. A decadent look after failure is written on everyone's face.

Just outside the palace inside the palace, officials and nobles of an empire have gathered here. Many people heard the riots in the middle of the night and came from their homes in panic. Many officials wore wolverines, and some even wore dressing gowns, and some didn't even wear boots.

Obviously, these noble masters were frightened. Everyone was crowded together, gathered nervously outside the hall, as if waiting for something. At this time, it seemed that everyone's eyes were full of confusion. "Master Prime Minister! Lord Prime Minister is here!" "Master Lord Salenbonelli!" "Master! What shall we do!" "Run away! There are ships in the harbour, and we may come now if we leave immediately" My lord, come up with an idea! Rebels ... "

The appearance of Salem Ponelli also seemed a little embarrassed. His robe was full of dirt. "There was no hat on his head. The cold wind blew his gray hair to be a little disheveled. The old man's face was iron blue. His eyes were bloodshot .

What surprised everyone was that the frail old prime minister had a sword in his hand! More importantly, there is still blood on the sword front! "quiet!!!"

The old prime minister ran to the top of the steps and looked down at the panicked people in front of him. Although his voice was a bit stiff and hissing and exhausting, but at this moment he heard the sword edge still dripping with blood, Suddenly everyone closed their mouths. "Quiet !!" Saran Bonelli's sharp eyes glanced across everyone's face: "Shut up! What a noise like this!"

Everyone looked at the old man, everyone was panicking, fearing, and some were still shaking.

"We haven't reached the end! General Span has brought in the army, and is now setting up the palace's defense! The rebels have not yet entered the palace, and you all don't have to look at the end of the day!" : "Look at how you look! Have you all forgotten your identity! Are you a nobleman! A senior official of the empire! Aristocratic elite of the empire! Now look at yourself, what it looks like! A group of bereavement dogs! Have you all forgotten? Are you your own identity! Even if you are in this situation, you will at least retain a little dignity for yourself! "

Looking at the old prime minister, the people below Shen for a while, and finally someone could not help but whispered: "Master, there is still a little time now, the city has been chaotic. While the rebels did not hit the palace, Concentrating on the Guards, we are protecting your Majesty and heading towards the dock, there is still ... "

"Shut up!" The old man waited for the transporter to finish, slammed and slammed the sword in his hand: "I swear to the gods, whoever dares to say an 'escape, word', my sword will kiss him Neck "

The old man's eyes were sharp, he stared at the one who just talked, and gritted his teeth: "I came all the way from home, and several deserters have been killed on the road! At this time, don't let me raise my sword again! "Javier over the past few days, the people below looked at the old prime minister in awe. Salem Bonelli took a deep breath, looked at the crowd, and whispered, "Where is your Majesty?"

No one can answer this question. Everyone looks blank. Some people look at each other and cannot answer this question.

Salenbonelli was furious: "You came here to make a noise and cry! Didn't anyone see your Majesty! Damn, what the **** are you doing here!"

Finally, someone tentatively said, "Adult one by one, one by one, we come here) But) The next one by one ● One by one he doesn't want to see people ... he ..." Salem Bonelli only felt dark before his eyes. , The less anger in the chest the more prosperous.

The old man was also awakened by the news that the rebels attacked the city in the middle of the night. In these days, he tried his best to cooperate with Adrik and others to preside over the affairs in the city. His elderly body had almost collapsed. It is easy that the rebels stopped moving these days. The Landis had landed again, and they were relieved. He had a rare night's sleep last night, who knew he had such a shocking news!

The news that the rebels were attacking the Arc de Triomphe dragged him off the bed. He had planned to go to the Arc de Triomphe to see the situation. However, after the old man got up and dressed, he had not yet reached the Arc de Triomphe with his guards, and heard news from his men that a fire broke out in the direction of the Wellington gate, and there was also a riot in the city.

The age-old Prime Minister immediately became aware of the danger! He tried to go to the Arc de Triomphe to look for Adrik and Span, but there were riots in the city. The fellows set fire to the riots. The old prime minister only had a small number of guards and servants around him, and Luo Guo was surrounded by the city. In the chaos, some of the rioters seemed to recognize his carriage, and someone tried to attack his convoy. Most of the old prime minister's guards have been transferred to enrich the city's defense forces. This is the case of many noble senior officials in the city. made. The guards who stayed with him were no more than a few, the others were only relying on a few young servants at home.

In the chaos, the servants were dispersed by the thugs, and it was the courage of several guards that rushed to the bleeding road to protect the old prime minister.

After killing it, he encountered a small team of patrols halfway, and finally escaped from danger. Then he had no time to go to the Arc de Triomphe, and could only return to the Royal Palace. As a result, bad news came one by one. The rebels broke through the gates of Wellington, the city was chaotic and the hearts were scattered ...

The riots have spread to almost half of the city's neighborhoods. Most of the riots are areas where the nobles live. These places are sparsely populated, and most of these noble families have wealthy beauties. Naturally, it has become the best day for those mob attacks. Mark. The small number of patrols in the city could no longer maintain order, and when General Span rushed with the defenders, the old prime minister understood how bad the situation was.

There were n’t many Royal Guards in the palace. Before dawn, the city was full of fire, and the sound of killing riots came from everywhere. In the chaos, everyone did n’t know what was going on outside, even looking at the city. The fire was everywhere, and everyone thought that the rebels had entered the city.

In the palace, the phenomenon of fleeing began to appear. In the court, many servants took advantage of the chaos at night, and there were many people who had fled their baggage and fled. Even deserted soldiers appeared in the Royal Army. Fortunately, Span quickly brought someone along to stabilize the situation slightly. Span brought more than 3,000 soldiers, and immediately controlled the palace inside and outside. Before the old prime minister arrived, many nobles had also fled to the palace.

At this moment outside the palace, the city is full of chaos. Some internal affairs, and some mobs who have been in chaos at night began to attack the houses of these nobles. Many of the servants around them ran out. At this moment, there seems to be only the palace. There are guards guarding.

The aristocrats who came here and ran away, crying and begging to see the emperor Garcia, but this young emperor has not even shown up to now!

The only one who saw the emperor was General Span. It was said that General Span met His Majesty the first time he came to the palace, but there was only a short period of time. When General Span walked out of the palace, his face was pale. It's like a person about to die.

The old prime minister glanced angrily at the noble ministers crowded under the steps. He threw his sleeves heavily, turned and ran towards the hall above.

Just ran to the door, and there were several pale court attendants stopped in front of him. A court official had apparently frightened his body, shivered, and stopped in front of the old man: "Master, Lord, Your Majesty has an order, I don't see any Man, you ... "" Get away! "

The old man was really angry when he walked around. He raised his leg and kicked him fiercely on this guy. The elderly prime minister did not break the court official, but he was stunned. The court attendant hurried up to help, but the old man had already raised the sharp sword in his hand and yelled, "Everyone goes away! No one is allowed to touch me!"

He stood stunned, and rushed into the hall again. The court official saw it again, and the old prime minister frowned, screaming loudly: "I am the prime minister of the empire! Take the lead in the country, you dare to stop me from seeing Your Majesty, why do you want to go! Drive! If you don't give way, I will let your blood splash on the spot !!! "

Perhaps the old man suddenly showed his might, or it was so doomsday. The so-called imperial order really did not have much deterrent power. Under the old man's **** sword, several waiters in front of him ran away hurriedly, and the old prime minister rushed away. At the gate of the palace, he kicked the door open and walked in. There was a gloomy atmosphere in the huge palace.

The original candle and brazier in the main hall, which were illuminated day and night all year round, have been extinguished, and a cold and sensational atmosphere in the main hall is full of a doomsday flavor.

The old man stepped forward, and saw that it was dark all around, only at the end of the front of the hall, as if there was a little candlelight, swaying weakly. The old prime minister rolled up his sleeves and strode over with a sword. In the seat of the emperor, the young Garcia was sitting there.

The young emperor was wearing a gorgeous robe, a crown above his head, and still holding the scepter symbolizing imperial power in his hands.

On the table beside him, only one candlestick was lit, and the swaying and dim candlelight was reflected on his face, pulling the shadow on his face for a long time ... "陛 7-!"

The old man shouted, his voice filled with indignation: "What time are you now, why are you still sitting here!" Garcia raised his head and glanced at the old prime minister standing at his feet.

Salembonisson was shocked to see the young emperor's face!

The young Garcia was as pale and gray as a dead man, and his gorgeous robe was like a dead body, with his whole body up and down, even a little angry.

If it wasn't for Garcia's eyeballs still turning, and the old prime minister heard his slight breathing sound, even for a moment, the old man almost thought that it was a dead man sitting on it.

"Prime Minister, you ... come on"

Garcia's voice didn't seem to be alive. He looked up at the old prime minister, but it was obvious that his eyes were a little loose. "Your Majesty! At this time, you must do something! Instead of holding yourself in a daze!" Said the old man, and hurried up to reach Garcia's sleeve. Garcia suddenly retracted his arms and avoided the hand extended by the old prime minister.

Then, the young emperor smiled suddenly, but this smile was full of despair: "Do something ... What else do you think I can do? Is there anything far from what I can do?" His blue face was in Under the candlelight, it seemed to gradually swell, the hand holding the scepter was tightened, and the blue tendons on the back of the hand were raised.

Garcia gritted his teeth, his voice seemed to be squeezed out of his throat little by little: "What else can I do? !!! I'm desperate to enter the city, ascended the throne, you tell me that I should trust Adrik and Span, I gave them all the trust, all the military affairs were entrusted to them, all the troops were assigned to them, I will never intervene! I even gave them the Royal Forest Army, and mobilized the people in the city to resist, all The aristocracy contributed guards and personal soldiers! The city was short of supplies and the rationing system was implemented. My emperor took the lead in reducing food and clothing. I even contributed the horses I pulled to the soldiers as mounts! I only slept less than three hours a day, I personally encouraged morale, gave speeches, encouraged people, I went to church, and even begged the church, asking them to let the magician help us. I even put down the dignity of an emperor, bear the burden of humiliation, and signed the most disgrace with the Landis. Jump! Everything I do is for this empire !!! Don't think I don't know what everyone is talking about! Everyone says I am a traitorous emperor! I put The benefit of the country was sold to the Landis one by one! You all talk about me behind the scenes !!! But a few people understand my situation and understand my difficulties! The country is so powerful, how can I bear the burden! I even know that the history books of later generations must leave me a shame! People in later generations will talk about me when Garcia, and give me a **** of the traitor emperor \\\! But all this, I Don't care! I just want this empire to continue !!! "

In the end, the young emperor, the muscles on his face twisted into a ball, he suddenly screamed, "But now! What did I get! You tell me! What I got! I trust Adriatic so much And Span! Give them everything about the city defense! I promised them all, everything, whatever they want, I will give it! Just the day before yesterday, Adrik vowed to me, They can win this war, and they won't let the rebels enter the city! But now! Now! They live up to my trust !!! "

The old prime minister listened to the light emperor's breathing this year, and his breathing was as weak as an old man.

"... Your Majesty." The old Prime Minister suddenly turned red and burst into tears, looking at the young emperor: "We ... we still have hope that General Span is already setting up the defense of the palace, the rebels, they can't fight yet. Come here, we ... "" That's just a matter of time! "

Garcia suddenly laughed loudly: "Sooner or later! Salem Bonelli! Don't you understand! I'm about to become a fallen emperor! I've done all this, I can't save the country, I can't stop it all happened!!"

The young emperor jumped up and clenched his fists, as if trying to break free, but soon he plopped and knelt on the ground! The old prime minister saw the emperor so, his hands loosened, and the sword fell to the ground. The old man also knelt down, and then kneeled in front of the emperor.

Garcia burst into tears and looked at Salem Ponelli: "Prime Minister, you tell me, you look into my eyes, you tell me, am I a fallen emperor? I did everything I could! I ... ... I ... I shouldn't get such a result! I shouldn't! It's not fair, it's not fair! I don't want to enjoy it, I never dare to slack off government affairs! I, I shouldn't be an emperor who lost his country !!! It's not fair, it's not fair !!! "Saren Bonnily looked at the young man in front of him, like a knife.

Perhaps because of the age, in the eyes and hearts of the old man, the young man in front of him does not have much majesty of the so-called emperor, especially this 31. In front of him, it seems that Garcia is just a desperate and decadent young man. . In fairness, the young emperor really shouldn't have come to such an end.

He worked hard and diligently enough. After he was crowned, he was regarded as an emperor. He had never enjoyed the power and benefits brought by the status of the emperor for almost a day. The hasty signing of the covenant was not discussed, but upon closer consideration, he did not seem to have much choice ...

It can even be said that even if anyone is changed, it is impossible for him to do better in his position and situation. The national strength is not his responsibility, or simply, he is just unlucky, born in such an era, born under the name-such a time when the imperial power declines.

At the beginning of the Tema military area system a century ago, the imperial power was lost for a hundred years, and the warlords became large. Today, it is really unfair for him to bear this evil result.

Taking a deep breath, the old prime minister tried to calm himself: "Your Majesty, now. \\\ 'il! I ... r ..."

"Now?" Garcia suddenly stood up, he sneered again and again: "Now? I tell you what to do now! I have done everything I should do! I have done all the efforts to restore this empire! But I failed Now! So I tell you ~ ~ Now I have to do something for myself! I, Garcia, will never die here! I do n’t want to be a captive to the rebels! I do n’t want to be captive by those rebels! The army grabbed, don't let them hang my head on the flagpole like a flag, to illuminate their success with a second candle! I will never let this happen !! ''

When the old prime minister heard this, there was still a little faint in his heart, the beast mushroom sank suddenly, looked up at Garcia, and lost his voice: "Your Majesty, you, do you want to escape ?!" Please login m, more chapters, support = ========== To provide you with the fastest and latest online novels. Our website is Pinyin initials + NET mobile users to browse =================

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