
Chapter 429: 【cover】

The cold weapon war of this era is actually not as simple as one might think.

In particular, the confrontation between the corps with more than 10,000 people was not as imagined. The two armies ran into a wilderness to line up, the two armies confronted each other, and then the two horns rushed to fight and kill.

After all, this is not a group fight of a hundred people.

The cold weapon wars of the big corps often fight for dispatch.

For example, the development of the army, the offensive, and the march are all based on a detailed battle plan and marching strategy. What is the marching route, how heavy is it, how is the vanguard, how is the army, and how is the defender. There are skirmishers on both sides.

In addition, it is necessary to withdraw a large number of scout cavalry. I don't know how many squadrons, in accordance with the position specified by the Shangguan, countless detectives reconnaissance and search, and return information one by one to the Chinese army for the coach's reference.

It is the reconnaissance terrain, as well as the movements of the enemy forces.

Generally speaking, the cold weapon wars of the Grand Corps often begin with scouts on both sides. The cavalry scouts scattered by the two sides, in mutual search and reconnaissance, clash and clash, and power search. Afterwards, the following scout cavalry are often the first to sacrifice blood, countless small-scale battles of clashes, and small-scale battles once and for all have set the tone for this large-scale regiment warfare.

From these countless small confrontations, the army can get the most accurate information of the other party, how the enemy's whereabouts, what the surrounding terrain is, how the enemy's morale is, whether the resistance is strong, whether there is courage in the field, etc ... ...

It can be said that to complete a cold weapon war with a large corps of more than 10,000 people, at least 70% to 80% of the process is a previous seemingly detailed marching battle strategy and a small group of clashes. of.

When the real curtain reached the end of the last two army regiments, and the battle was set in one fell swoop, the situation was already set at 50%.

Therefore, after a war moves, whether a detailed combat strategy and marching strategy can be formulated is an important criterion for measuring the eligibility of a commander. As for the final decision in the final battle, it is not so important. As a leading soldier, the general who Pi Jianrui and the soldiers charged with may be an outstanding brave general, but they may not be an excellent commander.

For this reason, when Xia ’s "combat plan" was conveyed to the first Corps to be promoted, the officers and commanders of the upper and lower ranks were already dead. This coach, isn't he a kiddie? !!

Draw a straight line between Denzel and the county of Siltan County, and then let the whole army directly follow this straight line!

In addition, there is no word in half a word!

What marching strategy, pioneer candidate, which army guard, how the heavy duty works, and how many cavalry are allocated for the team to move around to detect ... all these things are not mentioned!

These generals in the army. Most of them are the old men of the original Sixth and Seventh Corps. They are also from the Imperial Central Army. After half a lifetime, no one has ever seen such a scribbled, so rude, and so irresponsible combat plan! !!

Looks like, this Xia Ya coach, really did this kind of war of 10,000 soldiers, as a dozen people fighting fight!

Green couldn't bear it anymore. He resisted the urge to take this battle plan to Charya's face, but looked at this guy with a dark face: "Dare to ask my lord, what is the goal of our battle? The gesture of forcing the Odins to defend the city, or to lure the enemy out of the field? If it is a night battle, what are the best field locations for our army?

Charlie looked at Greene shamelessly. "Neither."


Green almost thought he had heard it wrong: "None? Lord, what do you mean? Neither? You mean, we are not going to siege, nor are we going to force the Odins to face us in the field? Then again What is the attention ?! "

Xia Ya touched her nose: "I said, just follow this route, and the straight army will be pushed over."

He pointed to the area at the junction of the two counties on the map: "The guys Manninger and Qiao Xuejun are arrogant, and in the face of our sudden offensive, they must not sit on the defense, they must not sit idly by. We marched smoothly, but we will definitely organize an army to fight against us head-on. Once our army is pulled out, once it enters Siltan County, it will not exceed a hundred miles at most, and the army of the Red Snow Army will come up to stop us. "You mean, it's a field battle." Green gritted his teeth. "I said, neither.

Xia Ya pursed his lips: "If the Odins are, you can confront them. At that time, the two sides will face each other without having to fight against them. Just stare at them there. Yes, always keep an aggressive posture, just nail it there. "

Green finally understood, he stared at Xia Ya; "You mean ... the task of our main force is only to attract the other party's attention? Don't ask for a decisive battle?"

Xia also smiled at last: "Most of our soldiers are afraid of cold. The Odins are all from the bitter cold place in the Northland. In winter, they are more adaptable than us. At this time, the soldiers went out and the Odins. In a field battle, Lao Tzu's mind is not so bad. "

Green also followed Char ’s meaning and tentatively said, "... So, for your battle plan, we do not send vanguards, nor do we set up paratroopers and scouts. We do not compare scouts with each other, nor do we hide traces. , So a big army of roads opened in a big way ... "

"Of course! What I want is that you can attract Manninger's main force as much as possible. The sooner the enemy understands your movements, the better. Without a former vanguard and scouts, you will drive along the road, Once encountering the main force of Odin's team, they are at the front, there is no need to play a decisive battle with them. But they are not allowed to retreat! Just at the front, do not make a step to make them uncomfortable.

Green's look was a little cloudy: "Master, if you do this, you are putting the whole army at risk! We are just like this, once the main force of the army is thrown to the front, as you said, there will be no war or top battle. Retreat. The Odin people have time. The Seal of the Seal of God can calmly cover our backstreet, arrange calmly, and then swallow us up! This way, from the beginning, I completely lost the initiative to the opponent's play, but I never Never heard of it! How do we break the enemy ?! Ding,

"Hungry and timid, brave to die." Xia Ya looked stunned: "I naturally have a way to break the enemy, but it is not with you! My request is just that you march along the road, pushed it with great fanfare, attracted me As many Odin army as possible, I naturally have a way to break the enemy! He looked at Green: "Trust me, trust me unconditionally! "

Regardless of whether Chaya's brain is broken or if he really has any genius, Green has no choice but to listen to him this time. The offensive against Odin in the winter was originally a crazy plan.

The opening of the First Corps, in accordance with Xia ’s request, led the main brigade to move without permission, and there were no cavalry pioneers, and the army went south along the road.

The development of the Corps, the Ministry of the army believes that the two main banner regiments of His Majesty's First Corps, as well as the independent cavalry regiment led by Shalpa, are riding more than 3,000. Although this battle plan has left many senior officers in the dark, but the cavalry of these independent cavalry regiments who are advancing along with the army is one of the elite Rhoderian cavalry. There is such a group of elites. Only a little relief.

Thing! The emergency deployment of $ can only allow the infantry of the two Banner Regiments and the cavalry of Shalpa to go ahead, and then follow-up troops. In the early morning of the next day, the troops of the three Banner Regiments were deployed to speed up and catch up with the former. went.

At this point, the first corps under His Majesty, the main force of the five daring regiments, about more than 10,000, and the auxiliary troops and heavy transport battalions of the army, together with the independent cavalry corps, the total number is close to 25,000 people.

The entry of such a large-scale army is almost the home of Xia! Since the formation of this small group, this is the first time that there has been such a large-scale military operation, and for the first time, so many troops have been dispatched.

Although it is a bit vilifying to things like winter offensives, but watching such a large-scale army advance, the queue is spread out on the road long, endless, and the army is magnificent. The cavalry of the independent cavalry regiment is even more human. Strong horse strong.

The army has always been a combination of courage. People are more powerful than others. Even if there is something wrong in everyone's minds, they are also encouraged by the imposing force in front of them.

The commander-in-chief of the First Corps, Xia Ya handed it over to Green ... He has not recovered, and has no ability to lead a soldier to fight. Everyone recognizes this. And ... compared to the coach who seems too irresponsible for the battle plan, the mature and committed Green to command the army seems to be more reassuring.

Twenty-five thousand step troops ride south along the road, and the heavy grain carried by the army is only enough for more than ten days. In the territory of More County, it is still its own site along the way, and The supplies were co-ordinated, but once out of County More, there was no follow-up replenishment.

On this way, Green almost didn't stretch his brow.

He knew very well that this was almost all of his elite family. Although there is a second corps in County More, the second corps is only used as a reserve force, whether it is training or equipment and the quality of the soldiers is one or two levels worse than the first corps.

It's like going to the casino to play with money, the first one has all the chips ... How can Green's heart relax easily?

The 25,000 troops marched in with great fanfare, and did not send small cavalry along the way to cover the whereabouts of the army, but Green ordered the march, and it was urgent. But after six days of waiting, the army went out of the border of Moree County and entered the boundary of Syltain County to the south. This way, the noise was loud, and the Odins of Siltan County had heard the news of the wind long ago.

Sure enough, the army crossed the border and entered Siltan County. On the afternoon of the same day, Odin's parade reindeer cavalry appeared on both sides of the road to spy.

In this case, according to the regular combat strategy, it should be to send out its own rangers, and tie back these enemy scouts who spy on the whereabouts of the army!

However, Green ordered the entire cavalry to stay still, but just kept on the road, turning a blind eye to the cavalry on which the Odins spied on both sides.

All the cavalrymen who came out of the army stepped out of the Rodria cavalry. Which one is not proud? Such an order is really deadly.

The scouts of the Odins along the way seemed to be more and more. At the beginning, they were only three or five reindeer cavalry. Later, there were dozens of cavalry teams watching from a distance. Finally, there were even Odins. Among the trails of the elite icefield hunters.

The army was vast, moving south only on the road. This restrained attitude makes the Odin people seem somewhat uncertain.

Finally at night, a reindeer cavalry of the Odin Centurion on the left side, after watching again and again, seeing that the Byzantine army had no movement, he boldly pulled the distance further, and even the cavalry whistled, running to the troops of the forward army Less than a stone's throw away!

At this time, Green finally ordered the army to fight back, the cavalry regiment separated a squad, and fiercely returned the Odin's hundred-man cavalry team, but Green's strict order was not allowed to chase too long. The cavalry could only be savvy, and after driving this Odin cavalry away, they hurriedly turned back to the brigade. The Odin lost dozens of rides and did not dare to press too hard. The next day when the sheep were walking, Green's expression grew darker.

The army is now in the enemy's realm, and Xia ’s order is to go south all the way. The city feeds along the way are not captured, they pass by, but just push south.

Since the last supply before entering the country, the supply in the army is only enough for half a month. It is barely perfunctory, and it can only support it for twenty days.

At this moment in the enemy's realm, more and more small units of the Odins peeping around ~ ~ come this way, in the distance, the shadows of the mountains and forests are the shadow of the Odins.

The Odin people seemed a little overwhelmed by the army they entered. It was probably that Manninger did not expect that in the cold winter, he would be overwhelmed. Green knew that even if Manninger was surprised and surprised, the other party would surely respond quickly. In two days, Manninger was enough to do a lot of things. The other side must be nervously mobilizing the soldiers and horse brigade, and then arrange the Tianluodi net!

Each step forward of your own army is equivalent to looking at another point in this suit! When Manninger's layout is complete, he will organize the army to block himself in front, and at the same time, he will be surrounded by the Odins!

(For the latest update, to explain, I am very sick. This winter seems to be particularly difficult. Now my body is still relatively poor, and I have been lingering with the disease for half a month. It is true that love is not possible. It is true that it is not possible. It will be better in a few days, and the body will recover and it will be normal to renew.

I apologize to the readers during the illness. The weather is cold in winter and the temperature is abnormal. "Take care of your body, health is the first ~)


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