
Chapter 431: [Does not belong to this world]

In the city of Chuck, the Odins were playing for fun, and the attached troops were lazy.

A bugle came from outside the city, and it was a rallying number of the Byzantine army. It immediately broke the peace in the city!

Although the Odin ruling the army was a little rough, but the instinct of being sturdy and good at fighting did not lose it. Upon hearing the battle horns, the leader suddenly changed color, and then shouted loudly.

The Odin fighters still fighting below stopped immediately, stopped drinking, and ate no meat. The Odin warrior, who was wiping his body with ice and snow, was throwing his legs towards the barracks. Run away!

Although it was a bit of a mess, under the leader's hasty whistle, almost all the Odin fighters rushed out after a moment, and began to line up.

The Odins have always been less wary of tactical formations, even the equipment. The Odin Empire is located in the bitter cold of the north, and its products are scarce. It has never been known for its elite armor. Like the Byzantine army, the armor cast from the elaborate iron is an extravagant act in the Odin army!

Odin warrior, personal bravery from history! An Odin warrior, even if he is shirtless, with a heavy axe, he dares to rush into the Byzantine army! The Odins are born with racial talents, and their physiques are much stronger than those of Byzantium. Most of them are brave warriors with a back and waist. In the view of the Odins, the Byzantiums are just a group of people who rely on their wealth at home and are armed with elite weapons and armors. If the true skill of the sheep, the Byzantine soldiers, where is the opponent of the Odin Warriors.

Historically, if fighting for a single soldier, an Odin warrior would be able to fight three Byzantine soldiers steadily!

Although the Byzantine army ’s battle horn was sounding outside the city at this moment, the Odin army in the city was scared and scared, but many people could n’t help but wonder: I did n’t hear of those Byzantine west and Manninger patriarchs. Is the main force duel, why did Byzantine troops come here?

But it does n’t matter if you come or not, what Odin people think is simple: Regard him so much, since he is here, he will fight hard!

In the bones of the Odins, they do not look down on the Byzantines. As for the garrison troops in the city, they are invisible, and they are at war at this moment. If they are changed to a smart general, they will be the ones who will be demoted first. Throw it out as a cannon fodder, and you ca n’t beat it. Not to mention, at least you can first detect the enemy ’s reality, even if it consumes a bit of the enemy ’s power.

But these Odins, I ’m afraid that pride is rooted in their bones, but at this moment there is no such thought, they are going to fight, but they are totally disregarding the affiliates, they just lined up in their own ranks, and then the leader said Ordered, rushed out of the city to meet the enemy.

Manninger attaches great importance to the place of Chuck City, where the Corsica Military Region can be seen, and the geographical location is also very important. After all, the Corsica Military Region has just been annexed by itself, and many places are not stable. Once If there is any turmoil, the garrison here will be able to drive past the rebellion immediately.

So there are a thousand Odin garrisons in Chuck, and there are actually five hundred cavalry! And they are also the elite reindeer cavalry of the Odin!

At this moment, after the Odin rushed out of the city, they saw the opposite. Sure enough, there was an army that discounted the banner of the Byzantine army. It was already lined up in the wilderness outside the city!

The leader of the Odin army in the city looked, but could not help but be angry and despise.

He is also a veteran in the Odin Army. The enemy enemy on the opposite side does not seem to have a large number. From his own experience, how can he not exceed a thousand riding mp at most? —Although they are cavalry, but they have 500 Odin's elite reindeer cavalry. Where can they look at the Byzantine cavalry with less than a thousand horses?

Historically, in the hearts of the Odins, the only Byzantine army that could beat the wrists of the country ’s elite army was the Rodrian cavalry, and the rest of the army did not need to be pinched. .

Normally, the 500 Odin reindeer cavalry, even if it encounters thousands of Byzantine cavalry, dare to confront and fight, and it can also defeat the enemy and win.

And it's winter again at this moment. These weak Byzantines come to fight field battles with Odin fighters in this weather, I'm afraid that all their brains are broken!

The Odin leader smiled proudly, and had ordered the cavalry to stand up for charge, just want to be a charge to defeat this short-sighted Byzantine army. This battle, in his mind, did not need to think about victory or defeat. The only problem was how to chase after defeating this enemy.

At this time, the bugle of the Byzantine army opposite finally stopped.

The Byzantine army, but hundreds of riders, lined up in the wilderness, was silent, the horses did not hiss, the people did not shout, and some of the quiet ones made people's hearts hairy!

Only the iron armor of the cavalry, under the reflection of this snow, a cold light! Cold glare!

A majestic black horse rushed out from the side of the battle line, ran a round trip along the front of the Byzantine Cavalry queue, and finally stood on the center, on the horse's back, in a white cloak. Iron armor, with a hammer in his hand, is Nene!

Nene exhaled, and then gently lowered the helmet on the helmet and pulled his bow and arrow ...

call out!

A mace arrow fired at Zheng Fengyang in the battlefield between the two armies!

When the Odin army under the city saw it, they suddenly clamored loudly up and down. Many Odins were full of anger, and some even yelled loudly.

It turned out that Nene's move was a gesture commonly used in both schools.

When the generals in the army confronted the two armies, especially the cavalry, an arrow shot in the middle of the battlefield, that was the meaning of a standard invitation to battle!

Meaning: no need to talk nonsense anymore, everyone will line up separately, the cavalry brigade rushes up front, rushes into a river, see who is harder and left!

The Odins have always despised the Byzantine army. They only felt that when the Byzantine army was in the field, most of them only had array defense and were shrunk by the onslaught of the Odin soldiers.

However, I did not expect that the general of the Byzantine army on the opposite side was so kind. He actually made a gesture to invite a battle. !!

The Odin clamored up and down, and the leader was suddenly eager in his heart. After a few screams, he immediately ordered that the cavalry gradually gathered from the two wings in the center of the front and put on a charge attitude.

There is a kind there is a kind! But I have to show you these Byzantine sheep, courage is useless!

Head-to-head confrontation between the two armies, in the Byzantine Empire, in addition to the Rhoderian cavalry, there is really no army dare to pull out and fight with the Odin!

On the battlefield, both armies began to slowly retreat, widening the distance.

The cavalry on both sides slowly gathered and finished ...

At this moment, it was Zhongniu, who had been gloomy for a whole morning in the morning, but in the gaps of dark clouds, suddenly a rare piece of sunlight came down. This light seemed to be exposed from the thick dark clouds. Spreading in the middle of this battlefield! The golden sunlight fell on this white snow and ice ground, showing a bit of strange taste ...,

The army and horses of both sides have been reorganized, and I heard the Byzantine army here, a horn sounded, the innermost was at the front of the team, a roar, and the horses rushed up first. The hundreds of cavalry behind them put a standard empire heavy armor. The cavalry charged forward, the horseshoes rushed, and banged towards the front!

Here the Odin, the leader also roared, all the Odin warriors burst out a roar, and the reindeer cavalry rushed up! Hundreds of reindeer cavalry charged, and the situation really looked amazing. The reindeer mount was more majestic than the Byzantine warhorse, and the load and sprint power were greater than the warhorse! Weight and strength are used for cavalry charge, but they are inherently three points better than horse cavalry! It has always been the sharpest weapon for the Odin to defeat the enemy in the field!

At this moment, although the number of cavalry of the Odins is inferior, even 500 cavalry can be beaten even if they encounter three times the Byzantine cavalry, not to mention the number of opponents is not much more than themselves.

In the wilderness outside the city, I saw the cavalry teams on both sides, just like two torrents, coming from both directions at the same time, and the sound of the horseshoes rushing, and the throne of the Seal of God shook the heaven and earth! A white snowflake splash in the wilderness, all the snow on the ground was lifted by deer hoofs and horseshoes!

The cavalry of the two sides, just like two iron streams, finally met in the middle of the battlefield and slammed together!

Suddenly, the sparks splattered! !!

Among the rumbling voices, the front cavalry on both sides had hit hard, and only heard the sound of a person turning over! The sound of staggered collision of weapons, the muffled sound of the soldiers falling, the sound of blunt weapons hitting people, the screams of the fallen soldiers being trampled by horses ...

The two sides have no reservations. This head-to-head confrontation does not have any room for speculation. The fight is real combat power!

But it was only in the first slack that the two torrents collided together that almost the eyes of the Odin army sitting behind the town happened!

Almost just three face-to-face, as if the things Odin people have always been proud of, they were instantly broken and shattered!

The cavalry of the two sides slammed together fiercely, the first wave of collision, the front end was suddenly a slump! But what made the Odins almost fall out of sight is that almost all of them were Odin's reindeer cavalry!

At the moment of the impact, the Odin reindeer cavalry rushing at the forefront seemed like a majestic and galloping torrent. Under this charge of the Byzantine cavalry's Aya queue, it seemed to be severely torn out of a mouth. !! The Odin reindeer cavalry in the front row was almost in the presence of a face, and almost no screams could be issued, and they fell off one by one!

The Byzantine cavalry, like the indestructible sledgehammer, severely smashed into the charging team of the Odin reindeer cavalry, in the roar of horseshoes, the momentum of the Byzantine cavalry's charge, hit Odin In the human reindeer cavalry team, the poor reindeer cavalry team, under the charge of the Byzantine cavalry, seemed to become a piece of paper, and was easily smashed into a smash!

Hundreds of cavalry, just under one charge, half off the horse! The rest was quickly engulfed in the onslaught of Byzantine cavalry behind!

This Byzantine cavalry is nothing like humans! !!

Those majestic and excessive war horses are almost several times stronger than the reindeer's impact. The cavalry on horseback is full of iron armor and holds heavy weapons. The most terrible thing is that even the horses are covered with vests!

Human armor, almost every cavalry, almost becomes a mobile steel fortress! Even more terrible is that if such a huge load is changed to an ordinary war horse, I am afraid that I will be crushed down! But those Byzantine war horses still can fly like flying!

With such a large amount of weight, and so fast, the impact is almost impossible for people to counteract! Hundreds of ridiculous heavy cavalry rushed in with intensive formations, just like a steel flat wall pressed down by fierce flat vertebrae! The reindeer cavalry proud of the Odins was crushed almost instantly!

This Byzantine cavalry, every cavalry is too brave, every Odin in the back of the Odin infantry queue saw an incredible scene!

When the Byzantine heavy cavalry charged at the forefront and bumped into its own reindeer cavalry, the huge warhorse slammed into it like a steel fortress, and the reindeer cavalry in front of it was blown away almost face to face! The Odin soldier on his back was knocked over to the ground without a word, and even the mounted reindeer was directly hit by the opponent's cavalry and the horse, and the crash suddenly fell sideways!

Such a powerful impact, apart from the word metamorphosis, I can't think of other words!

The poor Odins have always been known for their warriors' strength and bravery, but this Byzantine cavalry, every cavalry on horseback, is simply more Odin than Odins! Every cavalry seems to be infinitely powerful, no matter whether it is the majesty of the body or the bravery, even the Aoziren look at his hair!

These cavalry bear such heavy iron armor, just like an iron goblet, but when they charge, the heavy hammers in their hands can still dance fast! !! Sitting on the horseback, you can even hit people! Every smashed Odin is almost without any doubt broken bones and broken muscles. If it is hit in the head, the brain is suddenly cracked, and a large head becomes like a hammer. Rotten watermelon!

I even saw that by swinging the hammer of the Byzantine cavalry, the entire person hit by the Odin cavalry on the reindeer's back could fly out directly and land a few meters before landing!

This power! Where can ordinary cavalry fighters have? ? !! !! !!

One face to face!

It's a face-to-face!

The 500 Odin reindeer cavalry rushed up was almost crushed and smashed! It's almost amazing! Quickly dizzying!

It's even faster ... to make the Odin infantry behind be indignant!

Because of a face-to-face, his cavalry was beaten by a rotten, rumbling horseshoe and almost rushed to his nose!

The defeat of their own reindeer cavalry is too fast! The fast did not give the Odin infantry behind even a little bit of time for the Seal of God!

The torrent of Byzantine heavy cavalry charged almost rushed to the front!

Although the infantry soldiers under the Odin's brakes have also been lined up, when the Byzantine cavalry rushing in front hit them, they were severely opened up!

The impact of this cavalry is really amazing! A front row of cavalry hit the queue of the Odin infantry soldiers. Immediately I saw a cavalry rushing into the battlefield. Several Odin soldiers almost hit the body and flew out. The bones that were hit cracked, and even didn't even call out, they died of blood spurting from the nose and mouth!

The team of Odin warriors, which has always been known for their brute strength and sturdy courage, is in front of this cavalry.

The heavy cavalry was mixed with strong winds, and it rushed into the Odin infantry's team. It was still just an assault, and the Odin team was directly cut through and destroyed! The Odins can only dying and struggle, resisting hard, but what makes the Odins desperate is that the courage to come from home and battle is simply useless in front of this enemy! Those brave warriors in their own army, wielding a tomahawk, hit them, but they were hit by the opponent lightly, and then even the people with weapons and smashed powder and bones!

Even more Odin warriors, dying, slammed the tomahawk to try to end up with the enemy, but the cavalry on horseback only swept away, and the cavalry's hammer fell down, and the Odin were fragile as if Withered branches, the weapon was smashed, and the body was immediately swept away, and when the person did not land, he was already out of breath!

This strong, almost terrible cavalry, with only one charge, completely defeated and destroyed the thousand Odin army!

The degree of ease is just like the wrestling between a giant and a young child!

From the beginning to the end of the battle, it was just a moment of effort. The Byzantine cavalry began to clean up the battlefield. The cavalry quickly divided into several teams and chased back and forth on the battlefield those who were defeated by Odin. Some people slowed down the horseshoe and searched along the way. If there were any undead wounded soldiers on the ground, they would directly add a hammer!

This is hardly a war, but a massacre!

The battle has come to an end. Byzantine cavalry on the battlefield has separated from the team and swept away, and the garrison troops on the city walls seem to have completely watched!

This battle of Fang Cai just shattered almost everything they knew! The Odin army, which has always been famous for its bravery and bravery, was easily smashed by a Byzantine army in such an unpredictable way.

What is even more alarming is that the Odin lost so thoroughly and so miserably! Almost not even a half-pointer!

Just before they had returned to God, this magical and powerful Byzantine cavalry had entered the city arrogantly! !!

No one commanded, and no one hesitated. The garrison troops in the city ran down, almost embarrassed by a team of teams, and directly ping-pong-pong-lost the weapons in their hands, and then Kneeling on the side of the road, it was only this fight that made people scared!

Seeing this cavalry entering the city, none of the attached soldiers dared to look up and peep at the eyes of the cavalry on horseback!

This, what is this cavalry! It's literally hundreds of killing gods! !!


Xia Ya entered the city at the end of the team, surrounded by dozens of guards around him.

The fight was just too easy, and even Charlie was shocked!

This cavalry was built by his own hands, almost emptying the bottom of the house to pile up! He knew for a long time that this cavalry was very strong, very strong!

But after all, there was no actual combat, even Xia himself never thought that this cavalry was so strong! !!

Eight hundred and one thousand, a charge will completely destroy the enemy! And it's not a miscellaneous Wu He, but the elite Odin Chi Xue Army!

Even if it ’s an adult playing scouts, I ’m afraid it ’s not so easy, right? !!

When Charya rode into the city, she clearly felt the deep awe of those attached soldiers who were kneeling on both sides and surrendered.

"Fuck, it's old-fashioned but underestimated his strength ... Such a strong army, even if he encounters Manninger's main force, he can be a fierce guy ... It seems that this plan, it must be Tweaked a bit. "

Occupying the Odin camp in the city easily, Xia made an arrangement immediately, but sent only fifty rides to gather up the annexed troops and the rest of the brigade, except for the Odin smashing and cleaning the battlefield outside the city. All went into the Odin barracks.

In the military camp, the smoke from Odin's life has not yet disappeared. There are still hot food in the pot, sautéed broth, roasted and crispy beef and sheep, all cheaper Charya.

The whole army was full of morale!

Sure enough, Xia did not expect that even these cavalrymen did not expect this battle to be so easy to win! My own strength is even far beyond my expectations!

When the war-damaged numbers were reported to Xia's hands, Fuya was even more stunned!

Eight hundred cavalry hit a thousand Odin elite ~ ~ The last loss figure, none of them died on their own! Only injured more than thirty, but also minor injuries! It was only when the cavalry rushed that they destroyed the opponent's team, but after all, the dead Odins' bodies and reindeer were everywhere on the battlefield, and their horses were tripped and injured.

This proportion, even if Xia, who has a fully optimistic estimate in her heart, has almost seen her eyes fall!

"Damn, I've laid this foot down. This is a reward, and it's so **** amazing!"

He sucked backwards. Cool air, but immediately heard the sound of Dora in his heart.

"Boy, don't you be so proud ... this cavalry you made should not exist in this world at all! Such a strong and excessive force, I'm afraid it will cause big trouble in the future! You can Don't be too happy.

Xia was silent for a while, and finally sighed, "Yes ... this cavalry is indeed not supposed to exist in this world at all!"


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