
Chapter 439: [Old man]

The black cavalry swept down from the hillside, and thundered fiercely towards the boundless wave of rebel defeats in the wilderness.

The original **** of this hillside was not high, but the 2,000-plus cavalry of Charya descending from the hillside seemed to fall from the sky. In this originally dim night, it was more like a heavenly soldier descending, and the wave of defeat of the rebels was already scattered. , Where is the power of half blocking?

Xia Ya took the lead first, holding the lance in his hand flat, and thousands of iron riders behind him followed closely, so he crashed into the tide of rebel defeat fiercely!

Tigers flock! No, even the appearance of the rebels at this moment is not even a flock. It is simply a group of dogs and a group of frightened rabbits.

Xia's cavalry rushed down fiercely from the left side of the rebels' retreat, like a sharp knife, and killed him directly from the oblique side! As he rushed into the crowd, Xia ’s ride swept away, and immediately brought a red light. The flesh flew to the “flesh and blood! The fine rides behind him were like killing gods, and trampled under the iron hoof. , Almost rushed into it almost without hindrance!

Kill! This is a complete killing at all!

The rebels seemed to be oppressed and did not have a half-hearted mind. They ran away all the way, and the morale had already collapsed. Seeing from the side, they killed such a group of murderous cavalry and rushed into the defeated team. The black iron riding torrent seemed to invade a wave of the defeat of the extreme army. When the iron hoof arrived, all the rebels in front of it turned into pieces!

At this time, there is no one to care, but screams desperately, struggling to escape with his legs.

Xia led the cavalry into the defeated team, and encountered almost no obstruction. His spear had harvested countless lives within a short time. "Under the iron hoof, not to mention how many rebels were attacked. Trampling became mashed.

In the night, Xia and his cavalry rushed on the wilderness, and soon he directly cut the huge wave of rebel defeat from the side. Xia ’s whole body was up and down. It was blood, and he rushed to the distant part of the wilderness with his cavalry, and turned his head, but now he has rushed out of the defeated rebel team, and the cavalry behind him are all like themselves, full of faces It's all blood "one by one like **** evil spirits.

With such a rush, Shicai easily and directly cut through the defeated rebels from the side. The rebels had no resistance. It almost allowed the cavalry of Charia to harvest their lives as much as possible. The remaining retreats were still Running wildly towards the south.

Xia Ya took a deep breath. For him, such a screen-killing could not arouse his half-point of war. After frowning, he turned around and screamed, "Divide troops! Think of units as small, and destroy them!"

Xia Yapang's cavalry, even if it is not the top 500, the rest are all from Rhodes cavalry. Which one is not elite? The tactics of chasing the old army and dividing and annihilating can be easily performed even with closed eyes.

As soon as Chaya's order came, the cavalry snorted for a while, and dispersed automatically in accordance with the squadron. The fifty-rider squadron spread rapidly toward the sides of the wilderness. The tide is divided.

This time, it was like turning into a lot of reaping knives, cutting a piece of **** such as the rebel-defeated brigade into a piece!

Throughout the war, if the defeated side was chased by the cavalry, it was often a one-sided screen kill. What's more, these first-class elites under Charya?

Most of the poles were originally infantry. In the wilderness, even if they were running, how could a two-legged horse run past a four-legged horse? The Rhoderian cavalry is well-skilled and the execution of this small annihilation tactic is superb. The screams of screams came from the front of the battlefield, and many rebels saw that they were trapped by the cavalry. A little brave, can only pick up a weapon to fight to death, counterstroke, but was then rushed up by the cavalry and trampled and crushed. And some who have lost their courage can only lose their weapons in despair, kneeling on the ground with their hands in their hands and surrendering for mercy.

Xia ’s side left only his 500 elite cavalry. He took the five hundred cavalry back and forth in the wilderness, as long as all the existing small defeated army had gathered together to resist. The trend immediately led the five hundred strong horses to rush and kill them, directly smashing each other's small groups, so that the rebels would not have the slightest chance to breathe and organize resistance.

Xia Ya searched for the target carefully. Although this wave of defeats was mostly infantry, it also included a few rebels on horseback. If you wanted to pick a character who was a general among the rebels, you could take it with you. A small number of cavalry guards fled.

These people were also unlucky. Xia threw the small fish to his subordinates. With a strong ride, he focused on finding the big fish among these waves. Whenever he saw a small rebel cavalry, Xia took the person immediately. Howling, I do n’t bother who the other party is, it ’s just a rush, whether you are the general or the governor, first go through it with a spear, or cut off your head with a fire fork, and then bring the cavalry down. A goal rushed away.

With such a slaughter, Xia was too late to reap the fruits of the battle. It was not until afterwards that he defeated the battlefield that four generals and two governor-level figures among his rebels who were now dead were unexpectedly harvested.

Xia ’s killing a kung fu here, most of the mountain-wide rebels have given up to fight, most of them surrendered in place, only a small half went north. “After all, Xia ’s number of cavalry is still less, unable to I completely embraced such a huge tide of troop collapse, but Charlie also did not change his heart. He knew that there were thousands of cavalry in the Besta Military Area in the town to the north. Although the cavalry in the Besta Military Area was not as good as his own troops, he himself It ’s been a long time here for the Throne of the Seal of God, and the other party should have finished the lineup. ”The rebels then handed it over to the troops of the Besta Military District to collect it.

Xia Ya took the five hundred strong riders all the way, and he went straight south, all the way. He encountered the defeated rebels. He simply ignored them and took the cavalry along the front of the wilderness. The defeated rebel army flees.

After such a charge, I ran for a moment, and I heard a sound of bugle and horseshoe from the south. Xia heard this, and it was the bugle of the Byzantine emperor. He rushed over with 500 cavalry. Seeing a group of cavalry, driving a large group of rebels defeated, and chasing them at the end of the street, it was like driving a flock of sheep.

The number of imperial cavalry who chased the rebels was not large, it seemed only a few hundred, and the team was a bit scattered. Although the expelled rebels were scattered and failed to break into the army, the black pressure was in the wilderness. There are also tens of thousands. The chasing commander of the imperial cavalry seems to be very face-to-face, with the cavalry not too close, but just screaming and crying, doing the momentum in the back, driving the extreme army all the way, just rebel The army's footsteps were slightly slower, and it meant stopping the entire collar organization to fight against them. Immediately, they took the cavalry to speed up their feet and rushed to fight, but after they broke through the fighting, they slowed down and clamored loudly. It is clear that the intention is to frighten the rebels, letting the opponent run hard. This method of hunting is the oldest and cunning. It does not really fight with the rebels, but only drives the rebels to run, so that the other party runs out of energy first. It was only won in one fell swoop, but it saved a lot of energy.

Xia took the top 500 to ride south, but happened to meet the rebels head on. "Where would Xia be polite, he took the soldiers and killed them, sweeping all the way, flesh and blood flying, these very rarely ran away. In the middle of the night, I was exhausted. Seeing that there were cavalry on the way, most people scattered to both sides, and some simply fell to the ground and begged for mercy.

With a snoring sound, Xia Ya, with his cavalry turned around, ran towards the left side, and circled directly above the wilderness, then slowed down, and finally stopped.

From a distance, the imperial cavalry on the opposite side who chased the rebels has also stopped. Across the distance, the two sides look at each other. From a distance, the imperial cavalry seems agitated, as if it is difficult to understand Xia Ya. The origin of the cavalry was hesitant.

The two cavalry looked at each other from a long distance, but the rebels in the middle of the wilderness had already kneeled on the ground for more than half of their surrenders, but no one on both sides rushed forward.

As soon as Charlie groaned, she whispered, "Blow the bugle to show your identity."

The cavalry behind them took out the horns. Most of the cavalry regiments under Xia Pang belonged to the Rhoderian cavalry. After the establishment of the army, the cavalry's bugle also inherited the rhythm of the Rhoderian cavalry. The iconic Rosíria Cavalry bugle blew, the sharp and short trumpet sounded, and the cavalry on the opposite side was shaken as if it was a collar.

Immediately Charya took the lead, and the cavalry behind him followed, and the team slowly moved forward, forming a line towards the opposite side. Along the way, the rebels kneeling and surrendering in the wilderness bowed down, afraid to make the slightest move, for fear of misunderstanding the other party, they would invite killing.

Xia led the men to a distance of less than 100 meters from the cavalry, and then slowly stopped. Looking from a distance, Xia frowned that this imperial cavalry chasing the rebels was not only small in number, Only three or five hundred horses, even the queues are a bit scattered. Among the cavalry, the horses are mixed, and some of the cavalry's horses are obviously not war horses, but filled with some horses or horses. There are also powders on these "cavalry", only a small amount of standard Imperial Cavalry armor, and more are wearing light armor of the Imperial Infantry. Even the weapons are a bit messy, and a small number of them use cavalry. "Gun" and those who wear the infantry armor, many people use the long version or sword of the infantry, some use wooden poles directly, and a short knife tied with a rope as the length of the cavalry. Weapon use.

Such a cavalry, at first glance, is like a crowd of black men. But I can't think of being able to chase the tens of thousands of extreme soldiers and defeat them all the way.

But soon "Xia Ya saw a familiar, tall and mighty figure in the cavalry of the" Wuling Congregation ". This was certain in her heart, and she laughed aloud, and slowly posted the horse. .

The tall and mighty figure in the distance was sitting on a warhorse, in the front row of the cavalry. Seeing that Xia was riding on the horse, he immediately heard a sentence that was slightly dumb but full of spirits: " Who's ahead? Immediately pass the military post number! "

After listening to this voice, Charya was more determined, and laughed aloud, "General Butler, it's me! I'm Charya, Charya thunders."

The tall and mighty figure on the opposite side was shocked, and then came a loud and magnificent laughter, full of surprises and cheerfulness: "Xia? Little Xia? Haha! It's you little guy! "


Butler was the tall and mighty general who led these hundreds of black commanders to hunt down the rebels. It turned out that Charya knew this Butler when he was still in the Rosía Cavalry Regiment. At that time, the silver-laden middle-aged magistrate was taking over as the release officer of the Fourth Banner Regiment of the Rosíria Cavalry Regiment. Later, after the last war with the Odin, because several other central corps of the empire were badly damaged during the war, in order to rebuild, a strong general was selected from the Romanian Cavalry Regiment, and this Butler, the silver man, was transferred to the rank of general of the Ninth Regiment of the Empire, which was considered a promotion, and he officially entered the ranks of high-ranking generals in the Empire.

At the same time, Socia, the first banner commander of the former Rhodes Cavalry Regiment, was transferred to the second army general.

The arrangement of the empire was to draw the backbone of this empire's most elite army to rebuild other corps. Another meaning, the removal of the oldest officers of these Rosíria cavalry is also to make room for the successor of the Rosília Corps General Ruer to take over. Especially the Sossi Witch, who was originally a successor to Adrik while training in the Rodría Corps. After Adrik was transferred, the empire sent Ruhr to take over the general. The champion, dried up and transferred Socia to other corps as a general, can also be regarded as a promotion, a little comfort.

The departure of the empire is very tight for the military power of the Central Corps. It is only generals and officers. In order to prevent the generals from owning their own weight, in order to prevent the emergence of a division by the governor of the Temasu District, they have never allowed a general to The army has changed the role of the commander for too long to the Seal of the Throne, and after a period of time, the Seal of the Throne must always be adjusted. It can also be regarded as a check and balance wrist.

The Butler in front of Xia was one of the backbones from the former Rosírian cavalry.

This time at the Battle of Osgilia, "at the beginning of the war, he was short-sighted to take over the Oscilian King Qin, and they arrived together" as well as the Second Corps led by Socia.

At the time, the two banner officers who had been transferred at the same time, in the early days of the war, each took their own handsome regiments to ease the capital, and also fought a few rounds with the rebels.

But the situation in the early days of the war was not very optimistic.

General Liangzhou is of course a general from the Rhoderian Corps, and he is brave and good at fighting. "But the two teams who commanded the commander, a second corps, a ninth corps, were all poor.

Especially the Second Corps, in the last war against Odin, was blacked out by Hastings's black flag, almost all of the army, and almost even the number was canceled. Post-war reconstruction can only be as far as possible from other The backbone of the army is mostly recruited by recruits or local defense teams.

When the civil war broke out, the reconstruction of the two corps was only half completed, the soldiers were not complete, the system was incomplete, and even the training was not perfect. Most of the recruits and local guards were transferred. The quality of the personnel is unbearable. The most terrible thing is that the soldiers are also greatly lacking. Both regiments are the frontline Central Army of the Empire standard. Each battalion should be 20,000 according to the establishment. However, when the civil war broke out, the second regiment only had But with eight thousand people, the Ninth Corps was slightly better, and it was only under thirteen thousand.

The two generals reported their enthusiasm for the country and had no choice but to bravely pull the Dudu team to take over the imperial capital. After arriving in the imperial capital, the imperial capital had been besieged by the rebels. The two were weak in strength and could not enter the city. They simply ordered a soldier to be stationed far away from the city and confronted the rebels. The period was also very Played a few games.

Although the two generals are good at fighting, but the quality of their army is really not on the stage. "After biting the bullet and rebelling for a few days, they finally had a shortage of supplies and bad food, and the rebels were increasingly persecuted. I can only temporarily pull the troops out of the theater a little later. I found a small city in the northwest of Osgilia to station, and Paul's weak deterrent to Osgilia was actually very difficult to play any role.

The rebels separated from each other and ran across them "to cut off their connection with Osgilia and to maintain the intimidation of the forces. Although the two generals were determined to kill the enemy, their soldiers and generals waited. As a result, even food was in short supply and had to shrink again and again.

Until the news broke in the city of Osgilia, the two men were desperately afraid of the ashes, and felt that the situation had gone. They simply pulled out the men and horses to prepare for the battle and the side of the rebels who were monitoring him in front of them was about to fight to death. But changed again ...,


At this moment Butler recognized Charlie, and the alert in his heart finally dissipated. The old man in the army met him. The general in the army quickly turned over and stepped down from Malay. He laughed and went towards Charya. They got off the horse, and the two came to the same place. They first looked at each other, but Butler hugged Xia, and then took a few shots behind Xia. That ’s right! It ’s you, the little guy! I knew you were a human being at the beginning, and now it looks like I ’m grown up! ”

When Butler let go of Charlie, Charlie saw the old general of the Rhoderian cavalry.

The original iconic silver had already been stained with blood, and the face was naturally covered with blood. The original majestic appearance was much thinner, and it looked much harder than before, but it was straightened. His body still carries a unique British martial spirit among Rhoderian cavalry.

Judging from the qualifications of the two, in the Rodría army, Xia was only a guardian of General Adrik, but the other party was Qitian Zhangqi, a far cry from him. The general did not dare to settle any miscellaneous people, respectfully performed a military salute of his men.

Butler was very excited. He glanced at the quiet hundreds of rides behind Charlie. Seeing that the hundreds were tightly lined up, he remained quietly in the distance. Although there was no movement, he was very aggressive. The sensuous smell of the stocks is even more powerful and powerful, and the smell of that coercive pressure almost hurts the eyes of those who are about to sting!

Butler was born in the Rhoderian Army, and his eyes were naturally different. He immediately saw that the cavalry boat was unusual, and could not help but change his face slightly: "Good guy! Such a strong army! Little Xia Ya, this cavalry Is it yours? "

Xia Ya smiled: "General, they are mostly old men of our Rhoderian cavalry!"

After a pause, Charlie glanced at Butler: "This time is not the time to recount the old, General. Let's clear the battlefield first, and then talk slowly."

Butler readily agreed, and immediately ordered soldiers on both sides, the cavalry began to clear the battlefield, disturbed the kneeling insurgents, seized the weapons, and lined up to guard them.

Butler had taken Chara to a side where the terrain was slightly higher ... Li Li could not help dragging Chara's neck in anxiety: "Little Charya! I know you should be working in Mordo Yes! Why did you come here thousands of miles ?! I heard that the Odins have invaded south, and your County of Moore is at the front of it! Syltain County heard that they were all lost! But you came here ... Is it because the northern site has been lost ... "

Xia Ya smiled: "General Butler ~ ~ North things, you can rest assured, I am also from Luo Suili witch, if the North is really occupied by the Odin, how can I appear in Here! The people who came out of Rhoderia did not pass around as deserters. "

The implication: Since I can appear here, the North's question has naturally been resolved by me.

Butler listened with amazement, but Xia Wu didn't wait for him to ask again. He already covered up and said, "Sir, this time I'm going down to King Diduqin ... I'm surprised tonight, but I come On the way, I heard that the rebels were entangled outside the city. Why did you suddenly have a thousand miles tonight? "

When it comes to this, Butler's expression is suddenly intense, his eyes are full of light, Haha laughed boldly and cheerfully: "Speaking of tonight, this is a good fight! It can be a good fight for the past six months. Come out! Hahahaha! ",

Immediately the General Haozhou Zhou said something about the ins and outs of this rebel army tonight ...

[Niu Wen without advertising novel dedication]

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