
Chapter 446: [Wen Jun has a daughter and would like to marry him] (10,000 words)

Sitting in a seemingly shabby room, Fu Ya met the Lord Prime Minister Salenbonelli. Just read the novel ~

Compared with the prime minister's identity, this house is really too crude. There is no expensive decoration, no valuable utensils. This is clearly an ordinary study. Just a pile of documents and debris on the desk.

Charlie followed the officer who entered this place lightly this year. This is a block near the imperial palace. It is said that this house is temporarily requisitioned by the Imperial Government Office one by one anyway. The original owner is afraid that most of them have already died in the war.

Although Osgiriya has been taken back, the entire city is not affected by the scourge. The empire of the empire was supposed to handle official duties in the government office of the empire, but the government office of the empire has been destroyed after the rebels entered the city Most of the buildings were burned down. The rebels did it very thoroughly. After the rebels entered the city, the official departments and the treasury were basically the first targets. I heard that it is not only the government office, the financial department, etc. Places have also been basically burned.

The only thing intact, I am afraid, is the Imperial Army. After all, what the rebels say is better than the Byzantine military system. Finally, some incense needs to be left. It is said that the military department is the most complete.

Even the giant Duke of Tulips statue outside the gate of the military department was not damaged in any way. "The rebel leader of the occupying military department also specially sent a team to protect the statue from destruction.

No matter when it is, as long as you are in the empire's military system, no one dares to offend the founding military meritorious service.

"But once the rebels are polite to the military, they are unscrupulous against the other government departments of the imperial capital.

I heard that the Government House has been burned into ruins, especially the house of Prime Minister Salenbonelli has been turned into an ashes, no matter what is valuable or worthless, has been removed-this prime minister was once You can go out and collect things like collect art and antiques. There are a lot of treasures at home. As a result, the war is over, and the prime minister is truly a ruined home.

After the restoration of Osgilia, the Prime Minister himself had nowhere to live. It was said that His Majesty the Emperor made an exceptional exception and allowed the Prime Minister to temporarily reside in the palace. Such gifts and appreciation have never been honored since the re-establishment of the emperor. It was even heard that the emperor also stated that for the personal economic loss of the prime minister, the emperor was willing to transfer something from the palace's inner library to compensate.

However, these prime ministers declined politely. The prime minister said: The empire has suffered losses to the aristocratic ministers and its people, and the emperor can't just compensate me. This way of doing things is "thinking the others and understanding the wife."

Such loyalty to the emperor's consideration of the emperor, of course, made Hercules more trusted.

This temporary government office is located near the Royal Palace "is because the young emperor has called the Prime Minister too often these days, as if he could not leave the Prime Minister for a while. For this reason, the Government Office can only be set up next to the Royal Palace. The hard work of the prime minister.

Of course, these details, of our Charia, are naturally unknown.

Before seeing the prime minister, Charya actually didn't know much about the Lord Salembonelli, and didn't even have any impression.

Nothing else, it ’s because the prime minister of the empire has always been invisible before this war. The emperor only trusted Cavi hill before. Cavi hill was named Commoner, but he exercised it. The power of the prime minister, but the real prime minister is just a display.

"After the death of Cavill Hill", the prime minister finally got the opportunity to show his talent. Where the war broke out, he sat in the emperor's capital, soothing people's hearts, handling government affairs, and really demonstrated a strong ability of government affairs, and He is indeed a prime minister, and he is very impressed by the threatened prime minister.

In the government office of the empire, many officials in the past were left by Cavihir. Cavihir has been in power for many years. "The government government is mostly his disciples or those who value promotion.

After the Lord Salembonelli officially took power, he did not perform any cleansing. On the contrary, he completely accepted the class left by Cavisil and trusted it! Soon they were able to convince the old class of Cavive Hill with their practical ability and personal charm!

Not to mention, this skill and manner alone is enough to make people admire!

When Fu Ya walked into the study, the accompanying officials this year lightly went out carefully and closed the door.

Salenbonelli was still sitting behind the desk, with a single-eye lens on her face, looking at it carefully with a document, and hearing that Charlie came in, the old prime minister just looked up, with a smile on his face. " The smile was kind and gentle, and slowly said, "Sir, please wait a moment, I will finish reading this thing soon. ",

After a pause, he raised a finger to the chair in the room: "Sit down, there is water in the bottle. If you are thirsty, you pour it yourself. This government building was temporarily rebuilt, and everything is still rude. "

His attitude was very polite, and even politely surprised Xia.

After all, they are the prime ministers of the empire. Judging from their status, they are already an extreme minister. Under one person, they are above tens of millions! And he is just a general's official post. There are as many generals in the empire as generals, and Jae is so polite to himself, but it makes Xia a little uncomfortable.

Xia Ya politely responded, "Sit down and wait, he quietly looked at the old prime minister, but unexpectedly found out that the other party was really attentive looking at the document, not deliberately pretending to be Put yourself in front of you.

Saran Bonelli looked for a moment, sighed softly, put down the thing in her hand, took off the monocle, rubbed her eyebrows, and smiled bitterly: "Well, there's a mess everywhere. There is nothing to worry about. "

"Xia Ya is also well-behaved," and immediately said with amusement: "The Prime Minister is admired for his work in the country. ",

Salenbonelli looked up at Charya, a strange look in her eyes, and said lightly: "I heard General Charya has always been brave and upright, but I did not expect to learn this kind of officialdom. Hehe, you don't need to be so polite with me. "

As he said, he stood up, walked around the desk, "walked in front of Xia, and sat in a chair beside Xia.

This act made Xia Ya feel a little favor.

This is a gesture! If the prime minister is sitting behind the desk and talking to himself, then it is a secret of the "superior to the subordinates."

But the prime minister left the desk and sat in front of him, but there was a faint taste of equal dialogue.

The prime minister lowered his posture so much that Xia Ya became more and more curious.

But that goodwill just emerged, and was immediately overwhelmed by Xia himself!

He didn't forget it! The knighthood and the reward of the fiefdom that caused himself headaches are coming out of this prime minister's handwriting!

Thinking to himself, Xia Ya could not help quietly looking at the old man in front of him.

The appearance of Salenbonelli is very handsome. "He must have been a romantic figure when he was young." Although he is a little old now, it is well maintained. The contours of the facial features can still be seen in his youth, but it is probably only recently I was overworked, my face was a little pale, my lips weren't very bloody, and my skinny was a little too much.

"Besides this," the character and demeanor of this Salenbonelli is still quite good. In peace, there is a kind of affinity that naturally makes people want to be close to him.

With a cough, Charlie slowly said, "I don't know what the Prime Minister called me to, is there anything?"

With a smile, Salem Bonelli slowly said, "What is the matter, there is nothing special. But General Xia, you are a foreign minister" came to the imperial capital, and my prime minister summoned you first and asked about local government affairs. Historical convention. "

Speaking of which, the old man himself also showed a somewhat self-deprecating smile: "But the place is still fighting, and there is no government affairs that the old man needs to ask me. However, I have always listened to the prestige of General Xia." Take this opportunity to see you, to see what kind of amazing hero "It took a brain to clean up heroes like Manninger.",

Fu Ya immediately said with heart and soul: "The annihilation of the Red Snow Army is the life of the generals. Manninger was not actually killed in my hands, but in the war. He died of his own illness, not my work.",

Salem Bonelli nodded: "Well, young people know that being humble is a good thing, but General Charlie also doesn't have to be overly cautious. With your present credit, that is the first copy of the Empire for hundreds of years. Can't be erased. "

Immediately afterwards, Salenbonelli chatted with Xia Ahan again, nothing more than asking about the current situation in North Mor County and other places, and asking about some things during the war to annihilate the Odinchi Snow Army. Xia Ya also truthfully said, "The war, when it comes to the wonderful part, this old man couldn't help but clap his legs and applaud," he said loudly: "The Odin people have always been arrogant. In the future, they will not dare to be too arrogant! General Xia, you are doing great work for the Empire this time! , "

Then the topic became a casual chat, and the Prime Minister asked Charya some very private questions, such as Charya's age, family situation and so on.

Xia Ya answered carefully, but her heart was weird ... Is this prime minister really idle and boring, and found himself chatting? How old am I, what is the situation at home ..., these personal data, the Empire has documents to check, but why bother asking me again in person?

Thinking about it, Salem Bonelli suddenly turned around and laughed: "I heard that General Xia hasn't married his wife yet? I don't know if this rumor is true * ..."

Fuya's instinct was to frown, groan slightly, and slowly said, "Good."

He originally wanted to say something about the poor worm, but then his mind suddenly flashed ... The identity of the poor worm is not an ordinary girl. After all, she is also a Byzantine princess. Although it is not a formal princess, it is good. Also the cousin of Emperor Garcia ...

Although he must be marrying a poor worm, this matter still needs to be worked out. At least now, it is not appropriate to speak directly in front of the prime minister.

When it comes to the royal family, they are still in the imperial capital, it is best to act low-key.

At the sight of Salen Bonelli, Noah nodded, and a smile appeared on his face: "General Xia, you are a young and famous man, and now you are a hero of the Empire. Although it is appropriate to serve the country, but your own The marriage must not be delayed. I heard that the elders in your family are no longer there. Is this the case, if you do n’t hate it, my old man has some ideas. "

Fu Ya was right away!

what? Is this old man telling me that he is here? !!

When Fu Ya was in a daze, the prime minister had laughed and said, "General Xia is a lieutenant general, and it is not unusual to marry a wife. You are now the duke's honor, and the future duchess, you can find a suitable candidate Only. I have an idea ... I heard that General Secretary Adrik has a daughter who has been studying at the door of Lord Caviesier. General Adrick is also an empire and an army The leader of the ranks, the door tiger girl, is a good match for your new hero of the empire ... "

Adrian's ... daughter? !!

Charya was confused.

He never heard that General Adrik had a daughter!

When the old prime minister said here, he looked at Xia Ya with a look of anticipation, and his face was very kind.

Fuya took a deep breath, and then said what he wanted to say in his stomach, and then slowly said, "This ... Thank you, Lord Prime Minister, for your concern. Is it ... what about marrying a wife ... … Hey, do n’t hide my lord, I have my heart in it. This time when I come to the capital, things are all right. I will get married after returning to the resident, so I have nothing but the heart of the prime minister. ”,

Saron Bonelli listened, his face still smiling, but his eyes seemed to flash a strange light, and slowly said, "Oh? I don't know which one Master Xia is going to marry ..."

"It's an old man." Xia Yadan said indifferently: "Together with the sweet and bitterness, experience life and death together, except her" I will not marry other women. ",

After listening to it, knowing that Xia was unwilling to elaborate, she nodded her head and sighed, "Since this is so good * ......, yeah" It's just a pity, I thought General Xia and you The marriage of Mr. Adrik's daughter "is a good thing.",

After the old man said this, he shifted the topic, but Xia apparently felt that the prime minister was a little absent-minded, and his attitude was much more casual.

He immediately understood that the prime minister had called himself to him, but he was mainly talking about his marriage ... After the major event was finished, the prime minister would have no leisure to chat with himself.

Charya grasped the meaning of the Prime Minister, and immediately stood up: "The Prime Minister is busy with his official duties. If there is nothing else, I would not dare to waste your time.",

With a smile, Salem Bonelli stood up and gave him a gift: "General Xia, walk slowly. "

Fu Ya's polite resignation came to the door, and Salenbonelli seemed to feel that his previous move was a bit too superficial, and he casually said: "Yes, general, if you want to do so, Summon, in the palace, you and the people in the Besta Military District will accept your siege together. ",

"Xia Ya heard it," and just smiled. He didn't intend to say anything, but suddenly he thought, and suddenly thought of it. Before entering the city, the governor's wife and those words he said ...

Charlie stopped at once, and looked back at Salem Ponelli: "... well, Lord Prime Minister, speaking of the Besta, I have a little idea, but I just said it, but I was afraid it was not appropriate."

As soon as the prime minister heard it, a tiny flash of light flashed in his squinting eyes!

The old man took a deep breath: "General, please leave.

Xia seemed to hesitate and groaned for a while before slowly saying, "Besta Military District was originally a member of the Red Round Table. Although there is no doubt about the sincerity of surrender, after all, it was also the ranks of the rebels. His Majesty The prime minister and the prime minister promised them to surrender, which showed the tolerance of the empire, but I personally think that ... the use is to be reused, but after all, for the first-time surrender, it is best to guard quietly It ’s good to use the previous hand. If it is reused blindly, but there is no means to restrict it, then the Emperor will be far away ..., hey, Lord Prime Minister, I think this is not the way to use people. ",

After listening to Xia ’s words, Salen Bonelli was obviously surprised, but his surprised look was soon covered by him. The old man's face was calm, looked at Xia ’s eyes, and said lightly: "Master It ’s not unreasonable to remind, well, I wrote down these words. "

Immediately, the two said good-bye to each other, and Xia stepped out of the door of the study.

After leaving this humble provisional government office, Xia went outside, turned over her body under the guard's crowd, and suddenly heard a deep voice in her head.

"Good way! What a prime minister, hey!"

This sound is Dora.

Charlie frowned. "What means?"

In his mind, Dora sneered: "I said this prime minister, it is really not simple. You kid, have been calculated by others, but you still do not know, hum. If it is better than strength, is this prime minister?" Thousands of old men are tied together and can't afford to be your finger. But if you think about it, you silly boy "is just a little bit smart, but you can't catch up with this old fox by shooting a horse.",

Charya is still at a loss, Dora has been polite: "Boy, you are overcast by this prime minister!",

Fu Ya looked up. At this moment, she was riding on the street. "The surrounding guards were far away from her, and Xia was relieved." Whispered: "How is it overcast? You can say clearly."

Dora sighed, and then slowly said, "It's the thing that wants to match you with General Adrik's daughter."

"Huh?" Charlie frowned.

Dora continued: "He proposed a marriage, you refuse. I can guarantee that this matter will soon be deliberately spread by him! At that time, it is said that you, General Xia," refused to marry General Adrik's female heart ... …, Hehe, what do you think will happen with such rumors? "

When Fu Ya heard it, she just smiled: "Are you trying to provoke alienation? Wanting to create a suspicion between me and General Adrik, this little trick is useless.",

He naturally determined that "he respects Adrik very much and treats him like a father as a teacher." Adrik also admires himself very much. How can the relationship between the two be shaken?

"Title? Hey! It's this little trick that makes people headache."

Dora heard Charlie's disdain, and said lightly: "It is true that with your friendship with Adrik, this is not enough to break your relationship. But the problem is that even after this rumor spreads, Derek won't be angry, but what about other people? So many generals in the army, so many people choose ... but any one person, as long as he hears the news, will only understand it literally, only knowing that you are rejected by Charlie Married to Adrik's daughter! Others, others don't know that much! Even if Adrik doesn't care, maybe others will be unjust on behalf of Adrik! Some people will even think that you, General Xaya It ’s too proud! Although you have made great achievements, your qualifications in the army are still low. You do n’t look down on General Adrik ’s daughter, and you ’re too proud of it? It ’s just for you to spread it out. The wind is bad. ",

Charlie looked really moved.

Dora continued: "Your empire, during this war, the military forces are re-divided, and the forces in the empire are naturally headed by Adrik! This time the guards of Osgilia Army, many officers have to be promoted after the war. In the future, they will be the backbone of Adrik's reconstruction of the imperial department! If these people have an opinion on you in the future, will your life be really comfortable? The most important thing here is One of them is that you ca n’t tell what you are losing! ”

"What?" Xia smiled bitterly.

"Because Adrik can't defend you." Dora laughed. "After all, you refused to marry his daughter. This is not a fake. Even if Adrik doesn't mind. But he is the Secretary of Defense. The chief of Emperor Zhongzhong, ca n’t always see someone and pull others to explain this thing, right? He ca n’t pull down one of his people to explain this one by one. It ’s not blame you Xia Yunyun ... So, you dumb loss is to eat It's set. "

Fu Ya turned around and thought, as if Dora had said it, it was really disgusting ...

"Well, to put it bluntly, it's just a little trick. It just makes people feel that I am full of arrogance and I don't hurt my muscles. Nothing is really lost." Xia Ya smiled bitterly.

"Indeed, it looks like your loss is actually not great." Dora said lightly, "But the problem is, the means of the prime minister!",

Dora's voice gradually became serious: "What do you think" the prime minister paid? He paid nothing! I used to put that feudal matter together, but now I have this feint! Did he pay anything? Nothing at all! Just ask you to come and meet, and say a few words politely, your mouth moving, it will give you a big problem! Such a skill! That's scary! "

Charlie stayed!

It really is the case.

The Prime Minister presented himself with these two big problems, but his prime minister seems to have paid nothing, and his lips move, so that he can't keep up so embarrassing!

This kind of old oil in politics is really not easy


After Fu Ya returned to his residence, he entered the door and heard his men say, "Ruhr came to visit, knowing that Xia is no longer" and waited in the living room for a long time.

Xia stepped in immediately and met Ruhr.

Ruhr was n’t wearing a military uniform, he was wearing plain clothes, and he looked bloated. When he saw Xia, he hugged a bit, and laughed, "I heard your men say that you were called by the prime minister to meet? That old guy and What did you say? You need to be careful, the prime minister, but a smiling tiger, ca n’t eat a bone. ”,

When Fu Ya heard it, she smiled bitterly: "Yes, I have seen it today. This old man gave me a suit without moving.

Charlie and the fat man had no friendship, and did not hide it, and told the prime minister what happened, and then smiled bitterly: "Why don't I know that General Adrik has a daughter * ..."

The fat man listened, and stared at Xia Ya with a wide eyes. It was a long time before he suddenly laughed abruptly: "Ha ha ha ha! Your boy! Thanks to yourself, you are also from the Rhoderian army! You have been the guard of Adrik People! You do n’t even know about it! You do n’t even know Adrik ’s daughter ... ”,

The fat man laughed enough. Xia just said bitterly: "Where do I know what daughter the general has ..."

The fat man's look was also stunned, and slowly said: "This dark trick is a bit troublesome, even if Adrik himself doesn't mind, but the people around him, his men, and other people in the military are afraid to stay in his heart. An impression that you Xia Asia Pacific has been arrogant and arrogant. You are an old subordinate of Adrik. You are so arrogant that even Adrik's daughter is unwilling to marry. If you say it, everyone will feel that your character is not good ..., Hey. ",

Fu Ya patted his head: "Take care of him so much! I'll be back to More County in a few days! People here, what do they think of me?" I don't care so much! "

The fat man's eyes turned bones and bones, slowly said: "Actually," it seems to me that you are not married to Adrik's daughter ... Why do you refuse? , "

Fu Ya said positively: "I said, I already have a fiancee, and my affection for her will not be shaken! This matter" There is no room for negotiation. ",

"Well ... if that's the case, I have a way to do it." Luer suddenly patted his thighs: "Ha ha! There! That Jizai is smart, but I'm not stupid! Boy, I have a way to help you solve this Yin Zhao! How do you thank Lao Tzu? "

"Oh?" As soon as Charya's eyes lighted, although he didn't care much about what other people think of himself, after all, the prime minister had calculated it. After all, he was still a little upset. Hearing the fat man said that there was a way to resolve it, he immediately lost his mind: You say it! "

"Ten boxes of tobacco from Zaku natives!" The fat man offered the price with a smile.

"My shit!" Xia said indignantly, "Do you think Zaku's tobacco is a vegetable leaf? It's everywhere? Now the war is over, and the goods have been sold out! A box of authentic Zaku's tobacco produced in some places You can change a box of gold! You fat man is too greedy. "

Xia Ya insisted: "I will give you a box at most! If there are more, I will talk freely! I still have to keep other tobacco to sell the exchange fee! Do you think that I have raised tens of thousands of soldiers without spending money!"

"Okay." Ruhr responded with a smile: "One box is one box! But Lao Tzu wants the best first-class goods, and you are not allowed to use inferior products to perfuse Lao Tzu."

Xia Ya nodded: "The deal has been concluded! What can you do ?!"

Ruhr leisurely said: "Don't you just don't want to marry Adrik's daughter? And you don't want to make you feel that you have forgotten your arrogance and arrogance ... It's easy! Refusal to marry, don't you do it, let A Derek will do it and leave! You can talk to Adrik that guy privately, and after discussing it, find a chance to change the Admiral ’s lieutenant generals in the next day. In the presence of everyone, ask Adrik for a kiss! Adrik rejects you in public again, so that you do n’t have to marry his daughter, and no one will think that you are Charlie. Rejected, lose face. ",

Charya's eyes lighted up: "It really is a good poison! It is indifferent to lose face by being rejected in public.",

In fact, this matter is really simple, mainly because of a different candidate who refuses to marry!

If Xia refuses to marry, it is Adrik who loses face. On the contrary, Charlie herself lost face. He had a great respect for Adrik, and naturally preferred to lose face.

Xia Haha didn't smile, but his heart was happy, but Ruhr sighed: "Actually ... Adrik's daughter is really good." The talent looks are all good! Hey, but also beautiful! It would be nice if you were married. It doesn't matter if you already have a fiancee! You are now in a different status. The Imperial Northern Guards General is also a duke. In such a status, even if the wives and concubines are in groups, no one will say anything to you. "

Xia just dealt with it casually. "Ruhr saw that Xia really didn't mean it in this respect."

That night the two drank some wine casually and got drunk.

With this in mind, Fu Ya simply entrusted him to the fat man. After all, he let him run away to discuss such things with Adrik. "He also felt a little guilty.

Could it be that the soil turtle ran to himself and said to Adrik: Let's play a show! I begged you in public, and you refused to do it in public ...

This is really a bit inexplicable. The fat man in front of him is a ready-made lobbyist. Anyway, he also made the idea, so it would be better to give it directly to the fat man. The relationship between the fat man and Adrik is such Only he can speak.

Early the next morning, Fatty was kicked out of the door by Xia and asked him to meet Adrik.

Fu Ya waited at his residence for a day, but he did not wait for the emperor's call.

Her Majesty Garcia, do you still want to put on the shelf for a day?

Fu Ya thought about it, and didn't care about it anyway. ”Since he already gave face, he might as well give it to the end.

In the afternoon, "the fat man came back and told Xia Ya: things are done!

Adrik has nodded and is willing to play with Charlie.

The fat man also said that he went to tell Adrik about it, General Scar was actually a little bit emotional, and Adrik even really had a mind. "I think it's true to marry his daughter to Xia Is a very good choice.

But since Charya didn't mean it himself, then Adrik would stop.

The fat man spread the word and said, "The party is scheduled tonight! Adrik is just about to convene the generals tonight, thinking that this war is a celebration, and you will go with me to participate. At the party, you mentioned the request, and Adrik rejected it in public. "Even if it is over,

Fu Ya was okay at night anyway, so he naturally took it easy, took a few guards, and rode away to the army with the fat man.

This party was set up in a restaurant in the Imperial Ministry.

The defender suffered heavy injuries this time, but all who survived were considered elites tested in the blood! These people are the backbone of Adrik's future reconstruction army.

Adrik didn't like extravagance, and the party was arranged very simply. It was nothing more than a general meeting in the restaurant of the military.

There is a shortage of supplies in the city and the food is not very good, but there is still wine and meat.

They were all straight guys in the army, and the arrival of Xia was also warmly welcomed by the generals of the defending department.

The emperor and Xia were not at the same level, and the officers at the level did not know. I just know that Xia Ya made a great contribution and actually killed an army of Odin!

Heroes are respected in the army, not to mention Charya is so young and promising? Moreover, he is also an old subordinate of Adrik, everyone counts as a family.

Fu Ya attended the party, and the scene was extremely lively. The soldiers in the army were drunk. They battled for days, everyone was born and died, they struggled all the way, they could survive, they just picked one out, they were all first-class. One tough guy!

Not afraid of death, let alone drinking?

Even the natural large wine barrels such as Charlie were drunk for five or six minutes.

Adrik himself is also very emotional. Right now, these people are all struggling from death to death with one hand! These people are the backbone of the future emperor team!

In the middle of the night, the wine was drunk, and the food was swept away. Everyone was happy. Adrik was flushed. Sitting there, the scars on his face seemed crooked. Aside.

The fat man kicked Xia quietly, and Xia knew immediately. He took the wine glass and strode forward to Adrik.

Adrik also smiled and looked at Xia, and even quietly blinked at Xia. Both of them knew in their hearts and knew what Xia was going to do next.

"General, I respect you." Xia Ya cried out loudly: "I am your old subordinate! Without your original cultivation, there will be no Xia Ya today! In my heart" You are my most respected person! , "

Aderick smiled: "You have the ability to do great things, but you don't rely on others. If it was a straw bag, no matter how I cultivated it, I couldn't have your achievements! Xia Ya, a man's life, vigorous, you let me Very proud !!! ",

Having said that, the two drank a glass of red flour and red ears, coughed hard, and said loudly: "General, I have one more thing," I want to ask you ... ",

When he said this, the others were quiet. The dozens of key officers in the army were watching the drinking of Charlie and Adrik, and when Charlie suddenly had a request for something, they all cast in. Curious look.

"Well, let's talk." Adrik nodded, and there was a gleam of strangeness in his eyes. Looking at Xia, it seemed that his expression was a little smiley.

With the bottom of his heart, Fu Ya cried out, "General, I know you have a daughter, and I will marry you!"

Say this. "The audience suddenly became quiet!

Numerous eyes all looked at Charlie in amazement. "Slightly silent for a while" then burst into laughter and howl.

"Haha! Good boy !!"

"Kid has a kind! Haha!"

"Master, let him be! This kid is good! It must be a good son-in-law!"

"It's good! The kid is courageous! Just ask for a kiss in person" is a man! , "

"Haha! The boss has become father-in-law! The kid has a future!",

The sounds of good laughter around him all focused on Charlie and Adrik.

Adrik looked at Charya, his eyes were getting weirder, and finally, he slowly stood up. "Raising his hand ..., all the noise in the surrounding area suddenly became quiet. Everyone laughed and looked Adrik.

Adrik took a deep breath and looked at Charlie, his eyes were very gentle, and he slowly said, "Charlie, you want to ... marry my daughter * ..."

"That's right." Charlie bit her head and thought: "Reject it quickly ..."

Adrik nodded and said slowly, "I have trained many young people in my life. Speaking of you, Charya is one of the most promising ones. The most rare thing is that you have a pure nature, and you are also open to others. But ... when it comes to my daughter, I ’m not afraid of jokes, and I ’m a father, but not too close. It ’s always my life as a soldier. She has n’t received much care from me since she was a child. Ke's daughter really hurt her ... I often think that my life is a country, and the biggest regret in my heart is that I am sorry for my female heart ... "

Everyone around looked at Adrik.

Suddenly, Adrik took up a glass of wine and drank it. Then he patted the glass on the table again, raised his head, his eyes were serious, staring at Charlie, word by word ...

"Okay, Xia, I promise you! In the future, you have to treat my daughter kindly, otherwise I won't agree!",

boom! !! !! !!

There was a good cry all around ~ ~ Many people rushed directly, some drank, some drew Charya, and others directly dragged Fuya to let him kneel and call his father ...

Fuya ...

Fuya ...

Fu Ya is completely stupid! !!

Since Aderick's words came out, Xia has a blank head, staring directly at Aderick. "The eyes are dull, and the heart is rattling like a thunder!"

The others looked at it, and it was only when the young hero was too happy to stay, and no one would be surprised.

Fuya herself almost shed tears! !!

accepted? !!

accepted? !! !!

Adrik actually agreed? !! !!

God! !! Do n’t bring me this way! !! !! !!

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