
Chapter 469: ["Great honor"]

The atmosphere in the room became somewhat frozen. (Ad-free ~ Reading Network) seems to say "Sor? Hannigan. The name, including madmen like Merlin, seems to be a bit depressed.

"The King Odin sees a ghost, he really ran out." Xia's voice sounded like moaning.

Aslan was silent, Merlin moved her lips. Barely a bitter smile came out: "Boy, bad news, good news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"Listen to the good news first." Xia Ya reluctantly smiled.

"The good news is ..." Merlin pointed to Aslan: "I know you must hate this old boy and want to teach him something. The good news for me is that you don't have to do it yourself. Because someone already I have repaired him severely for you, and you know what he looks like now. I can guarantee that this guy has lived this age and has never been beaten so badly. "

In the tavern, the quiet voice of Emperor Odin dropped. But both Sofia and Aslan were speechless.

The two looked at Emperor Odin standing in front of him. No one would think that this guy was joking!

In fact. Everyone, including Sofia and Aslan. They have always believed in themselves: this world. There is really nothing to restrain this terrible man forever!

No, they even doubt it. This guy is still not "human" anymore!

Both strong men felt that the aura became gradually condensed. Sofia grandma has slowly taken a step back. He took a deep breath and was about to speak. Aslan suddenly went forward. He walked to the ground of the Emperor and straightened his chest.

The Swordmaster of Zhanyi's face was iron-blue at the moment. He felt it. In fact, when he walked into the tavern in front of him, he was completely overwhelmed. Even when he recognized the person in front of him, he even developed a sense of fear that even he felt shame on himself!

Yes, it is fear!

I! Aslan! Generation Swordmaster! China's top powerhouse! I actually met this opponent. Fear of fear just now? !!

What's more important is that the person in front of him is his own life's biggest opponent! The person I hate most in my life! You can hate him, you can hate him. You can hate him!

But but but! !! But how can I be afraid of him! How can I fear him? !!

Immediately after the fear passed, this shame lit the anger in Aslan's heart!

He was angry that he was not someone else, but it was himself!

"Very good! Sol! Hannigan!" Aslan took a deep breath: "You actually came out! So don't say anything more! You choose to break your vows, so it's best for me But! Because even if you do n’t show up here today, I will go to Odin to fight you! Now that you have come here, let ’s have a fight with each other first! Let me see, you have been here for 30 years What a breakthrough in your **** city! "

At this point, Aslan was furious, and his whole body had entered a state of extreme excitement, with gray hair. It seemed as if it had been erected, Zhou. The body was suddenly covered with a sharp breath, and the whole person seemed to become a sharp sword!

Emperor Auzi looked at Aslan in front of him, his face still so calm. Calm and even weird, calm is incredible. As if it wasn't a top continent who challenged himself. Not a swordsman-level opponent.

"Oh Aslan, are you the first?" The Emperor smiled as if: "So what next? Sofia. Will you be the second? Then it's Merlin's turn?"

Merlin? !!

Grandma Sofia and Aslan both looked different at the same time.

"Yes, is Merlin the third one?" The Emperor sighed. "It seems that I really look at you Sofia and Aslan. It's obvious that the two of you have lived comfortably for too long. Merlin That paranoid guy, the strength of the land has improved rapidly over the years, and you have already surpassed you. You are standing here. Didn't find her hiding a long time ago? "

"Have you been in Ferry?" Charlie looked at Merlin.

"Of course." Merlin sighed. "Come on. I'm not stupid. Melon. I'm your adoptive mother, how can I help you look after this family. Well, at that time you have stabilized the situation in Siltan County. I don't need to Continue to follow you secretly, and naturally come back. But it just happened that I discovered the secrets of your little fiancee and this old man. They ran to Wildfire Town quietly. Of course I will follow up secretly. I am your adoptive mother .Of course I want to help you protect your little fiancee, you silly boy. "

In the pub. A figure slowly appeared in the corner, and Merlin was wearing a black robe. Then she slowly took off her cloak and exposed her silver hair.

Merlin stared deeply at Emperor Odin: "It's been a long time. Sol."

"Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time." Emperor Odin smiled. "Your stealth has improved a lot. At least these two guys didn't find you."

Merlin's unexpected appearance shocked both Sofia and Aslan, especially Aslan, his confidence immediately shook!

Merlin was hiding beside her. He never noticed! But Odin God Emperor easily saw the trail of Merlin, and only looked at these words. The opponent has far surpassed himself!

But for a generation of swordmasters like Aslan. This wavering was quickly suppressed by him, and he got rid of the distractions in his heart, coldly: "Okay! Now is not the time for nonsense! Merlin, you talk about the old words for a while. Now. Let me and Let's have a good fight! "

Aslan said. The sword in his hand had been raised flat. Emptied a little in front of Odin.

This is a standard challenge action.

"Well, I accept your challenge, and anyone's next challenge." Emperor Odin smiled. He smiled so calmly.

Everyone can clearly see that when the first strongest man in the world is laughing, his eyes are in his eyes. But never smiled.

As if his eyes were calm like ice in ancient times, the ice would feel cold at least, but the eyes of God Emperor seemed to have no emotion at all. Not even the temperature!

As if in his eyes, there was an endless void!

then. Aslan shot!

The sword master's shot. Did not imagine the kind of stone moving in shock. There is no sword like the thunderous general momentum.

He just trembled as if shaking the sword in his hand.

With the sword tip gently, it turned into a star-like light.

Soon, around him and Shenhuang. Space seemed to be torn and split in an instant. Become distorted. extend……

They clearly stood in this little tavern. But as if. The surrounding space has expanded infinitely! The two clearly separated by less than five steps. But it seemed as far away as hundreds of meters apart.

Close at hand. Long distances!

This is a mysterious feeling.

at least. At the other table, Adeline and Defeny were already stunned. Then the two girls felt dizzy.

This space suddenly tears. The sense of rift brings conscious fluctuations to them. Take ordinary girls' consciousness with two girls. It was impossible to bear the spatial distortion caused by such a strong duel, and both girls felt as if a kind of violent dizziness appeared in the back of their heads. Accompanied by acupuncture.

Fortunately, at this time, a pair of warm hands gently supported the shoulders of the two girls. Suddenly. A strangely gentle force dispelled this dizziness and headache. Grandma Sofia had stood between the two girls' ground, holding one in one hand, and said softly: "If you can't bear it, it is best to close your eyes . "

The space has become even more weird.

Aslan Zhou. Fighting skyward. The strong momentum grew stronger. It even looks like the breath of his body. Have become substantive!

This solidifies the murderous gas into a substantial force. Really shocking!

If at this moment Charlie is also the venue. I will be surprised to find that Aslandi condenses murderous power into a real force of control. And his own crimson murderous, quite similar taste.

But the weird thing is that this "space, where they are. Around them. Aslan's body becomes more and more real. But other than that, the rest of the space seemed to become "empty" instantly!

Soon, within this space. As if only Aslan's place was substantial. And everything else has become a kind of nothingness!

This feeling is even more weird!

There are clearly tables around. There are benches. Everything, but everything, is clearly there, clearly visible. It makes people feel that everything doesn't exist at all!

No entity, no reference. Simultaneously. There isn't any ... focus on it!

In this space, there seems to be such a feeling: even if you have Wanjun's power, but in this void space. It will only become nowhere else to send it.

"This is the stunt I have cultivated over the years." Aslan said coldly: "Sword territory! Belongs to my own sword territory!"

King Odin didn't speak, he just raised his finger, his fingertips seemed to emit a sharp light, this is a force like sword air or vengeance, but this sharp light stabbed out. Soon it was "nothingness. It was swallowed up."

And Aslan sneered. A volley in the left hand. That sharp light. It seemed as if he was "attracted" easily. In the past, he was caught in his hands.

"Look. Sol! This is my sword domain!" Aslan's eyes burned with flames: "In this sword domain, any murderous weapon that does not belong to me. It will be swallowed up by my sword domain and then used by me This sword domain belongs to me! You cannot attack me at all! Because any power you use will be attracted to me and become my weapon! "

"Oh ... is that so?" Odin nodded, and his face was no longer so calm. Instead. It was a weird expression: "I can't think of it ... I can't think of it. Thirty years later, you have practiced such a throne ..."

"Such a useless wastewood trick." Xia Ya sighed. Then turned around. Looking at Aslan: "I now understand why you lost so badly."

Aslan flushed: "You. How do you know I lost ?!"

"Nonsense. If you won the Emperor Odin. Will you still look like this?" Xia shook her head.

"A waste of firewood, hahahaha!" Merlin haha ​​laughed a few times and looked at Charya again: "Unexpectedly, you just saw through this point ... It seems your understanding is really good . Your evaluation and what Saul said at the time. Almost a meaning. "

"Unexpected. In the thirty years of the Seal of the Seal of God, you have actually practiced such a useless trick." Odin's emperor's face was exposed. A deep disappointed expression: "I thought you It will surprise me a little, Aslan. But now I have to admit it. You are so disappointed ... Thirty years of the Seal of the Seal of Throne. You have actually practiced this level ... "

"Useless ?! You said it was useless? Haha!" Aslan yelled, "Mouth is useless, Sol!"

The Emperor didn't mean anything angry. Instead, he dropped his hands with ease, and looked at Aslan quietly: "Sword domain, um, all the power will be used by you, old friend, it seems that you really have gone astray. You did not understand at all True power, hum. I think what you will say to me next "This is the space you create. You create the rules of power. You dominate the rules of space, these stale nonsense, in my opinion, what is called ... all power will be used by you, it is simply scary nonsense. The rules of space ... To put it bluntly, it is nothing more than a more advanced ‘leveraging strength’. And the ordinary swordsman ground in the basic swordsmanship fancy to confuse opponents, and then cleverly pull the flower of the opponent's strength. There is no essential difference, it is nothing more fancy and scary. "

Odin's tone suddenly became serious. There is even a strange "sincerity" taste: "Trust me, old friend. This idea of ​​you. I have had it two or ten years ago. Fortunately, I have crossed this astray and returned to the essence of power. Come up! Hum, what space rules attract the enemy ’s land power for their own use ... to put it bluntly. There is no essential difference from the so-called four or two pounds of ground in basic martial arts! Now, let me tell you what is true. It is power! There are no rules. There is nothing to use for strength! There are no tricks, no gimmicks, no rules that scare people or anything like that is power! Power itself! This is the true meaning. "

At this time Emperor Odin. The tone is like a selfless apprentice who is teaching himself. The younger brother is a teacher, and then he gently raises his left hand with one hand. Then slowly clenched his fists: "Four or two pounds? Funny, are you still stuck in this ridiculous realm? Are you still complacent on four or two pounds? Then I ask you, if your opponent's strength is not jacks, but Million pounds, hundred thousand pounds. Million pounds ... Can you still move? "

After slowly speaking the last word. Odin moved left manually.

No fancy. No flowers. No tricks, not even any cover up!

Just a punch! !!

Seemingly plain half, straight punch!

However, this punch cannot be avoided and cannot be resisted. Unable to parry. Can't ... pull!

At this moment, what are the so-called rules of space, and what are the so-called "attractive forces of the enemy." Suddenly it turned into a ridiculous joke!

only because. In this punch, the true meaning of the implication.



Suddenly Aslan flew straight out!

Everyone clearly saw such an ordinary punch from the King Odin. He struck fiercely on Aslan's right face! Everyone saw the punch on Aslan's face. Facial muscles are twisted and mouth is split. Spit out two teeth. Then the body leaned back, and the sword in his hand also flew out, and then the whole person slammed out towards the back!

Aslan couldn't resist this punch. Can't even dodge!

He didn't even respond!

When Aslan was hit and fell straight out, the illusory feeling of space distortion just now. Disappeared instantly, disillusioned!

The pub is still this pub.

Tradition is part of Zong. Religion! Hehe ... you ask for blessing! What's more ... unfortunately, he was the emperor of Odin! It seems that you just recently defeated one of his legions. Manninger was the tribal leader he trusted most. It can be considered dead in your hands, and more importantly, it seems that you just arrived and hit his son a half-dead a few months ago ... "

"You old guy is going to die!" Charlie glared at Aslan angrily, then turned her head and frowned at Merlin. Viciously said: "To be honest. How did this old guy get stupid like this? I listen to you. The Emperor Odin just hit him."

Merlin spread his hands: "It's very simple, according to the tradition of our duels between the strong. The loser must accept any punishment from the winner. So the guy from Sol sealed the power of Aslan's whole body and threw him to the one-eyed .Tell the one-eyed guy that Aslan is smitten with his one-eyed wife ... then the one-eyed guy is soaring ... "

For any man, overturning the vinegar jars will cause infinite anger! Especially after knowing that a shameless guy has been stalking his wife for decades, any normal man. Will make a right choice: roll up his sleeves and teach this shameless guy a hard shot.

not to mention. One-eyed is a brave retired pirate?

And as a tradition of duels between the strong. Even Sofia's grandfather could not stop this "punishment." Because if she blocked ~ ~, it would be broken.

What's more, Odin's meaning is clear: If Sofia prevents one-handed operation, he will do it himself.

Therefore, the mainland swordmaster dignified. In the tavern at Wildfire Town. Be a retired pirate. With a pass of Wang. Eight punches, his nose was bruised and swollen.

"Congratulations, boy." Meilin smiled bitterly: "You are likely to get a huge honor: Sol is recognized as the strongest player in the mainland and has been eligible to be included in his duel opponent list for decades. One is not the top continent, and you are fortunate to be on this list. "

"Lao Zi doesn't want this honor!" Xia Ya cursed.

"Actually ... Charlie. Don't be so nervous." Adeline hugged Charlie gently. Softly: "Maybe. Father really just wants to see you ... Although I am not familiar with him, but I feel that he looks at me very mildly, and I don't think he will treat you too harshly. He must punish you. I will ask him to punish me, Charya ... "

"Okay ..." Xia Ya smiled bitterly: "* ... Is this a ... a special form ... see parents?"

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