
Chapter 473: [Ignorance is a kind of happiness]

Xia Ya has always been dissatisfied with the singularity of his martial arts offensive methods.

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No way, who made the old guy who wasn't in charge just teach himself a mess of destruction and kill everyone.

Sometimes Xia couldn't help but secretly think that if the old guy was alive, "take the throne of the seal of death every day when he was drunk and drunk, and divide even one percent to teach himself a few more tricks, then he is fighting now The skills and means will also be enriched a lot.

Although the old guy is not ", strong," but he can train apprentices such as Hastings, he must be good at all kinds of martial arts, let alone, Hastings ’gorgeous and powerful set of three Xia's marksmanship is not at all.

Now, holding this magic crystal given by Hannigan in his hand, he knew that there was a set of peerless science that could be called the first person in the world. Immediately, there was an impulse in Xia ’s heart. See what it is.

No way, my foundation is too thin.

Although the old guy's method of splitting firewood has laid a solid foundation for his understanding, in the martial arts of actual combat skills, he is simply not as good as a most ordinary Byzantine intermediate fighter.

Forget it, there are only two sets of martial arts skills you are using now, ", Dragon Spike, and", Killing the Thousand Armies ". Crimson Murder is not counted, Crimson Murder is more like a supplementary power Skills.

Dragon thorn is used when playing alone. The power is indeed powerful, but the problem is that the dragon's thorn is too heavy on the body. If the transition is used, the side effects can cause Xia to lose half of his life. This kind of skill cannot be used continuously in a fierce battle. So more often, once the Dragon Spike has been used, it can't knock down the opponent. Xia can only rely on her instinctual strength and reaction to deal with the opponent. The simple word is: Nanta!

Although relying on his powerful physique, strength, speed, and response, he can still cope with ordinary opponents. The method of smashing the master is still a lot of trouble, but if he meets a real master, then only Blind.

As for killing thousands of troops, it is basically a group combat martial art that should be played on the battlefield. Every move is a big cut, and strive to spread the power as wide as possible, and the wider the area covered, the better. However, this martial art is certainly unmatched on the battlefield, but if it is used to challenge the master, it is that you cannot find yourself! Masters have to move, every move must be precise, we must not waste a little bit of sharp tools, the investigation of skills is higher. And martial arts techniques such as destroying and killing thousands of soldiers, every move is shocking, in the eyes of real masters, "is simply a waste of valuable power in the air.

But apart from these two skills, Xia really has no tricks.

When he first debuted, he also contained a middle-level warrior such as His Majesty Afrikat. "He learned a set of swordsmanship from the right hand, but that swordsmanship was based on fantasy, a standard assassin type of play, and it was only Intermediate martial arts, with the improvement of Xia ’s strength, that set of swordsmanship is no longer at all for Xia ’s current strength and the opponents he is now facing. Forcibly use this low-level martial arts and top opponents. "Go to fight" that is simply looking for abuse!

In fact, there are still many warriors under Her Majesty. "Whether it was Philip's former silver warrior or the mercenary that was later accepted in Wildfire, they were all good at martial arts, but the problem was" the guy's martial arts, "It's all about mid-level", it's really hard to enter into Xia's vision.

His cultivation path is martial arts. However, since his debut, he has never encountered a real master of martial arts as his mentor, and he has been relying on his own way to explore and progress, which really embarrassed him.

Master is very important to the path of cultivation! Not to mention anything else, Charya's previous strength stayed in place for a long time, and after a few days of adventure with Hastings, after getting some brief instructions from Hastings, he leaped forward. It can be seen how important the guidance of a true top master is.

Where can I go to learn how to do without a teacher?

Looking at the crystal in his hand, Tu Yuan's eyes are hot!

Drooling drooling! !!

However, Hannigan's words suddenly made Charlie's heart cold! He didn't have the courage to take the warning of the Odin Emperor as a joke. This family ... if it really turns ...

Uncle Charya really has no way at all!

A fiery glow glowed in his eyes, and Charlie shook her head and sighed, and took the crystal into her arms to close it. Then he lifted his eyelids and looked at Hannigan: "Okay" Although I knew it was a glass of poisonous wine, I swallowed it! I have accepted this thing, I will practice it in the future, and I will fight with you again! ",

A satisfied smile appeared on Hannigan's face, then he looked at the sky, and sighed slightly, "Okay, for you, I've been delayed here for ten days, and it's time to leave. Hope next time When you meet, do n’t let me down. ”,

"If ... I lived up to your expectations and didn't grow to the level you wanted?",

"Then I will kill you." When Hannigan said this, he said lightly: "A useless opponent is worthless to keep. Besides, I have a hundred reasons to kill you., ,

", ... you do." Xia had to admit, "So, you're leaving now? Are you leaving for the holy city of Babylon now?"

"Ha ha ha ha! Not so fast, stupid boy." Hannigan smiled proudly: "St. Roland Garros is my biggest goal for this trip, but before enjoying this meal, always have some appetizers . Since I have set foot on the continent, this time I must defeat the continent! All the strong are defeated. It may only stimulate the growth of my state of mind when confronted with the strong. Although it is difficult to find such an opponent among human beings Yes, but fortunately, I remember that the Byzantine Empire seemed to have one or two opponents, and its strength was good decades ago, and maybe it has grown to the realm of the sub-powerful, and it can just test the sword for me! I will first Take a tour in Byzantium and maybe visit your Emperor Oscilia ... ",

(It's best to kill the abominable Garcia emperor.) Xia thought viciously in her heart.

"When I have completed the Byzantine tour, I will leave for the chaos leader. There are also powerful masters in the elves, and giants, etc., all can be the target of my trial road. The city of Babylon is my last stop. Now I just hope that Saint Roland Garros, don't let me down * ... "

Xia Ya was suddenly worried about the unseen Saint Laurent Garros. After all, the strong man is still a woman!

As a woman, he could compete with a pervert such as Hannigan 30 years ago. If Saint Roland Garros had not equalized Hannigan 30 years ago, I ’m afraid of this pervert. The continent's **** storm has stirred up!

And Xia is sure: Hannigan 30 years ago, his state of mind is not so far from the world outside the world, Hannigan 30 years ago, is still a standard "Odin God Emperor," if, Setting foot on the continent in that capacity is really the calamity of the Byzantine Empire!

"So ... what should I say? I wish you all the best?" Xia smiled bitterly, but thought to herself: It's better not to come back forever.

Hannigan said that he would just leave, and Charlie was somewhat surprised.

The first person in the world just turned away and walked towards the mouth of the valley. After watching him take more than ten steps, "Xia Ya suddenly couldn't help but shouted," Wait a minute * ... "


Xia hesitated and said loudly, "I ... I have a doubt and want to ask you.",

Han Huanggen's face had some surprises: "Oh?"

"It's like this ..." Xia Yazhi smirked, and then smiled bitterly: "My body, I had smeared dragon blood before, my body was very strong in the past, ordinary swords can't hurt me ... ,

"The dragon's blood does have such magic." Hannigan nodded.

"But ... my body has changed a few days ago, and my strength has improved." But the effectiveness of dragon blood on the body has disappeared instead. How is this going? "Xia Ya smiled bitterly:" I don't have a good martial arts teacher, so I have to ask you a question ... "

Hannigan groaned slightly, and then the laughter smiled, "Are you disappointed with this change? ,,

", Of course." Xia said, "Who doesn't want to be incapable of attacking ..."

"I think this is a good thing. ,, Hannigan shook his head:" You remember me a few words: not your strength, after all, not yours, only the strength that you cultivate yourself is what really belongs to you . Although external borrowing can make you take advantage temporarily, in the long run, it will become your shackles. If you are very proud of the effect of dragon blood to strengthen your body, you will gradually ignore the exercise of your body. This is not a good thing. ",

After speaking, Hannigan went on and on.

Xia Ya stayed in place, thinking, only to think that what this guy said really made a little sense.

For a long time, I have fought too much against external forces, whether it is a fire fork, dragon blood, dragon scales, all of which are external borrowing powers, but they are not real strengths I cultivated.

Seeing that Hannigan had reached the mouth of the valley, Xia suddenly thought of it again, and exclaimed loudly, "There is one more thing ... I am going to marry your daughter, you ... ,,

Hannigan didn't even look back this time, but he kept walking, and a laugh came from a distance: "What's my business * ..."


I didn't expect to pass this way?

Waiting for Hannigan to have disappeared, Xia Yawu stood still for a long time without returning.

This time when I came to see His Majesty Odin, the emperor, Xia came with a desperate attitude. But I didn't expect it to end like this?

Although ... I was raised by the other party as a piglet, only to be fatally killed after being fattened.

But, at least that's a long way off, isn't it to worry about right now, isn't it?

After touching the faint pain in his body, Xia smirked bitterly: "Really, relaxed, ah! ,,

As soon as he was beaten by Hannigan, he was injured and he vomited blood. He even broke a few bones! "This degree" has not been hurt for a long time.

Is this also called "easy"?

Hannigan could walk away, but Charlie couldn't get on the road right away. He rested for a long time in the same place, and then waited for the recovery of the strength of fifty-six, before he got up again, but walked to the buried place of the old guy behind the valley.

Before walking to the grave, it was found that the grave had been repaired.

The original a bit of a dilapidated soil bag has been laid with neat stones on the surrounding walls "to form a mountain-shaped stone grave. The tombstone is no longer the broken wooden board that was originally set up, but a piece of The stele is now written as if it were carved with your fingers!

Want to come, it is the handwriting of Sofia aunt or Merlin.

"In front of the grave" is an empty wine barrel!

Xia Ya recalled that when he came here, he saw Hannigan sleeping in the ruins, and the one beside him was exactly the same.

Apparently, Hannigan had also sacrificed his adoptive father here.

"Old man, I came here with my desperate thoughts, so I didn't bring you anything * ..." Xia sat at the grave. "He wiped some dust on the tombstone with his hand and smiled bitterly: To be honest, I started to wonder what kind of person you were then, even a guy like Hannigan respected you by three points. ",

Talking "Xia just felt exhausted from the whole body, and the pain of the wound spread again. He was weak, gradually closed his eyes, and fell asleep in front of the grave.


For "White in White * ...", the great Lord Dodoro, this day is without a doubt the darkest and most tangled day in his life.

Well, in fact, the life of our poor dog-legged Lord Dodoro has long been full of ", darkness" and ", tangled."

But this time is different after all! He accompanied his terrible master to challenge another, more terrible opponent!

The first strongest man in the mainland, the terrible King Odin!

When sending Sia out of the valley with a flying carpet, Doodor was glad that Sia did not let himself enter with him.

To challenge the King Odin, isn't that looking for death!

My Lord Totoro is nourishing alive! Known by countless soldiers and civilians in More County, "White Division ..." It was the most glorious and proudest moment in life. Where was he willing to die?

But dare not go!

If he left his master here, he would turn around and run back to Dodo. I am sure that the terrible Merlin master would turn himself into a frog and then record his own skin!

So, Dodoro stayed outside the valley, "hidden under a grove," playing drums in his heart, and the restless mood never stopped!

The **** weather was so stuffy, and the heat made Dodoro sweat coldly.

In fact, the weather was not hot, but it was the fear in Dodo's heart.

There is no doubt "Master Xia must not beat Odin.

Almighty God is supreme, it is not me that Dodoro does not respect the terrible Master Xia, it is really ... the other party is Emperor Odin! !!

Then, after that legend, the fierce and cruel King Odin would kill my poor Lord Dodoro as a side dish and kill it after killing the master?

The more you think, the more you fear!

So scary, so scary! !!

Totoro thought wildly, and didn't know how long the time had passed before the Seal of the Seal of God, but felt that he was paralyzed.

He has been weighing a problem in his mind.

Is it here to wait for the Odin King Emperor to finish killing Master Xia?

Or fled back to Moree County to be transformed into a frog and made into a magic specimen by Lord Merlin?

Really a desperate multiple choice question!

So scary, so scary! !!

Dodoro quietly wiped a tear and then snorted.

Then when it was dark, the magician's stomach began to bark indiscriminately.

He is hungry.

"Even if it is dead, you have to find something to eat first. Be a satiated ghost! As long as people don't die, they always have to eat!" Dodoro thought guilty: "I'm not running away, I just leave to find something It ’s not ... it ’s not abandoning the master to run away alone, there should be no sin to see ... ”,

Just as the magician was fighting with the heavens and the heavens, a figure appeared at the mouth of the valley, slowly walking out of the mountain!

Totoro's eyes were sharp, only one glance, immediately his body was cold!

"Come out" is obviously not his terrible Master Xia!

The comer was a bit shabby in clothes, obviously Odin's boat equipment, and even his height was typical Odin!

In this valley, apart from the Odin **** emperor, naturally there will be no second Odin!

"Thinking here," Doodor only felt his legs soft, and his heart suddenly became empty!

The last thought left in my mind is: Emperor Odin is out! He came out, so Master Xia must have been killed by him! !!

Master Charya is dead!

One of my small lives is over! !!

Thinking of this, Doodor suddenly felt sad and burst into tears.

He knelt on the ground with his legs on his knees, crying with sincerity.

"Poor little magician, why are you so sad? ,,

As soon as Doodor was crying, he almost stopped breathing, and there was a sound above his head.

As soon as Doodor looked up, he saw that the Odin did not know when he had come to him, was standing in front of himself, and looked down at himself.

The face was backlit, so I could not see the expression on my face, but my eyes were in the dark of the evening, but it was scary!

", I, I", ..., I ... "Totoro just said, suddenly realized that the identity of the other one is the terrible King Odin!

Dead! Dead!

My Lord Totoro ’s Wizards of the Sky "Will you die today !!!"

A sudden sorrow and anger came from the magician's heart, and raised his head, with the courage he had never had in his decades of life, staring directly at the Emperor Odin in front of him: "I am sad for Master Xia Ya! It is the loyal family member of Master Xia, loyalty is the motto of my life! Bravery is my epitaph! I am not afraid of death! I am not afraid of strong enemies! Even if you are the powerful Odin King! You raise your noble head! !! Come on, come and kill me! I'm going to die, and I'm going to die with dignity! !! "

Hannigan was a little surprised.

Even though he was the Emperor Odin, he was extremely wonderful in his life, but he did not encounter such a "wonderful person" like Todo!

I just watched this guy crying and crying, staring at his own eyes, apparently afraid of dying. In a blink of an eye, he turned into such a sense of righteousness.

"Um ... you are Xia Leiming's family member and follower?" Hannigan smiled, looked at the wretched wizard in front of him, and then shook his head: "Too weak" Your magical talent is simply Humble looks like a cart of magical apprentices.

But looking again, Hannigan's eyes suddenly flashed, as if he saw something from Doodor's body: "Yi ... magic of life?",

There was a slight surprise on Hannigan's face: "Dare to burn your life in exchange for magic, you little courageous magician has a little courage. ,,

He seemed to smile happily: "Since you are the loyal servant of that stupid boy, in order to praise your loyal city, this is my reward."

Talking about Hannigan dropping something from his sleeve and throwing it in front of the magician, it seemed as if he was throwing a copper plate on the roadside beggar, and Hannigan left without returning, It soon disappeared into the night.

Totoro's mind went blank, and when Hannigan was gone, the magician suddenly screamed ", * ......" and jumped up, touching his whole body up and down.

"I am alive! I am alive? Hahahaha! Praise God! Praise the great God !!! The cruel and terrible Emperor Odin did not kill me !! No no no no! The light of courage and the noble quality of loyalty, Lord Totoro, made the Emperor Odin feel ashamed and gone! !! Hahahaha! It must be like this! !! It seems that my Duoduo talents are a real blessing! !! Hahahahahaha! !! !! ,,

Suddenly Dodoro, who was dancing and dancing, accidentally stepped on something under his feet. He moved in his heart and bent down to pick it up, just what Hannigan had just thrown in front of him.

Holding it in his hands, Doodor's eyes suddenly widened!

This is a magic badge! !! !!

Moreover, it is a magic badge that symbolizes "powerful", "authoritative" and "paramount"! !!

This magic badge is not gold, not silver!

It's made from Mithril! !!

"Oh my God! A magic badge made of Mithril !!" Doodor's hands were shaking!

In memory, the Byzantine Empire, the magician's country, can be qualified to make badges with expensive magical materials such as Mithril. Only those who stand on the cloud, the greatest and most noble one of the great Magisters!

Strong! Great Magister! !! !!

Out of a hint of curiosity, Doodor couldn't help but try it out with his weak and humble trace of magic, and carefully injected the badge into his hand ...


boom! !!

With the infusion of magic, the magic badge of Mithril texture in his hand suddenly shone with unparalleled light! In an exclamation from Doodor, his whole body seemed to be penetrated by some great power!

In his mind, it seemed as if a huge brake ear was opened, and a torrent of torrents poured into his mind fiercely from the outside!

Countless inscrutable, quaint and arduous, mysterious and fantasy advanced, top-level magic spells, a brain has turned into a tidal tide. "It was poured into Dodoro's mind fiercely. This strong wave of consciousness will suddenly be pathetic. Totoro's eyes smashed into Venus, and the last sober consciousness was overwhelmed by this majestic tide of infusion!

With a grunt, Doodor rolled back, rolled his eyes, and then fell into a coma.


Our poor Lord Toto did not know, he was hit by a pie!

This Mithril-style magic badge is exactly what Hannigan set foot on the mountain this time, a mainland powerhouse defeated previously. One of the members of the battle that besieged the Emperor Odin thirty years ago, one Item of the Great Magister!

Hannigan defeated the Great Magister, and the badge became his loot.

What Dodo does n’t know is that this Mithril badge has stored [your old flower update] the memory of the countless experience of the Great Magister ’s lifelong study of immersion, and a large variety of Powerful and advanced advanced magic spells!

For a low-level magician like Dodoro, the magic spells he has mastered are only two or three lowest-level magic spells.

But what this Mithril cared about in his mind was all advanced magic spells that a real advanced magician could master! There are even two powerful "forbidden magic" spells!

And more importantly, this Mithril is the most expensive, precious and scarce material among all the magic materials known in the world! Its magic storage capacity is thousands of times higher than ordinary magic crystals!

One ounce of Mithril's magical storage capacity is equivalent to ten kilograms of the best magical amethyst!

The weight of this badge ~ ~ is as heavy as six or seven ounces!

The Great Magister defeated by Hannigan has the habit of storing the magic power of meditation in the Mithril Badge on a weekday. A "magic" level Magister, the cultivation year after year, will be redundant. The magic power is stored in this small Mithril badge, even if it is only a small amount each time, but year after year, this is equivalent to a hundred kilograms of amethyst capacity badge, and the magic capacity stored in it is enough Amazing! !!

And all these magical powers "rushed into Dodo's mind with the huge amount of magic knowledge stored in it and the memory of magic spells ...

And our lucky Lord Dodoro, lying straight on the ground, is now ...

The happy coma passed, and the corners of his mouth leaked shamefully. water! !!

Ignorance is a blessing ...

(To be honest, this writing up to now, my favorite among the supporting roles is "White Master", Lord Totoro! Lord Totoro is mighty.)

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