
Chapter 485: [It will never happen again]

[Sweat ... This is a typical commentary and fat ...

I drank last night and was drunk, so drunk ... then I jumped again ... (Reading novels)

The hangover is very painful, the stomach is very uncomfortable, and the head hurts a lot.

I really want to swear for the N + 1th time, and quit drinking in the future ... But after thinking about it, I feel that even a person like me who is as thick-skinned as a city wall cannot really say shameless words like "quit drinking". forget it. 】

"Are you crazy?"

After hearing Duffini's request, Charlie first stunned for a moment, then immediately screamed without hesitation, staring at Duffenny with a pair of sharp eyes: "... Still, you are simply Want to die? If you want to die easily, you do n’t have to go back to the emperor. It ’s so troublesome. I ’ll just pull you a rope, you can strangle yourself at any time. ”

When he said that, his tone was a bit fierce, and Duffini was lying on the bed, her body timidly cringing. The woman had sat up, she was holding her knees in her hands, her head was on her knees, and those charming eyes were looking at Charlie without blinking.

Dafini didn't speak, and Char's reprimand seemed to be punched in the air.

He gasped angrily, and then took a deep look at Deffeney and took a deep breath: "Sorry, Your Royal Highness, it is your courtier."

"At this time, Xia, do you still tell me what the monarch's share is?" Duffini finally spoke, softly and still tenderly.

"... You already know." Xia squinted. "You know, the person who poisoned you is ..."

"I see." Dafini's face was pale, and even her rosy lips looked a bit pale. She bit her lip and whispered, "I know, he wants me to die."

"Then you're going back?" Xia lost his voice.

"Xia, you don't understand." Duffini stared at Xia, one word at a time, with a quiet voice, but with a dignified tone: "Behind me, after all, there is a family and one called 'Miner' 'S noble surname "

Charya didn't speak.

"I am a queen and a member of the Minas family. He wants me to die. I can die but I cannot die outside the capital. As a queen, I must die in the capital, even if it is a poor excuse, but I must Died in the imperial capital, died in the palace, or died of illness or accidentally fell, then even if I die, I will still be the queen, and still bring glory to my family, my surname, but, If I had died unexplained, I didn't even have a clear statement ... Charlie, do you understand how this would affect my family? It would be ashamed of my surname. "

To be honest, although Charya could understand the meaning of Defeny's words-he could not really understand them.

After all, things like the so-called glory of the family are still a long way from our soil. He is just alone, there is no heavy family halo and title behind him, and no one wants him to bear things like glory for any family ... Of course, except for the founding tulip family, although it can be confirmed now Ninety percent of the dead old alcoholics were descendants of the Tulip family, but Xia did not intend to "find his father's business" to accomplish anything to restore the glory of the Tulip family.

In fact, he even suspected that even the old alcoholic himself might not be too cold about this so-called mission.

He had never been burdened or constrained by something like a family. Perhaps, after he became famous, he might create a great family of glory, but, at least for now, Tachibana is fortunate that he doesn't have to bear this heavy burden.

"... So you're going back, you're going back to Oscilia, and then back in the palace, quietly waiting for the rabbit to kill you?"

Xia was so annoyed that she even spoke the word "rabbit" in her mouth.

"I will accept these. This is my destiny." When Definy said this, she felt a little bit ashamed.

"Go to his destiny" Xia suddenly shouted at Daifini: "I tell you that in this world, I can believe everything, but there are only a few things, but I have always regarded them as **** The first is God. The second is what you say. Fate has never, never, never. There is no fate. It's just a cowardly poor worm. It's just an excuse for yourself. "

Charlie was so annoyed that she looked like an angry lion and walked around the room a few times, waiting for Dafini on the bed, saying fiercely: "Don't even think about you being a Lao Tzu's guest, I will send you Who is Lao Tzu who went to die? Besides, you are Adeline ’s friend. If I send you to death with my eyes open, that woman is not looking for me desperately. If you die, she will probably cry her eyes blind You want to die cowardly, but I don't want to be seen as a joke. If I throw you out to die, what would others think of me? "

"My life or death has nothing to do with you." Suddenly, Dafini didn't know where the courage came from, and shouted out to Charya. She shook her fists and looked at Charya without fear.

"Ah, there's fire?" Xia smirked angrily: "Yes, that's the look, that's the temper, that's the courage. You should put that courage on the fate of the **** you said Fight above and not here and stare at me with your salvation benefactor "

"You don't understand Charlie, you don't understand at all"

Suddenly, Deffini's mood collapsed.

Tears filled her eyes quickly, and then she burst into tears. Her crying voice was desolate, and her voice was even sharp.

"You don't understand Charlie, you don't understand." Duffini's voice trembled and his throat choked. "Who am I? I'm Duffini? Minas. I'm the daughter of the Duke of Minas. I was born in the most noble world. I am an aristocrat who everyone admires in my family. From the age of thirteen, all the men who see me will be exposed and greedy to me. Some of them are greedy for my beauty, and some are greedy for my family. I eat I use the most extravagant and exquisite things. I can get the most expensive jewelry in the world. The carriage that I ride on, one wheel can offset the full income of a middle-class family after a hard year. I bought a half street house in Didu. I attended the most luxurious banquet and attended the most luxurious venues. Everyone's eyes would be watching me. I was born with a halo. Everyone would say, look, look, look It's Miss Duffini. It's the daughter of the Duke of Minas. It's the noblest girl in all the capitals. It's the prettiest woman in all the capitals. I have everything. Yes, everything. Envy me everything I want, as long as I speak, someone will immediately hold me in front of Xia, can you imagine such a life? Can you imagine such a situation? You are envious, aren't you? Hahahaha ... "

The woman began to laugh gently, with a bit of nervousness in the laughter.

Xia Ya took a deep breath. He didn't speak, he just watched the woman's tears quietly.

"Everything, as long as I want, someone will give it to me. When I am unhappy, someone will try everything to please me, you know? The chef who is dedicated to me is responsible for me. For dessert, there are six of them. Each of them has a salary higher than that of a middle-ranking officer in the army. The tailor who made the dress for me. There is a small team of Charya. Can you imagine what kind of life it is? "

Charlie still didn't speak, but just looking at Defeny's eyes, she had gradually softened a lot, showing a bit of compassion.

"Before I was fifteen, I was very happy. I thought I was already the happiest person in the world. I could get everything I wanted, but it was n’t long before I found out that everything I thought was How ridiculous "

"I'm beautiful. Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket m. Almost all men who see me will compliment my looks. The maid, servant, my teacher, my personal maid at home, praise me almost every day. The looks of the men I meet, they look at me with that look. I used to dream about my future like an ordinary young girl. Yes, I did. I did, and I did. In the middle of the night, in the garden outside my bedroom window, singing to me with roses, I also fantasize. At a grand banquet, a man hugs me and dances, staring at me with affectionate eyes. I also fantasize about him. I would hug me with a strong arm and tell me that he would come back alive for me. I also imagined that in the grand triumphal ceremony, my man would gather the glory of the world, and then announce to the world, I am the love in his heart "

When he heard the last sentence, Tu Yuan suddenly blushed.

"But all the illusions were broken when I was fifteen years old." Definy's voice suddenly fell from excitement and changed to a low level. She seemed to be smiling gently, and tears were still on her cheeks. , Gently said: "When I was fifteen, I was like an ordinary girl and had longing for love. At that time, I met a man. At a banquet, he was a middle-class noble child from the south. He Very gentle and polite. He never spoke as much as other young honours when speaking. He never showed nakedness when he looked at me. He wrote to me and wrote his own love poems. ... Yes, I am tempted. I used to really enthusiastically. I think that every young girl in this world mountain is at that age, and there have been some objects that make me be impressed. "

Speaking of which, Dafini's voice suddenly paused, and she took a deep breath: "Then, it is my dear father who broke my fantasies with my own hands."

She continued to shed tears, and smiled while talking: "My father found some signs, and then he had a conversation with me, and he warned me that these things must stop immediately and then come to an end. He told me that I have no power to myself He told me to choose these things. He has given me a decision on his future destiny. He has given me the choice of my husband. My husband will be the crown prince and the future emperor of the Minas family. He must marry the royal family. Yes, at that time he said to me in this tone, he said, 'The Minas family must marry the royal family'. Yes, the family is a family, but this is my own love. Why should my own marriage be 'family'? To decide my own thing? At that time I did n’t understand, I did n’t understand, I even tried to resist. But soon I found out, I understand, everything is impossible. The man I once hearted, It soon disappeared. He was warned by his father or somebody else. His family was very scared. He was afraid too, and soon he cleared from my sight. Disappeared, I do n’t even know where he went. It was n’t until a few years later that I had become the queen, and I saw his shadow at an accidental banquet. He looked at me, and there was no one that made me feel good. Those things, but with fear, even with fear. "

"Since I was fifteen years old, my father warned me, and soon, an important thing was announced. The Minas family and the royal family were married. I will be the future wife of the crown prince. , The most beautiful **** Taobao Women ’s Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao ’s women ’s winter coat m, it ’s a wonderful thing to marry the most powerful man in this empire to the future emperor of the empire. But I still returned I have never met my future husband. I have only heard all the bad rumors about him ... No one has asked me if I am willing, no one cares about my will. From that time on, my love has not yet Born, it ’s already dead. No man will ever show admiration to me anymore, so [Flower Update] Some people look at me with a kind of awe ... Oh, yes, there is some mercy and mockery. What about beautiful Taobao women ’s Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao women ’s winter coat m how about they are laughing at me, mocking this emperor ’s most noble and beautiful Taobao women ’s Tmall Taobao Mall The woman of Baowang Women's Winter Coat m, but want to marry a man who only likes men. I have cried, fought, struggled, rebelled ... But my strong father, he wiped out all my will and was willing to help I ran away from my personal maid. After being discovered by my father, I ordered the staff to die. If I was on a hunger strike, he ordered the chef to be punished. He sent a etiquette teacher to teach me court etiquette, and taught me everything that I should know in the future. How to say, how to walk, how to sit, and even what posture to use for eating, all of this is because ... because 'the family needs me to do this, Xia, do you understand?'

"I seem to have all the halo of this world mountain, rich, noble, beautiful. But I have no love, I am a woman, but I do not have my own lover, even if it is mine. A maid can try to marry a groom in her favorite home, marry, and have children. I do n’t have it. I do n’t have that kind of power. I ’m like a labeled product. The label warns everyone to stay away from me because I ’ve been sold. Out"

"Yes, I found that I was so naive. Everything I had was just to give me this product with gorgeous packaging. My beautiful clothes, expensive jewelry, what I eat, what I use, all It ’s the best, just to pack me into a gorgeous product, and finally sell it to my father in the royal family. I thought he loved me but he was the one who sold me by hand and gave birth to his biological daughter. The only daughter, sold it as a commodity, sold me, in exchange for the glory of the family. "

"He warned me, scolded me, and even pulled down the shelf to plead with me. He said he had no other choice. He had no choice for the family. He had to sacrifice me. He tried to make me understand, so that I could understand him. He told me that my sacrifice can be exchanged for the long-term peace of my family and my sacrifice can be exchanged for the future of my brother Roddy. My sacrifice can keep the surname Minas in the future to continue the empire. The first-class halo family is all for the family "

Everything is for the family ...

Xia Ya silently read this sentence.

"I have made a fate. I can't resist all this. I can only accept it silently. Since I'm destined to be a tragedy anyway, then I can only exchange my sacrifice for greater value. I have to consider for my family. If I must If you want to die, then let my blood, and put the last aura on the family title, because ... this is my destiny at all "

Charya was shocked.

Looking at the woman in front of her, Xia was completely shocked.

For a long time, this woman named Defeny, in the eyes of Xia Ya, she was beautiful, noble, behaved, and carried that kind of grandeur. Elegant, generous, reserved ... even makes people feel a little awe.

But at this moment, this woman was in front of his eyes, crying recklessly and complaining, the original noble and reserved temperament had disappeared. In front of Defeny, just a woman.

Very simple, at this moment, she is just a woman, a helpless, a sad, painful, weak, helpless woman

Slightly hesitant, Xia sighed, took out a silk scarf, walked to the bed, and gently passed it.

The scarf was handed in front of Defeni, but Defeni did not take it. She raised her eyelids and glanced at the powerful arm that stretched out. It suddenly seemed like a helpless person, suddenly holding her hands fiercely. After holding Chara ’s arm, she hugged this arm tightly in her arms and hugged it tightly, and then the weight of the entire person rested on this arm of Chara. Crying

She cried so loud, so sad, so desperate, it seemed that she wanted to release all the pain she had accumulated in her heart over the years, at this moment.

She hugged Xia ’s arm, holding it so tightly that even Xia could feel that the young woman's soft chest was on the skin of her arm ...

But at this moment, Charya didn't have any trace of evil thoughts in her eyes. She just looked at the woman very seriously, and there was a kind of sincerity in her eyes.

He slowly stretched out his other hand, and slowly landed on Definy's hair, stroking gently, comfortingly.

Defeny cried and didn't know how long, even Charlie was surprised, surprised that there can be so many and so many women's tears ...

Finally, the crying gradually faded away, and Definy's voice became weaker and weaker, and her movements gradually weakened.

"Okay, okay, take a break." Xia gently tried to use her most gentle voice, "Everything will pass, it will be soon."

"Please, Charya, please ... please ..." Definy may be too tired, and her voice is a little vague.

Charlie had thought that Duffini would say things like "Please help me."

But Duffini's next words were: "Please, send me back, send me back to Oscilia ... make my sacrifice more valuable ... please ..."

Finally, the young woman was tired, and she was too tired. The huge vent just now made her physically and mentally exhausted, all her strength was exhausted, and all her spirits had dried up.

Charlie sighed, and stroked her hands back and forth on her hair, slowly falling behind Definy's neck, and then pressed it secretly in one part.

The girl was finally silent. Her body fell down softly, and she crooked into Charya's arms, and her breathing began to calm down.

Charlie sighed and laid Definy flat on the bed. She even spread her hair carefully beside the pillow, fearing that she was uncomfortable sleeping, and pulled up the quilt to cover her.

Seeing that the girl had fallen asleep, there were tears on her face, and her eyes were red. The brows were still narrowing tightly, faintly sorrowful and sad.

"Get some sleep."

Charya stood up, stood by the bed, and looked at the sleeping girl slowly, in a calm but serious tone.

"I promise you, everything you say ... will never happen again.

Speaking, Xia was about to turn around and leave, but she just moved, but suddenly found her hand ...

The sleeping Defeny, as if still a helpless child, held Chara's wrist tightly in one hand, as if the falling water was holding the last straw, holding it tightly, Even if I fell asleep, my fingers never loosened for half a minute ~ ~ Xia Ya tried to pull out her hand, but the girl held it too tightly. Xia Yasheng was afraid that if she forced it open, she would be just quiet Sleeping Daifini would wake up again.

Tu Yuan hesitated a little, finally grinning bitterly, barely twisting half of his body, and then pulled a chair from the bed, so he sat by the bed with his arms still in the same position as before.

Charlie didn't sit for long, and the deafny in deep sleep seemed to feel something ... probably in the deep sleep, you can feel the breath of Charya.

She actually turned over, moved towards the bedside, as close as possible to Charlie, who was sitting next to the bed, still holding Charlie ’s wrist, but when she turned over, the soft hair had been scattered around her On the delicate face, there were some buns on Char's arm, a little itchy.

Xia Ya smiled slightly, and stretched out her hand to gently caress the hair scattered on Dafini's face.

"Well, it won't happen again."

"Well, this chapter can be considered to be the basis for Definy's relationship ... uh ... I'm so evil ..."

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