
Chapter 495: [Decision to kill]

The impatient feelings for many days finally became a bit overwhelming, and the prime minister's tone was also a little tough. (Reading novels)

Garcia stood on the steps and looked down at the Prime Minister in front of him, his eyes very cold.

He was not dissatisfied with Salenbonelli's attitude.

He is not stupid, and he is very clear that the current situation, the Minas family is their only choice.

However, this choice is the least I can make!

The reason lies in the Queen's body!

All the people in the capital know that they don't like queens!

However, even his cronies such as Salem Bonelli do not know how bad his relationship with the Queen is!

I once tried to kill Defeny! And Duffini himself seems to have noticed it!

I remember when the emperor was alive, the assassination on the lakeside outside of the hunting convention, and Definy had noticed it. But at that time, Emperor Cantos, the father, covered the matter completely with a more decisive attitude!

At that time, all the maids around the queen who knew it were destroyed. !! Even among the Royal Forest Army, many people were directly washed away because of this matter!

And myself, I also received a severe warning from the father!

Stephanie ... she knows too! She knew she was going to kill her!

The relationship between the two has become an enemy of life and death! Under such circumstances, where would he dare to reuse Dafini's father and elder brother? !!

Although, the woman quietly put an end to it, it seems that she did not sue her father and brother. but"""

It's just that abominable Xia, actually released the news that Dafini was assassinated! Breaking your own big thing!

His assassin had no news to come back, I was afraid he had been caught by that Charlie! The incident was revealed, and if the hidden danger in Xia ’s heart was also known, the secret "is a sharp sword lying on Garcia's head!

What annoyed him most was that Xia actually sent someone to **** Definy to the Imperial City! !!

How many times do I want to restrain the woman from death and fail? How can the woman not hate herself? If she comes back and tells her father and brother that she will break up with the Minas family from now on! "If you want to borrow the Minas family to suppress Adrik," you don't have to think at all!

Therefore, in Garcia's mind, although playing the Minas family is a good move, but this move is absolutely impossible for him to take!

Raise a family that hates yourself, what a joke! !!

Facing the Prime Minister who has lost his patience and facing the Prime Minister's questioning, Garcia took a deep breath.

The emperor did not answer the question of the prime minister, but instead threw it coldly: "Prime minister, I just have an idea and want to hear what you mean."

Only, "Your Majesty, please." Salenbonelli felt the coldness in the emperor's tone and calmed down.

"I ... want to abolish the queen."

"What ?!" the old man suddenly exclaimed, almost falling into the ground!


"I said, I want to abolish the queen, and stand alone ..." Garcia looked horrified coldly to the Prime Minister.

"Absolutely not!" The old prime minister almost shouted out in shock, and the old man clenched his hands. "Suddenly he knelt down, kneeled under the steps, then raised his head high, staring at the emperor tightly:" Your Majesty! !! !! Do not do this! !! "

Garcia squeezed her lips tightly and looked coldly at the old prime minister who was kneeling down. "There was some haze in his eyes.

"The queen came from a famous place, and she has no virtue. Why does Your Majesty ..."

"The queen has no queen. This is the greatest sin." Garcia replied coldly: "Several years of marriage, no queen ... Just this one, abolishing her is also in line with" ... "

"No!" The Prime Minister did not wait for the emperor to finish this time, and then interrupted his words firmly, but his old face looked strangely tough.

After nothing? !!

Saron Bonelli almost vomited blood in his heart! !!

Can you blame the woman for such a crime? All the emperors knew the "hobby" of the emperor! For a few years of marriage, he only loved men, but he didn't like women. In this case, "if the queen can give birth to a child, hell!"

All the people in the imperial capital are aware of this. Now you have to abolish the daughter of the Minas family on the charge of "no queen".

Emperor, emperor! Would you like to completely anger the Minas family? !!

If this is really done "..., it will not only completely anger the Minas family that could have been drawn in, but I am afraid it will become the laughingstock of all the emperor !!!

If the daughter of the Minas family is abolished in this way, it will be a shame to the Minas family! !! The Duke of Minas's career in horses and countless students in the army completely angered such a family "...

And at a time when such imperial power is fluttering.

Emperor, has he lost his mind? !! !!

"Why not?" The emperor looked at the prime minister coldly: "I am an emperor of an empire, marry a nation! Do I abandon a woman, and do I have to look at everyone else?"

"Yes! Your Majesty now is to look at others!"

The old prime minister is obviously out today, raising his head to look at the emperor, his eyes do not avoid, and grit his teeth coldly: "If placed in the past, the imperial power is stable, the emperor ’s hands are more than ten corps of the Central Army neat, hundreds of thousands of male soldiers You can naturally do whatever you want! But Your Majesty, do you still need an old minister to tell you more about the current situation? "

"..." Garcia was somewhat surprised by the toughness of the old Prime Minister today.

"Please forgive the old man's delusion! But today, even if His Majesty wants to punish the old man, I still have to say it! You ca n’t offend the Minas family now! You ca n’t offend the military !!

Garcia's face was twisted with muscles, his eyes fluttered and his breathing was short. After a long time, he finally sat down slowly and took a deep breath: "The queen hates me."

"The queen hates you, but the Minas family does not hate you." The old prime minister shook his head.

"I tried to kill the queen a few times." Garcia sighed and uttered her secret: "The queen must be resentful. In this case, how can I dare to use her father ...............

The old prime minister stayed.

He knew that the emperor's husband and wife were bad, but he did not expect that the emperor had wanted to die to the queen!

The hatred of life and death is another matter.

The old man quickly turned his thoughts in his head, thinking and thinking, and whispered: "The Duke of Minas is magnanimous and loyal to the empire, and there is no doubt that the Old Duke is a man who does big things" ... "

Looking at the emperor's indifferent look, the old prime minister sighed in his heart. This young emperor looks savvy, but after all, it is not enough, and he has a narrow-minded heart ...

After groaning, the Prime Minister slowly said, "Your Majesty, in the center of the eyes of politicians, there is no personal revenge! For a major event, we must forget many small things ......... Duke Minas Erhai understood this truth all his life."

Garcia's eyes were contradictory, and his face was a little blue. "You let me think again."

(Think again ...)

The old prime minister sighed, and he stood up.

His mind was turning. This matter, I was afraid that he would have to figure it out by himself. The emperor and the queen actually had such a big hatred, so if they wanted to resolve it, they would have to start with the Duke of Minas.

The old duke has never seen anything in his life. do not understand anything? In the eyes of a real big politician, this child's personal hatred does not go through the threshold.

Those who do great things must understand sacrifice and tolerance.

This year's light emperor "... It's too much worse!

Thinking of this, the prime minister sighed and quit.

The emperor did not speak but just waved his hands.

But the old prime minister walked to the door of the son, but suddenly stood still, turned around, the old man's face was absolutely.

"Sir, a few words, even if you blame me today, or kill me, I still have to say." The old prime minister took a deep breath and slowly said: "With the Minas family, you have no other choice! The Empire's The army cannot be controlled by one person alone! The founding emperor of the empire cannot endure the dominion of the Duke of Tulips family! And your majesty, forgive the sins of the old minister. According to the old minister, your Majesty is better than the founding emperor! I ’m afraid it ’s not the Duke of Tulips! If your Majesty is willing to be a nodded emperor for decades to come, then today, naturally you will not be an old minister! If your Majesty has a heart, then the Minas family, Is the only option! "

After that, the old man stepped out and no longer hesitated!


Out of the hall, a gust of wind passed, and the old man suddenly felt cold and could not help but stunned.

Obviously it was noon, the sun above his head was bright, and the warm wind was faint, but the old man seemed to be exposed to the ice.

"There are so many holes, so many holes ..."

The old prime minister was bitter in his mouth.

Even if he is interested in being a famous figure, this little emperor is not an easy emperor to serve!

Because of her personal grudge with the queen, she actually assassinated her wife, not to mention that the queen still stood behind a powerful wife clan "..., the dignified empire supreme, actually did this kind of brainless work. It was impossible. What's up !!!

Rushing out of the palace, outside the court, his own carriage and guards were waiting. The old prime minister was worried. When he got into the carriage, he stunned and almost fell down. Fortunately, the guard was quick and helped the old man.

"Go ... directly to the Dukes of Minas! Come on!"

The old man just said such a sentence, and suddenly he moved and said: "No! Go back to the house! Send someone to the Duke of Minas's house and send me an invitation. Then I will say birthday tonight, please invite the Duke to dinner. . "

Fucked by the steward next to the carriage, he couldn't help but said, "Master, your birthday is next month ...

"Shut up!" The old man suddenly became furious and rebuked at this old manager who had followed him for many years: "Let you go! Go talk!

The carriage Xu Xu started to move. The old prime minister sat in the carriage, exhausted physically and mentally, and rubbed his forehead vigorously.

(The old fox naturally knew that my birthday was not tonight, and I sent the invitation, and he naturally understood my suggestion! This old thing, deliberately made a hideous look, but in fact his heart is very eager! Huh, he had Come back, I invite him, he naturally understands my suggestion, he must come to the banquet, and tonight he has to showdown ... But if the Minas family really centrifuged because of the queen, then You have to be prepared ..., alas, the emperor is young and indecisive. Do you not know how to do something big, you must be decisive, and you must be decisive. There must be no hesitation. Political things are more dangerous than battlefields. Offending the Minas family, you have to make a decision, you can't tolerate half kindness!

Thinking of a glimmer of light flashing in the eyes of the old prime minister here, he gently pulled the window of the car and summoned his own guard.

"Choosing a team of people who have believed in the house and have the best skills, outside the backyard tonight ..." After gently instructing, Lao Zai went to the window with a cold look.

The old guy from Minas "... If he is a big deal, then I will fight this life and let the emperor use him again! But if he shows a bit of resentment tonight ..., then, leave him alone !!

The little emperor is too excited about small things, but he is indecisive in big things. Now that one person has been offended to death, one must either think of taro to resolve hatred. Either, simply put down your hands to remove the aftermath! How can political matters be so hesitant! silly!


The thoughts of Salenbonelli have never been more complicated than they are today.

If in accordance with his original intention, it is naturally hoped that the emperor could re-use the Minas family, differentiate the military forces, stabilize the situation with a balanced approach, and strive for more space for the imperial power.

The imperial power of the empire has so far been defeated, and his prime minister was selected by the emperor to support orphans, and he was also tasked with Garcia. "It is naturally more cautious to walk on thin ice. Since he officially took power," what day is not painstaking for this empire Planning everything, as the prime minister of the empire, almost all the burdens, inside and outside, all rested on the shoulders of his old man.

Salenbonelli has always believed that if he wanted to restore the former glory of the empire, he must have a strong centralized power and consolidate the imperial power. He must help the little emperor to plan. Only when a powerful and wise emperor emerges, with great power in his hands, sweeps away all thorns, and firmly holds the lifeline authority of this empire in his hands, can he carry out the various improvements in the state of the empire in his mind. Only when power is in control will they not be restrained or opposed by others.

Although ... the old prime minister has seen it clearly, the Garcia emperor is actually not a suitable wise and powerful emperor.

Relying on the Minas family, splitting Adrik's power in the army, and turning one of the army into two rivals, then the emperor has room to exercise the balance technique or mediate the contradiction between the two, or It is the way of the emperor to provoke two to fight one another. Hold the military's movements in hand, and then you can prepare the army and level the Quartet.

The Minas family is an important chess piece in the political ideals of Salenbonelli in advance!

If the Minas family cannot use it, then the military will really form a domineering situation ...... Although Salem Bonelli is sure, General Adrik will be loyal and upright, and will not give rise to rebellion against the emperor heart. But ......... the most unreliable in the world is the human heart!

Adrik is now loyal, which does not mean that he will always be so loyal! People, if sitting in a high position for a long time, will inevitably change!

Moreover, even if Adrik himself does not change, he naturally has a subordinate of the proud and powerful men in the army. It is difficult to guarantee that no one will have any other thoughts. ~ The imperial authority of the royal family will often attract some. The ambitions of Kai Yan.

If any military general has "from the heart of the dragon" 撺掇 Adrik rebel ...

Even if Adrik is really loyal to the red blood, his temperament will certainly cause conflicts with the emperor. At that time, once there is an irreconcilable contradiction, with the power and prestige of Adrik in the army, if the emperor wants to attack him ...

At that time, it was a disaster!

Dominance for a family!

Minas ... Minas ... but the old duke is a real politician who knows the times!

Deep in his heart, the old prime minister really didn't want to do anything cruel to the Minas family.

That was the last step that I would take when I was helpless in the end!

You have to know that the Minas family's hundred-footed insects are dead and not rigid. If they start to destroy the Minas family, they will inevitably attract the anger and hatred of the old duke's disciples in the army.

However, if things really reach the last step that they are least willing to see ... they also have to choose to start!

The danger of a Minas family that hates the royal family is too dangerous!


After waiting in the house for a long time, someone in charge of the family finally came back to sue: The invitation from the Prime Minister has been delivered, and the invitation from the Duke of Minas has been accepted. It has been said that he must be present tonight to celebrate the birthday of the Prime Minister. .

Salenbonelli was a little bit determined.

Well, this old man really has a revival! Don't look at the lightness of his pretense, in fact, the old guy is very eager.

Hum, I'm not afraid that you have ambitions, I'm afraid that you are really as calm as water!

Since the old duke still had eagerness, there was a little room for change tonight.

The old prime minister made everything at home, and even prepared a team of elite private warriors masters in his own family. This elite warrior stocked in the aristocratic family is only loyal to the family and is most reliable to use.

By the evening, he had sent someone to wait at the gate outside the gate ~ ~ but waited and waited, but he didn't see the old duke's team arrive.

After all, Salem Bonelli had a guilty conscience. He prepared such a murderous meeting tonight. After all, he was guilty, and he was a little suspicious: Is it because the old duke realized that it is impossible? The preparations are all from his family Elite dead. The news will never leak out.

The old prime minister finally lost his breath, and sent two powerful henchmen to go to the Duke's House to find out the news. When the sun was going down, the talents came back to tell the news.

"Master, we only inquired when we arrived at the Duke's Mansion. The old Duke had already been going out, but just before going out, it seemed as if there was something urgent and went back to the house. Then, Roddy the Little Lord, suddenly He rushed out of the house and took a hundred elaborate guard knights in a gust of wind towards the Arc de Triomphe. We inquired and heard that Lord Lord Rody had taken people out of the gate ... …, The entire duke's house is close to the enemy, and it looks like it is waiting. Even the old duke has issued an order to disperse the chariots of guests outside the duke's house. "

The old prime minister listened, wondering in his heart, what is going on?

What happened at the Dukes of Minas?

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