
Chapter 500: [Level]

Chapter 500 [Level]

The sharp blade of the dagger was placed close to him, and the original cold dagger was already warmed by the body temperature.

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The fat man's body is strong ... The road cleverly hides from the patrol court guards along the way, and his body shuttles between the roof and flowers and trees.

The original residence of the crown prince was the former residence of the emperor Garcia. The former guards were naturally extremely strict, but since Garcia was crowned as emperor, he himself was gone, and it was naturally deserted.

Although Defeny is here, the defense is not very tight. After all, the only task of the guards staying here is to monitor the queen firmly. Naturally, I did not expect anyone to give birth to the queen.

As for Garcia, there is no defense force to strengthen here, I am afraid there is no good intentions ~ ~ MM if he wants to do it in the future, I am afraid it will be more convenient.

All in all, even the fat man himself secretly called the seal chapter to the emperor's residence so smoothly. It is inconceivable that the defense forces here are loose.

Luer was patiently potential in the flower garden of the garden, waiting for more than two hours, he was like a hunting beast, waiting quietly, the breath of the whole body converged, motionless, even if there was anything The birds and insects flew by, as if not to be alarmed. This latent ability is exactly the ability he has trained in the army for many years.

For more than two hours, the fat man has basically figured out the time and the route of the Seal of the Gods here. Where the dignified empire lived, there were only two teams on the front yard, so that the fat man secretly sighed that MPMM really blessed him. Tonight, the possibility of success has greatly increased.

Yes, Ruhr's adventure lurks here tonight, just to do a sensational event!

Assassination! Assassinate the Empress Queen Defeny! !!


This is the biggest goal of Ruhr's trip tonight!

It can also be said that it was the last stroke of the fat man for Adrik!

Ruhr has a different temperament than Adrick's stubborn confession. Compared to Adrik, the fat man is more cunning and more flexible, or he has less of the purely extreme temperament of Adrik.

Fat people don't mind doing some speculative behavior when needed. And when it matters, fat people will not cling to the so-called principles and refuse to adapt.

Even if it is necessary to take some means beyond the rules of the game, it is at the expense.

Ruhr can see very clearly that the rise of the Minas family is Adrik's biggest crisis!

Adrik was taboo by the emperor, PS has been for a long time, and the emperor's dissatisfaction with Adrik has also accumulated to a certain extent. It is not that the emperor is unwilling to move Adrik, but at this stage, the emperor has no power to move the chief of the army.

The reason why Adrik can stand still is to rely on the influence and authority in the army.

But the resurgence of the Half-Nass family will completely break it all! Once there is a voice in the army that can resist the Adriatic Chamber ... it will definitely cause the division of forces in the army. The power and authority that Adrik holds will be greatly weakened.

When the Minas family gains a foothold in the army again, there is no doubt that once that day comes, it is the end of Adrik! The emperor, who has been dissatisfied with this round guy for a long time, will not hesitate to completely defeat Adrik!

That day, Adrik had no choice but to die!

The only way for Adrik to live is to go on the road of a minister completely! Seize the military power and then suspend the emperor! Even on the road of tampering!

But Adrik's temperament destined him not to do so. From the perspective of the fat man, the only way was to continue to maintain Adrik's current position in the army and maintain the situation in which the emperor did not dare to attack him.

To maintain the authority of Adrik in the army, the Minas family cannot be smoothly restored!

The relationship between the Minas family and the royal family was closer. A queen emerged from their family. Although everyone knows that the queen is not pleased by the Garcia emperor, politicians are politicians and politicians are not bound by this kind of trivial matter. Compared with the overall political situation, personal feelings are simply insignificant.

But Ruhr knows more clearly that the most important link in maintaining the relationship between the royal family and the Minas family is the existence of the queen Daifini! The existence of a queen made the Minas family and the royal family completely tied together, and they shared their common interests. The queen Duffini is the most critical link in this political alliance, but in the eyes of the fat, it is also the weakest link.

The royal family may not have full confidence in the Minas family, and the suppression of the old Duke of Minas has begun from the era of Emperor Cantos. In the past, in order to fight against the warlords, the royal family had to rely heavily on the influence of the Duke of Minas in the army. Under this reliance of the Royal Family, the Duke of Minas became more entrenched and became the first giant in the army. Even many of the warlords' party feathers were from his Majesty.

This kind of influence on both sides has aroused the alert of Emperor Cantos. In the late period of Emperor Cantos's administration, he has begun to pay attention to the suppression of this ally, forcing the Duke of Minas to converge and hide his strength.

It can be said that in the long run, the threat of the Duke of Minas is greater than that of Adrik! After all, Adrik's rise is only recent, and his foundation is not strong. He does not have the huge network of contacts and relationships that he has accumulated over the years. Great prestige built in China.

But Duke Minas has more than prestige! What he has is a huge network of contacts and relationships that Adrik can't catch up with!

Therefore, the fat man determined that even if the royal family restarted the Minas family, but from the bottom of their hearts, the emperor's fear of the Minas family ... may not be weaker than Adrik.

And the link that maintains the relationship between the royal family and the Minas family: Queen Daifini, at this time, her importance is highlighted. The existence of this woman is the biggest bridge between the two alliances.

However, if this woman died suddenly ...

That situation will change subtly!

If the queen is assassinated in the palace, it will inevitably cause a huge crack in the alliance between the royal family and the Minas family, and may even become an irreparable crack! The lost Minas family will lose an important political chip, and the lost royal family will also lose a channel to win over the Minas family.

What's more, it may even cause the two factions to centrifuge!

As long as there is a crack in the relationship between the royal family and the Minas family ... Qiqi friendship updates The Minas family will have a hard time without the support of the royal family if they want to rise again in the army.

Then, in the end, the goal that the fat man hopes to achieve: to maintain Adrik's dominant position in the army!

and so…

Denny, you must die.

Again and again

Seeing that the Seal of Thrones had passed midnight, Ruhr was waiting for another patrol to pass. He had calculated the Time Seal of Thrones. Before the next patrol came, he had enough time to start the Seal of Thrones. I took a deep breath and suppressed the throbbing excitement and tension in my heart. Although the fat man is also the guy who is not afraid today, he will try to slay the empire in the palace, and if this matter is successful, it will be It caused a great shock. Thinking of these, even the toughest person will produce tension.

The fat man took a few deep breaths to eliminate the thoughts in his heart. He has paid attention to killing in the army for many years. Naturally, when encountering major events, calmness is the biggest magic weapon for victory. If he has to do such a major event, he will panic, only to lose three points before he has done it.

When the mind was completely calm, Ruhr found out a prepared metal mask from his arms ~~ MM This is an iron surface removed from the most common cavalry cover helmet in the army, tied to the head with a rubber band, covering Ruhr's face.

Then the cat's generally sharp body slipped out of the grass. The light footsteps and the bloated figure formed a strong contrast. The places they passed did not even leave half marks on the soft lawn.

When he got under the wall of the building, the fat man's figure shrank immediately and lurked in the corner for a moment. It was confirmed that there was no change around him. His posture suddenly turned into a human gecko, almost sticking. Aiming at the wall, slowly swim up.

The crown prince's building is a building full of Byzantine classical style. The four-story building is the tallest on the first floor, and above it are square towers and arched window beams. Each layer did not protrude, seemingly integrated, without any climbing points. But it's hard to fall back on the savvy Ruhr.

The fat man cleverly turned up the fourth floor, a leap, and his body hung on the fourth floor, hiding his figure in the shadow of the moonlight by the way.

The fat man walked step by step, waiting for a moment in the shadow, and then leaned out in peace.

The room where the queen lives is not difficult to find. Where the largest terrace on the fourth floor is located, Qiqi's friendship update must be the place where the queen lives. The fat man first climbed on the roof, then he lay on the roof, winding and gliding like a snake. Finally, he reached the terrace and leaped on the terrace. When he landed, the fat had already spotted the position of the ground. , The tumbling body also rolled on the ground, completely eliminating the force of landing and suppressing the sound to the minimum.

The doors and windows leading from the terrace to the inside were wide open, letting the fat man scream a fluke in his heart.

If the window is confined, it will take some thought to pry open the door and window yourself, but I am afraid that it will increase the risk a little bit.

But just when the fat cat was wading inward, he ran two steps and suddenly stopped!

In the doors and windows of the terrace, a chair was placed there, and a figure quietly shrunk in the wide chair. The loose white nightgown looked particularly striking at night, and the golden hair in the moonlight Below it seems to be a layer of holy light.

Queen Daifini!

It was so late that she hadn't slept in bed, but was sitting on a chair near the terrace.

What made the fat man even more shocked was that the queen never fell asleep, and those bright eyes looked at herself so quietly.

Suddenly, the fat man was stunned, and his back sweated suddenly!

His own assassination target was so close to his calm eyes. There seemed to be some surprises and surprises in that look, but it was certain that there was no half panic and fear.

Even in the eyes of the fat man, the queen's eyes were too calm. Instantly, the fat man's heart has sunk to the bottom!

Is it ... a trap? !!

Looking at the other person's calm and calm look, this was the first thought that came out of the fat man's heart.

But the idea was quickly dispelled by himself: the matter of assassination was to decide not long before, how could the queen expected.

Then the rest of the thought was: What to do? !!

At this time in front of the fat man ... there seem to be only two options.

The first option is of course to rush up and make a thunder as fast as possible! The queen is a fragile woman. She does not have any self-defense ability. With a fat man's self-confidence in her strength, she can completely kill herself in the face of such a weak woman who has no self-protection ability!

The second option is to escape immediately. After all, this woman is sitting here with a calm and calm look. It doesn't look like the expression of a person who was suddenly assassinated. Does she have any reliance? Or is there any preparation?

It was just an instant that the thoughts in the heart of the fat man had passed by like lightning.

Suddenly, Youyou sighed.

Duffini looked at the man in black on the terrace in front of him, sighed, and said quietly, "Is he so anxious for me to die, can't he even wait one night?"

This sentence shocked the fat man, and he felt that something was wrong.

Later, a bitter smile appeared on Defeny's face: "Okay, let's do it, I won't resist. It's just ... Please do something clean as much as possible, okay?"

The fat man was completely choked.

Make it cleaner? Like an accident? !!

The weird thoughts in my mind flashed for a moment, but after all, Ruhr was a decisive person with a cross in his heart and a murderous look in his eyes. Go to the chest! No matter how you do it!

The cold light of the dagger drew an arc under the moonlight. The corner of Definy's mouth contained a bitter smile, but she did not resist the dodge, but instead sat quietly in a chair with her eyes closed to death.

As soon as Ruhr stabbed out, he already had certainty in his heart. This stab would not be missed.

But just when he was almost bullying himself to Defeny, the keen sense of training he had trained on the battlefield for many years, suddenly gave birth to a chill!

This is a keen sixth sense when danger comes! The fat man's dagger was only less than an inch away from Duffini's chest and heart. At this moment, a strong wind passed behind him!

The fat man didn't hesitate, and immediately turned around and flung out towards the left side. He heard a crisp breaking sound in his ears. When he stood on the ground, his face changed suddenly!

Only half of the dagger in my hand is left! On the ground, a half of the dagger's cutting edge, and a side next to it ...

A grass root! !!

Horrified in the fat man's heart, this is stronger than anything else!

A grass root!

Obviously, it is the grass roots randomly picked from the grass! !!

The hand holding the dagger was completely numb and there was no sense at all. Apparently, at the last moment someone stabbed himself around, such a stubble was thrown, and he actually broke the sharp dagger in his hand!

Instantly, there was only one thought in the fat man's heart:

Exposed! !!

The fat man is very clear about his own strength. As a first-class warrior of the empire, his skill can be regarded as a first-class master. Qi Qi's friendship update has the strength of a high-level warrior, as well as the richness of the corpses and blood on the battlefield. Fighting experience, even if an opponent of considerable strength is encountered, the fat man has the confidence to win!

However, I can break my dagger with a piece of grass, so that the terrifying strength is not at the same level as myself!

Instantly, the shadow that came out of my mind ... is the mysterious super master in that palace!

The fat man once saw the person who shot, and the powerful Via, Qi Qi's friendship update in the hands of the middle-aged man has almost no power to fight back. The fat man knew very well that even if he returned himself, he was far from being his opponent.

Now that there was such a strong master in the shot, the fat man immediately had a decision in his heart, knowing that he could no longer succeed, and he did not hesitate, and immediately tumbling backwards, jumping out of the terrace!

The height of the four-story building couldn't help the fat man, his body fell lightly to the ground, rolled out on the spot, and quickly put on a alert posture.

But in the left and right gardens, there is a silence, where is there a half figure?

There wasn't even a warning noise.

Obviously the master who secretly blocked himself did not mean much fanfare.

Then ... it must be to arrest yourself in secret, or to kill yourself directly and quietly!

The fat man wasn't the kind of man who grabbed his hands. He immediately gritted his teeth and quickly sought a way to escape, his body was not like the grass.

Dafini had closed her eyes and waited for her death, but after opening her eyes, she saw that the assassin who had stabbed herself had leapt out, and looked down to see the half of the dagger and grass roots falling from the ground. Dafini immediately stood up.

The wise queen naturally realized immediately that someone had protected herself.

She flew up to the terrace, but only saw the fat man finally submerged in the grass.

"Yes, who?"

Daifini's voice trembled, and then she suddenly felt as if she felt something, turned abruptly, beside her, the majestic body ... standing in the dark, the familiar atmosphere made Daifini immediately hesitate Body in his arms, hugged that body tightly.

"You, how are you here, here ..."

Deffini's voice was trembling, and tears were already in her eyes.

Sia sighed and whispered, "If I were not here, you would be dead tonight."

"You, have you been following me all the time?" Definy trembled.

"Whether you agree or not, you are already my woman." Xia Ya's voice was decisive, and there was no room for refusal: "Since it is my woman, I will not let you be hurt."

After a pause, Charlie has let go of Defeny and quickly said, "Promise me one thing, just the thing, don't say it, just don't happen."

Having said that, Xia had taken two steps back.

"Are you leaving?" Defeny's eyes flushed.

"Well." Charlie looked at Duffini with a touch of tenderness in her eyes: "Relax, you are safe."

Then, he turned to look at the direction in which the fat man disappeared, his eyes were a little complicated, and then the figure flickered, so he suddenly disappeared from Definy's eyes.

Again and again

The fat man shuttled through the bush garden like a fox, sharp and fast. The figure flickered, but cleverly chose the visual dead-end route. The wind whizzed around my ears, but the fat man never looked up, but just darted to fly.

He has a mind in his mind, the opponent's strength is so horrible, he is very unlikely to escape, but even if there is only a glimmer of hope, the fat man will have to fight!

His keen body leaped from behind a big tree and was about to fall into another flower, but the fat man was in midair, but suddenly he heard a weird sigh behind him.

Ruhr deserves to be the first-ranking general of the Empire. When he is in the air, his body suddenly distorts, and he forcibly changes one direction. Then he swiftly fell to another place in the flowers. When he landed, he fisted with his left hand, and his right hand was already half pinched. dagger.

Then, the fat man saw the man in front of him.

Charlie wore a large robe, which covered up his figure, Qi Qi's friendship updated, and even a headband was bandaged on his head, covering his hair, the iron face on his face, but It's the same as the fat one. Obviously, the two guys chose the iron face of the overlay helmet to cover their faces.

The fat man laughed bitterly at the iron surface on the other person's face.

Charya had no intention of revealing his identity. He looked at Ruhr in front of him and did not know what it was like.

Ruhr ... this guy, assassinates Defeny?

Why did he do this? Who directed him?

Ruhr was unwilling to wait. He was determined and immediately decided to take the final stroke. Before Charlie could speak, the fat man had flew over, half-daggering out a sharp light.

Xia Ya sighed, and he naturally saw that the fat man's fierce blow was so clear that it was clearly meaning of life.

Ruhr's blow has gone all out without any reservation. If he can hurt the opponent, he will still have a chance to escape. If he fails, he will have no choice but to think about it.

But the dagger stabbed, but stabbed a blank!

The figure in front of me suddenly disappeared from my eyes! It's as if the state is standing in front of it, that's it! An unreal image.

The fat man's surprise was even colder in his heart!

This kind of afterimage, like a split, is very clear for fat people! This is not magic, but caused by the opponent's powerful and terrible super fast speed!

Behind him, a palm was already attached to the fat man's own back, as if he patted it lightly, the fat man felt that his upper body was paralyzed, and the dagger in his hand could no longer be lifted.

Just as he sighed, thinking he was going to die, a hoarse voice in his ear: "I have no bad intentions, don't act rashly."

The fat man snorted, but Xia knew that this was not the place to talk, and quickly caught the fat man's back heart. Ruel's bloated figure was as light as a chick in his hand, and was taken by him. Hold it lightly in your hand. Then Xia Ya quickly rushed out in the other direction.

Luer only felt dizzy and was held in his hand by this powerful guy. He couldn't even show half of his ability. After waiting for a while for Qiqi's friendship update, the man suddenly let himself go.

The fat man opened his eyes, but found that the two had no idea when they had reached a canal.

This is a canal in the palace. The canal connects the pond in the garden in the palace and the river in the city.

The fat man looked up at the man, but the man pointed at the canal, lowered his voice and quickly said, "There is no time for the Seal of the Gods, jump into the canal and leave the palace! You should know that the canal is connected to the outside, and to your strength , Qi's ability should be not bad, potential water, sneak out from the underground ditch! "

What should the fat man say, Charya has added: "General Ruhr, you will not have time to seal the throne if you don't leave, I have no malicious intentions, you will naturally know in the future."

Ruhr was shocked!

Does the other party even know their identity? !!

But at the moment, Ruhr had no way to think carefully. Obviously, although the other party prevented his assassination, it seemed that there was really no malicious intention.

And ... with Huang's strength, you can easily subdue yourself. If you want to concoct yourself, it is naturally a piece of cake, but you are willing to let yourself escape, so there is no malicious intention, and it is true to want to come.

Too late to think about it, Ruhr glanced at each other without saying a word, jumped into the canal and disappeared.

Seeing that the fat man had left, Xia Ya was finally relieved.

Immediately, his eyes became more serious and stunned, slowly turned around, took a deep breath, and relaxed his whole body, but his spirit was instantly elevated to the extreme! !!

Ruhr didn't know, but Charya knew very well that he had been noticed!

Just in order to stop Ruhr's assassination attack, and to subdue Ruhr, Xia had to use more power than usual.

That is, the kind of power that belongs to the "powerful" realm that he has not yet fully grasped.

There is no way for Xia Ya, Ruhr's own strength is already very strong, if he does not exert the power of the strong, I am afraid that it is really not easy to subdue the fat man.

But Xia is more clear that once he displays the power of the strong realm himself, he will inevitably startle the real master hidden in the palace!

Hidden in the palace is a mysterious master guarding the emperor, this Charya has long known.

And he is also very clear that the master must also be among the "strong."

As a strong man, Charya knows one thing better: Any strong man has a peculiar ability: within a certain range covered by his own induction, once there are fluctuations in the strength of other strong men, they will be sensed .

Xia Ya had no choice but to exert the power of the strong class two times ago, she must have been informed by the mysterious strong in the palace.

At this moment, the other party must have locked himself.

Escaping is definitely impossible to escape.

At this level of the strong level, the small palace is no longer in the field of escape, even if he immediately exited the palace, even ran outside Osgiriya. For Qiang, it seems that to catch up with himself and Not difficult.

"Fuck, it seems that I can't escape without a fight to get away." Xia Ya muttered in his heart.

Sure enough, the thoughts fell in his heart ... Suddenly he looked up!

In the grass in front of him, a figure appeared in the air as if out of nowhere. A gray linen robe, a middle-aged man with an obscure complexion, walked slowly, his hands narrowed in his sleeves, his pace was slow and steady.

There are still more than ten steps between the two, but the intense sense of oppression and aura, Qiqi's friendship update has suddenly made Charya's heart suddenly sounded.

The middle-aged man stared at Xia, but he didn't want to look so calm inside.

In fact, his heart was full of shock!


He can be sure that the guy standing in front of him is clearly the top master who is also among the strong.

There are almost no such masters in this world!

Such a powerful guy sneaks into the palace at night, no matter what his purpose is, it is definitely not something he can let go of!

"who are you."

The middle-aged man's voice seemed as obscure and hoarse as himself.

"No need to talk nonsense." Xia Ya smiled lightly: "My dress, naturally, I don't want to show people the face. The only way now is for us to play a game, you win and I will say anything."


The middle-aged man nodded without hesitation. As a strong man, he knew very well that this situation did not require any nonsense.

Charlie's tone seemed very relaxed, and looked around: "Will you fight here? This is the Royal Palace."

The middle-aged man frowned and groaned slightly.

The contest between the strong ~ ~ can be big or small ... you can control the victory or defeat between the square inches, or you can fight the earth-shattering mountains. Moreover, the time of the battle of the Seal of the Seal of God, may be born and died in a beard, or it may be played for a few days and nights without distinction.

If in the palace, the two really fight together, only fear that one can't control, there will be a huge movement, can you beat this guy without saying, I'm afraid that the palace will also suffer huge damage.

Moreover, it is not interesting news that a master with a strong level broke into the palace at night.

"Let's go and find a place where nobody is."

Xia Ya turned freely and leapt out in a direction outside the palace. He didn't care if the guy behind him took the opportunity to attack himself.

He is very clear that the strength has reached the level of two people, such a back-attack move has no meaning.

The middle-aged man didn't hesitate any more, hummed slightly, and ran away with Xia.

The two figures crossed in mid-air, exited the imperial city, and headed southeast.

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