
Chapter 505: [Old friends meet again]

The sound of a horse's hoof came from the distance. Under the scorching sun, a piece of dust rose in the distance. Obviously the original ride was very urgent.

When the pedestrians on the road were scarce, when they heard horseshoes in the distance, they hurried to sideways to avoid the road.

In this rough and troubled season, most of the people who are on the road from south to north are so rushing, most of them are soldiers, not scout scouts, or the military envoys who are sending and dispatching urgent items. Trample civilians, it will not be compensated. If it annoys others, maybe you will plant a felony for delaying military aircraft.

Xia Ya rushed northward from the imperial capital all the way, watching the timid and shy civilians on both sides of the road sighing secretly.

In this world, we don't know when it will mess up.

The situation in the imperial capital is becoming increasingly tense. Adrik was armed and armed. Almost every day, there was news that the emperor went north to rebellion. The news was almost the same every day.

Everyone knows that the war is coming. Everyone has left the villages, towns, homes, and villages to escape from nearby cities. Although it is not safe for civilians to escape into cities once the scourge of war breaks out, at least those cities have The tall city walls may bring some psychological comfort.

There are also some civilians who can only move south blindly, hoping that the farther they can be from the emperor, the better.

Xia Ya went north from the imperial capital, and along the way, she saw many refugees who fled the road, dragging children and daughters, and taking home children to flee.

The sphere of influence in the Armenian military region has already been so. Armenia is already the first stronghold of the rebels. It is conceivable that other rebel forces' sites will be the same.

The emperor is preparing, and the rebels are preparing here. I do n’t know when the battle will begin.


It is the fourth day since Emperor Capital came out, running around the clock every day and night. Even though Xia ’s food was consuming, the horses could n’t. When he came out of the imperial capital, Xia also brought a prepared horse. "Unfortunately the night before, it should have been unlucky for him. When crossing the river, a horse's hoof was injured by the dark stones at the bottom of the river. Stuck in a crack in the stone, and then stunned. Xia did not expect that she would encounter such an unlucky thing, and lost a horse for no reason. Only one horse left the road. In this way, he ran for a day. , The horses were almost foaming.

At noon, Xia Ya looked at the sky and looked at the surrounding environment.

He has traveled south and north many times, and he is familiar with the distance of this road. When he looked at the surrounding terrain, he remembered that it was a town no more than seven or eight miles away. I went to the town to buy a horse.

The town really is in the place expected by Charia. "This is almost out of the Armenian military area. Only recently, the army of the Armenian military area has been transferred. The governor Hughes is said to have assembled his army to Merika to prepare for the counterattack of the emperor. Therefore, the rear was underpowered, and many places even withdrew sentry cards. This town originally heard that a battalion was stationed. "When Xia arrived, it was not even half of the Armenian soldiers.

The town is still that town, but it seems to be ruined a lot. "A circle of earth walls was originally built on the periphery of this town, but after all, it is not a real city. Without earth guards, this earth wall has no meaning. An adult Man, you can turn over with a single leap.

There are a few peasants in the town, probably the original garrison's auxiliary soldiers and civilian husbands and the like. "After the garrison left, they were directly dropped here and not taken away." The original guys were worn out and worn out. Rebel army uniform, sitting idly under the earth wall in the mouth of the town to avoid the sun and cool, "he also held some rusty swords or sharpened sticks and other weapons, but I heard Xia Yayi far away The sound of horseshoes riding on Mercedes-Benz suddenly disappeared, just thinking what army was coming, some rushed, and even lost their shoes.

Xia Ya came to the town and saw these guys who had fled far away. She just shook her head and smiled, and slowly entered the town.

Going to a small pub in the town's memory, that pub has long ceased to do business. In this troubled time, the business roads from south to north have been cut off. Naturally, the taverns in this small town have no business. If the owner of the tavern is a local, the homes and gardens are all here, I am afraid that they will run away with the refugees long ago Already.

Charlie dismounts the horse directly in front of the tavern, ties the horse to a pillar in the doorway, looks at some of the guys in the distance who flinched and hides in the distance, sneers, and forgive the local soil. He didn't dare to steal his horse, so he strode into the tavern.

The pub ground was dusty, and I didn't know how many days it hadn't been cleaned. Xia Ya pushed in the door, and immediately the boss ran out, grinning: "This master, this store is no longer open, please ..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xia had inserted a silver coin into his hand, and the owner of the tavern looked down, and then swallowed back in a half sentence.

"Get something to eat, you can do anything, it's better to have meat." Xia Yafei quickly said: "There are also doors. Horses, also fed forage, for hay!"

The boss looked bitter, grinning: "This ... there is hay, but the meat" ... "

Xia Ya sighed and looked at the boss's waxy yellow face. I'm afraid they don't know how many days it has been broken. I'm afraid I can't take out the meat, so I nodded: "Well, just make some food . "

Then, after thinking about it, I took out another silver coin from my arms and stuffed it.

The boss's eyes suddenly lighted, and Xia Ya looked up and down, and suddenly his heart moved, and he cried, "Remember, there is meat, there is meat!"

Charya ignored him and went straight in, finding a place to sit in the corner.

I'm afraid there are few people in this town, and the food is simple, but it is a few pieces of hard pasta, and it is still made of rye and some miscellaneous grains. It is black and yellow, and it is dried in the mouth. The jelly is not sour or salty. However, the owner of the tavern made a plate of bean paste and it tasted good.

Charlie ate half a piece of cake indiscriminately, and was sitting in Nani to rest.

I do n’t know how long, but suddenly I smelled a scent of meat. “I looked up and saw the boss with a smile on his face. He ran out with a plate and chopped a few pieces of black, black, red, and red meat. , But it was roasted over fire.

"Xia Ya stunned" I didn't expect that the boss actually made meat, and he was curious. He glanced at it, and before he started, he suddenly heard a crying sound from behind the tavern.

A childish voice cried, a thin figure ran out, rushed behind the tavern owner, hugged his waist, and patted him on the tavern's body. "My dog! My dog ​​!!!"

The face of the boss changed, and he pushed the child back to the ground, scolding: "Go back! What are you crying here, don't disturb the guests to eat!"

With that said, he kicked up.

The child on the ground rolled up and hugged his boss's tumb, his tiny eyes were shining, with anger: "My dog! My dog! Why did you kill my dog!"

The boss was anxious, grabbed the child, opened the bow from side to side, and slapped a few slaps in the face. The child's cheeks suddenly became red and swollen. However, he still grabbed the boss's clothes without loosening, and murmured ambiguously.

The boss's face was ugly, and he said angrily, "What a dog is not a dog! Everyone is starving to death" What's the use of holding that dead dog! Sooner or later starve to death, it is better to kill meat! You can also get back some money. "

Xia Ya sighed in her eyes, but she was a little embarrassed. Um, he didn't want a casual request to eat meat, but he let the boss kill his own dog.

He was not very young, and he had just turned twenty years old, and naturally understood the mood of these children. Whenever such a child "if he has any pets, he naturally loves it to the extreme" as his partner is generally killed in person and eaten, it is too cruel for a child.

"Thinking here" Charya looked at the meat on the plate in front of her, and she couldn't help it. She sighed and stood up to look at the boss. The boss has pushed the child aside and watched Charya stand up. The Asian is tall and big, and he has a sturdy taste. The boss suddenly panicked and screamed: "This master, the child is not sensible, you, don't you and him" ... "

Xia shook her head: "Forget it, it's my fault, I shouldn't let you kill the child's dog."

He stood up casually and said, "Is there a place in the town for selling livestock?"

The boss breathed a sigh of relief and quickly replied: "It's in the north side, but now, I'm afraid there are not many people. You want to buy ..."

Xia Ya had always hoped that if she heard what the boss said, her heart understood how precious the horses were during the war. Even though the livestock market in this town could have been sold by horses, now I am afraid that It's long gone.

After thinking about it, I went straight out.

The horses have fed hay, rested for such a long time on the throne of the Seal of God, and have a lot of energy. Xia didn't want to stay in this town for too long, turned over and went north of the town, and ran to the north of the town. Sure enough, I saw that the cattle market that the boss said had already gone, and only three or two idle men squatted there. The only animal in the market is a thin old cow, who is afraid of thin bones.

Xia Ya sighed, and was about to leave the town to continue her rush, but suddenly remembered something, and she had to rush behind, so it would be better to go back to the tavern and bring some noodles to the road.

When I turned my horse back, I ran to the door of the tavern, and heard the sound of crying and shouting for a while, the voice was sharp and sharp!

As soon as Xia Ya moved in her heart, she stepped down and strode in, and saw the scene that made him angry!

Two or three peasant soldiers in tattered military uniforms were in the shop, and they carried the boss to the ground. The boss had blood on him, a guy with a horrified face, a knife handle in his hand, and the knife still poked. On that boss.

The other two companions, each holding a silver coin, were given to the boss by Xia.

The child was also stung to the ground, but was crying hard and crying, holding a guy's tumb with his hands tightly and not letting go.

The peasant soldier holding the knife was obviously panic. Seeing Tu stomped and hugged, there was a trace of fierce sè in his eyes, he pulled out the knife poked on the boss and cut it down to the child's neck.

It was just that the knife hadn't been chopped down, and suddenly I heard a gurgling sound. A few people around me took a stun and looked intently, and suddenly exclaimed.

The guy with the knife had his head on the ground, but still stood there, the blood in his cavity sprayed all over the floor. Xia Ya strode over. "The other two guys were already scared. Xia kicked him on one person, and flew that person out. When he fell on the corner, his mouth sprayed blood. Alive.

The other one came back to God, lost the stick in his hand, and ran to the door with a scream. "Xiaya did not chase him, kicked the knife that fell to the ground at will, and the knife flew out from the man. The back heart stabbed in, the front ng protruded, and the man went straight to the door.

Xia Ya raised her hand to kill the three, but it was just an instant effort.

"Looking at the ground in front of me" the tavern boss was furious, and several holes were pierced in the waist and eyes. Obviously, the idle men in the farmer's and soldiers' clothes in those towns rushed to make money and killed the boss.

The child climbed up, staring at it all with a stun. "Looked at the corpses around, and looked at the tavern owner on the ground, for a moment, as if opening his mouth to cry, but he did not cry, but just got a bit He shivered and stared at him.

Suddenly, the child jumped up, grabbed a stick on the ground, and ran to the corner. "The guy who was kicked and kicked by Xia just hit him hard. The others are weak." The stick looked at it again and again. The body was banging, the man had already been kicked and smashed by Charya, and the child was crying without crying.

Charya looked in her eyes, sighed, hesitated, walked over and grabbed the child's back heart, and lifted him back to the ground.

Then the child let go of the stick and knelt on the ground, wow crying.

Charlie hesitated a little before finally turning away, but sighed, grabbed the child, and strode out of the tavern with her shoulders. He turned over the horse and threw the child on the horse's back behind him, and then he went out of town.

Along the way, the child was on the horse, but he did not shout or shout, and did not move around. He just silently wept and shed tears. Xia ignored him and just ran on horse.

Until it was getting dark, I found a forest on the side of the road and stopped to rest. The child was a little bit old and bumped on horseback for half a day. Where can I still have strength? Standing on the ground was unstable, and fell straight down.

Xia took a few sips of water from the water bottle and passed it.

The child took it silently, and after taking two sips, he suddenly threw the water bag and flung it aside, and he spit out with a wow.

I vomited for a long time, until my stomach was vomited, and I lay on the ground and panted.

Xia walked over and gave him the water bag again, let him take a few sips of water, and when he was out of breath, Xia put him to the tree and sat down.

"Cry enough?"

The child nodded.

"Spit it out?"

Still nodded.

"Who is the owner of the pub?"

The child looked up, his eyes shining brightly at Charya: "Uncle."

Xia sighed, "What about your parents? Are there any other relatives?"

Shake his head.

Charlie frowned, no longer asking, but walked into the woods, and after a moment, she pulled out a bird's nest with several bird eggs in it.

The child was still sitting there, and when she saw Xia's return, she suddenly stood up, glanced at Xia's hand, and ran to the side. After a short while, he actually picked up many dry branches and set up a fire.

The child was quite skillful in his hands, which made Xia a bit surprised.

Several bird eggs were thrown in the fire and roasted. Xia ate only one and the others went into the child's belly. After eating, Xia Ya looked at the sky, said lightly: "Sleep, hurry tomorrow."

In the middle of the night, Xia heard the weeping voice of the child around him. He thought for a while and finally said nothing. Uh, come to such a small child, and see my loved ones killed in front of them, it is rare that there is no collapse.

When it was light, Xia got up, but the child had already risen, and the fire had been put out by him, so he sat and watched Xia.

Xia actually knew the child's movements, and now sitting up, the child had handed over a wet towel. Xia Ya looked at the water bag and towel in the child's hand, smiled slightly, took the towel and wiped her face, and said, "Don't drink water from the water bag, it's drink."

"Um." The child nodded obediently, then looked at Charlie with hope. "Well, master, you bought me." "

"Huh?" Charlie froze.

"I'm ten years old, strong and able to work. I can make fires, do kitchen work, chop firewood, and feed animals." The child swallowed, thought about it, and added: "I don't eat much."

Charya kept her face unchanged, and said lightly, "What's your name?"

The child shook his head: "Master, get one."

Xia Ya sighed, stood up, and looked at the child, "Zhengsè said," You don't have to call my master, you can call my uncle. Hmm ... "Name, use your own name. Your own name was taken by your family. Don't change it."

He sighed, and looking at the child suddenly moved.

Back then ... when the old guy met me, probably ... probably "...

Probably like my current mood, right?

The child seemed to understand. ”When he looked down, he thought for a while, but when he looked up, his little face looked firm.

"Me, my name is Lancelot."

Xia smiled, and this boy's head said: "Follow me in the future," after "um ..." Xia hesitated and suddenly smiled: "In the future, you will be called Lancelot? Xia. Um" That's the name. "

Afterwards, the two had nothing more to say, and silently packed up, the big one and the small two returned to the road.

Although this little Lancelot was a child, the xìng son was quite resolute. As Xia hurried on the horse, he thrashed on the horse's back, but he could not bear without saying a word.

Out in the morning "In the morning, I walked far away to an abandoned sentry card." Xia suddenly slowed down the horseshoe.

This sentry card is obviously owned by the rebels, but the garrison has obviously been removed, the sentry card has been abandoned, the original barracks on both sides have been vacated, and the fence blocking the road has been pushed down by the road.

But what surprised Xia ’s face was that, from afar, there was a person hanging from the flagpole next to the checkpoint!

The man on the flagpole was tied with his hands and hung on the flagpole, covering his face with his head. His robe, which was originally white, was full of dirt, and he could hardly see his original appearance.

The man was hung from a flagpole, his body shaking with the wind, and he did not know whether he had passed out or died.

Xia frowned, and after glancing at it, he turned his eyes away. He didn't care about these roadside affairs.

I was about to re-take the horse to speed up, and suddenly followed the wind, a soft sēn groan came!

The sēn groan of this status fluttered with the wind, and the sound was slightly hoarse, but it fell into Xia's ear, but it was a shock!

He suddenly lifted his head, staring at the man who fell on the flagpole, his face ironed!

Xia Ya flew up and the man was in the air. He had torn the rope at will, took the man off the flagpole, placed it gently on the ground, grabbed the water bag around his waist, and drew it on his face. Flick your head away and pour water into the other's mouth.

The man finally opened his eyes slowly, his eyelids opened slightly to see Xia Ya's face, and suddenly he was surprised and happy.

"Ahem! Wow! Old, master! Wow! Master, master is really you! Whoops, masters!"

Charya took a deep breath, and her face was ugly: "Why are you here? Who hangs you here ... Doodor?"

This poor guy is naturally His Majesty's No. 1 dog, Tu Xia, our Master Dodoro.

It was just that Dodoro at this moment did not seem to have the slightest appearance after leaving the city of Denzel. The white robe of the mage in rural clothes was already torn, covered with mud, his face was unshaven, and even worse was his nose. And the eyes are bruised, as if being beaten.

Not even one boot.

"Who did it, Dodoro." Charlie was so angry that she was also her own!

First ... hehe, it's me. "

Behind ~ ~ Suddenly a voice came, which made Xia Ya suddenly surprised!

Suddenly turned around, and saw a piece of earth behind him, a lazy half-way, a man with a golden head, a handsome and almost weird face, a grass root pricked at the corner of his mouth, his arms clasped on his back, Slack look.

As soon as he saw this guy, the **** of Xia became stranger.


Xia Ya took a deep breath, looked at the perimeter, and looked at the guy again.

With his own strength, when is this guy behind him and he doesn't even notice it? !!

However, soon, Xia's face smiled, pretending to be relaxed.

"It's been a long time ... Ada."

Dahl spit out the grass roots in his mouth, smiled and lay on his face, and patted the dust on his body: "Well, I told you earlier, I don't like this title.

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