
Chapter 509: 【activation? end? 】

Stroking the piece of armor that Darwin handed over, Charlie's fingers capped the faint lines of the armor. Although the original metal texture is close to petrification, the texture is still faintly visible.

Charya watched carefully while listening to Darwin: "This forging is indeed the dwarf's process, but the lines on it are somewhat doorway. The dwarven forging process is mainly about tempering, but most of the finished products are also They are all thick lines. You can see that the patterns on the top are delicate and beautiful, but this is by no means the effect that the dwarves are pursuing. In all races I want to come, I like to make such beautiful Taobao women's clothing on the weapon. Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao ’s women ’s winter coats and m-patterns have only one race. ”

"Elves?" Xia wasn't too ignorant, and knew this stubborn tradition of Elves. It seems that this race always has a natural pursuit of beautiful women's winter coats.

"Well, the patterns on it have the style of elves, but it's more than that." Darwin sighed. "These patterns are not ordinary things. Looking closely, they actually have some magic patterns. This piece The lines on the armor, if I read correctly, should be part of a small magic array. But the pattern of this magic array is hidden in the pattern totem of the elf family, hidden and not visible, only in the lead Only when it is magical will it show its true colors. More importantly, the pattern of this magic array is not engraved by the language of the elves, but ... "

Charya really changed his color: "The magic language of human beings ?!"

Such a small piece of armor, the forging process is dwarven, and also contains the elven carving process, and the blessing of the human magician language? !!

Integrating civilizations from three races? !!

This kind of thing is simply unthinkable at the moment! Not to mention the fact that all races in the world are independent and do not interact with each other. The relationship between them is really not harmonious. It can even be said to be "bad." This kind of thing is really difficult!

If it is a truly amazing person, such as the existence of a pervert like Merlin, perhaps through her personal prestige and strength, as well as her personal relationship with the dwarven elf, she can ask friends of the dwarven elf to help build One or two pieces of equipment.

But this is just an example after all.

But look at this piece of armor "... Although the passage of time has made its original appearance less clean, at least 90% of Xia's can be sure that this is by no means an artifact dedicated to top characters, and it is probably just an ordinary commodity if you want to come .

Imagine that such an ordinary armor can be integrated with the civilizations of the three races?


Xia suddenly thought of a very important question and looked up at Darwin: "You said, the ancient documents stolen from the magical union recorded what ancient battlefield there was. What battlefield was it? Who and who? "

Darwin opened his mouth and looked at Charlie, grinning bitterly, but his answer stunned Charlie.

Because Darwin responded, "I ... don't know."

Listening to this answer, Xia almost jumped up!

"Don't know ?! Hell! You said you didn't know ?! You brought me to this ghost place and said you would dig out the bones of a dragon, but you don't know what the battlefield is ?!"

"I really don't know." Darwin spread his hands, but looked straightened.

"How exactly was that document written? Take it out and let me see." Xia Ya helplessly.

Darwin smiled: "It is very difficult to preserve that ancient thing, and it is recorded in the old language. I stole it out, and the idea was to decipher the secret. The original has been damaged, and it is not available now. Even if I take it out, you ca n’t understand the old saying. ”Seeing Charya ’s increasingly ugly face, Darwin quickly added:“ But I remember the original text, I ’ll just tell you. ”

After a pause, Darwin took a deep breath, and began to recite under Charya's expectant look.

, "Youxia rises, Chiyun condenses, and then the sound is like thunder, the momentum is like a thunder, the sound is rushing into the sky, the earth is thousands of miles away, and it will last for months ..."

Darwin said that he was frustrated, bite the word and cleaned, and Charya heard clearly, and nodded, "Um," and said, "What's next? N

"Nothing." Darwin stood there, spreading his hands again.

Charlie was really angry this time, rushed directly, grabbed Darwin's collar with both hands, and stared at the river: "What did you say ?! Gone ?! It's gone ?! Just a few words? ! "

Charlie was almost completely stunned this time!

See you * ghost! What is the ancient battlefield that has been documented in the old literature? !! With these words? !! Such a short half-sentence, the content is ambiguous, ambiguous, listening to the cloud cover of Yunshan, confused? !! Where does it make any real sense? !!

Is this Darwin crazy? With just such a muddled record, Baba ran here? !!

Darwin was choked on Chara's neck and was not angry, but explained calmly. "You let go of me first, you hold my neck so much, I can't talk to you well."

Charlie threw the guy away angrily, staring angrily at the **** and yelling, "Okay! You say, I see what tricks you can tell!"

"Researching ancient books is not as simple as you think." Darwin shook his head: "This half sentence is just the proof that I finally confirmed. In fact, I first found other records of many ancient historical materials, and finally determined the ancient ones. At that time, this place was indeed a big war. Through other historical materials, you searched the trail step by step. The ancient document finally found is the final proof. Among them, there are so many clues and clues that you can't meet you here. Explain in detail. But these half-sentences are indeed the original records in the literature, which record the scenes of the war at that time. "

... Youxia fights, Chiyun condenses.

Xia Ya thought it out a few times in his heart, and looked at Darwin's eyes, and the grammar was not good: "Damn, it seems that Lao Tzu has been taken by you to the thief ship! You said that this place might With the magic cannon buried, how do you judge? In this half sentence, which word mentioned the magic cannon! You actually dared to lie to me, do you really think I dare not kill you! Ada! " Speaking, she was full of emotion, and there was a murderous look in her faint eyes.

Darwin smiled and said, "I'm not kidding you, of course, it's my judgment."

As he said, he pointed to the armor in Charya's hand: "There are three ethnic crafts on this thing, dwarves, elves, humans, three races working together. In fact, I knew these before I came here. Because of the various historical materials I consulted, this war was recorded in the dwarven and elven historical materials. Although the text is also vague, it is unmistakable. Therefore, I judged at that time and participated in this. The races, dwarves, elves, and humans in the battle are all part of it. And in the ancient records of our dragons, it seems that this war has been mentioned. Therefore, I will do everything possible to find the location of the battlefield. "

Xia Ya snorted and said nothing, just to see how this guy explained.

"There are three races working together on this armor, so it is certain that at least in this war, dwarves, elves, humans, three races are in the same camp, otherwise, three races Nor will they work together to fuse the three parties' craftsmanship to make weapons and equipment. You should not oppose this. "

Charlie nodded, agreeing with Darwin's claim.

"So, since the dwarves, elves, and humans are standing in one camp, then ...", and who are their opponents? "

"You don't want to say it's you dragons, right?" Xia Ya looked at Darwin coldly.

"If I really say that, then I'm kidding you." Darwin sighed. "Although I am also a dragon and have the pride of the dragon, I have to admit that although the dragon is strong, it is not strong enough to fight with one family. The strength of the dragon race lies in the power of individual dragon race fighters, but the power of the entire race has always been inferior to other races. The biggest fatal flaw lies in the low reproduction of our dragon race. If it is war, any dwarf race, elf race or human race, any race will be pulled out, our dragon race may rely on the power of powerful individual warriors to temporarily subdue our opponents, but if only two races join forces, Then the losers must be our dragons, let alone the three races join together? If the opponent is only our dragons, there is no need to force the three races to join forces. "

Charya's eyes lit up: "Then ... the opponent is ..." Ancient Goblin! !! "

Ancient Goblin! The most powerful ancient race! With the most advanced civilization, with powerful weapons and the wisdom of other races!

Only when the ancient goblins are powerful can they stand up to the enemies of other races.

"Yes, based on this judgment ... then, the other party involved in this war must be an ancient goblin, so most of the time there will be magic guns."

Charlie thought for a while, and had to admit that Darwin was justified, but when he nodded, he suddenly remembered a clue, frowning: "No! Since you already know how many here Racial alliance, then ... why are you so fussed when you see this armor? "

The smile on Darwin's face became bitter, and his expression gradually became ugly.

In Xia ’s impression, this Ada has always been a light-hearted, even in the lair of Dammandras, life and death, when this is the most dangerous, this guy rarely shows such Solemn expression.

At the moment, this expression appeared on Darwin's face, and Charlie realized that the problem was really serious.

"The problem is not the craft of this armor, not the union of several races ... but the magic lines on it." Darwin took a deep breath: "Fortunately, I can still see this ancient Magic map, if I remember correctly, "..., alas, to be honest, I really wish I had misremembered. If it is true, then things are too troublesome. "

At this point, Darwin paused, his face became extremely serious, and then slowly said, "The magic pattern and the old saying of magic above are not ordinary magic, but" ... a kind of dark undead magic, that is, What you commonly call dark magic ... "

"Undead magic? What's that ...", Xia was about to pout, showing disdain. When he wanted to come, wasn't the so-called dark undead magic just creating some undead? Although horrible in the eyes of ordinary people, it is not worth mentioning in Charya's eyes.

However, before Charlie finished speaking, Darwin gently spit out the two words, but the expression on Charlie's face instantly froze!

Because Darwin's last two words were "...

"Forbidden curse!"


Forbidden curse!

Forbidden curse! !! !!

If, for martial arts practitioners such as Xia, martial arts breaks through the level of imprisonment, and promotion to the strong is equal to being truly out of the ordinary rules ... then, for magic films, the ban Curse is synonymous with "strong man".

And the magician who masters the magic of forbidden spells is often considered to have the strength of a real master demon, and has become a top magic master who can compete with the "strong".

Even, in many people's eyes, a great demon master who has mastered the curse is far more destructive than the so-called "strong man".

Because forbidden curse, in the field of magic, it represents the top magic mystery, the most complicated and complicated magic manipulation ability, and the most powerful magic power!

According to legend, any kind of forbidden spell magic has the power to shake the mountains, and even open up the world! A forbidden spell moves, which can easily destroy a city and destroy millions of lives!

This is something that ordinary "powerhouses" cannot do.

Also as a "strong" rank, if you must make a comparison, maybe the strong martial arts practitioners, in the case of one-on-one, can be equal to the strong spiritual practice, but if the scope and scale of the destructive power and The power makes it hard to reach.

A magician can use the power of heaven and earth, the power of nature, not to mention that it has reached the level of forbidden curse, the legendary level? !!

Xia knows that in today's world, because of the special existence of the contemporary Emperor Odin, the Big Six have jointly formulated the rule that the strong do not compete with the world.

But in fact, in the field of magic, long before this rule, the magic field has another ancient iron law with a long history!

"Do not use forbidden spells."

Forbidden spells, as the name suggests, are "spells that are forbidden."

It is precisely because of the horror and destructive power of cursed magic that so long ago, there was such an ancient iron law in the field of magic. No magician can use forbidden magic without authorization!


"Hell ... Xia also felt her mouth dry.

"The curse of the dark undead magic Hey, Charlie, this time we are not ordinary luck! Because in the world today, the dark undead magic itself has been suppressed, and in the legend, all types of magic have curses However, it is only forbidden spells of the dark undead magic, but it has been lost in ancient times. Or, it is forbidden and erased artificially, because even the undead magician himself considers the undead The aftereffects of the dark magic's curse are too terrible. Therefore, the curse of the dark undead magic has lost its heritage in the records of ancient documents. Only in the records of the documents can we see the ancient There have been such things. "

Charlie frowned: "You can understand this ... the dark magic spell pattern of forbidden magic?"

"Understand it." Darwin smiled bitterly: "The lost story is lost, but it still passed down a little bit, only the key part has been erased. This armor is just the part I can recognize. So ... "

"Tell me about the magic of forbidden spells ... Hey! Dark undead forbidden spells ... what's terrible about this thing you recognize?"

"Let me correct one of your mistakes." Darwin swallowed as if struggling. Spitting, his face looked very broken: "This thing is not 'forbidden spell magic'. If it was only forbidden spell magic, I wouldn't be so fussed!" We hit the jackpot this time, Charlie! This thing is not ‘forbidden spell magic’, but a ‘forbidden spell magic circle! '

Forbidden magic ... array! !! ? ?

Even if Xia is a magical idiot, at least I know that for most ordinary magic, the magic array is far more powerful than magic alone.

Not to mention, it is forbidden level!

"According to normal magic theory, a magic circle with a level of forbidden spells needs three or more powerful magicians at the level of the Great Magister to work together. In theory, the power of a magic line with forbidden spells is approximately equal to three large wizards The magic power of the level is full, and according to the power of magic, I am afraid that it is better than it. "

"The magic pattern on this armor is not as simple as ordinary magic blessings. According to my judgment, it should be part of a huge dark undead magic array, and it is also a forbidden magic array. I am afraid that this magic pattern of blessings It ’s not just such a piece of armor that you and I saw! I ’m afraid that I do n’t know how many bones are buried under this battlefield. There is such a thing! All of this and everything make up a huge thing that you and I ca n’t Imaginary magic circle. "

"Dark undead magic forbidden spells, like what is called" forbidden spells in forbidden spells "in the field of magic" because according to ancient legends, it is too terrible, the damage caused is too scary, and it has been magical. Trade unions have been banned in ancient times. Even in ancient times, in some times, because of the fear of dark magic, the magic union even publicly issued a verdict that dark magic was illegal, and even large-scale hunting and hunting of magicians studying dark magic were sentenced to heresy and executed. "

"Magic formations, in general, are powerful, forbidden spell-form magic formations, and they are also forbidden spell formations in the dark undead department, let alone. However, according to magic theory, any magic formation has at least one basic The rule is ... if there is no magician who controls the magic array itself, the magic array will not turn and hurt itself. However, except for some special magic arrays, only a lot of magic crystals are needed as reserve energy, then, even if It is a long time to sleep and fall into a dormant state. Once there is outside magic intervention, it will still touch the magic circle and induce the operation of the magic circle. "

Darwin explained so much in one breath, and Charlie was relieved when she heard this: "Yeah, there is no magic touch, this magic circle should not ..."

But when it comes to this, Charya's face has suddenly changed!

Magic outside force ...

Dodoro ’s soil-based magic created such a huge seam ...

Darwin's sigh was right next to Char ’s ears: "Unfortunately, although this magical array was asleep and do not know how many years, but during the daytime, the magic performed by Dodoro and the intervention of magical powers touched this magical array. We "......... activated it! "


Although it is night, the sky looks like a thick black cloud that emerges from all directions and condenses on this sky. The clouds seem to get thicker and thicker, and the pressure is lower!

Just like the eve of a thunderstorm in summer.

However, this dark and thick black cloud just piled on top of his head, but there was no movement at all, that is, there was no thunder and electricity, and there was no trace of wind!

As if everything, it's so quiet, the quiet makes people feel hairy! !!

And the sound of the wind heard at this moment did not come from the sky, but from the huge seam on the ground!

In the ground, the wind was so loud, like a ghost weeping underground!

Standing in the distance, looking at the cracks in the ground, Xia Ya seems to have an illusion, as if this ground is not a ground slit, but a big mouth opened by the earth, as if to swallow something into it!

Can not help shrinking his neck, Xia whispered: "It touched this magic array ... ... what will happen, depending on your expression, you seem to know.

"I'm not sure, but I can judge some." Darwin sighed. "I used to have some interest in dark undead magic. Although I couldn't practice, I also learned some theories. Dark undead magic, especially the magic circle, Often they are passive. Once touched, the magic array will draw the dark undead magic in the array, and transform the creatures and bones in the magic array into immortal spirits. Magic Within the range covered by the formation, once the magic formation moves, no matter what kind of life, it will be enveloped by the power of black magic and become undead. "Darwin said here, with a bitter smile:" This is the ancient battlefield, and obviously, still Remains of a big war. Since it is a large-scale ancient battlefield, then the underground here, buried corpses and bones, I am afraid of a lot! I think, no matter how low the number, it will not be less than one hundred and eighty thousand, Even if there are hundreds of thousands, I would not be surprised. "

Hundreds of thousands……

Charlie's scalp.

If hundreds of thousands of bones buried underground were turned into undead by the dark magic of the undead, and crawled out of the ground ...

Imagine the hundreds of thousands of undead skeleton warriors scrambling around with weapons and spreading in this world!

"But ..." Now that this formation is activated by us, then why now ", ..." Charlie took a look at Darwin, meaning that nothing seems to be happening now.

"This dark magic circle should be deep underground." Darwin sighed, "After touching, the magical effect should also start from the deepest place in the underground. We are standing on the surface and have not yet spread to the distance. And, this The magic circle has been dormant for too many years, and it will take some time for the Throne of God to be fully operational. "

Xia Ya pursed his lips: "Even if hundreds of thousands of undead creatures are run out, even if this magic array is forbidden, there is always a time when the magic is exhausted ..."

"Exhausted magic" * ... "Darwin shook his head:" Charia, if that's the case, would I speak to you in this manner? Charlie ... Think about it! The magic circle works, and the energy comes from the magic in the crystal! But have you forgotten? Here is the volcano. !! !! Ancient volcanic explosions have made a huge crystal mine underground! In other words, the energy source of this magic array is not as simple as a little reserve of crystals ... but a huge crystal mine! !! !! !! "

Darwin took a deep breath: "Because a crystal mine is buried underground here! So with such a huge supply of energy, once this magic circle is fully operational, come over, and after it operates, the magic cover will move towards Going out with the surrounding radiation! The coverage is getting larger and wider! From ancient times to today, how many crystals can be used in any huge magic array, even forbidden spells? There has never been any magic array that can With this condition, there is a huge underground crystal mine as a source of energy! There is such a huge underground crystal mine ~ ~ After this magic circle has fully come alive, the coverage area, I even suspect that it can From here to the whole county! No, "Even, maybe it could spread to Oscilia! !! !! "

Os ... Osiglia ...

Charlie's face seemed to be cut!

Undead Dark Magic "..."

If it spreads to Oscilia, then all the creatures within the magical range are turned into undead ...

This ", even if it's not the end of the world, I'm afraid it won't be much worse!

"I *, I really want to kill you now! Ada !!!"

[Cough, I have suffered an old illness in the body these days, and it is a little serious. I originally planned to have a surgical operation and get it done once and for all, but I ’m still more worried about the pain. After a little recovery, I decided to take it. Conservative therapy, take care of yourself, if you really go to the hospital for surgery, I am not afraid of pain, I am afraid that I will not leave the bed to work for ten days and a half months. Ha ha…】

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