
Chapter 516: [Lip like a gun, tongue like a sword]

"Where is the general going?"

As soon as this word came out, Green's eyes suddenly became cold, his pupils suddenly contracted, and he stared at Sophie's eyes tightly, and his eyes seemed to penetrate people!

However, this look only faded instantly. Green quickly calmed down, and the evil spirit on his face was dissipated. He looked at Sophie's eyes gradually calmed down. At last, he actually twitched his lips, and gave a hint of mockery 1ng Come with a smile.

The young nv child looked up and looked at the bright moon, suddenly sighed softly, and whispered, "General Green, I really admire you."

"Admire me?" Green frowned.


Sophie God sincerely, looking at Green's eyes clear, slowly said: "You came from the Imperial Military Academy, once the youngest and most promising army in the empire, even the Duke of Minas praised you and said you Probably his most outstanding disciple! Fourteen years ago, you have served in the Rhoderian Corps and participated in two wars against Odin, starting with a captain, but for two years, the Seal of the Throne was tired. After martial arts, he was promoted to the banner commander of the regiment. If I remember the information correctly, when you were the banner commander in the Rodrion Cavalry Regiment, General Adrik was far from famous. The two you participated in This war against Odin, for the first time, as a camp officer, you took 300 ng Ruiqi to attack the Oding logistic base, burned the Odin netg sharply wounded and injured more than half, but successfully broke the Odin The supply forced the enemy to retreat.

The second war against Odin that you experienced, when you were already the banner commander of the regiment, that battle was against me. The main force of the empire was defeated, and the Rodrion Cavalry Regiment was ordered to stop Odin's pursuit and cover the army's retreat. It's you again, with a team of more than a thousand cavalrymen, with sa sax suicide of nearly suicidal, has blocked the pursuit of a soldier of the Odin army for three hundred miles! But finally won the time of the resignation of the army of the Seal of the Seal of Throne, forcibly delayed the pursuit of a legion of Odins Army of the Seal of the Throne of Time for fifteen days.

After that battle, you are already the outstanding outstanding general of the younger generation among the emperors. Almost everyone has confirmed that you will be promoted to the new commander general of the Rodria Cavalry Regiment!

Throughout the history of the emperor team, the empire has been the marshal of the Empire for nearly two hundred years, with a total of thirty-seven people, of whom thirty-three have served as the generals of the Rhoderian Cavalry. Anyone who has served as a general of the Rodriya Cavalry Regiment has been promoted to the top of the military without exception, and the lowest senior official has been appointed as the commander of the Rodriya Cavalry Regiment. Paved a avenue to the high-level location of Emperor Fang! For example, the current Minister of the Generals, Adrik, such as the Duke of Minas, has served as the General of the Rodrion Cavalry Regiment.

If not ... "If it wasn't for later that you caused the warlords' stigma to stump and almost forcibly removed you from the Rhodesian cavalry, I am afraid that today you are already the Minister of Imperial Affairs. Say you're welcome, if it is In that case, I am afraid that General Adrik will not have the same situation today as today ... "

Green heard this, frowning and shaking his head, "You admire me, are you referring to this? Huh ..." There was nothing to say. "

"I admire your nature is not these." Sophie shook her head, her eyes became softer and softer: "Fourteen years ago, when you were the banner commander of the regiment in the Rodrion Cavalry Regiment, you were involved. In the second war against Odin, the father who led the more than 1,000 ng riding the order to stop Odin's chasing was in the army at that time, that is, in the Rhoderian Cavalry Regiment. Your Majesty. "

Green froze, looking at Sophie a little unexpectedly.

Sophie took a deep breath and solemnly said, "My father's name is Frick, who was a camp officer at the time ..."

"Ferick?" Greene sank a little, nodded, and frowned at Sophie: "Firick? I remember him, he was my battalion officer of the Third Battalion, a brave soldier, very nice Officer, I remember he said Southern accent, we all like to call him Yankee. I didn't expect you to be his nv? "

"Yes, my father is Frick." Sophie sighed and whispered: "He told me the fierce battle, and your thousands of cavalry and Odin chased for three hundred miles and finally received the news. When it was time to evacuate, more than half of the people were injured. Later, you were stared at by the Odin reindeer cavalry brigade. Your father once led a team to leave the troops and cover other people to evacuate, but you are the master, but you insist He stayed in the army after the break, and fought alongside his father. In that battle, the two hundred warriors after the break ended up only going back to seventeen riders alive.

My father was seriously injured, but on the battlefield, you did not abandon him. Instead, you fought him out from the siege. In the end, the war horse fell down, and you and your father rode on a horse to kill the siege. When you finally ran back, both of you were covered with scars, the weather was cold, and you ran all the way down. The two of you were close together, the wounds and blood were solidified. The doctors who rescued you were unable to save you. The two separated and had to cut your skin apart with a knife before finally separating the two of you. In that battle, my father, Cheng Méng, saved your life and earned a life. He told me that you are the best officer he has ever seen in his life. "

Green heard this and nodded silently: "Thank you for such praise ..." Well, how is your father now? Is it still alive? "

"Sorry." Sophie slowly said, "Although my father returned from the battlefield alive that time, but because of the serious injuries, he finally had to intercept the right arm and left tuǐtuǐ, and only left the army. Later, I was too weak to recover from the old wounds. Within a year, the Seal of the Seal of God passed away. At that time, I was still young, and my teacher pityed me and adopted me in my home. I was a disciple.

Green listened and sighed longly: "Frick, he's dead? What a pity ..." What a pity a good man. I remember that he was the most brave officer of my Majesty. Otherwise, I would not give his troops such a dangerous task after the break. After that battle, I got off the battlefield and was seriously injured and sent to Emperor Capital for treatment. Unfortunately, some people in the military did not want me to stay in the Rodría cavalry. I was still injured, so I was taken by those The **** planted a charge of recovering the delay in using the fighter, and took me 1ng to the military court. In the end, my teacher came forward to save me, and I was urgently transferred from the north. 1ng went to the local troops in the eastern part of the empire. I was too anxious to go. I wrote to my former colleagues and comrades-in-arms afterwards, and asked about your father's news. Unfortunately, I never heard back. Hmm ... "The past years ..."

"Yes." Sophie nodded, looking at Green, solemnly: "That's why I said, I have deep respect for you."

"Hmm." Green laughed as if with a bitter smile: "The chief of staff doesn't have to be too polite. Ling Zun is my high-ranking officer. On the battlefield, he and I are the robes of life and death. In his place, he will surely try to save me. Moreover, your Excellency first studied under Lord Caviesier, and now serves as the chief of staff of General Xia Ya in the north, which is considered to be worthy of prestige. "

Speaking of the past, unknowingly, the original rigid atmosphere seemed to ease a lot.

Sophie smiled slightly: "General Green, because I respect you, I have to chase you tonight."

"Does the chief of staff really not know where I am going?" Green said lightly: "Since you can chase here, naturally you have guessed everything about me, why bother to ask such a sentence. Huh ..." If you really think I am going south ... "I'm afraid it's not the two of you who are chasing here now, but a team of iron riders. Huh, I know, this Junker was once a royal family The leader of the dark night forest, since he attached to Xia, I am afraid that he has also trained an ng soldier. "

Sophie smiled: "The general laughed."

They glanced at each other, and at the same time they chose to close their mouths.

Sophie is clever, but why is Green a stupid person?

Both were very clear in their hearts: if Green really chose to go south, and if the emperor went south to the Duke of Minas, then Sophie is now afraid that she really came with a team of ng Rui chasing troops !!

If Greene really flees from the Northern Army to the south, and if he really returns Greene to the imperial capital and flees to the Duke of Minas, it will be a fatal blow to this emerging group in the entire Northern Guard District!

It can be said that when Green opened his face to His Majesty the Duke of Emperor Michuns, it was probably the day when the Northern Army's group broke down!

Green's prestige in the Northern Army is second only to Xia, and for senior officers from the Central Army, I am afraid that prestige is even more than Xia! After all, in the Northern Army, Xia ’s prestige was more established in the cavalry.

And if Green, such a core figure of the Northern Army, leaves silently, but finally appears next to the Duke of Emperor Minas, then I am afraid that most of the Northern Army ’s former lieutenant generals from the Central Army Will shake and sway! Even the core of one of the founders of the Northern Army, such as Green, went to the Duke of Minas. The others, if they were afraid of learning, would not be in the minority!

Therefore, even Green himself couldn't help but think: If he really wants to leave, then he must not let himself run to the Southern Duke of Minas. Even if you kill yourself halfway, it's better than letting yourself appear in the capital! After all, killing yourself is a big deal to charge yourself with a charge of defection. Although it will also shake the army ’s heart, things still have room to clean up. If you let yourself run to the capital, would it not be a living thing for later people? "example"? !!

Therefore, a dead "mad dog" is better than a green who appears alive in the capital.

(I believe you are not going to the south, so you did not bring soldiers to intercept.)

This is a subtext of Sophie. Why didn't Green understand?

At this moment, the night breeze started to rise, Sophie ran all the way, the original thin shirt was soaked with sweat, could not help but slap it twice, moved to the fire, took the wine bag on the ground, unscrewed it and drank Two couples, then I looked at Green: "General, you have to go, I don't want to forcefully block it, I know, you won't really do something that is sorry for the Northern Army, sorry for Charlie, but I came here tonight, There are always a few words to say. "

"I know that the Lord Chief of Staff came here in the middle of the night and would not leave easily. Well, if you have anything to say, just say." Green frowned.

Sophie nodded, staring at Green: "Dare to ask General, what do you think of Duke Minas' comeback this time?"

Green snorted: "The Lord Duke is the emperor pillar of Emperor Zhongzhong. At this moment, the country is in dire straits. An army leader like him is here to sit down and turn the tide. Naturally, it can integrate the hearts of the army and the army, making our army ..."

". Hand, General, do you believe that?" Sophie interrupted Green's words politely.

Green eyes stared, as if to refute, but his mouth opened, but he didn't say a word.

Because of these words, it is only a matter of deceiving officers and soldiers in the middle and lower ranks of the unknown army. For people like them, it is just a joke.

"Of course, the Duke of Minas is a veteran of the emperor. I originally had great respect for the Duke." Sophie sighed. "But the Duke, after all, is the Duke. His identity is not only an empire soldier, but also A duke, he bears not only the mission of a soldier, but also the responsibilities of a surname and a family. Therefore, I am afraid that many things can not help him. "

Sophie said here, as if she intentionally smiled, and said lightly: "Will the return of the Duke this time affect the position of General Adrik in the army, not to mention whether it is to seize power with the help of the balance of the royal family. No comment. I just want to say one point: If the Duke is really dedicated to the public, then when he took office, he sent a secret message to the north and sent it through some unseen channels. In your hands ... "" Sophie paused deliberately, and said lightly: "General Green, don't you often say a word: If there is no ghost in your heart, nothing can be said to others, right? "

"You! Presumptuous !!!" Green suddenly became furious, jumped up, glared at Sophie, and shouted sternly, "Going up with the nv child pretending to be bullshit! Lord Duke's hard work for the country in his life, is this your nv son OK? Defamatory! "

In the face of Green's fury, Sophie was not afraid. In his eyes, he said lightly, "General, I just talk about things, and I have never had a bad word to the Lord Duke. Everything can't be said to others. It ’s not my words, but your motto. "

"..." ... "Greenton was speechless. To argue with the argument, where could he, an upright soldier, be the opponent of a learned disciple trained by Cavie Hill, Sophie?

"Master Duke's actions, of which there is a little bit of public heart, a little bit of sī heart, I do not judge, compared to your own distinction." Sophie sighed: "I only regret one thing, sorry ... "Unfortunately, my father respects you to the utmost, and I respect you. Um, a few years ago, when you served in the Eastern Army, you once angered the shady corruption of the imperial logistics department, and even angered the then lord Mo Jia Jacques, the chief of the logistics department at the time. Rush to kill this evil. In the past, General Tough Green, the grandfather who had no sī, has transformed into a coward who puts sī righteousness above righteousness. Wouldn't it make people sigh? "

"I ..." "Green's face was iron-blue, his fingers trembled slightly, and he took a deep breath, as if he could not bear Sophie's eyes, and turned his head elsewhere.

"The Byzantine Empire was getting weaker, and Osgiriya attacked the First World War, but it was only the dawn of the first day, but the situation was rotten. In fact, no improvement has been seen. The governors of the military districts in various regions still occupied most of the empire's territory. It is still in Northwest County in the west and east so far. Although the Northern Army has the Charm of General Xia Ya and recovered Syltain County, after all, the army is exhausted. The Northern Army has been in the army for two years. Although it is in the limelight, but after all The start-up can be described as a waste, and at this time, you cu leave, although you are playing with two minds of not participating and staying out of the matter, but ... "This is the whole empire, and you can really netbsp alone; "..." Green still said nothing.

"I know that the Duke of Minas is your teacher and has a deep affection for you, but of course you are his student, an Empire general, and a Byzantine general! At any time, I want you to remember that you are a Byzantium, and then his disciples! "Sophie said coldly:" I was in the capital when Oscilia fell. The oldest city in the old Big 6 was torched by the rebels, and most of the city became Ruins! The rebels burned and plundered in the city, no evil! There was General Span, who was really a righteous empire, and died on the imperial city! Like General Adrik, the triumphant men were retired with remnants. Absolutely! Like General Ruhr, although he has retired, he still brings veterans at home and fights against the rebels! But you know that your teacher, who is gracious as a mountain, was again when the city was broken. How do you do that? "

"..." I ... "" Green closed his eyes.

"You don't know, I can tell you." Sophie said lightly: "At that time, the Duke of the Rebels entered the city and closed the house. Outside the house, the rebels blocked the streets, but did not invade the Duke's House. The Duke ’s government has sent in rebels every day for food expenses. The Duke ’s Lord is a veteran pillar of the Emperor ’s Middle Ages, but he stays out of the way and stays out of the real world! If the rebels do evil in the city, he will be a senior empire in his life. Lord Duke, but he continued to close his door to be his tumbler! Even Lord Duke Roddy, when he was eager to take the men and the rebels to death, was almost interrupted by the duke and **** and locked up. ! Such a Marshal of the Empire! Such a Duke of the Empire! Such a Pillar of the Empire !!! Ridiculous! "

Sophie said here, his voice gradually moved: "General Green ..." Just when General Span died on the imperial city! Just when General Adrik was carrying his soldiers without food and clothing, defending the Triumphant Men in the heavy snow! Just as General Ruhr took home with fewer than a dozen people and the rebels fighting in the city! The Duke of Minas was in his house, and rebels outside the men gave him the men, and they ate the food the rebels gave him! Sometimes, I can't help thinking about asking "..." "What ..." Asking ... "" Green's voice is a bit weak.

"I think: On the day of the holiday, the Landis did not arrive in time to join the fall of the imperial city on the day. Osgilia was really completely occupied by the rebels. If the Byzantine Empire really perished in the battle of Osgilia, So ... "How many people will die for this country? I think General Span has given us the answer with his life! I think General Adrick will die generously! I think General Ruhr will definitely be willing to drain the last drop of blood! But ... "Lord Duke? If Oscilia really fell at that time, and the empire really perished, what do you call this, the imperial pillar of the Empire?" What would he ... " "

"You, stop talking !!!"

Green abruptly scolded, then sighed, and sat down heavily.

For a long time, Green didn't hear Sophie say anything, looked up, but now this nv child has handed the wine bag silently, Green grabbed it, raised his head, and gudu gudu choked in . In the middle, he drank too quickly, and the water flowed from the sides of his mouth, dripping down, and getting his clothes wet.

Most of the bag of wine was filled by Green, and he threw the bag heavily, widened his eyes, and stared at Sophie. After a while, Green's breathing gradually calmed down and whispered: "You, stop talking."

"I'm just saying the answer you already have in your heart." Sophie said lightly: "Actually, you already know this in your heart! Otherwise, you will not go north, but instead go to the south The empire, the pillar of the empire, gone! Just because you understand this in your heart, you did not really betray the group of the Northern Army, but chose cu to leave, that is, all the kindness of the Lord Duke Minas to you, and Not counting the burden of the Northern Army. That's what you think. "

"Master Duke, lord ..." Even if something is wrong, but I ... "I can't ignore his kindness. Without a teacher, I would have become dead in the grave today." Green shook his head, but his voice seemed to be sēn General: "I won't do things that are sorry for the Northern Army ~ ~ I, I can only help each other and leave. I'm alone, I'm ..."

General Green, you can say these words to me as much as possible. "Sophie sneered:" But do you really believe these words in your own heart? "

She had stood up, patted the dirt on her body gently, walked aside, turned her horse, looked at Green, and said lightly, "I'm here to give each other, that's all I have to say, and finally I want There is only one sentence left: General, you are a Byzantine first, and then you have other identities. "

After finishing speaking, Sophie never stopped for a moment, lightened, whipped the horse, and then returned to the road and headed south.

Junker also got on the horse, but at the end, he paused slightly, watching Green, who was still sitting on the ground, sighed softly, and whispered, "You can walk away, but what about the other soldiers in the army? Can it be gone? If everyone can leave it like this, then who is going to do it? General, I do n’t know the truth, think about it yourself. "

Juncker shook his head, turned his horse, and chased Sophie to the south. Only Green was left alone, sitting idly, looking at the fire in silence, and stunned ... "!.

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