
Chapter 51: 【leave】

Chapter 51 【Leaving】

骑士 This knight looks about thirty years old. He has clear-cut facial features, fair skin and good looks, and his beard is carefully trimmed. The man beamed his eyes as soon as he saw the poor worm, cheered, and jumped off immediately.

His dismounting motion was sharp and sharp, and he stepped forward to embrace the poor worm, but the poor worm pouted and pointed at the opponent's armor: "Uncle Chip, do you want to strangle me?"

The knight immediately smiled, lowered his arms, raised one of the poor insect's hands to his mouth, gave a slight gesture, made a kiss, and laughed: "Call my uncle again, my heart is all It's broken. God testifies, I'm one of the finest bachelors in Osguilia! "

家伙 The tone of this guy's tone of voice is exactly the kind of standard aristocrat born, and the bite-voice is also the official pronunciation of the southern Byzantine Empire.

Xia, who was next to him, looked scalp. He only felt that the knight looked a little sissy, and according to the aesthetic standards of the earthen owl, he directly put this chip into the ranks of the ugly.

Poor Worm and this knight named Qipu whispered a few words, Qipu suddenly changed color, strode over, and saw that the ground was crumbling all over the body and wounded of the Knight of the Night Forest, and he couldn't help turning his face wild. When he saw Shim sitting on the ground, Kipp's eyes burst into anger: "Him, it really was you guys who led the team! You know it's a naked murder!"

Hem smiled coldly: "Did you know the dark night forests on the first day? You do n’t have to tell me these words, if you really have such a kind of words, these words should be left to those who ordered us Say, just, Dear Lord Chip, how dare you! "

Qi Pu's face changed suddenly, and then he snorted. He squinted and looked at Sim, and suddenly took a step forward, pulled out his sabre, and pierced Sim's heart!

Poor Worm was startled, couldn't help covering his mouth and screaming, but it seemed that Simm himself was not surprised, but there was a slight mockery in his eyes, and then he closed his eyes and died.

With a slap, the blood Jianfeng splashed out, but Qipu was calm. He took out a silk scarf from the breeches and wiped the sword's blood, and ordered: "Look around, all the live mouths of the Dark Night Royal Forest, all make up Last knife! The corpse was dug in place and buried. "

Squinting, this sissy actually said that killing was killing. Xia Ya couldn't help but look at him with a certain look.

When she noticed Xia ’s eyes, Chip turned and stared at Xia ’s eyes and stopped looking at him. Instead, she pulled the poor worm and walked away to the side: "Actually, I didn't come to you by your brother's order. of."

"Oh? Then you ..."

Kip sighed: "Two orders I received ordered me to save you alive. One is your brother, and the other is your uncle."

Poor worm's face changed, and immediately he didn't believe: "My uncle? He wants you to bring me back alive? How could it be that he ordered the dark night forest to kill me ..."

"The situation is different now." Qi Pu calmly: "The new order was sent to me eight days ago. Your uncle now does not want you to die, but will try his best to protect you!"

"Why ..." Poor bug frowned.

"Can't you guess?" Chip sneered: "The reason is simple-the war has started!"

"Go to war? Who and who?"

"We and Odin!" Kipp sighed. "I passed Yehuo Town on my way, and now Yehuo Town has been taken over by our army. A hundred miles south of Yehuo Town are all placed under military jurisdiction. Now. "

Poor Worm's expression became extremely complicated, and Chip looked at her, then turned to look at Xia: "Who is that guy?"

Ha Xia originally stood there with her hands on her back, and the cavalry next to them walked around to carry the corpses on the ground. Occasionally, there were a few night royal knights who hadn't died, and they were simply added a sword.

These people are busy going back and forth, and no one looks at Xia Ya, but Dodoro sees these guys aggressive, drums in his heart, and can't help but go to Xia Ya.

Finally, when all the corpses were brought together, looking at the killed Knight Knights, the neat and sharp cuts on the corpses, these experienced cavalrymen moved. They have not killed anyone and stained their blood. At a glance, they can see that such injuries are not easy to get!

Then these people looked in Charya's eyes, a little more awe.

After all ... Xia and his party are just three people. Poor Worm and Dodoro didn't seem to be able to fight at first sight. And such a small team of night Royal Guards, all wanted to come to Xia Ya alone.

If one person kills a team of Night Emperor, there is also a mid-level samurai captain, so Xia is definitely not a weak person.

Immediately someone told the news to Qipu, and after Qipu heard it, there was a sparkle in his eyes, and he looked at Xia Yaduo with more interest.

He and the poor worm talked for a while in the distance. The poor worm's attitude seemed very firm at first, and he kept shaking his head, but after a few words from Qipu, the poor worm gradually softened and hesitated for a moment, The nodded hard and agreed, and then the two said something again. The poor worm smiled first, then cried a few times, and finally Chip sighed, patted the poor worm's shoulder, and turned to leave.

Shexia looked curious from a distance, wondering what happened to the poor worm.

But now it seems that the origin of this poor worm is not ordinary ...

She was thinking, but she realized that the poor worm was moving towards her, looking far away, and her eyes were full of tears, and she looked sad.

She Xiaya felt something wrong in her heart, but she didn't know exactly what was wrong. In short, when she saw the poor worm look like this, he felt uneasy. As he was about to walk over, there was a smiling voice beside him.

"Excuse me. Mr. Xia." Kip stood in front of Xia with a smile, blocking Xia's eyes looking at the poor bug: "Introduce yourself first, my name is Kip. Uh ... I'm Ai Relatives of Germany. Oh, it's him, thank you for saving his life. "

Qi Qipu smiled and looked at Xia Ya, thinking: If Adelin is true, then this guy is definitely the first person in the world to be blind, and she really considers Adelin as a man ...

"You don't need to thank you ..." Xia waved her hand, looking very bold, but the next sentence revealed the fox's tail: "Move your mouth twice and it's not worth it. I think you guys have a lot to say, thank you I can barely accept anything like gold or precious stones. "

Qip smiled for a moment, then smiled, he was very well-cultivated, and then took a small leather bag, shook it gently, and immediately heard the kind of cheering sound of Charya-gold coins!

"I didn't bring much money when I went out. There are two hundred gold coins here, which is a little reward." Qipp threw the leather bag to Xia, and Xia burst into a smile, and quickly caught it in her arms. , Haha smiled: "It's good to say! In fact, the poor worm eats less and drinks less, in addition to being lazy, it is quite easy to feed."

Qipu heard the discomfort in his heart, and was slightly disappointed: Originally looking at this guy, he could kill a small team of Night Emperor by himself. Such a young and outstanding master is of considerable value. But looking at this guy's rudeness now, solicitation is unnecessary. There are many masters of Emperor Oscilia. He is more or less, he is more and more. Since this guy is so vulgar, he can't get into the eyes of His Royal Highness.

He lost interest in Xia, and then looked at Doodor again: "This is it?"

"Dear Lord Chip, it is my honor to stand in front of the glorious 'Silver Swordsman'. I am a magician, please call me Dodo."

Kipp was a little surprised, and looked at this wretched guy in amazement. Dodo's appearance made Kip, who was a noble born, a bit resentful. He glanced back and then looked back: "Well, it is a respected man Sir, do you even recognize me? "

"Who knows your good name of the Silver Swordsman in Osgilia." Totoro smiled humbly, but unfortunately when he smiled, Chipp's appetite turned out.

But to the magician, Kip still showed enough respect: "Please forgive me for taking the liberty. I didn't see your identity just now, and you never wore a badge on your robe ... otherwise I won't come to see you now Now, dear sorcerer, how do I address you? Forgive me for taking the liberty ... Your name seems familiar, as if you heard it from somewhere ... "

Duduoduo's face suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and he grinned twice: "This ... I'm a low-level soil magician, is that badge, badge ... temporarily lost?"

One level ...

Qi Qipu was disappointed, and it was even less valuable to solicit.


Suddenly in his heart, he suddenly remembered the name of Dodoro, and sure enough he had heard of it! A few days ago, I heard that a magician who had been debt-collected and bankrupted in Osgilia, and went away in order to hide his debts ... He almost lost the face of the magician's guild. For a time, many people in the imperial capital were here. Talk about this man who has pioneered the magic industry for thousands of years.

Is this the one in front of me?

When a magician can be bankrupt, this person is really talented!

These two guys, one is quite powerful, but too vulgar, and the other is low, which has become a joke of the imperial capital. Neither guy had the value of soliciting, and Chip quickly lost interest and walked away after finding an excuse.

At this time, the poor worm came up.

Her eyes were red, just like she had just cried.

"Hey, Xia." Poor worm stood in front of Xia, a little sad in his voice: "I, I can't go with you."

嗯 "Huh ... ah?" Xia Ya looked at the poor bug: "Well, are you going back with your relative?"

"Yes ... I, I'm going back." Poor Worm sighed sighfully, "Actually, I really want to go with you, but I must go back."

After a pause, the poor worm took a breath and tried to bear tears and looked at Xia Ya, she said gently: "This time, I was going to flee to Odin through the wild fire field, but I did not expect to encounter It's my luck to meet you this time. Charlie ... I'm leaving now, you, don't you forget me ~ ~ Charlie looks at the poor worm His eyes were full of tears, and he couldn't help feeling a little weird. He sighed and patted the poor insect's shoulder.

He raised his head, his eyes staring at the poor worm, his eyes were unprecedentedly clear, full of sincere taste, such an eye wave, so that the poor worm could not help but beating in his heart, could he see it? He, is he saying something to me?

(Actually, I knew you were a beautiful girl.

Don't worry, I will try my best to get ahead, and I will definitely go to you in the future!

Wait for me, one day, I will be wearing a five-color armor, and step on colorful clouds to pick you up!

I will work hard to be a world hero. At that time, when I can match you, I will definitely look for you!

Beautiful princess, in order to win you, I am willing to settle the thorns ...

I used to have a sincere love in front of me. I didn't cherish it. I ca n’t regret it after losing it ...)

Poor worms are beating in his heart, thinking wildly in his mind, all kinds of thoughts fluttering for a while, and his mind has imagined countless kinds of affectionate scenes ...

Finally, Charlie spoke.

He sighed sighily, staring affectionately at the poor worm, whispering softly:

喂 "Hello, don't forget to install a golden tooth when you go back."

Poor Worm: "........."


[Poor worms are inevitable to leave temporarily. Our soil is going to rise, men are going to fight upwards, but we cannot lean on women's skirts. Do you agree?

I ’m ready, please recommend it ~~

Urgently need a recommendation ticket, everyone helps ~~]



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