
Chapter 530: [Chaos (3) Snow! 】

In the direction of the imperial palace, there was suddenly a blaze of fire, a thick cloud of smoke covering the sky, and you saw the flags everywhere, but this flag is no longer the traditional imperial eagle flag, but the original eagle flag is painted with a layer of bright red !!

Just look at the red flag under the imperial city, like a sea of ​​blood!

The Central Army was already black outside the imperial city, with less to say three or four thousand people, but amazing horns and drums came from all parts of the city.

The generals of the Imperial Army above the imperial city are all face-to-face, with a look of surprise, shock, and shock, and some officer generals have complex looks, looking at the central army that besieged the imperial city below. I don't know what I'm thinking about.

Most of the Central Army that surrounded the Imperial City played the banner of the Second Corps. The current general of the Second Corps of the Empire is Socia, a strong Rhoderian general, and also the line of Adrik ’s line. The confidant among his confidants, who had been fighting for nine years under the command of His Majesty Adrik, was the most loyal of Adrik. The ability of this person is also a leader among the original Rhoderian cavalry. Among the Rhoderian cavalry, he serves as the banner officer of the Rodeo Cavalry's ace banner regiment heavy armored cavalry. Originally, when Adrik left office, he had hoped that Sossia would be his successor, but at the time the upper empire at that time was to transfer his Rhoderian-general general to the Imperial Central Army for the sake of balance. The corps as a general, although it has been promoted to the first level, is also a general but the general of the second corps. Where are the generals of the Rhoderian cavalry more powerful?

Probably out of these considerations and therefore the siege of the imperial city, Adrik gave himself the most trusted and capable Soxian commander of the Second Corps.

At this moment, the Central Army of the Second Corps, with two flag regiments under the imperial city, was as many as 4,000 people, all of whom Socia carefully cultivated and trusted his most trusted confidant. The 4,000 heavily armed Second Corps Central Army leaked water around the imperial city. Although Shimen had not actually attacked the city defense, it was already screaming on the road behind the sky. Several siege The car has been slowly pushed up! What made the Royal Forest soldiers in the Imperial City startled was the archer queue behind the Central Army queue!

Once experienced a war of rebels entering the city, these Yulin Army know the fighting power of the Central Army better than anyone! What's more, almost every Central Army surviving in these **** battles is elite! They used to battle the rebels outside the city! Once fought fiercely with the rebels in the city defense. With weak troops, they resisted more than 100,000 rebels for months! And after the city breaks, he is still stubborn and unyielding ... "

But now, these were the most trusted elites who used to be the arch defending empire, but they stood in a dark area under their own opposite cities, swords and forests, and the soldiers shouted angrily, venting their dissatisfaction and anger with the roar!

, ‘We want to see the emperor! "

‘Let your Majesty come and see us! !! "

‘Your Majesty, please promise us! !! "

"If you don't remove 1uan, the thief will not destroy the empire!"

"Please General Adrik as Marshal of the Empire !!!"

The angry roar of 1ang is higher than that of 1ang. For example, the Royal Forest Army in the Imperial City does not know how many people have been sore, but only under the strict orders of the Shangguan behind them, they are still reluctant to stand on the post with arms and dare not retreat .

Finally, a thick and desolate horn sounded in the army under the city! Immediately, the sound that seemed to never stop, 1ang, suddenly fell silent!

Among the black squadrons, a channel was quickly separated like water. After that queue, a majestic black healthy horse came slowly, and everyone immediately had a golden armor, and the red cloak behind him was hunting in the wind. The majestic body seemed to never fall down, holding a dyed fiery red eagle eagle flag in his hand, and slowly passing the passage in the army.

Wherever he went, the soldiers bowed down and made the most respectful and respectful gesture. When the knight came to the forefront of the team, he suddenly raised the bright red eagle flag in his hand. Hold up!

Suddenly, the shout of the mountain and the tsunami sounded from all directions!

"General Adrik !!!"

, ‘General is mighty! !! "

, ‘Long live General Adrik! !! "

, ‘General Adrik! !! !! "

In this shout, Adrik slowly took off the lion helmet on his head, then suddenly raised his left hand and flickered in the air!

Suddenly, like magic, the crazy netg waved with one hand, and the sound of 1ang stopped abruptly! !!

This control and prestige immediately changed the officers of the Imperial Forest Army on the city defense!

Adrik had a cold face, but with a dark red on his face, even the famous scar on his face seemed to become scarlet.

Finally, he slowly moved forward, almost into the range of the archers in the imperial city, but as if he was not afraid, he almost reached the gate of the city, and finally took the That red flag was a fierce netbsp; the flagpole stood under the city wall in such a way that the strength was so strong that it broke through the solid square tiles on the ground of the fairground, almost two feet into the ground!

The bright red flag was waving in the wind, and Adrik stood beside that flag, looked up at the imperial city, and sucked deeply. Qi, and immediately, the majestic voice spread throughout the entire Guangchangchang and the Imperial City!

‘The empire is in trouble, and the country is wrong! Our Central Army general fought in the blood and died! However, Her Majesty credit night, let 1uan Chen thieves fall into the wrong country and bury the Empire's foundation! Although I have not waited for the generals, I would like to be bloody, please reclaim 1uan's life, please be aware of it, dial 1uan anyway! !! If you sacrifice yourself, the Central Army and the city defense army will be tens of thousands of soldiers cold, the country will not be a country! !! Please also pass on this remark to Your Majesty, please Your Majesty come out and see these **** soldiers! !! I wait for my heart to read it every day! !! "

boom! !!

With Adrik's declaration, the generals shouted and shouted, the sound of the sword striking the shield, like netbsp; above the city defense, a general in the forest wearing a hill armor, pale, looking down at the city, sucked deeply Tone, whispered, "It's not too fast to ask your Majesty! This scene ..." This scene is not something we can control! "

The central army surrounded the imperial city, the city guards blocked the city defense, and the palace was already a big 1uan!

This ancient and huge empire really seems to be coming to an end. In the palace, the housekeepers are running around, and some take off their clothes while they are looking for an empty space and disappear into the crowd quietly. Others took the opportunity to run into the inner chambers of the courts, carried their belongings into their arms, and left in 1uan.

The Yu Linjun was nervously lined up, one team at a time to the direction of the Imperial City of Guangxi, but everyone's face was written with tension and panic.

And the big ... "This once the core of imperial power, outside the hall, even the servants have run out, only two or three guards of the Imperial Forest reluctantly stand there and dare not leave.

Within the temple, it is a desperate mad 1uan.

The old prime minister, Saran Bonelli, sat there, his eyes frowned, and his pale complexion full of old spots.

Garcia's complexion was as transparent as it was terrible, but he did not know how much of it was angry and how much of it was fear.

The young emperor's eyes had almost lost his last sense of reason. He angrily smashed the utensils on the table one by one. The desperate roar and growl sounded a little bit harsh because he was too excited.

"Adriatic! Asshole !!! Rebellion !!! How dare he do this! This is treason! I want to kill him! To hang him! Torture him! No horse division !!!!"

The emperor roared for a while, then suddenly fell and fell to the ground, wheezing and wheezing, his chest couldn't stop bullying, but his pale face was still a bit fierce, and he had a sick redness.

After a while, tears suddenly flowed into his eyes, and he cried and cried, "Oh my God! God! Is it true that I died in the Byzantine Empire! My Kronma family established the country, but finally Will it perish in my hands !!! "

The old prime minister remained silent, and even looked at the emperor crying without dignity, there was no sympathy in the eyes of the old man, and some, but only a deep indifference.

"I ..." I ... "I'm going to kill him, this rebel." Garcia closed her tears, and her voice shook with a sickness: "Even if I really die, I will first Kill this guy! I want to watch him die before me !!! Kill him! Kill him !!! "

Speaking, he suddenly didn't know where the strength came from, suddenly jumped from the ground, turned around, rushed to the corner, grabbed the silent middle-aged man who had been standing in the corner.

"Sir! Go and kill Adrik! I order you to go and kill the rebel !!!"

The middle-aged man raised his eyelids and looked at the emperor calmly.

Garcia's neck and forehead were full of blue muscles, holding the middle-aged man's shirt firmly: "Go and kill him! I want to watch him die first! Even if I really die, I will watch him first Die !!! "

The middle-aged man finally exhaled, "Your Majesty, is this your last order?"

"Yes! Go kill him! Kill him! Kill him now !!!"

"Your Majesty, I can keep you away from the Royal Palace and Oscaria. With my escort, I can guarantee you to leave safely." The middle-aged man frowned.

Garcia looked terribly: "Leave ..." Leave ... "Where else can I go? Where can I go !!!!!!"

He screamed, "The Duke of Minas betrayed me! He has taken control of the Southern Army! This old bastard, he took advantage of my trust! Adrik and the Central Army also turned against me! The world is big Where else can I go? !!! Where else can I go ?! "

He shook his head desperately: "No! No! I will never leave the palace! Even if I die, I will die here! I am a member of the Karenma family! The Karenma family created this empire, even if this empire died , I will die here too, die on my throne !!! "

Then he cried again: "Go and kill Adrik! This is my last order! Sir!"

The middle-aged man finally nodded. He looked into the emperor's eyes for a long time before exhaling.

"Then, as you wish, Your Majesty."

With that said, he suddenly leaped out of Garcia's presence. The next moment, his figure appeared at the entrance of the main hall, turned around, and bowed down.

"Your Majesty, please take care first. I will kill 1uan now. If 1uan is gone, then those 1uan soldiers will not be able to do 1uan!"

With that said, the middle-aged man darted out, and the figure floated out of the gate of the hall.


On the high stairs of the Highness, the figure of the middle-aged man just passed by like a gust of wind. His figure was extremely fast, and the figure rushed towards the gate of the imperial city.

But when he passed through the two halls, the air around him suddenly became cold suddenly. The middle-aged man suddenly stopped, and his head sank, and his face became ugly. !!

With a snoring sound, a thin long sword in his hand has been transfigured and pointed at the sky coldly: "Please come out!"

Not far away, a majestic figure slowly turned out from behind a tree in a wood in the deep garden of the palace.

A silver short, fierce like a steel needle, looking cold and sharp, the eyes are like beasts!

Ye Lin was standing under the tree, and his whole body was discouraged. He drove the leaves of the big tree down one by one. He stood in this fallen leaf, looking at the middle-aged man from a distance.

Ye Lin's hand was a thin, short knife with a blade that seemed to be transparent like ice.

The middle-aged person's face was very ugly and stared at Yelin slowly, "You are like ..."

"You don't recognize me," Ye Lin said indifferently, "none of the world's strongest know me. I'm just a small ascetic."

The middle-aged man nodded his head slightly and retracted his gaze: "A ascetic practitioner has actually practiced to the level of the strong. It seems that I have really escaped the world for too long, and a new strong has emerged in the world. I actually But none of them knew it. "

Yelin raised his knife, Yelin took a step, Yelin walked slowly.

The fallen leaves floated on him, but no outstanding leaves could really fall on his shoulders, but when they were close to his body, those fallen leaves shattered ...

"You are, Adrik's helper?" The middle-aged man said coldly: "Ye like" "They know that I exist in the palace, if they did not have the means to deal with me, how dare they betray 1uan." Humph…"

Ye Lin still didn't say a word, and moved forward slowly. When the distance between the two people was less than ten steps, he stopped slowly.

"You are not my opponent, a stranger who is strong." The middle-aged man coldly said: "Even among the strong, there is a difference between strength and weakness. Now that you have entered this situation, you should understand this truth."

"I understand." Ye Lin looked at the middle-aged man in front of him.

"It's not easy for you to practice. The empire has had new powers for decades." The middle-aged person said lightly: "You are not too old. If you have decades, your success will be much higher than today."

"I know.

"Ye Lin looked down at his blade.

"If you fight me with all your heart, you must die last." The middle-aged man frowned.

"I know." Ye Lin took a deep breath.

"That ..." Middle-aged people feel that martial arts, the sacred king, made the sacred king, will kill the god, the seal of the gods, and kill the throne of the world, and be the strongest. The Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty martially moved the King of the Night to kill the God of the Seal of God, and asked the demon to be proud of the world ’s nine strongest days. Increasingly murderous, could not help but move: "So how hard are you?"

"I don't want to beat you, because I know I can't beat you. I don't want to kill you, because I know I can't kill you. I don't ask for the future, just because I know that my heart is dead and there is no future in it Ye Lin suddenly smiled. The smile on his face was still the same as his looks, with sharp edges and full of spirits: "Today, I came here, just to hold you back. Although I knew I was not able to defeat you, I tried After I have cultivated my life, I can hold you back for a while, and I still can do it. There is a difference between strong and weak, but even a weak strong is a strong one. Die, but if I do my best, even if you kill me, how much time do you really need to fight the throne of the Seal of God? One hour? Three hours? One day? Three days? "

"You ?!" The middle-aged man frowned, and finally there was a trace of murderous look in his eyes: "If I kill you with an iron heart, an hour is enough!"

"Kill then." Ye Lin smiled without hesitation: "I just came with a dead heart!"

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Afraid!" Ye Lin said indifferently: "Who is not afraid of dying when he is alive. However, a friend once told me a word. In this world, some things can't be done, and some things must be done! Even knowingly Definitely dead, just like ... a dead one. "

Ye Lin gently swayed the short knife in his hand. Above the blade, there seemed to be a frosty light. As if in an instant, countless snowflakes and ...

"Oh, the friend who told me this sentence, you must recognize it, his name is Si ..." "A few months ago, he died on the wall in front of him in order to protect the master behind you. Die! "

More and more snowflakes fell from the sky on the two of them, and Yelin's body was covered with white snow, and the coldness filled.

Good game ... "Snow!

The imperial capital, south of the city, on a high tower, the bell tower was abandoned in the war before the rebels entered the city, and the original bell-ringer also turned into an unknown body in that city.

This abandoned clock tower, no one has gone up yet ~ ~ and at this moment, there are horns and drums in front of the city. Martial law in the streets. The iron hoof is sharp and murderous!

Just above the bell tower, there was a figure sitting on the broken iron bell.

The man was tall, but looked very thin from the back, holding a barrel of wine in his hand, sitting there, facing the cold wind, but one. A cold mouthful of wine is poured into the mouth, and each mouthful is a long outlet gas.

The brown long Ling 1uan, and a dirty and stained leather robe, can barely be seen as the traditional clothes of the Odin people.

Suddenly, his eyes lighted, he dropped the barrel in his hand, and looked towards the center of the city.

Immediately, a strange smile emerged from the corner of his mouth.

"The duel of the strong ... always will be the most beautiful picture in the world."

As he said, he wiped the corners of his mouth and sighed long and long: "What a snow! What a snow!"

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