
Chapter 534: [Determined Difficulty (5)]

The Boluo people ’s response was not slow. Now that they understand that the Northern Army is clear about finding faults, they soon made army mobilization and preparations for war. A small half of the Boluo ’s 30,000 troops were originally scattered in various places, but there were The main force of 20,000, an integrated corps, has been stationed in their house.

Hillman immediately ordered a corps stationed in the barren to mobilize, prepare as quickly as possible, mobilized forage, and then ordered the army to advance toward the border with the Northern Army.

Although the streaking Governor is a freak who is famous for his Big Six, at least he is not an idiot. He knows well that since Xia has torn his face with himself, then the next battle must be a battle involving two lives. .

Hit it! !!

What kept Boluos guessing was how many troops the Northern Army could send to attack themselves.

Although the Northern Army is good at fighting, everyone knows that their strength is not large. And with the forces surrounding the Northern Army at the moment ... they can't send out all the troops, they always have to stay home, and they have to deal with other forces.

According to the Boluo speculation, the limit of the Northern Army's mobility is only half its strength.

Fifteen thousand? Twenty thousand?

At this time, the general from Bolo Military District raised his view: "The other party ’s troops will not exceed 20,000. Moreover, they attacked us from afar, ran all the way, the supply line stretched, and they all It is a heavy burden, we only need to gather forces and confront them. After all, there are other forces around the Northern Army. Those are all our allies in the red round table. As long as the Governor, you write a few letters to several allies and ask them Behind the opportunity to give some bitterness to the Northern Army. At that time, after learning that Xia, whose own nest was attacked by others, must not be able to confront us for a long time here. As long as they support their retreat, we can take the opportunity to counterattack. And beat them !! "

There was nothing wrong with this plan. Judging from the situation at the time, such judgments, guesses, and projections were very reasonable.

But ... the facts ...

When Governor Hillman took his 20,000 main troops to West Liuwan City, which was closest to the border, and finally waited for the news that Xia personally led the army to come to the door, he scouted the sentinel and sent the Bolo military district Everyone inside was stunned!

"Five, five hundred? !!! There are really only five hundred ?!"

The scout's answer was very positive.

Moreover, this place is called Xiliuwan, and it is the re-export of a river on the two borders ... The open river plain is flat at a glance. It is absolutely impossible to hide large-scale ambush anywhere.

That means ... "

Did he really call with only five hundred people? !! !! "

Hill Yan screamed suddenly after a brief shock.

At this moment, the Governor, who had already fought a hard battle, was not surprised at all. One he felt insulted! Does this guy despise me? Knowing that I have tens of thousands of troops, I actually took five hundred people to find the difference?

He, he, him, he can't do it when I'm muddy? !! !!

Hillman, stunned by anger, immediately made a decision: out of town to fight! !!

Regarding the Governor's order, the General Ling did not object, and in fact he did not think there was any reason to object.

Five hundred people ... That Xia Lei Ming is really crazy!

We have 20,000 people! An entire legion! What waves can 500 people make? 20,000 people can step on each other without hitting! !!

In this case, what else to worry about? Anyway, the scouts have been very clear, and there are no traces of ambush by the other large army in the tens of miles.

Five hundred people? Then hit it, you don't need any conspiracy any more, just kill them!

An agreement was reached inside and out, and the sentiments and sentiments of the community were exhilarating, so Xia Leiming swept across the entire northern Byzantine Empire's first large-scale battle: the Battle of the West Stream, which opened the curtain.

Many historical materials of later generations have recorded this battle of West Liuwan. But the same is that all historical data are very brief about this battle, and there is almost no detailed description.

Because ... the process of this battle is too short, and it is too fast.

Well, now let's take a look at some basic facts of the battle at the time.

First, location: West Liuwan.

This is a riverbed on the border of two rivers. A plain area hit by the river. On the other side of the river is a fortress built by the Boluo. If there is a large invasion by the enemy, this fortress will become the top one here. Nails.

The site of the battle is an open plain, which can be said to be a battlefield today. It is open on all sides, without shelter, no woods, no hillsides.

The two sides at war, the 20,000 troops in the Bolo military area, had 4,000 heavy infantry, 15,000 light infantry, and a cavalry of 1,000.

And here in the Northern Army, there are only Xia and the top 500 riding camps.

In this comparison of military strength, the Boluos did not make any consideration and directly pulled the team out of the fortress and placed it on the plain.

Even that Governor Hillman intentionally left his cavalry of a thousand men on the flank-his intention was that once he wins, he can use the cavalry to cover the enemy's back road and put this abominable Xia Thunder thunder hits everything!

Let that **** bury her in West Liuwan!

Since it's here, don't go back!

At noon on this day, Char ’s army arrived here, looking at the array of 20,000 people facing the black crowd. Charia took the lead, looked at it for a while, and laughed: "This guy is good enough to pull it out People, compared to his family. "

The two armies quickly put on a confrontation on the battlefield.

The Bolo people looked at the small team here in Charya, and many people smiled proudly. In their opinion, the end of this situation need not be said.

Even the flank cavalry had been ordered to prepare.

Governor Hillman was in the middle of the team. He looked at the small cavalry unit opposite him. Until now, he was a little disbelieving, and the other side actually brought such a little person to fight.

And the only one who noticed something wrong was the general Boluo, who was born of a puppet. He was surprised to show a detail: the five hundred riders brought by Xia were all light cavalry!

These cavalry did not wear tight and heavy armor, most of them only wore the lightest breastplates, only covering the vital parts, and even some guys directly wore leather armor!

This is basically the equipment of the light cavalry.

But compared to their light armor, the weapons used by these "light cavalry" are without exception, all heavy armored cavalry's heavy weapons!

Double-edged Tomahawk, Prismatic Hammer, Mace, Heavy Rifle ...

These are by no means weapons that light cavalry should use.

And he also noticed that all the cavalry of the opponent, each of them was a majestic Jianbi Odin athletes ... strong and even a little exaggerated.

However, unlike the simple armor of the cavalry, those warhorses were heavily armored.

People are not armored, but horses are armored ... Where is there such a weird truth in the world?

In Xia'an, the cavalry were methodically preparing for the final preparations before the war. They drove their horses to the distance behind them, and the armored horses were all lined up. The 500 cavalry set themselves up. These guys did not Noisy, quiet and indifferent looked at the huge square of the Boluo people opposite.

Before the official start, the Boluo people showed their arrogance. With such a power comparison, they do seem to have reason to be arrogant.

Governor Hillman sent dozens of people, yelling before the battle. Loudly rebuked the people of the Northern Army for betrayal and abandonment, how to lie, how to behave badly, while encouraging their morale and shouting loudly ...

With these shouts and shouts, the Boluo army was up and down, and their emotions were agitated, and the soldiers raised their arms and shouted and cheered loudly, and the shield knocked loudly ...

On the opposite side, Xia Ya sat on the horse, yawned lazily, and looked at the opposite side, screaming and jumping up and down.

He bored a yawn and opened his mouth, then raised his hand and waved, as if driving away flies, frowning at the cavalry around him: "Noisy, go and kill them."


Then, the Bolo Army was really trampled to death by them!

The process of the Battle of West Liuwan was very short, very simple, and simple to the point!

Immediately after Xia ordered the charge, the 500 cavalry rushed to the army of 20,000 on the opposite side with an unflinching attitude.

Then ... just kill it!

A scene that subverted military common sense for all began:

The five hundred riders of the Northern Army rushed in from the left rib of the Boluo people! In the course of their five hundred riding charge, the archers of the Boluo people immediately completed two rounds of salvos in the back row.

But to all shock, the two rounds of archers' salvos caused the Northern Army's killing. -zero!

The arrows that flew on the cavalry of the Northern Army were really like drizzle. The cavalry did not even have the interest to raise a shield to resist, and they rushed in directly under the flying arrow rain! All the arrows shooting at them were easily ejected ...

It seems that they are not like charging in the rain, but in the drizzle!

Just before the Bolos were shocked, the cavalry rushed to their left wing ribs.

The heavy armored infantrymen at the forefront of the Boluo people have erected shields, and the spears from the gap are shielded!

This is the most standard and effective battle against cavalry charge!

According to normal military common sense, if the enemy has thousands of cavalry, it will take a considerable price to break through this solid steel array.

But Xia Ya, once again subverted common sense.

Five hundred cavalry rushed to this square with a shield and a spear, all covered in heavy armor, and rushed straight in!

There is no half-point skill, no half-point fuss, just hit the head directly, and then ... break through!

As if standing in front of them is not a square of heavy armored infantry, but simply a thin wipe! !!

Immediately, the Boluo dream began.

They were frightened not only that the arrows fired by the archers before did not harm these enemies, and even the spears and swords in their hands did not harm the other side! The sword cut on the opponent's body is as if it was cut on a stone!

Xia ’s 500 cavalry nearly crashed into the Boluo team in an outrageous and unreasonable way, and then tore their team directly!

There was even a ridiculous scene on the battlefield: Finally, a cavalry of the Northern Army rushed into the team of the Boluos. The horse was tripped by the corpse on the ground, and the cavalry fell to the ground, crowded by several desperate Bolo soldiers around it. In the middle, several swords and spears around him could be stabbed at the same time for a long time, but the cavalry was not damaged at all. Instead, he rounded the hammer in his hand, swept a piece of Boluo soldiers, and then turned over again ...

This battle has not been fought! !!

Xia ’s cavalry is rampant in the huge army of the Boroese, and they are invincible, one by one, the square array is torn and shattered quickly. The cavalry goals of the Northern Army are very clear: the banner of the Governor of the Chinese Army! op

Hillman was horrified. His strong army was weaker than tofu in front of the cavalry. His army was turned upside down. The opponent almost rushed under his nose and the governor who likes to streak. First, The reaction was ... turn around and run away!

As soon as the coach ran, the flag fell, and the Boluo army, which was still barely resisting, finally collapsed.

The army began to retreat like a tide, and it started to retreat, and soon became a collapse like a dyke!

The five hundred cavalrymen from the north slid in from the left wing, and soon pierced the Boro army ... and they pierced them horizontally!

Left wing goes in and right wing goes out!

At the time of the kill, the casualties of the five hundred cavalry were still a number that made all Boluos desperate!

zero! !!

Immediately, these monsters with blood all over their bodies and bodies with broken meat and limbs hung on their horses without stopping and killed them again.

Above the battlefield, there was a scene that made everyone collapse!

The army of 20,000 people was torn apart by an avalanche killed by 500 cavalry, and then the tide was defeated. The 500 cavalry was like a duck, and it was killed by 20,000 people ...

The Boluo army was driven to the river beach and finally had no way to escape. Some of them may have the courage to despair and want to go back to fight, but what made them even more desperate was that once the army of 20,000 people broke down, they would There is no effective resistance.

Looking ahead, there are all people on the front, behind, and around. Everyone is crowded, everything is trampled by others, and everyone is pushed down by the river ...

The huge Boluo people were rushed into the river by Shaya's 500 cavalry!

Already, the Boluo people have dropped their weapons and jumped into the water of the Xiliuwan River, and the five hundred cavalry in the back are still almost mechanically waving their weapons to harvest life!

They didn't come to fight at all, they just came to complete a simple slaughter!

You ca n’t beat, you ca n’t run, you can only escape by jumping!

Governor Hill Huang was lucky. He was the first to escape to the river under the protection of his guard, and was also the first to escape from the river. Under the protection of his guard, he escaped to the river first. On the other side.

Then, the governor streaking stupidly stood on the other side of the river in tears and watched as his troops were driven down like a duck ...

Above the river, people throbbed, wailing everywhere, wailing everywhere!

On the other side, the remnants of Bolo, who were too late to jump into the river, had begun to drop their weapons and kneel to surrender, giving up resistance.

20,000 to 500 people lost so fast, so completely! !! !!

The only thing that made Hillman a little relieved was that the Char's people didn't seem to cross the river immediately. They had started cleaning the battlefield and receiving prisoners of war.

"Devil ... devil! They are all devil ..."

Finally, Governor Hillman, who finally fainted, was defeated by the guards around him and brought the disabled soldiers back towards his nest.

In the Battle of West Stream Bay, 20,000 troops of the Boluo people confronted, and less than 5,000 people could cross the river alive.

Over ten thousand people were injured and wounded, half of them were killed on the battlefield, and the other half were drowned after jumping into the river!

After being sent down thousands of troops, Xia Ya stayed in Xiliu Bay, but there was only one day. On the second day, the throne of the Seal of Throne directly threw those soldiers in place, and he was too lazy to leave anyone to watch over these prisoners of war. There was really no extra soldiers around to hand over the prisoners of war. Xia took the people across the West River Bay with ease, and then the goal was clear, and she headed towards the capital city of the Boluo people.

From Xiliuwan to the Boluo Military Region, it took only three and a half days for Xia Ya to seal the throne.

He did not leave Governor Hillman much time for the Seal of Throne.

In fact, for Hillman, the governor who likes to streak has scared the courage to return to his old nest. The first thing he did was to summon the magician who worked for himself and tell the story of the battlefield.

"They are devil! They must have used some kind of devil, right? Only devil can make people resist the damage of swords and make those guys tirelessly tireless ..."

Looking at the Governor who was about to collapse, the magician groaned for a while: "Perhaps they really use some kind of magic, but the Governor please rest assured that with me here, I will try to destroy them That kind of magic ... According to your description, I think this should be a blessing similar to the stone skin. It will not be too difficult to break it. "

It turned out that the magician's thinking was very good, but it was too simple.

When Xia Yabing approached the city of Boluo, the whole city was a sensation.

Although the news of the defeat of the army has been known to everyone, it is true that the 500 cavalry of Charya appeared under the gate, and the soldiers and civilians of the whole city were shrouded in an almost absurd sense of fear.

Immediately, no matter how fearful Governor-General Hillman was, he had to brace his head and lead people to the city to fight one-on-one battles? He has no such courage.

Of course, he often went up to the wall with the magician.

Xia ’s cavalry was just outside the city, and he did n’t make a siege. In fact, he did n’t plan to fight any siege at all.

After all, cavalry is a cavalry, even if these nearly perverted cavalry who have strengthened the flesh with the dragon blood of the golden dragon and strengthened the combat effectiveness with muscle fruit, after all, have no wings to fly to the city wall.

But Xia has another kind of child.

He saw Hillman standing on the wall, and the guy in a gray robe standing next to Hillman. It was a magician, and Charya identified it.

For how to open the door of the capital city of the Bolo military region, Charya chose one of the most direct and effective ways!

He came forward in person!

Up and down the city, over 10,000 pairs of eyes, especially the gaze of the magician who had been a little bit proud before, and seemed to show off deliberately, and made a big 6 that later spread. Shocking move! !!

He slowly stepped out of the queue by himself, came to the center of the battlefield, and then slowly patted the batch of excessively majestic white warhorses ...

After a golden light, in the growing light group, the outline of the war horse quickly changed greatly!

A majestic, terrifying figure emerged little by little in the golden light ...

The huge body, the golden scales, and the huge wings ...

After the golden light between the sky and the earth finally disappeared, everyone saw the behemoth that appeared after the golden light ... All the defenders in the city instantly entered a state of silence!

For a long time, almost no one could say a word or a voice! !!

Xia was standing on the back of the Golden Dragon, holding his huge fork in his hand, and as he hummed gently, the Golden Dragon vibrated his wings and slowly flew into the air, standing high, overlooking the city!

Suddenly, a loud dragon howl came from the sky, and the howl contained endless majesty, making people tremble, tremble ...

Under the howling Longwei, the defenders on the city wall couldn't stand, countless people lost their weapons, some kneeled down to pray, some covered their ears and passed out. All the soldiers and civilians in the city I ran outdoors, my eyes widened in horror ...

And Governor Hillman had already seen the Golden Dragon for the first time when he saw the Golden Dragon, and his eyes fell down.

As for the magician around him, where is his half-arrogant look?

Charya's voice came from the sky.

"I heard ... you have a magician?"

The opposite side of the magician was earth-colored ...

Immediately he made a decision!

This magician was almost the first time the throne of the Seal of God. He flew down the head of the city, flew out of the body, fell under the city, and worshipped directly in the dust, facing the sky, with the most humble The most respectful gesture spoke loudly.

"The great strong ... please accept the submission of a humble person like me ..."

He raised his wand with both hands, then drew his head down, and never dared to look up again, for fear that any slight movement of himself would be regarded as hostile by the other party!

Are you kidding me? !!

Golden dragon? ? ? !! !! !! !! !! This, where is this opponent that I can compete with? ?

How powerful is the Golden Dragon? Where does the magician know?

So, who can take a golden dragon as a mount? How strong is that? ?

At the moment Charya called Darwin into a dragon, the battle of the Bolo Military District no longer had any suspense.

"Submit me, or die!"

It is worth mentioning that another detail was born at this time, although this detail did not affect the overall situation.

In the face of the magical guy Xia Leiming, the general from Ling Ling was riding a golden dragon and flying on the city wall, arrogantly making a declaration of "death without surrender ...".

This puppet general explained one thing to the world with practical actions: why can a puppet like him be mixed in the army, and also mixed into the position of an army commander, sitting for so many years as a seat, and still doing Pretty good.

Because he is a very kind person! !!

It's hard to imagine that at the last moment of the entire Bolo Military District, the real man really stood up, but it was such a shy person. I have to say that this is really a very ironic thing.

The Tatar General, facing the behemoth in the sky, the giant monster, he did not tremble and fear as much as the other companions around him. Faced with the words "Die without surrender," his response was also very direct and very kind.

His answer was to take a bow and arrow and shoot at Charya in the sky!

This arrow did not cause any damage to Char, nor did he even hit the target.

However, just as the very general was about to shoot the second arrow, the people around him were scared. The soldiers and officers of the Bolo Army nearby rushed to throw him down.

Obviously, they were afraid of Charlie, who was riding a dragon in the sky, but they didn't seem to be afraid of the boss.

About the ending of this kind of puppet general ~ ~ is actually sighing.

After he was thrown down by his own men, he rose up and tried to take up a weapon to order his men to fight back. He also planned to hack down a few fearless people to boost morale.

Then ... he was killed by those who were eager to surrender.

He was the first in the whole city to rise up, and he was also the only and last one.

History is fair. In the process of historian Xia Leiming's pacification to the north, historians in the later period described his destruction of the Bolo Military District. The description of the Battle of West Liuwan was simple, and the description of the process of laying down the city of Bolo Military District was even more It's as simple as a few words: "One battle and one gram."

However, the Tatar General who did not even leave his name, asked historians to write a few more words for him.

"You can't speak before you die."

When the governor fainted and fainted, the powerful magician jumped off the city wall and fell to the ground. Thousands of guards in the city dropped their weapons and kneeled to surrender. A taunting man maintained the last trace of bravery and dignity of the Boluo . :

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