
Chapter 534: [Difficulty (8) Questioning] (9000 words ~)

Chapter 534 [Difficulty (Part Eight) Asking the Heart] (Nine thousand words ~)

(Nine thousand words ~)

Chapter 534 [Difficulty (Part Eight) Asking Heart]

Rheinhardt took office, and after the news of the appointment came out, the lieutenant general did not have any resistance-after all, the new commander who took office was Rheinhardt, who had taken them from south to north with thousands of weak brigades all the way up Rheinhardt, who fled to Charia, once bathed with them, and was also a Rheinhardt who was originally a Rhodesian cavalry.

Regarding this candidate, the Cavalry Regiment did not have any objections, and accepted it quietly.

The previous battle was so insidious that the little-known Nottingians of the Big Six were blocked by it, which made the cavalry regiments and soldiers feel depressed. Schalba's resignation and the arrival of Rheinhardt gave everyone a little peace of mind-after all, they are all old acquaintances, and maybe they will leave a little face.

The next day, however, everyone understood that they were wrong.


In the early hours of the morning, before the day was bright, the army suddenly sounded the bugle for emergency assembly.

The swift and screaming bugle broke the silence of the early morning, the horn sounded throughout the camp, the soldiers awakened in their sleep, the officers rushed out of the tent in unclothed clothes, and waited until everyone was not the enemy attacking the camp. Rest assured, the gentlemen began to prepare nervously.

The trumpets sounded only three times, and the soldiers of each battalion and team had already assembled in front of the battalion door.

This degree is quite good. After all, it is a temporary emergency assembly. The soldiers of the independent cavalry regiment have shown excellent military literacy. The degree of assembly is very fast. The soldiers and officers did not show panic. Although nervous, everything was methodical. Carry on.

After thousands of officers and men assembled, they now had the new commander in command of Rinhart, who had already stood under the flagpole in front of the camp.

Reinhardt was dressed in uniform, his handsome face was cold and cold, his eyes were cold, and he swept across the queue. All the officers and soldiers swept by him could not help but sink in his heart.

Obviously, the new leader looks very bad.

People noticed that Rheinhardt was carrying a sword in his hand—a sheathed sword!

After the team was assembled and the battalion officers had completed a brief report, Rheinhardt just nodded to the lieutenant next to him. He didn't say anything, but stood there, staring coldly at the team in front of him. soldiers.

The atmosphere of the scene seemed very cold and very rigid.

The cold wind blew in the early morning, and the soldiers and Rinhart faced each other in the cold wind. For a long time, Rinhart didn't speak and did not speak, and the following was silent.

Finally, Rinhart's frowned brows stretched slightly—his expression looked as if he had finally made up some sort of determination.

Then, with the attention of thousands of eyes, the new independent cavalry regiment commanded the general and did something that surprised everyone!

He turned around, walked to the flagpole, raised the sword in his hand, and severely hacked at the flagpole!

He cut it very hard. Under the sword, Han Guang passed by, and he clicked, and the flagpole was cut off immediately. In the crunching roar, the flagpole fell down!

The team began to be a bit unstable. Some soldiers showed surprises and some expressed anger, but strict discipline restrained them, and no one moved.

Reinhardt slowly walked a few steps, and from the collapsed flagpole, tore off that flag, the flag of the Northern Army Independent Cavalry Regiment.

The flag was in his hand, he went to the team, held it with both hands, held it high, and then ...

"laugh"! !! !! !! !!

Tearing sound!

The flag was severely torn into two pieces by Rheinhardt, and then torn again ...

Seeing that mighty military flag, Rheinhardt so severely tore it into pieces, and then threw it severely on the ground. He even trampled on it with leather boots and stepped on it politely. foot!

Some officers began to show humiliation on their faces.

In the quiet team, a whisper of noise and discussion finally came out.

"Why are you dissatisfied?"

Reinhardt's cold voice, with deep ridicule.

It wasn't loud, but it fell so harshly in everyone's ears.

"Don't talk?" Rinhart sneered, looking at the soldiers in the first line in front of him, watching the humiliation and anger on the faces of the soldiers and officers: "You look tell me, do you seem very dissatisfied?"

Someone glanced at by his eyes lowered his head in indignation, while others looked at him with anger.

There was a sneer at the corner of Rheinhardt's mouth, then he raised the sword in his hand, and pointed back and forth in the queue in front. Finally, the sword pointed at the officer standing first in the queue.

"You! Go out." Rinhart took a deep breath.

With a somber face, the officer slowly took a step forward, his legs closed, and a military salute was made.

"Report your rank." Reinhardt squinted.

"Wagner! Deputy of the Fourth Battalion, Third Battalion, First Banner Regiment, Independent Cavalry Regiment! Adult!"

Reinhardt nodded, then raised his eyelids slightly and glanced at the officer: "Your resume, Mr. Wagner."

"..." The officer gave Rheinhardt a glance, but still answered the question: "General General, I served in the Fourth Banner Regiment of the Imperial Rodria Cavalry Regiment ..."

Before he could finish, Rinhart's face suddenly changed abruptly, and then a thunderous rage interrupted the officer's words.

"To shut up!!!!!!"

This resentment sounded like a thunderous anger, and it sounded like a thunder!

The officer froze. He stared blankly at the general who was suddenly furious.

"Shut up !!" Rinhart raised his head high, and stared down at the officer, as if an angry lion was roaring: "Shut your beak! You don't deserve it! You don't deserve it! Rhoderia You are not worthy of this name! You are not worthy of this noble and proud name! You are not even worthy of it! "

Rinhart turned his head in anger, walked to a large wooden box in front of him, leapt forward, and then stood high, sweeping the dark squad in front of him with a stern look, his voice was still angry and still roaring.

"You guys! Don't deserve it! You guys don't deserve the name! Not even worth mentioning this great name! None of you deserve it!"

Reinhardt's words of shame made most soldiers angry, but they did not speak, and more people bowed their heads deeply.

"Almost all of you know me!" Rinhart took a deep breath and exclaimed in a fierce voice: "I! Rinhart! Just last year, we also fought side-by-side outside the city of Osgilia. Yes! We have witnessed that **** night together! Watching our brothers, we embarked on the road of no return! Watching them bravely rushed to Oscilia, to the rebels dozens of times ours We were forced to be the only deserter in our life! At that time, each of us was filled with humiliation! Each of us was not reconciled, and everyone was anxious to charge with those brothers, Died together under the city of Osquilia !!! At that time, even if we were desperate and weak again, but we never really bowed our heads! Because at that time, there was still anger in our hearts! There were still in our hearts Shout !!! But today, I look at you, look at each of you! I really want to laugh !! Because, I really feel that I knew that we would become what we are today, really not奥斯吉利亚 had died in the city is just great! Because I saw the group of brave soldiers will bow into a group of cowards! Cowards! "

Speaking of this, Rinhart yelled, "Everyone looks up! What do you do with your head down! Look up! Now you don't even have the courage to look at me ?!"

"You used to have the most glorious, greatest, and proudest name on this Big 6! But now, you have tarnished it! The meaning of that name has been forgotten by each of you! The glory that that name represents, you Everyone has been lost !!! "Rinhart's voice was thick and smashed into everyone's heart! "We have faced the fiercest, cruelest and most powerful enemies in the world! Because at that time, we still had that great name! Those who could oppose us and qualified to be our opponents were Odin. The Black Flag Army! It is the Thundercloud Legion! It is the Guarding Legion of the Odin Royal Family !!! It is not a mess of cats and dogs that are eligible to become our enemies !!! But now, look at you! See how you look now !! Notting? Haha! What shit! Before that, who of you have heard of this name ?! Shit !!! I have never heard of it !!! I have never heard of the name of this **** !!! I never only Knowing the Black Flag Army, I only know the Thundercloud Corps !!! I know that only these powerful opponents are qualified to stand in front of us as our enemies! Any other garbage and debris are not even qualified to stand in front of us But you guys! You bastards! You bastards! But you are blocked by a group of unnamed **** !!! When you ca n’t even beat a group of **** Candidate, you will have once again been unworthy of that name! Group even dog feces can not beat the people, even you do not like dog feces !! "

Many soldiers and officers have blushed, and many of them clenched their fists and bit their teeth.

"Don't mention the name 'Rodriria' to me again! Those brothers who died under the city of Osgilia are the real Rhoderia! You have become Lady Wife and are not qualified to be with them!" ! "

"Yes! I cut down the flagpole! I pulled off the flag! Because I think that a group of troops that are not as good as **** are not qualified to have a flag! Not qualified to have their own name!"

Reinhardt looked at the angry soldiers in front of him, and then coldly threw out words that shocked everyone even more.

"Just yesterday, when General Xia Leiming appointed me, I had directly made a request to him to simply withdraw the name of this independent cavalry regiment! Because you are not worthy!"

"I know! You all took part in the Battle of Syltan! Many of you have made meritorious deeds, and you have been awarded sub-battles and obtained land after the war! Many of you have now become landlords. I I heard that some of you have even hired farmers to plant your land! You have become the "Master" of their mouths! Very good! You are considered to have an industry! If you do not want to fight again I do n’t want to bleed anymore, I will do it for you! I can even ask Master Xia Ya to allow you all to retire home! Enjoy the days of your old masters! You will never have to hold the sword in your hand again, and you can I have gold coins in my hands every day !!! But I want to tell you, when your children have grown up, ask you, saying, father, what did you do that year ... I ask you, all of you, do n’t be in you The sons and daughters of the predecessor are Rhoderia! Never tell anyone that you were Rhoderian cavalry! Because you are not worthy !!! "

"Our empire has been battered, and those warlords are splitting our country! Those nobles are living a decaying and rotten life! Our emperor has abandoned the people! Our ministers must not die all day! Foreign enemies are watching with their eyes! This country has reached the most desperate time !!! So! Yes, you have reason to give up! You also have reason to despair! You have more reason to be cowardly !!! But I look down on you! I abandon you !!! Because I am Still remember that night in Osgilia, I still remember the group! There was such a group of people! They shouted the slogan, paved the way with the body of blood u, used their blood to annihilate the enemy's courage! Use Their blood u resisted the enemy's sword! The last shout before their sacrifice proved their courage !!! That group of people, their name is Rhoderia !!!

Yes! I still remember them! I still think of them! Because I remember when our country was desperate, there was such a group of people who fought for it and sacrificed it!

They never fear, never retreat, never evade, and never hesitate! Their slogan is ... forward! forward! Always forward! !!

Even after ten years! a hundred years! A thousand years! People in this world will still remember them! Will still remember the shouts they once left! I still remember their slogan 'Forward'! They died very early, but the voices they left never died!

As for you ... "

Reinhardt looked at the crowd coldly: "In my eyes, you are no longer Rhoderia! You are already cowards ... you are even more dead!"

Having said that, Rinhart took a deep breath, his voice was slightly lower, and his voice became hoarse: "You may think that I am acting against you, or maybe I am deliberately abusing you. Your fighting spirit ... **** !! I'm too lazy to give any hope to a group of widowers! I let you gather here today, just to inform you! The Independent Cavalry Regiment has been dissolved! From now on, I announce that you have all been taken Withdrawn from active service! This battle, for you, can be over! You can go! You can go home! I don't need you! The Northern Army does not need you! You have lost courage! Lost right The love of this country has lost confidence in this country!

But I don't! I just don't want to be with a bunch of cowards! So, I will continue this fight in my way! But before that, I will let you all go! Because when I'm fighting, I can only move forward! I don't want to have a bunch of cowards around when I move forward! "

"You think I'm here to take charge of the Independent Cavalry Regiment? I tell you, you're all wrong! The Independent Cavalry Regiment no longer exists! Disbanded! I have received the order of General Sia, and I will rebuild the Empire Rodry Asian cavalry! I will reconvene those truly brave, true warriors with the belief of victory, and then regain the banner that always moves forward! As for you, you are all eliminated! "

After speaking, Rinhart looked at the face below, shocked or hopeless or angry or dazed, slowly raised his hand, and pointed in one direction in the barracks:

"After dissolution, you can go to the quartermaster to collect your severance payment, and then use your baggage and go home! All of you can leave at any time after receiving the severance payment, but I advise you that you want to go as soon as possible Because the battle will start early tomorrow morning! I think it would be the most appropriate choice for a coward to leave the battlefield and go home early. Now, I announce ... dissolution !! "

After finishing the last sentence, Rinhardt jumped out of the wooden box, then kicked the wooden box with a kick, shattered it, and turned away without looking back.

Behind, thousands of eyes, most of them showed panic and bewilderment.


Disbanded completely?

Was the independent cavalry regiment really cancelled? !!

Retired? Severance pay? ? !!

That's it ... everything is over? !! !!

A blank or deep panic emerged from every officer or soldier! Most of them were Rongma lifetimes, and almost all of their lives were in the army.

Suddenly one day someone said to them: You can go home!

Everyone suddenly became helpless.

Deprived of all honor ... or that you have discarded all your honor, that's it ...

That's it ... home? !!

Come back home? ? !! !!

With humiliation, with all the humiliation, go home so dingy? !! !!

Walking home like a common people? ? !! !!

The soldiers were uproaring, the officers were angry, shouting, and clamoring, and the scene suddenly began to be a bit ugly.

Especially those officers, they started to look around anxiously, hoping that someone would manage them and tell them what to do ...


Soon, a group of soldiers from the Northern Army came from behind the camp. They moved some tables, and carts and carts, and came to the team.

"Just be quiet !!!"

Among the visitors, a loud sigh for a man wearing an officer's armor: "Everyone be quiet, listen to my orders."

Upon hearing the "command", the officers and men of the Independent Cavalry Regiment suddenly found a life-saving straw, and Qi Qi's eyes cast in.

"Listen to me, at the command of Lord Rheinhardt. Now, severance payments are dispatched here according to the roster! People from the original Independent Cavalry Regiment, starting from the First Banner Regiment, according to their formation numbers! Listen, prepare your badges and claim them according to the roster! "

Severance pay!

Really severance payment?

Is it really over?

When many people heard these words, they suddenly sat on the ground with their butts, and others burst into tears on the spot.

"grown ups!!"

The officers of an independent cavalry regiment stepped out, and strode to the officer who sent the severance. The person who came out was the officer called Wagner who had been asked by Rinhardt.

Wagner looked green and looked at the leader who had released the severance: "Excuse me, are we ... that's it ... over?"

"Yes, it's over." The dismissal officer's face did not look good, coldly: "Otherwise you think?"

"I ..." Wagner's eyes turned red.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, I have no time to spend time with you on the throne of the Seal of God." The officer said coldly, "If you want to receive severance pay, move faster. I finished this thing, and More important work. "

"So ... what about us?" Wagner said excitedly. "Did ... really let us go home?"

"Otherwise, what else do you want?" The officer said lightly: "You guys, what **** fights. Hmm ... In 19 days, the throne of God Seal, Lao Tzu went to the east with Master Xia Ya, two military regions They all leveled us! In the nineteen days, the Seal of the Seal of Throne, the brothers of the First Corps followed General Green and surrendered to Beckerp Military District! But your independent cavalry regiment ... Infantry? The Seal of the Seal of the Nineteen Days, and you are still standing on the border of the Nottings and watching them helpless ... What do you want?

"You! Damn! Who are you, dare to say such an insult to us!" Wagner growled angrily.

"Me?" The officer's anger was even greater than that of Wagner. He slammed the table and glared at Wagner fiercely: "Tell you! I was a strong riding camp! In the past, I was also a Rhoderian cavalry !!! Both of you are brothers! But you **** are so embarrassed, I will be embarrassed to say that I am a colleague with you !! "

Strong riding camp ...

Looking at the officer in front, many people faintly recognized the other ... seems to be familiar, after all, the strong riding camp was selected from the original Rhoderian cavalry, many people also recognized this at the moment People.

Strong riding camp ... Looking at this guy just saying the phrase "Lao Tzu is a strong riding camp", the kind of pride, insolent pride, incomparable pride released on his face ...

At that time ... Once, when we said to others, "I am a Rhoderian cavalry," it was so arrogant ...

But now ... is there still such an arrogant qualification?

"What are you doing!" Shouted the officer of this strong riding camp: "Is 1ang spending Lao Tzu's time on the throne of God? Quickly line up to collect money! After the money, Lao Tzu will go to war! Damn! You guys! The face that the guy lost on the battlefield, tomorrow I will desperately fight to get it back! No time here to delay the time for you and the throne of God! "

Then he threw a bag filled with gold coins to Wagner, who was standing in front of him: "Here you are! Get it! Come and write your name! Hurry!"

"I ..." Wagner flushed, the officer gritted his teeth fiercely, and threw the bag of gold coins in his hand back on the table.

"I don't want money! I won't go home!" Wagner suddenly pulled out his saber and slashed on the ground in front of him!

With a bang, the sword was cut on the ground, and a series of Mars came out.

The officer's face was full of humiliation, and his throat shouted, "Lao Tzu is not a coward! Not a deserter! I should have died under the city of Osgilia at the beginning! When I was a deserter, I was forced to do nothing! If I were here, I would n’t be able to raise my head in this life! In the future, I would have no face to see those brothers! "

Having said that, he held up his sword, stared coldly at the officer of the strong riding camp, and said fiercely: "I lost my face, I will kill myself! Do n’t you come to help us find the strong riding camp! Tomorrow I will go to battle !! I sign up to be a striker! "

Then, he spit on the ground fiercely, and turned away.

The officer of the strong riding camp smiled coldly, and shouted in the back: "No money? Okay! If you die tomorrow, I will still be your brother of Rhoderia!"

With that said, he turned his head, looked at the crowd, and yelled, "Have you seen enough? Come in line to get the money!"

The original noise scene suddenly became a deadly opportunity!

After a while ...

"Well! I'm not a coward!" An officer Aung left.

"We lose face, we will kill ourselves back!" Several soldiers turned with red eyes and carrying sabers.

"Money? I'm out of life, what do you want money for?" Several officers laughed away.

More people were spitting their mouths against the severance table, and then went back to camp severely.

Soon, thousands of soldiers crowded here were swept away.

No one glanced at the table where the severance payment was released!


Somewhere in the dark, Charya looked at the place that was gradually empty, looked at the scattered soldiers, couldn't help sighing, and looked at Rheinhardt who had just returned.

"I said ... Isn't it too cruel to do this?" Xia frowned. "In case ... they are scolded by you, they really took the severance payment home, how do they end up then?" "

Reinhardt looked calm: "Master, do you think I'm just acting?"

"..." Charlie examined Rheinhardt.

"I'm not doing a show at all." Rinhart slowly said: "It's very simple ... if they really receive the money ... it means that they are really cowards, then I will not hesitate to make them really Go straight home! Because if they really make this choice, then such people are really not worthy of being in the army. I will really apply to you to recruit and select elites in the whole army. Rebuilding a cavalry. No matter how difficult it is, I will not regret it, because what I need to stay in the army is a group of soldiers with faith, not cowards. "

Reinhardt said here, staring into Charya's eyes: "The Nottingians are not a big problem ... never. They never pose a real threat to us. But if this cavalry is really lost, With spiritual convictions, then it is our biggest problem. To rebuild a strong cavalry is our biggest goal. For this goal, I will at any cost! "

Xia was silent for a moment, and then asked, "This way you can rebuild their faith?"


Reinhardt's answer surprised Charlie.

But Rinhart's look was calm: "There is no such thing as simple-my approach just temporarily aroused their courage, stirred their numb blood xìng, and aroused their longing for the glory of the past ... but True faith-building is not so simple, nor is it based on this method, it can be established in a day or two. My lord, I must say, this requires process. Rhoderian cavalry also depends on several generations People's **** struggles have rooted the forward spirit in the blood of each cavalry. Establishing faith requires a process. The method I use now can only temporarily relieve it for a moment. To truly build faith, We have to do one more thing in the future: let soldiers know why they are fighting. This is the most fundamental thing. "

"... Do you have any way?" Charlie nodded.

"No, sir." Rinhart looked at Charlie, and there was something strange in his eyes: "Sir, I must say that solving this real fundamental problem does not depend on me ... but on you."


"Yes, you!" Rinhart smiled slowly, then he looked directly into Charya's eyes: "You are our supreme commander, why the soldiers fight, it depends on your will. Master Charya Remember that when I first arrived in Denzel, when we met in private that day, did I ask you that question? "


Xia Ya sank a little, and immediately remembered.

At the beginning, indeed ... Rheinhardt had asked himself a question.

"What do you want?"

That's the problem.

"Your will determines the conviction of those of us who follow you." Rinhart's voice is steady as if without a trace of glamour: "If your ambition is to dominate a county, then after the next county, people will Laziness. If your ambition is only to drive out the enemy, then the people will relax after you drive the Odins away. If your ambition is to become the first strongest empire, then you have already done it after calming down the four military regions. , The people around you will lose their goals ... "

Having said that, Rinhart gave Charya another look: "Actually, you never answered that question, and my only concern for you is here. Xia Leiming ... you think What is it? What is it going to be? "

"Is personal ambition?" Xia Haha smiled: "Do you want to know my personal ambition? Even if I have great ambitions, you and these soldiers will be willing to kill my personal ambition?"

"Personal ambition, national ambition ... is there a difference?" Rinhart smiled slightly.

"No difference?" Xia asked frowning.

"There is a difference, but in fact it can be said that there is no difference." Rinhart said lightly: "We, as well as those generals just outside, they love this country, because this country has their home, their loved ones, their Parents, wives, and children ... so they love this country, they want this country to be strong, prosperous, and peaceful. As for who the emperor is, most people don't really care. The emperor is Cantors or Garcia. ...... Even if you change to a 'Xia Ya Lei Ming Emperor', I think most people will not oppose-as long as you really make this country strong and peaceful, you can lead them to guard this country together, protect Their homes and loved ones, then most of them are willing to follow you. From ancient times to today, things have been so simple. "

"Hah!" Xia laughed. "Rhinehart, do you remember that you are not a pure patriot? If I say I am going to be emperor and usurp the Byzantine empire ... can you tolerate it?"

"I love this country." Rinhart said indifferently: "As long as it is strong and prosperous, that is all my wish ... As for the name of this country, which continues to be called Byzantium, or if I change it, I really don't care so much. My lord ... you still haven't answered my question. What is your ambition, what you want, exactly. "

"..." This time, Xia's silence for a longer time was on the Throne of Seals.

After a long time, he took a deep breath.

Our soil is never as serious as it is now.

His eyes were gone, and it seemed as if a light had been released at this moment.

"I ... have something I want to protect." Charlie's voice was very light, sounding as if calm, but beneath that calm surface, there seemed to be something fierce hidden.

"I want a lot ... I want to protect the people I love and the people who love me ... I know this is vulgar and ridiculous ~ ~ I hope those who I respect and love do not die, do not In a tragic end, I hope that the people I hate and hate will get the retribution they deserve. I want those who have expectations of me and will not be disappointed. Those who bet their lives on me will finally be able to Get a good ending. In addition to these seemingly sublime words, I also have my selfishness. I hope my name will spread throughout the world and be looked up to by the world. I hope to achieve something for the people in the world, even for future generations. Amazing achievement! I want to get what I want, and I want my people to stay with me ... "

(It also includes Defeny.) Charlie added.

If you want the queen to be my ... then, it seems that I have only one way to go, right? Hahahaha ...

In the end, our earthen figure suddenly, with a very strange expression, slowly pulled out a gold coin from our pocket, threw it in our hands, and finally threw the gold coin to Rheinhardt, Rheinhardt One I caught it and looked at Charlie in doubt.

Xia Ya smiled suddenly.

"So ... let this gold coin be printed on my head someday."

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