
Chapter 536: 【means】

(Solemnly explain! Zhu apologized for the recent few days of crying. I have encountered something recently. I feel depressed and anxious, and my insomnia is very serious, but now that I'm fine, I will speed up the update.

One more thing to say is the progress of this book. Many people asked me when the hunting country should be written. I said a few months ago that I wanted to end this year, but now it seems that according to the current Progress, the end of the year is impossible, I don't want to end it, I want to finish it. So the end of this book is a few months away from the Throne of the Seal of God, haha. Friends who are worried about the end of the year can rest assured that I will not end it in order to forcefully end the year.


Chapter 536, means,

"What are you thinking?,

Excited and gradually calmed, Ruhr turned around and saw Adrik looking abnormally. Ruhr frowned slightly and put down the report in his hand.

Adrik didn't change his look, but sighed as if: "Maybe, I made a mistake."


Ruhr looked stranger: "Adriatic, you"

"You know what I mean, don't be confused." Adrik slowly said: "I'm starting to regret it now. Maybe the order I signed for sending the Northern Army out was a wrong decision."

Ruhr knew, of course, that he understood what Adrik meant.

Earlier, the emperor had issued a military order to the northern guardian area. That military order required the northern army to dispatch and defeat the northern warlords. In fact, such an order was more or less meant to use the northern army. Let the Northern Army help Emperor Capital draw a lot of attention from some warlords and disperse the pressure on Emperor Capital.

This kind of military order is normal, but in the final analysis, the lack of it is not to escape the intention of using the Northern Army as cannon fodder.

In particular, it is worth mentioning that if such a military order originates only from the emperor or the Duke of Minas, it will be fine. But that military order was signed by Adrik!

This is a bit subtle.

In the light of the relationship and personal relationship between Adrik and Xia, he openly signed such an order for the Northern Army to be a cannon fodder, which would be a little weird.

But Ruhr knew very well that such a move was inevitable for Adrik's character!

Adrik was upright and honest, even if his personal relationship with Xia was better, but depending on the situation at the time, the imperial capital was facing great pressure, there was still rebellion in the south, and the northern warlord party looked at it with desperation. From the military and political point of view, the movement of Xia Ya in the northern guardian area can indeed help the emperor alleviate some pressure. It is right.

It's good to be with the Empire Central, but it's not necessarily a good thing to Charya.

After all, the Army of the Northern Army has to be awesome to support in the pack of wolves. It is no doubt very dangerous to take the initiative to attack. But Adrik still signed that order, because it seemed to him that he simply felt that this matter was good for the empire, and that was what he should do!

As for the gains and losses of the small groups and individuals of the Northern Army and Xia, before Adrik seemed to face national interests, they could be sacrificed and ignored.

This is not to say that Adrik didn't miss his love, it was because of his fairness and uprightness.

But the problem is here.

The military order that made the Northern Army go down is actually a different word for Ruhr himself, but after all, he is not good enough to openly oppose Adrik's insistence.

However, both men were privately worried about the Northern Army.

That is to say, if Xia Ya really executed the order, once the Northern Army launched an offensive, in the event that the horse honeycomb was struck, it would be attacked by the northern warlord party group, only to fear that the new northern army group would be defeated.

On the other hand, Adrik was more worried about what would happen if Xia ’s resistance was not implemented.

I was afraid that if this happened, Adrik would be even more disappointed. Because he hoped that Charya would be a loyal empire Charya, not a mighty power to isolate the North and wait and see!

If Xia ’s resistance does not move, then it shows that Xia has a personal ambition to protect himself and wait and is not willing to damage his own strength for the central government of the empire. How is it different from many warlords? The Northern Army is nothing more than the transformation of another larger independent prince in the North.

But now, both fears have failed.

Not only did Xia execute the order, but it was so shocking!

Within a month, the troops were divided into four lanes, attacking four military regions, and being defeated in one battle! Eradicate the Quartet!

In the rest of the month, the throne of the Seal of God, the north has been settled by him so large a place, his northern guard general of the empire, already sitting close to the land of seven counties!

The strength of his army's combat power is beyond everyone's imagination!

And Xia ’s excessive power is shocking, and it is a little bit more daunting and worrying!

Will a star with such a powerful and excessive power still remain loyal to the empire? In particular, now the empire has weakened into such a look, a stalemate of the sun and the west.

Don't forget, this lord of the Empire, Lord Duds of North County, Lord Yale Ming, General of the Northern Guards of the Empire, is actually not a Byzantine himself!


Too strong!

Ever since the Empire was founded, there has never been such a powerful side town!

Xia has soldiers, horses, and territory, and his control site is also an important grain-producing area in the north of the Empire! What's more important is that almost all of his strength is managed by himself! Not the generals cultivated by the Empire!

Maybe it was a wrong decision?

At the beginning, the Northern Army should not be sent out. The combat effectiveness of the Northern Army was so strong. After the troop was sent out, it swallowed such a large territory ... With the sudden expansion of the forces, will Xia ’s ambition also follow ...

If it is the imperial peace period or the imperial power period, it is impossible to tolerate the existence of such a powerful and excessive border town! It must be restricted or split, or he must be recalled directly to Emperor Capital and assigned to a post similar to the Minister of Military Affairs to hang him high and give him full status and courtesy, but he must be kept away from the frontline army. "

But in the current state of the empire, none of these means of restriction can be used.

Ruhr understands Adrik's anxiety, no matter how much he trusts Xia, but it is unpredictable. When people have such a powerful power in their hands and everything seems to be at their fingertips, will the mind be true? Change?

Ruhr sighed softly and said slowly: "Adrik ... now, what's the use of worrying about this?"

Adrik raised his eyelids and looked at Ruhr: "What do you mean?"

"Follow the procedures, always give him credit." Ruhr's expression was very dull: "The Northern Army fought such a big victory and executed the military order to send troops to the rebel party, the results are brilliant, no matter what He said that the military department must give them commendations, and everything that should be rewarded is indispensable. "

"Yes, that's right." Adrik nodded and promised: "It is difficult for the country. If anyone has done such a great job for the country without rewarding it, who else will serve the country in the future. The Northern Army ’s rewards and rewards must be handled as soon as possible. Go down. "

"And ..." Ruhr seemed to hesitate: "Your worry, I think we might as well wait, maybe in a few days, news will come from the North."

"..." Adrik raised his head and gave Ruhr a deep look.

For a moment, the two looked at each other, and Adrik said softly as if nothing had happened: "Ruhr, do you know something? Or is there a connection between you and Charlie?"

The fat man did not answer directly, but just smiled slightly: "That kid can be regarded as the line you promoted, and your future son-in-law. If you have no confidence in him, why bother asking me?"

Adrik stopped talking.

After two days, Lord Duke Xia Leiming, General of the Northern Weicheng District, again wrote to the Imperial City.

This official document is even more serious. It fully complies with the empire's decree, and as the general of the northern border town, it writes to the Military Department and the Imperial Government Office. It reports the situation in the north and the status of the four military regions it subscribed. A request was made for everyone to be relieved.

"Please ask Didu to conveniently send the corresponding officials to take over the government affairs of the Guangfu District."

This requirement was written on the official document of the imperial capital presented on Xia, which immediately eased everyone.

The land in the seven counties is too big for a "weiwei district"! Jurisprudentially speaking, a garrison district should definitely not control so many counties as large as a territory! Now that the land has been restored, it should be to return to the embrace of the Empire Central and let the Central send officials to take over the place. This is the truth.

This letter from Lord Duke Xia Leiming immediately won the unanimous praise of the empire's top and bottom lords. They all believed that the young empire star knew the general, advanced and retreat, and knew the points.

According to the official document submitted by Xia Ya, the Bolo Military District, Bekelp Military District, and other places that were defeated this time must be returned to the Empire Central to take over, revoke the former military district establishment, and return to the county's administrative structure. Emperor Capital sent officials at all levels to take over. his northern army is only responsible for fighting, since the battlefields returned are also handed over to the Empire Central.

In words, what a righteousness is upright and straightforward, the style of a young empire.

Even the emperor Garcia, after seeing the reports of the northern guard general Xia, seemed to feel a lot more relaxed.

However, unlike the ease of the top and bottom of the entire emperor, only one person, at this time, kept a low profile and silence, without showing a half-easy look.

This person is the old prime minister Salenbonelli!

The Prime Minister, who has gradually exaggerated his body, saw the official document of Xia in the Imperial City's Administrative Office, and slowly sighed, and closed the file in front of him.

"This Xia thunders, there is a guidance from an expert!"

With that said, the old prime minister frowned and frowned, "If the young boy and son used to be, how could he think of such a thorough and old-fashioned move."

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