
Chapter 545: [Sensitive issues]

The holy city of Babylon has always been in the current Big Six, and it seems as if it is an independent world from the three great powers of the world. With this status, for thousands of years, the holy city that has not experienced wars has become the most prosperous place in the free trade of the entire world.

No one can guess how much wealth has accumulated in this ancient holy city.

For various reasons, the three major powers have never dared to make the idea of ​​the Holy City, or have made such an idea without success.

However, now suddenly I heard such a sensational message from the mouth of the contemporary guardian of the holy city: the lord of the holy city has suffered such a big change, and the contemporary master of the city has almost died. Even an heir must be picked from the sidelines scattered in this world ..., ...

With this news, Xia Ya's instinct immediately turned back quickly.

Such a huge change, I'm afraid it might not be as simple as this woman said ...

However, Charlie suddenly changed her face and looked at Saint Laurent Garros: "You just said, Nene was afraid that he would not end well. What does this mean? You asked her to go back and inherit the position of the city lord ... "

"Just one of the candidates." Saint Laurent Garros shook his head lightly.

"Well, even if it's just one of the candidates, is there any bad end to this?"

Saint Roland Garros took a deep look at Charya and whispered: "The Holy City can inherit its rules for so many generations, and naturally has its own rules. The change of the city's main position, especially in such special circumstances, is also natural There are special cases to deal with. According to what I know, there have been examples of having to change the owner of the city in such an emergency and special situation for generations. "There are only four times in history, and this is the fifth time! "

"What does this have to do with Nene's end ..."

"Hello Langaros gave Charya a cold look, and said lightly:" I won't talk to you in detail. "I will only tell you one thing: the queen of the people, the tribe of the city owner, this tribe has always attached great importance to the purity of their own bloodline. xìng, especially the line that succeeded the post of the city lord, has even more stringent requirements on bloodline. Therefore, the line of the city lord has never been allowed to marry any foreign race, so as to avoid mixing their noble people's blood. "

Xia noticed that when speaking the words "Queen of Humanity", the woman's tone always had a slight disapproval, even an unabashed mockery.

"No, not intermarriage with foreigners?" Xia Ya froze.

"Yes, just not intermarriage with foreigners.

Saint Laurent Garros's stranger tone: "If you are the city leader, you haven't encountered this kind of change, it will be passed down from generation to generation. However, the city owner must not marry a foreigner. Whether they are married or not, they must choose people in their own clan to ensure that the descendants of the city owner must be queen of pure blood. Of course, the nephews like Nene, who are scattered around the world, are not so particular, but as long as they stay in the holy city, they must follow such rules. "

After a pause, Saint Laurent Garros slowly said: "The Holy City has always been very strict with the people of the city, especially the bloodline", and every detail will be recorded.

It seems that Nene's little girl, her father was married to a woman of her own family, gave birth to Nene, the blood is pure, if Nene's blood has an outside race, then there is no qualification for a candidate for the position of city owner . "

"I ... still don't understand ..." ... Charlie shook her head.

Roland Garros sighed: "Huh, boy, Xia" What do you think of Nene's strength and talents, is it possible to become the owner of the city? "

Xia Qi said: "Yi? This is your holy city thing." How did you ask me? But Nene, she is so good at martial arts at a young age, naturally she is very good. "

"Yes, she is really out of Roland Garros." But it is natural that there are other young people who are queen descendants, and the qualifications within them can be selected as the new town owner. I think it is only half. But "whether or not you become the city owner, this girl will only be afraid of ..."

"In the end ..." Charlie was already impatient.

"Don't you understand? Stupid boy, what I said to you about the city owner only intermarried with your own family, have you forgotten it?" Saint Laurent Garros said coldly: "Within her strength, if she becomes a new city Lord, you must get married right away! And it is the elders who will choose a good young lady from her family this year to become her husband! But even if she has n’t become the new town master, think about it. , When the elders will choose the right wife for the new town owner, Nene will have such a beautiful face, plus she is of pure blood ... "

"Ah!" Xia Ya's eyes widened suddenly, and finally reflected in her mind.

"That is to say, regardless of whether this child can be selected this time, she will marry someone soon after returning to the holy city! I know she is fierce and loves you very much. But once she returns The holy city, the Presbyterian Church is very powerful, and the ancient law of the holy city is as cold as iron. At that time, she has no choice at all. Alas, a little girl like a flower, from now on ... "

Having said that, Saint Laurent Garros intentionally shut up and stopped talking.

Xia Ya opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she was at a loss, but she didn't know what to say.

Nene naturally understands his own feelings, and Tu Yan's heart is naturally moved.

Now if Nene returns to the holy city and is forced to marry someone else, Xia Ya naturally feels like he has pressed a few large stones, heavy and uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Charlie flashed a thought in her heart, staring at Saint Laurent Garros: "Why did you intentionally say this to me?"

The woman shook her head and smiled, "What thoughts can I have?"

"Huh, you said that this meant me to be anxious for Nene and wanted to trick me into the holy city, and then"

"Hehe, really cute silly boy, if I want to get you to the holy city, why should I lie to you, and now I'm stunned and brought back to you, where is the need for so many tongues."

As soon as Charya stayed, she believed in her heart.

Indeed, in front of this strong man who was second only to Emperor Odin, he and Hasting were both defeated by one move. If they want to catch themselves back, it ’s just a hand, there is no need to make up. So many words to fool yourself.

"Then you tell me this," Xia's heart was confused.

Saint Roland Garros didn't answer, and looked at Charlie with a slight smile: "Okay, I just came to see you guy, and see how the old drunkard adjusted, and you didn't let me down."

Having said that, she turned away and walked away slowly in the night.

"Hey! Wait!" Xia Ya couldn't help but yelled.

"What?" Saint Laurent Garros turned back.

"Well, you ... are you just like this, gone?"

"It's over. If you don't leave, will you stay with you for breakfast? It's going to be bright!"

Then, as if raising her arms, she waved at Xia and quickly disappeared into the woods.

Suddenly, the top powerhouse in the world left, leaving only Charlie and Hastings here. The faces of both men were complicated, there was some confusion, and there was a little shock. They stood there. After being relatively speechless for a while, Xia Ya suddenly shot a big tuǐ: "Damn! I can't watch her jumping like that into the big pit!"

Charya jumped up, then walked back and forth a few steps, looking anxious: "What **** city owner is a cage at all! I have to imprison people for a lifetime! I will not be a **** guard, that city owner. The status is the same. A cage is worse than that guardian! If xìng Zi, like Nene, is imprisoned in such a big place, wouldn't she suffocate her!

Hasting's face sè Tieqing, after listening to Xia ’s words, he suddenly raised a brow: "Why, are you going to the holy city?"

"Yes! You have to go!" Xia Ya was puzzled.

Hasting looked up and down at Xia, suddenly sneering three times, holding his selvedge, and strode away.

Xia yelled twice in the back, Hastings only did not hear, and left.

"Fuck, these guys are playing anything one by one, come and go as soon as you come, these strong ones, there is no normal person!" Xia Ya secretly slurped two words.


Xia himself returned to the mansion in Denzel, her newlywed wife was still asleep, and the shìwei in the house never alarmed. Xia Ya, however, still had a rest, and went directly to the study, and sent someone to invite Green and other people to come to discuss.

Tonight was the day of Char ’s wedding, and Green also drank a few more glasses. When he was called, he was already three-pointed. But when he heard what he said, the old crazy dog ​​jumped up and pointed. Charya's nose could not help yelling!

"What? Are you going out again ?! Xia, what are you shaking !!!"

Old Green has red ears and red face, and is so angry: "You are the supreme commander of the Northern Army! At the moment, the North is settled. A lot of things are waiting to be done, and a lot of foundations are waiting for us to run. At this time, you have to run again. That ’s it! You used to do ridiculous things and disappeared every time, and I endured it! But this time you are too much! Not to mention that you are newly married! There are a lot of officials from the Imperial City to deal with, also You have to rectify the army and separate the military and political power of the region. You have to come here! At this time, you have to go ?! "

Xia Ya is also in the mood. He understands that he is too incompetent to be the boss, and the affair of several times will disappear for a period of time. The throne of the Seal of God will be thrown to Green to carry it, which is justified. .

But at this moment, I have to bite the bullet: "The guys in the Imperial City, according to the good measures we have discussed, drag them, let them dry, and slowly grind these guys. As for the division of local military affairs, we have all After discussing the strategy, we followed the implementation. As for the foreign enemies, where are our enemies in the north now? We settled the four military regions in one battle. Within a year and a half, no one dared to think about us. We will not go. Hitting them was thankful. As for the others ... "

Charlie glanced at Sophie who was standing still quietly: "Why military affairs, General Green, Rheinhart and the rest as supplements. Government affairs, the chief of staff will take care. Let those emperors come Although the grandfathers of officials cannot really reuse them, our government affairs and military affairs must be separated. Such a strategy is also the general direction we have set long ago. The separation of military and political authority can make everything truly formal. Sophie, this strategy is also the program you mentioned. Plan 1 you have drawn up, as well as government affairs, will be entrusted to you. "

Sophie looked indifferent, not as angry as Green, but just smiled: "Sir, I don't have any other problems. There is only one thing. I want you to come down now.

If you agree, then there will be no problem with government affairs, but if you don't allow it, then I can't do this government affairs anyway. "

"Talk about the conditions?" Xia smiled, and his stare at Sophie couldn't help but deepen: "You say it. Is it a raise? If the price is too high, I can't afford it."

"It's very simple." Sophie God became a little bit cold, and her voice seemed to calm down instantly. ~ There is no half-emotional emotion. "I just want to know, since the adult will handle government affairs Entrusted to me, then during this period of time, in the throne of the Seal of God, is all local financial affairs and government decisions, regardless of the size of matters, the decision? "

"Yes!" Xia nodded without hesitation. "Since you are in charge of government affairs, I naturally decentralize."

"So, sir, if so," Sophie said here, suddenly paused, then deliberately glanced at Green around him, then withdrew her gaze, and said lightly, "If the military disagrees with government affairs? Especially the finances If the military wants to intervene in the question of taxes? "

Charlie's face immediately changed a little, staring at Sophie, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly dignified.

The military intervened in government affairs, but this sensitive topic was brought up by Sophie as if he didn't care about it. It suddenly made a few people in the room, each person's face changed completely, more human. The face became slightly ugly, and the eyes became deeper.

Xia Ya looked at Sophie, and looked at Green, whose face was a little bit thick, but now the two of them were at the same time, and they turned the seal of the throne, and turned their eyes away. a.

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