
Chapter 556: [Rocks Going Out] (below)

Chapter 556 [The Soil Golem That Runs Away] (Below)

[Yes, I am back, happy Chinese New Year!

It disappeared for six months, I'm sorry, sorry. In the past six months, I handled some of my personal affairs and recuperated my body. Well, by the way, I got married, huh. The wedding photos were sent in the group, and interested siblings can go and see.

Anyway, I am back and now I feel like I am back to full value.

What is certain is that I will not disappear again until the whole country is hunted.

Sorry everyone, and thank you all for waiting!

Keep you waiting! 】


Chapter 556 [The Soil Golem That Runs Away] (Below)

This caravan entered Linhai a few days ago, and each carriage was hoisted with a special flag.

These specially made flags are all passes for special merchants issued by the Patriarchs of the Holy City of Babylon.

If in the past, with the agreement reached by the various races in the holy city of Babylon and the chaotic leader, whether the elves, mountain giants or hill dwarves, these aliens will according to agreement not to attack the human caravan flying the flag.

But the size of the chaotic collar is several times larger than that of Wildfire. In such a large area, the prestige of the holy city cannot shine to every corner. There are always some races that do not deal with the Holy City and have not reached a contract with the Holy City.

For example, it is recognized that the most hated race in the forest: the black elves, also known as the fallen elves.

These mutant elves are the biggest alien species in the forest, not only do they not share the same hatred with the elves, but even the dwarves and giants are at odds with them. These black elves are in the forest, attacking any race they encounter, the caravans of human beings, especially their targets.

As early as when entering the chaos, the **** mercenaries in the caravan were already fighting very hard.

The human caravan has always been the fat in the eyes of the black elves.

According to legend, the dark elves were originally a part of the elves. These elves later fell, abandoned their beliefs, and no longer believed in the gods of the elves. They were yin, greedy, and cunning. Because they betrayed the elves' faith, they lost their genius: natural magic. But it has become increasingly cunning and cruel. These dark mutant spirits, even legends, are better at bow and arrow than ordinary elves, and fighting in the woods, especially at night, is a headache.

I just didn't expect that it only entered the Linhai for a few days. According to the map, there are thousands of kilometers away from the place where the dark elves haunt.

Along the way, this attack is already the third time.

Obviously, this caravan has been spotted by a dark elven tribe lurking nearby.

"Hell! It should have been a safe area here. Whether it is a dwarf or a giant elven, it will not appear here near the edge of the forest, where did these black robbers come from!"

The businessman under the carriage kept cursing, and Xia shot and killed a black elf hidden in the woods, turned over and jumped out of the carriage, picked up an axe that was unknown to the dead mercenary, and Rushing out quickly, bracing his waist, his figure was like a lightning bolt, quickly plunging into the woods ...

After a while, there were sudden screams and exclaims in the woods, and a few red lights came out from time to time. After the red light flashed, there was a whistle around immediately, then those woods The robbers began to disperse.

After a while, in the quiet convoy, the mercenaries lowered their bows and arrows, but tightened their swords more and more.

In the woods ahead, Charlie's figure appeared slowly, and walked back step by step.

The clothes on Doya's body had been stained with blood, and his face was murderous. The axe in his hand was long gone, but he had dragged several half-dead guys in his hands.

He grabbed his hair by several black elves and dragged it out on the ground. Obviously, they lost their ability to resist, but they were dragged by Charya, and they all wailed in pain.

Charlie walked back in the awe of the surroundings, and those in the mercenaries and caravans were all with a look of fear.

"Who would speak the language of these **** guys?" Xia caught four black elves and dropped them on the ground. One of them tried to get up, and Xia stepped up and stepped on his thigh.

The soil turtle shot very fiercely, and stepped off the unlucky black elf's thigh in one foot, and then it was a scream.

"Does no one speak their language?". Charya frowned, looking at the trembling guys around him, "Unlucky."

It seemed that I had to interrogate in person.

Xia grabbed the black elf who had broken his thigh himself, pinched the opponent's neck, and lifted it up-it should be "her", to be precise.

This is obviously a female dark elf. The unique beauty of the elf family still exists in the dark elf family. This unlucky dark elf has a very charming face, and the bumpy body is simply wrapped in one. A simple short-skinned cormorant. After the assassination, the original cortex of the upper body has been torn. After being lifted by Xia, a pair of straight and full chests are exposed to the air.

"If you can speak human language, it's better to speak now." Xia Ya had no meaning at all, and stared coldly at the female elf's eyes in her hand: "I am a very impatient man."

The female elf's eyes only had crickets and venom, and he said something fiercely with his teeth gritted in his mouth—Xia couldn't understand a word.

"Obviously, you don't know human language." Xia was too lazy to waste time. She tightened her hands and clicked, and twisted her neck, throwing her alluring hot body on the ground at will.

He walked over and grabbed another, but this time was a very powerful male black elf-these guys have dark skin all over their bodies, and they also painted various weird patterns with oil paints of unknown materials.

Xia Ya just grabbed the guy, and the oil paint on the other's skin suddenly burst into a ray of light. Xia Ya felt the heat on the palm of his hand suddenly.

"Oh? Magic?" Xia Haha smiled. In terms of his strength, this level of magic was not even itching. He just slapped it in the face and lost most of his teeth from the elves' mouth. Looking at the magic lines on the chest of his opponent, he reached out his hand and grabbed it. The flesh and blood suddenly caught was blurred.

"The magic is over." Charlie looked at the dim light on the other side and said coldly, "I still only ask once, will you speak our language?"

The other man closed his mouth and stared at Charlie fiercely.

"Okay, it seems you can't." Xia was about to hold his neck tightly. At this moment, the remaining two dark elves lying on the ground suddenly exclaimed, one of them was sharper. Call out.

Although it was only a short pronunciation, it was clear that she was shouting human language.

"No !!!!"


Charlie let go of the guy in her hand, and looked at the talking human dark elf on the ground with a smirk expression: "Oh, finally I can find a talking person."

"You're lucky." Hastings, sitting in the shed, shrugged.

"Hey! I'm wisdom, I don't understand." Xia Ya and Hessing quarreled: "You haven't seen this guy caught by me. The texture on his body is different from other guys, obviously more complicated, indicating that he His identity is not ordinary. Maybe it is a leader or the like, maybe he will speak, or use him to talk to other people who speak, is a good choice. "

"It's just the wisdom of the soil." Hesting still stiffened.

"Okay." Xia came to the female black elf and grabbed her: "Now you answer my question, if you answer a wrong sentence, even if it is a word, I will cut him off One arm. "Charlie pointed at the male elf on the ground." So you better not make me angry. "

The pain of the female elf's face was full of resentment, but looking at a dead female companion on the ground, and then looking at the male leader who was thrown to the ground by Charya, he finally suppressed the resentment in his eyes, Head down: "Okay, you ask!"

"Why are you attacking us?"


Xia ’s first question hesitated the female elf for a while, then her answer made Xia a little depressed.

"Why do wolves eat sheep? Why do goshawks catch sparrows?" The female elf said coldly: "We are the masters here, we hunt the prey that broke into our territory. It's that simple."

"Human words are very slippery." Xia Haha smiled: "But you are in a circle with me, so ... answer wrong!"

Xia Ya smiled coldly, and gently waved his palm against the male black elf on the ground. After a scream, the right arm of the male black elf had flew out, blood sprayed, mixed with the scream!

The female elf immediately screamed and scolded, but Xia didn't wait for her to scream, and slapped her teeth with a slap.

"Don't pretend to be stupid with me. You shouldn't be here. In fact, it's not near the site of your black elves. Why did you come here to attack us! This is my problem, so if you continue to pretend to be stupid , Then ... "

"Okay! Stop!" The female elf succumbed. She watched Xia's raised hand again and quickly said: "Don't hurt him! I answer all your questions!"

Charlie's eyes turned: "Second question ... who is he? It looks like you're all nervous about him."

The female elf hesitated, but finally did not dare to lie: "He ... he is the noble chief warrior in our tribe and the son of the tribal chief."

"Oh, it seems I caught a big fish." Xia Haha smiled.

"Stupid." Hesting stepped in and shouted at Xia: "The black elves are inherently filthy, their patriarchs are generally females, and they will have many offspring. The one you caught may be just one of the least Eye-catching. "

Xia Ya snorted and ignored Hesting, but looked at the female elf in her hand: "The son of the patriarch? Is that important to him?"

"If he dies, we will die, and our loved ones in the tribe will die, too." The female elf dejected: "This is our tradition. I belong to his subordinates."

"Very good, then it shows that he still has some use value." Xia Ya coldly: "Now, answering my first question just now, why do you appear here and attack us?"


The female elf finally no longer resisted, and gave Xia directly the answer:

"Our original territory was snatched. A few months ago, the holy city of Babylon sent out the samurai regiment, entered the chaos, and hunted down our dark elven tribes. We could not defeat their samurai regiment and kept on Migration, we have migrated several times, and the farther and farther they are, we can only come here. "

"Samurai? Hunt your dark elves?" Charlie heard something unusual, and he immediately grasped the key: "Does this happen often before?"

"Of course ... of course not." The dark elves seemed to be very scared of the holy city of Babylon: "The samurai of the holy city are very powerful. If they always hunt us, we would have no place to stand. Such hunting seems to be A ritual of the samurai in Babylon. Only when something major happens, they will send excellent warriors into the forest and hunt powerful prey. Through this ritual, the best warriors will be finally selected. Come."

"Choose the best samurai, what do you do?"

"I don't know. There are several cases like this." The female elf answered slowly: "Sometimes because the old city lord dies and you want to choose a new city lord. Sometimes it is to choose a good guardian samurai. But this time It seems unreasonable. When we resisted, we captured a Babylonian warrior. From his mouth, we know that the holy city is undergoing a selection to select the best young male warriors. "

"What is it?"

"I heard that they are about to have a new city lord, a woman. And pick a good male warrior to be the city lord's husband, so as to give birth to the best and most powerful offspring."

Charlie stayed.

Then he cursed: "!!!"

New town owner? husband?

Mahler next door! !!

He immediately threw the female elf to the ground, picked up a sword and was about to stump. Someone around him finally shouted, "Wait, wait!"

"Huh?" Xia Ya turned back, and saw a middle-aged man in the caravan who couldn't help coming out, "This, this master, that ..."


The middle-aged man took a deep breath: "It is too wasteful to kill them. You see, we also killed a few excellent mercenaries, and we have to pay a large pension. These captives are just fine Make up for our losses ... "

"Are these guys, are they valuable?" Charlie blurted out, then realized that she was stupid.

Elves, especially the Dark Elves, have always been the favorite and most expensive item of traffickers in the Empire.

Hunting authentic elves will also carry the danger of revenge by the elves, and they will also lose the qualifications to enter Babylon—you know, along the way into Babylon, the chaos is the place where the elves live.

But hunting the dark elves is more cost-effective. These guys are considered traitors by the elves, and hunting them will not offend the elves.

And the dark elves still have elven descent, these guys have beautiful appearances regardless of men and women. Especially the young female dark elf, with a hot and seductive figure, beautiful appearance, and natural nature, is a dream that many wealthy and wealthy people in the empire dream of.

Because the Dark Elves are cruel and dangerous at the same time, the cost of capturing this prey is also very high, so a Dark Elf slave, especially a female Dark Elf slave, can be sold on the market for nearly sky-high prices.

"Do you want these guys?" Xia Ya changed his mouth and looked at the middle-aged man. He recognized that this middle-aged man was also a high-ranking leader in the caravan.


"Very well, you can ask for a price." Charlie looked at the other person in a dumbfounded way, and said coldly, "You don't think I should give them to you in vain? All these guys were caught by myself Has nothing to do with you. "

Although a companion, Xia instinctively hates this kind of human trafficking.

"So, what price do you want, we can negotiate ..."

"I don't want money," Charlie said immediately. "But I need someone, someone who knows to reach Babylon from here, and I need a guide."

Charlie's words surprised everyone.

"Yes, you heard me right, I need a guide! Because from now on, we are going to go our separate ways." Xia Yaliang said coldly: "Who knows the road, you can sign up by yourself, I promise to give him 10,000 gold coins afterwards As compensation! "

Many people took a deep breath when this price code came out.

It was tempting, but no one spoke immediately.

After all, although there are many people in the caravan, there are not many guides who know the way. This kind of golden commercial road is only controlled by a few large commercial groups in the empire. The guides to the roads are all people in the core circle of large commercial groups.

Although 10,000 gold coins is very tempting, if you go to Babylon with the caravan, the income will not be much higher. What's more ... people instinctively still feel safe to stay with many people.

Although Xia Ya was brave, he set off on his own with him, in this vast forest ... it seemed very dangerous.

After a moment of silence, a voice finally sounded.

"I, I do."

The man next to the wheel slowly crawled out and patted the dirt on his body, with a decided expression on his face: "This master, I am willing to walk with you, I know the way."

Xia recognized the scared ghost who was hiding under the wheel during the fight just now and smiled, "Are you sure you know the way?"

"Of course." The guy immediately shouted, "I know, this is the third time I have gone this way. You see, in the battle just now, all the guys I brought were dead, and the mercenaries were not. Can protect us, I am willing to go with you. "

"Very well, it's you." Charlie nodded, then pointed at the elves on the ground: "These guys are yours too, and you can sell them to others now, how much you sell is your own business. . "

"Thank you!"

The guy immediately glowed in his eyes. He walked into the crowd and talked with several caravan leaders for a moment before signing a contract.

To Xia's surprise, except for the one killed by himself, the other guys sold a total of 40,000 gold coins!

Although it is impossible to carry so many gold coins with him, with the signed contract, as long as the guy can return to the empire, he can use the contract to exchange cash coins in the business group.

Xia had three more horses to go.

The three left the team on the road and accelerated to the depths of Lin Hai.

When the caravan behind him was out of sight, Xia Ya looked at the guide right next to him. This guy rode well. Obviously, the guy who walks out and doing business all year round seems to have a little skill.

"You don't seem to be as timid as you seem." Xia Ya laughed. "Dare to leave the brigade and follow me alone."

"Well, those guys are idiots." The guide immediately piled his face at Charya, with a flattering smile: "This master, I am very brave, but I have at least a little wisdom, they are Although there are many, following them must be a dead end. Only following the master, you have a way to live. "

"Oh?" Charlie smiled playfully.

"That's for sure!" The guide smiled flatteringly: "The caravan has been spotted by that black elf tribe. They have suffered a big loss and will definitely not let go. They will definitely attack again. There is no bravery Lord, you sit in the town. The caravan was caught by a black elf tribe in the middle of the forest. They might not have a chance to walk to Babylon alive! God testify, maybe they will walk for another two days at most. Back home! It is the safest way to go with the master! "

Xia Ya couldn't help but look at this guy a few more times and sighed: "Speaking of it, I suddenly found that you look like a guy I know ..."

"Oh? I'm so glorious. I can be a bit like your distinguished friend, your distinguished friend ..."

Xia Ya touched her nose, nodded her head, and said in a serious tone: "You are the same wretched, the same cunning ... the same ... shameless!"

After speaking, he looked at this shameless and cunning guide: "Relax, you have made the most sensible choice in your life. Follow me, and you will safely arrive in Hess next to Babylon's ~ ~ Ting finally interjected again: "Xia, you seem to have forgotten something. "


"Voucher." Hesting said lightly: "Without voucher, all races in the forest will see us as intruders, elves, dwarfs, giants ... and others. A messy guy who doesn't know what. "

"I can't control that much!" Xia Ya whipped her horse fiercely: "Whoever stops me, I will let go and kill!"

!! Dare to pick a husband for Nene! !! !!

The earthen forehead is full of blue tendons! To be sure, even if there is a dragon standing in front of it, the angry soil owl will step on it flatly!

Nene! Nene!

Damn it! !! Lao Tzu is Nene's man!

Lao Tzu is the "aunt" of those horse thieves! !! !!

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