
Chapter 568: [Omoto no Sakai]

It ’s suddenly dark!

This kind of magic that seems to force the stars to move, she didn't even say a word of the spell, she just did it with a hand!

Immediately, as if rou could see, there was endless power bodàng from all directions between heaven and earth, rushing toward Meilin as the center. /WwW.В.C0m//High-speed update //

Mei Lin's arms spread out, as if she was not standing in the sky, but standing in the sky of stars!

The twinkling stars seemed to be around her. Mei Lin's long hair fluttered and fluttered, her momentum was getting stronger and stronger, and all the people standing on the ground were shocked!

"She ... it's really not on the same level as us." Sophia's uncle looked at Merlin and looked at this nv who was hostile to him for half of his life. His eyes were very complicated.

Merlin at this moment gives a strange feeling-that is power!

Between the heavens and the earth, endless power rushed towards her. Yes, her momentum seemed to grow infinitely. It seemed that the figure was still small, but it gave a feeling as if the world could no longer hold her.

Powerful forces are moving around Merlin!

In the distance, in contrast to Merlin's astonishing demeanor, it was Solkhannigan's "quietness".

Saul just looked at Merlin so quietly, watching the other's momentum increase infinitely, his eyes blooming with satisfaction little by little.

"You did enter." Solhanigan looked at Merlin with relief.

As soon as the words fell, Merlin shot!

She raised her right hand high, first just raising her index finger. To the distant Emperor Odin, his fingertips dropped gently ...

It was only for a moment that Solhanigan suddenly appeared close to the enemy, and the calm God suddenly became serious. His body flickered, and two positions were removed instantly, but a crack appeared silently in the sky where he had stood! The crack seemed to tear the space. Although it just passed away, the violent tearing force contained in it made everyone on the ground startled!

"You don't have to be so cruel." Old Sword Master Aslan pouted his lips: "When he came up, it was a desperate trick like" Space Rip "!"

"Tear of space?" Charlie didn't know much about magic after all.

"A kind of forbidden spell." Sophia the Great God sè dignified: "This kind of magic will not directly attack the opponent's body, but will use the magic to aim and locate the opponent's position, and then tear the space directly ..."

"what does that mean?"

God Sophia glanced at Xia: "Have you ever seen a picture? We are like the people in the painting. You want to destroy a person in the painting and just tear the scroll ..."

Charlie took a breath and said, "Fuck, it's cruel."

"But ... it's not right." Grandma Sophia seemed suspicious. "Although space tearing is domineering, the weakness is also obvious ... To use this curse against the enemy, you should first suppress it with some magic that restrains the opponent's actions." The opponent's action is good ... otherwise, even if the power of tearing is so great, if the opponent can easily dodge, how can it hurt the opponent? And the power of tearing is so great that it can't hit the opponent. The magic power consumed is also huge. "

But next, Merlin's action completely shocked everyone below!

She didn't forget the magic she used to keep her opponents at all ... but ...

But she was disdainful at all!

The nv's eyes saw Solhanigan gently dodging his first stroke, only a sneer flashed at the corner of his mouth, and then ...

...... This nv man opened his fingers. Like the skilled musician, ten slender fingertips bounced lightly!

Moving like clouds. Seems to pluck the invisible strings quickly!

I saw Mei Lin's fingers flying, and his movement was fast.

And in the distance Solhanigan's body was around. Numerous cracks were cut out in the air in no time!

Dense space cracks appear one after another, just like a dense big net, shrouding down on Solhanigan! !!

The crack from the space tearing appeared like a storm, and it was dizzying!

Everyone was shocked! !!

Everyone knows that launching a space ripper is extremely difficult for any powerful magician! This kind of forbidden magic will be difficult even for the strong one!

And Meilin ... she actually shakes her fingers like chou wind, and in one breath, so many space tears are as simple as eating Chinese cabbage and she is thrown out! !!

Even if the magician uses the lowest level of fireball, it is not so easy to explode so much at once? !!

Even more amazing is still behind!

Seeing that there was no room for dodging at all!

His back and forth, up, down, left and right, all are densely cracked in stormy space!

At this time, he will never have room no matter how he hides. It's even impossible to get away from this area again by breaking through space!

With so many spatial cracks appearing at the same time, this area becomes extremely unstable. Luàn flows in the spatial cracks, and rashly uses the instantaneous movement to break through the space to escape, only to let yourself be in the stream of curly space!

Merlin's first bo attack was obviously a level of nirvana.

However, Solhanigan's response was even more unexpected than everyone else!

He ... didn't hide! !!

When the first space crack was almost on him, Solhanigan took a deep breath!

Then he seemed to be like Merlin on the opposite side, stretching out his arms ...

Then, his palms slowly began to stroke across the space!

The first crack in time and space in front of him was under the caress of his palm, and the crack was healed instantly and disappeared!

Then Solhanigan moved faster and faster! His palms flew up and down, and with his movements, the entire body also rotated in place.

Wherever the palm of his hand caresses, the cracks in space are under the power of a divine force under his palm. It's just an understatement! The cracks disappeared without trace, just like a wound healed by invisible magic!

Everyone was stunned, watching the two hands in such a "magic" way!

It seems that the two are still tens of meters away from each other, but both are dancing. It seems that there is no actual harm to the opponent.

However, where there is no weak person standing here at this moment, where can you not see the thrilling hidden in this alternative jiāo hand? !!

The space tearing technique exhibited by Merlin Shi is shocking, and the "space repair" of Emperor Odin is even more shocking!

One tear and one repair. Of course, tearing the space requires amazing power, and repairing the cracks in the space requires more power than the tearing process!

However, their movements are fast! Normally, any top magician can spend all his magic power to perform a tearing operation once, and Merlin cast it in one breath more than a hundred times! !!

And Solhanigan's tinkering with space. The power consumed is even more amazing!

The people below were already stunned. The faces of several powerful men became paler, Aslan's breathing was heavy, and Sophia shook her head again and again. He muttered to himself, not knowing what he was talking about.

Looks like the two guys above, the content of the comparison is one to destroy and one to repair, but in fact this kind of surface calmness is like the danger of dancing on the blade!

Solhanigan's repair rate is half a minute slower. If there is a space crack that has not been repaired, it will be torn immediately!

And Merlin, if the tearing speed is slower by half a minute, Solhanigan will highlight her space cracks and rush out!

"Hell! Hell!" Xia whispered, "Nong breathed out so many cracks in space ... she ... where did the two of them come from so powerful ?!"

"... It's not their own power." God Sophia was miserable. Glancing at Xia Ya, he grinned and said, "This is the Yuan Dynasty. Any power between heaven and earth can be mobilized for them. Any power that is different from Xing has no barriers for them, whether it is thunder and lightning. In them In the eyes, it is simply the most fundamental force. Where do they need to spend their own power! If it is its own power, no one in this world can emit hundreds of cracks in space! "

The speed of the two big duels in the air finally slowed down by accident.

Merlin's face was originally grim, and gradually her face began to turn white, sweat dripping from her forehead. Although she still barely kept her palms flying, her fingers were no longer as fast as the storm.

Solhanigan's speed also slowed down, but he looked as if he was at ease, as if to deliberately stab his opponent, and he even freed up a hand and lost it behind him, leaving only With one hand, he swayed at will, closing the cracks in the space drawn by Meilin.

"Merlin ... that's what you did, too." Solhanigan finally sighed, and his speed suddenly rose quickly, closing the dozens of cracks around him in one breath, and then he walked towards the figure, Merlin flew quickly.

Merlin's eyes narrowed suddenly, he took a sharp breath, facing his head toward Solhanigan, his fingers were stroking, and the space cracks were suddenly torn apart-this nv person actually took the space tearing as similar Low-level magic like the wind blade is used!

Solhanigan rushed over very fast, and the space cracks were flashed directly by him in midair. When he finally appeared in front of Merlin, Merlin's eyes flashed a decisive, and he drank aloud, suddenly Behind her, a black sè appeared brightly ...

A huge black dong outline appeared faintly behind Mei Lin. Numerous tiny cracks spread in the air, just like mirror cracks appeared in the entire space!

A little blame flashed in Solhanigan's eyes: "Dark black dong? Merlin! Do you want to die with me? You mad nv."

Speaking, he has almost directly stuck to Merlin's body, his hands pressed against Merlin's shoulders, Merlin's body flashed more than ten times in this moment, but Solhanigan's hands were still heavy Holding on to Merlin's shoulders, the nv witch suddenly withered.

"Stop it!" Solhanigan raised Merlin.

Merlin's face turned red, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and Solhanigan let his side pass, then quickly pushed harder on Merlin's forehead.

Merlin finally fainted and was lifted directly by Solhanigan, and dropped on the ground.

Xia Ya had already rushed to the past, and volleyed to take over Merlin. Seeing that Merlin still had a breath, she just fainted, and her mind was slightly relaxed.

Sol Hannigan on the sky, waving his sleeves, wherever he went, the black dong-like outline that came out of Merlin's nong gradually disappeared.

Sol landed on the ground, faced with disappointment, slowly walked towards Xia, walked by Xia's side, glanced at Merlin, and said lightly: "It is beyond our control and driven by the unfinished Yuanyuan It ’s not her power ... this nv will be killed by her son sooner or later. "

"Not her strength?" Sophia couldn't help but said, "You mean ..."

"She's just a little metaverse." Solhanigan shook his head.

Siaia immediately looked at Sophia's uncle, Sophia knew that Siaia was worried, and sighed, saying: "The small meta-realm has not reached the level of the meta-realm, and it is not perfect to directly use any power in the world as its source. The so-called small realm ... Every human body has a miniature small world, and the small realm means that the practitioner can already control the small world in his body freely, and the so-called power of the small world belongs to xing Disappear completely, and then drive any force from the outside world to use your own locality as a transformation process ... In fact, this is not the real great realm, it can only be regarded as the first step that has entered the mén threshold ~ ~ There is no difference between the small world and the big world in the real Great Metaverse. ”Solhanigan looked at Charlie and said lightly:“ The world is me, I am the world, and there is never any more What transformation is needed, everything is natural, the power is there, and there is no distinction between Xing! There is no other power of its own, the power of the world ... all power is only Strength, you want to use, you can use. "

Hannigan looked at Charlie with a hint of hope in his eyes.

Xia Ya listened, but thought for a while, and shook her head with a bitter smile: "This realm is too deep, I can't understand it."

After a pause, he couldn't help but suddenly said, "Isn't that ... the world is you, you are the world? Then ... isn't it **** ?!"

"God?" Solhanigan sneered. "The so-called 'God' is just a word."

That's crazy!

No one stopped Solhanigan, and no new challenge was raised.

The strength that Fang Caimeilin has shown has been unquestionably outstanding. The other people present are all in the realm of power-to be more cruel, they are not even worthy of Merlin's opponents.

But even Merlin, who had already entered the meta-realm, was almost suppressed on one side and lost to Solhanigan, who was obviously the "big meta-realm".

The world is me, I am the world!

In this realm, where is the challenge?

Charya knows that no matter what Solhanigan is going to do today, no one can stop him!

But ... but ...

The soil turtle jumped wildly.

But ... he was going to kill Saint Roland Garros! !! He is going to kill her! !!




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