
Chapter 58: [Enemy attack]

In the evening, Charlie and Kevin set off with the scouts on the same team.

The thirteenth Cavalry Regiment has a full staffing of 12,000, but the real direct combat force is only 8,000, and the remaining 4,000 are auxiliary arms, including, heavy, logistics, subordinate battalions, and infantry. Of the guards, and even a temporary call to the husbandman group. After all, although cavalry is the king of the marines, it is also expensive and delicate.

The horses of the hussars need to be fed and watched, and they need a veterinarian. At the same time, blacksmiths and quartermasters in the army are required to repair weapons, logistics are responsible for military transportation, and so on.

The 28 thousand soldiers are divided into four independent flag regiments, each with 2,000 men. In addition, there is an independent formation of about two hundred light scouts.

Responsible for this search and reconnaissance operation was a squadron of independent scout formations, eighteen scout cavalry, plus Charlie and Kevin.

Charlie marched for the first time. Before staying in the station, he only stayed for a long time. He had not had time to observe the army carefully. At this moment, he looked at those scouts around him and couldn't help but saw these people and himself in Wildfire Town. The soldiers in the mercenary regiment made a comparison.

虽然 Although these scouts are only light cavalry, everyone shows excellent horsemanship-if instead of controlling the speed of the march but running at full speed, then within a short time, Charya can only eat ashes behind. At the same time, each of these guys showed a kind of indescribable sturdiness ... like ... a wolf!

Yes, these guys are like a group of wolves, silent, fierce, with a tenacity in their eyes. Although he was very kind to Charlie, Charlie obviously felt that these people did not accept himself, that kindness was just keeping a distance.

Although he was a relative of the general, Kevin strictly obeyed the order of the captain of the scout team along the way, and did not receive any special treatment because of the general's identity.

He and his team headed north, and Zema crossed the Albakte Plain Corridor, a distance of about a hundred miles. During this period, he searched for a snake route, which took about two days.

Charlie became familiar with these people little by little, and over time, Charlie ’s rich survival experience in the wild showed a hunter ’s excellent qualities, especially when looking for all clues. He can also provide ideas based on some traces. Gradually, everyone's eyes are softened.

When he was resting, Charlie and the cavalry sat together to dry dry and cold cakes, drinking cold cold water.

After two days of searching, the depth of the area they searched reached a hundred miles. The fan-shaped search was conducted northward from the barracks. Although the cavalrymen were all tired, their fortitude was not diminished. The eyes of everyone were Bright and full of energy. With his excellent physique and physical strength, Charya began to have a real affection for him.

Xia has never lived in such a collective, but his apparently thick and earthy temperament has actually increased the appetite of these soldiers, and Xia has never considered it a shame to ask people for advice. He I am very open-minded to ask the cavalry for riding, because of his excellent physique ... Basically, it is to use brute force to oppress the horses to yield. Anyway, after two days, his riding has improved considerably.

The only helpless thing was Kevin. He saw that Charlie tortured the horse with brute force to suppress the horse's submission, and watched his spare horse be discouraged by this kid, and Kevin could only sigh.

On the third day, they came to a jungle. The jungle was not too big. The cavalry ran around the jungle and found no suspicious traces. So they decided to rest here for a while, and then returned after the rest. .

"Don't you find this a little boring?" During the break, the scout captain asked Xia with a smile. This is a veteran who has served in the Thirteenth Cavalry Regiment for more than seven years. After being transferred from other troops to the Thirteenth Cavalry Regiment seven years ago, he took root here. In the elite unit of the Thirteenth Cavalry Regiment Promotion is non-productive, and this guy is a civilian born with no background. This is not even a fair General Adrik — there is a system for promotion in the army.

With this captain's qualifications, he can be transferred to other ordinary troops for promotion, but he has repeatedly rejected the promotion order, and "Lai" is here. What's even more ridiculous is that this guy's son is said to have joined the 13th Cavalry Regiment ...

According to Kevin, many people in the 13th Cavalry Regiment had this experience.

"Why ask?" Xia stared at the captain with a curious look. After getting along for a few days, he felt that this guy was a very enthusiastic and good man, at least very enthusiastic about his comrades in arms. He is a sturdy middle-aged man with a bronze skin on his face covered with wind and sun, with wrinkles around the corners of his eyes, apparently only forty years old, but looks like he is almost fifty.

"We ran for two days and found nothing. You must think this mission is boring." The captain laughed and looked at the cavalry who was resting around.

Xia Xia thought for a moment, took a breath, and said positively, "I don't think so. The value of scouts is not that there must be any problems."

"Oh?" Although I just asked at random, I didn't expect this rookie to have such an answer, and the captain was somewhat interested: "What do you think?"

Charlie recalled it, as if she had read some notes about the use of combat scouts in the old guy's books. After thinking about it, she laughed and said, "I do n’t understand very well, but ... it ’s important to find the problem, but if you do n’t The problem can at least provide the commander with valuable clues, at least that the area is 'clean'. This is also valuable intelligence in itself. Therefore, we cannot arbitrarily believe that no problem is found, and no credit is given. "

Captain Pu narrowed his eyes, and Kevin, who had been busy with his business next to him, couldn't help but looked at Charya curiously, "Have you learned these things before?"

She Xia shook her head and hesitated: "I've seen it in some books ..."

The captain came with a happy smile on his face, and stunned Xia, looked at Kevin: "Hey! Bald boy, this rookie is new, right? Can you tell the general and bring him to me The current recruits want to be front-loaded as heavy cavalry. Few guys are willing to be scouts. "

Kevin grinned, "You and the general say this."

He lowered his head to continue his business. Xia sat next to him and looked at Kevin—this guy was holding a piece of sheepskin in his hand, and some dense text was written on the sheepskin with charcoal strips, and Kevin was using a knife to gently put these on the sheepskin. Text is scraped off.

"what are you doing?"

"Write a letter." Kevin didn't look up: "We who are soldiers don't have that much money to buy paper, and the paper is too easy to damage. So we use sheepskin for home communications, write on it with charcoal, and read it after we get it. Then scrape the word off and use it again and again. "

The bald-headed man looked up and looked at Xia Ya, "Have you ever used this kind of thing?"

Su Xiaya suddenly stopped, a strange feeling came out in her heart, and opened her mouth: "I ... I didn't write a letter, and no one could communicate."

When he said this, suddenly a loneliness grew in his heart.

Writing a letter ... means that someone with a pro can write it, as for me ...

Huh, after the old guy died, I was alone.

I do n’t know why. When I remembered this thought, suddenly a pitiful worm's pitiful face appeared in his heart ...

Xia Ya froze for a moment, then goosebumps all over her body, quickly patted her arm, and snorted.

Rest assured, is it that Laozi and Oaks have been staying for a long time, and they are suffering from the gnome-like problem? !!

I quickly shook my head and threw away the terrible idea.

He heard Kevin's voice next to his ear. The guy's eyes glowed at the moment, and there was a touch of funny tenderness in his somewhat embarrassed face: "This is my wife's letter, hehe! I have a wife, she My name is Yulia, tell you, she is a purebred Rhoderian woman! Haha! Amazing? Now in the Empire, purebred Rhoderians are very, very rare. Hum, I will marry One home! I am serving in the Rodría Cavalry Regiment, and my wife is also a Rodría woman, and there is only me in the regiment! "

Talking about his wife, this little-spoken gimmick became more talkative ...

Looking at the expression of 愣 touqing proud, Xia Ya sighed ...

I have a wife, it must be good! Uh, it ’s so irritating, my Uncle Xia is still ...

"Well, your wife must be beautiful." As a virgin, Xia expressed his envy.

"Of course! She is the goddess in my heart." Qingtou Qing grinned and saw Charya's eyes became more pleasing to the eye: "She grilled the steak is very good, I have the opportunity to invite you to **** craft at my house! You It's a good guy, and we can be good friends in the future. "

Alas ... Poor gimmick, he probably doesn't know what "beautiful" is what Xia thinks. If he knew, I was afraid that the two had just become friends, and they would immediately turn their faces and fight.


An episode is that many years later, after Xia Yagong became famous, his glorious deeds spread throughout the continent, and the earliest funny aesthetic concept also became a good word for everyone.

And a phrase "Kia said that your wife (daughter) is very beautiful"-in this way, it will be widely known as a curse ...

名 This famous saying spread throughout the mainland ~ ~ and another world-famous joke "XXX, your mother is calling you to go home for dinner." Side by side, the two famous sentences complement each other on the mainland ...


When the scouts were resting, three soldiers selected for vigilance had been hidden in the three trees with the best perspective around them, and a young cavalry on the far right was wearing thick leather armor. The rough leather frayed the skin of the inner thighs for a few days, causing the cavalry to squat on a tree branch in a ridiculous position. But his eyes were still bright-he was the best archer in this squad, and the person with the best archery was usually the best in sight.

I watched the distance vigilantly and swept through several important directions. The soldier breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes were still staring at the distance. At the same time, he carefully hid his body behind the leaves and took off the water bag from his waist to unscrew the lid ...

瞬间 When he held up the water bottle and drank water, his eyes finally left the front-just a moment of effort to look up and drink water ...

Huh! !! A sharp arrow shoots silently from the void in the dark night, without even a sound of breaking through the air, piercing his throat like a viper!

The arrow flew through the water bag in the soldier's hand and plunged into his throat! At this moment, the soldier's eyes were unwillingly rounded, raised his hand, and planted it from one end of the tree!

The scout cavalry on the ground was suddenly awakened! And at this moment, in the darkness, more than a dozen fuzzy black shadows have fluttered quickly in the woods!

"Enemy attack !!!"


[Smash tickets! Hit the ticket ~ ~ Brother who doesn't hit the ticket, I say to you affectionately: King Xia Ya said you are very beautiful ... Hum ~]

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