
Chapter 585: 【season finale! 】

Once again in this underground dark room, Xia Ya suddenly felt a touch of emotion.

When I came here for the first time, I was here to meet Adrienne secretly ... I was still stupid, and I didn't change the male and female. I remembered that time, I was really emotional.

Poor worm ... hey, dìdū always has to pick her up after it's over. Garcia's heart knot, Ronghou slowly resolve it.

Then, he took Nene's hand and walked to the wall where he had stood before.

The dust was wiped away, revealing the tulip totem badge hidden under the dust.

"I remember saying that there are four doors here." Xia said, "What is the gate of glory on the wall on the left. The gate of disillusionment on the right is the door of redemption. Finally, the fourth door is called the fallen door. , But I don't know where. "

"When the adults told me, they didn't say in detail, but just said that this tulip family has a great relationship with the holy city."

Xia Ya nodded: "I heard this before. The first generation of the Grand Duke of Tulips was actually one of the seeds that the holy city had thrown into this world. As a result, he was too sè, and finally grew into the world. A rare strongman, when the Holy City sent an emissary to summon him back, he directly refused. It also led to the forcible arrest of the Holy City, but even the then Saint Roland Garros could not take him, so , The first generation of the Grand Duke of Tulips stayed in the world. The holy city was forced to acquiesce to such a thing. "

He suddenly moved in his heart and looked at Nene: "Isn't it that simple?"

Nene smiled bitterly: "At that time, where did the adults have time to tell me this in detail? They just told me how to open the door here."

Then, she pointed at the wall on the left.

"This door of glory, Lord said, as long as there is a vein of the city owner, that is, the blood of the queen of the people, sprinkled on this wall, it can be opened."

"Oh? It's that simple?"

"This is not easy!" Nenezheng said: "The descendants of the emperor are basically in the holy city and will not easily come to the outside world! Even if they happen to go to the outside world, they are extremely rare!"

Xia Ya thought for a while, looked at Nene and laughed, "Well, wouldn't it be fine with your blood?"

With a smile, Nene took out a dagger and pierced his palm, smearing a little blood on the wall.

As the blood dissolved, the walls slowly melted away, revealing a small space the size of a wardrobe.

Charlie took a look, but was a little puzzled.

This is just a gold plate.

Charlie took a look and looked at her, frowned.

"This is the crimson and murderous approach to cultivation." Xia Ya looked at it for a while and said, "But there are still some experiences left by the practitioners of the past generations, which is not a great treasure."

Nene glared at Xia Ya: "Crimson and murderous! You said it easily! You are now a top powerhouse, naturally you don't care, but if you fall into the hands of other people ... This mastery can forge a master. ! "

Xia frowned: "Is this the treasure left by the tulip family? In case the family's family goes wrong, future generations can get cheats here, and then cultivate into masters to rejuvenate the family? In this case, it is not like.

Charya looked at the other wall: "What about this disillusionment door?"

"Then use the blood of the Saint Roland Garros, that is, the guardians of the Holy City, the black hair, so ..."

Xia Ya looked at Nene and smiled, "Fair and fair! It's fair, you queen bleeds blood, and I also bleed a little blood, everyone's leveled."

Talking, he pierced his palm and smeared blood on the wall.

After a while, the walls were dissolved, and the small cabinet-sized space exposed inside was still a gold plate.

Xia Yan came to see, but was more and more disappointed.

"This is not as good as the one just now." Xia Ya smiled bitterly: "This is a brilliant and vindictive practice method, my brother Hesting will."

"For ordinary people, it is also a peerless martial art." Nene sighed.

Xia Ya thought for a while, frowning: "No! Since the tulip family is just thrown out of the seeds of experience, the case should be only black hair, and the same family as Saint Roland Garros, how can this door be created, But does it require the blood of the master of the city? "

"Where do I know?" Nene stared, then said, "Maybe the answer lies behind the third door?"

"Well, look at this door of redemption."

Charya sighed.

"Is this the door of salvation ..." said the Lord, the blood of the two of them must be smeared together before they can be opened.

Xia was too lazy to evaluate, and smeared the blood directly with Nene and the two ...

After a while, the front wall melted and there was still a gold plate inside.

"It won't be another martial art practice." Xia frowned.

With his current strength, he is really not interested in any martial arts methods.

Fortunately, after taking a look at her two eyes, Xia Ya suddenly burst out of eyes!

"What a big gossip!" Xia Haha laughed. "It turned out to be a testament written by the first generation of the Grand Duke of Tulips!"

Above this gold plate are some of his own suicide notes written by the first generation of the Duke of Tulips, which are passed down to future generations.

And Charya couldn't help sighing after seeing it halfway--a brave guy!

Saint Roland Garros should not say anything to himself!

It is only said that the first generation of the Duke of Tulips was a trainee who was left by the guardians of the Holy City, but he did not expect this trainer to be so simple!

When the first generation of the Duke of Tulips left the holy city to live in the world, he also turned a baby from the holy city!

He ... the kidnapper was actually a girl with the queen of the human being, that is, the blood of the city owner! !!

This guy abducted a girl, and naturally lived with her in the world. Cultivation became a master, then learned the art of war, took refuge in the founding emperor of the Byzantine Empire, and then battled the world.

Created a magnificent and magnificent life.

A generation of legends was born.

After writing about his success, people from the holy city called for his return, and after his refusal, Saint Roland Garros of that generation could not surpass the tutor in power, and had to give up the force to recall him.

However, Grandpa Tulip felt her life and her wife's life, and made a near-predictive judgment: In the future, there will be a rì, the holy city will collapse, and such a cage is really against humanity.天 xìng. The holy city of my own origin is really unwilling to see the holy city fall to extinction.

Therefore, the first generation of the Duke of Tulips and Saint Roland Garros reached a deal. The Duke of Tulips did not return to the Holy City. Saint Roland Garros also guaranteed that the Holy City would not go to the trouble of the Tulip family, but set up in the Tulip family. The first move, left the strongest martial arts of the guardian family in the Holy City, crimson murderous and bright fighting spirit.

If there is a rì in the future and the holy city is destroyed, then the two-day skills of the guardians of the holy city's veins will not be lost.

As long as there are people from the holy city ~ ~ whether the queen of the people or the guardian descendants find the tulip family, the tulip family will help them, at least to help pass on these two sets of martial arts.

For this so-called backhand or exchange conditions, Charya did not have much interest.

The things behind these three doors really made Charya a little disappointed.

Either crimson or murderous, or brilliant fighting, it is really worthless to Xia-if others find these things, they are naturally overjoyed, but for Xia who is almost invincible to the world, just ...

However, the testament of the first generation of the Grand Duchess of Tulips recorded a lot of interesting things for Charya.

Especially the record of the Grand Duke, his life was magnificent, he calmed down the country, laid down the entire territory of the Byzantine Empire, and so on, and looked at it as attractive as a legendary story.

Xia was sitting in this secret room for half an hour before she finished reading the contents on the gold plate.

"The first-generation Grandpa Tulip seemed to be a wonderful person. She was truly stunning, and xìng Zi was very cute. But he always said something." Unfortunately, although the world is good, Lao Tzu will return What do you mean by 'don't go?' "

Where does he mean by going back? Does not seem to say back to the holy city.

"What about the fourth door?" Charlie looked at Nene.

"The fourth door ..." Nene smiled bitterly: "I know where ... the lord said, the fourth door is in this third door."

"It's that simple?" Charlie frowned. "How to open the door ..."

Nene had a red face on her face: "This ... said the Lord, the fourth door requires a blood that has two bloodlines of the queen of the human and the guardian family."

Charya could not help but listen.

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