
Chapter 83: [Kill the Odin! 】

Chapter 83 [Kill the Odin! 】

At noon, the defeated chaos gathered slowly and gathered back. There were about 1,500 people. Xia originally wanted to collect these people for use, but most of these 1,500 people were unhappy. Although some of the injuries were not serious, the long-distance running escaped and came back exhausted. Moreover, it seems that the vast majority of people have been killed by the Odin, and have completely lost all their fighting spirit. Everyone's face is full of panic and numbness.

Xia thinks that he can awaken the fighting spirit of these guys immediately without the ability-he is not the legendary hero. A speech can radiate the spirit of the king, and let these defeated rabbits renew their fighting spirit and become brave soldiers. ——This kind of thing only exists in the legend, the reality is impossible at all.

So he simply gave all of these defeated soldiers to Cato to improve his logistics, but he also transferred more than 200 people from logistics.

But, in the afternoon, bad news came one by one!

Charya divided all the two hundred cavalry into six teams, left the station and searched in six directions. As a result, the six teams returned at noon, and two of them were encountered by Odin's small unit. It was a little late to retreat, and fled back after a fierce battle, losing less than half of the troops.

Out of the six directions of the search, all encountered small groups of Odins!

In other words, they are surrounded by Odin! !!

"Obviously, these Odins want to cut off our connection with the outside world." Charlie scratched her head in annoyance. "The frontline generals, I'm afraid they don't know the mess behind them! No, maybe they already know, but maybe They themselves are in trouble. In addition, there is another point, I am worried ... I am afraid that the Odins have copied directly behind us and occupied Wildfire Town! There are not many guards in Wildfire Town. After the Odins occupy , Just as a stronghold, blocking the direction of our return to the South, while also resisting the aid of the Imperial Army to the north. "

She Xia sighed. In the big account, the camp officer named Slater, as well as Shalpa, Cato, and three other officers at the camp level gathered.

Tiaxia took out the map on the wall.

"Now we are in a bad situation ... The layout of this time is that the three troops on the north side of the wildfire block the Odin in three ways. And on the south side of the wildfire town, there is a corps stationed as a reserve team. .

After the second ninth regiment of the two lanes was finished, according to the current information, Hastings had run behind us, if they occupied Wildfire Town ... No, not if! They must have occupied Wildfire Town! In this way, even if the reserve army in the south is to support it, it will be dragged in Yehuo Town and cannot go north. Moreover, I worry that Hastings has sent so many small forces around us to swim back and forth to cut off. Our news comes and goes. Maybe when the reserve army in the south gets the news, our blood will be drained long ago! "

In the big account, only the Slater officer has been in charge of a infantry battalion, which is a combat unit and has some basics in the military strategy. He nodded and glanced at Charya: "The guy Hasting has a good appetite! He The raid defeated the 2nd and 9th Corps, and then copied our back roads, intending to stop our 13th and 6th Corps to eat in the north ... Hmm! I want to kill our four Byzantine corps in a war. This Odin's appetite is too big! "

Cato and Sherpa were just soldiers. They did n’t bring soldiers directly. They did n’t say anything. They just listened, and Sherpa said anxiously: "You have to find a way to contact the generals in the north. Why not ... let me rush forward with my cavalry north! "

Charlie glanced at him and said, "No! It's not that I don't want to contact the general, but we can't help it now! As far as we can think, as Odin's famous general, Hastings can't think of it? I guess, No matter whether it ’s going south or north, we have already deployed a lot of small units to stop us. Even if you are willing to take the risk to try, I am afraid that it is just a waste of our limited cavalry. "

After all, Cato was smart, and he also built a little confidence in Xia: "What do you think?"

"We are staying behind!" Xia sighed. "Most of us are infantry soldiers. If we leave the fortifications of the station, no matter whether we are breaking out or evacuating south, it is a dead end! We are not many, and we need to bring a large group of transport teams. The heavy camp, plus more than a thousand wounded soldiers, how fast can we run against our two legs? Hastings can make a roundabout attack, so his majesty must be mostly fast cavalry, even the Odin reindeer cavalry. If we encounter an enemy in the wilderness, the Odins only need to use 800 cavalry, enough for us to destroy the regiment! And I'm sure that Hastings must have set up a force around us to stop us and wait for us. Out of the nest. So ... only stay here, relying on the fortifications, there is still a chance to live. "

After a pause, Charlie took a deep breath, her gaze became serious, and she said, "You guys, I'm not afraid of death! I also know that none of our brothers in the Thirteenth Corps are afraid of death! But now, compared to death For example, we have more important tasks to complete! "

"What task?"

Xia Xia squeezed her chin vigorously, gritted her teeth and said, "Keep this station! Keep this stronghold!"

He later explained: "Our troops are mostly infantry, and the generals who go northward will not play any role. Even if the whole army is killed, there is no value. I guess, once the generals find out what is going on in the north, No, when I met both Hastings and the Odin Army in that valley, I would definitely try to break back!

If we lose this stronghold, even if the general is returned with a large army, the old nest is gone. Where can they settle down? There are no strongholds, no supplies, surrounded by enemies in the wild, and they can starve to death or dry out in just a few days! Then there is really no way to heaven!

The road down Luannan has been blocked by the Odins occupying Wildfire Town! Only here, after the generals killed them back, there were still a large number of supplies of grain, grass, ordnance. Everyone stayed with the help of the fortifications at the station and waited for the reinforcements from the south ... This is the only way to live! Not only us, but also the northern generals their only way of life! "

Lu Xia's words infected all the people present, and some of the low-ranking officers were present, but they did not expect that this budding soldier who had just emerged had such insight.

"There's a third reason ..." Charya's voice muffled a bit: "Hasting will definitely want to take our place as soon as possible! The harder we stay here, the more Hastings will attract Force! You can also relieve some pressure on the northern breakout generals ... "

"This is probably the case! We are holding here, then the 13th Corps is still alive! If we are lost here ... Could the cavalry of the 13th Corps go to their heads and hit the walls of Wildfire Town?" The special service officer sang loudly.

的 The officers of the Thirteenth Corps didn't have any trace of fear. All of them yelled in excitement, ready to go out. Instead, Cato came to the end, and whispered Xia: "Hey, are you really sure that the generals will kill them back? The enemy is Hastings! Do we really need us to respond?"

Xia Ya sighed and whispered: "First, we have too few troops, and we are all infantry. We have no strength to respond. As for the second ... Trust our general's ability! The strength of the 13th Corps can be Did n’t it blow out? I ’m a rookie with confidence. Did an old bird like you shake?

After a pause, Charlie smiled, her eyes turned, her smile was a little weird: "Don't forget, there is another General Ruhr who is best at running away from the General! He is the most cunning rabbit of the Byzantine Empire."


The station was busy and nervous, and a large number of arms were sent to everyone. Even the drivers in the transport team were assigned a set of leather armor, a shield and a sword. Cato turned out a few good things from the arsenal.

Three crossbow cars, this is a heavy medium and long-range attack weapon. The huge crossbow has a strong piercing force. The crossbow is faked on a two-wheeled car. Ten fires can be released in one shot. Charlie tried it The power is huge. It can shoot up to about 800 meters, and within 100 meters, even two iron shields can easily penetrate. Ten crossbow arrows are fired at a time, and the coverage area is not small. If you come this way when facing the collective charge of the enemy, you can definitely become a weapon on the battlefield!

The only drawback is that there are not many crossbow arrows, and it takes some time to reload the crossbow after one launch. According to the range and the speed of the infantry attack, it can only be loaded three times.

The second good thing is the small trebuchet with a longer range, which can reach more than one kilometer, but it is difficult to dig the stone. Charya launched all the transporters to collect the stones, and also let Cato prepare some. Canned fire oil. Moreover, this kind of thing has no accuracy in hitting it. Within the effective attack range, it can be considered as hitting ... If you want to attack accurately, you can only fight for character.

Therefore, this type of trebuchet also has a name in the Byzantine army: the conscience cannon.

There are only four catapults like this, after all, the 13th Corps is a cavalry unit, and there is not much preparation for such heavy equipment.

Uxia's premonition was very accurate.

On the morning of the busy second day in the station, the Odin attack came! Obviously, as he suspected, in order to prevent the main force of the 13th Corps in the north from breaking back, Hastings wanted to take this stronghold as soon as possible, and then block the return of the 13th Corps!

In the morning, the soldiers on the lookout issued a tense cry, and Xia rushed to the stand and looked north ...

As far as the eye can see, the dust is everywhere! !! !!


The dark Odin people appeared to the north, from behind the hillside and from the road, spreading like ant colonies. At the forefront are a team of Odin fighters, most of whom are naked-born in Odin, Northland, accustomed to snow and ice, in such places, they are not afraid of such a bit of cold wind in winter .

The war axe in the Odin soldiers roared in the cold wind, exhaling the heat and forming a large white mist, lingering above their heads.

The dark crowds made Xia drumming in the heart. The array of Odins in front of them seemed to be boundless and could not see the end. The dense appearance made people feel scalp!

A loud shout of warning spread throughout the station. At the urging of the officers, a large number of soldiers came over, holding weapons and shields in their hands, and the archers were soon lined up. Everyone's face was full of tension.

Xia Xia shook an axe in the handshake. This was a long axe for horse battles picked out from the armoury. Xia shortened the axe handle saw a little, and held it in her hand, just right.

The morning sunlight was sprinkled on the Odin's array, the axe light reflected, and it became a white cold light!

"Hell ... so much ..."

Xia Ya muttered.

Standing next to him was the camp officer named Slater. He glanced at Xia, patted him, and whispered, "Don't be nervous, it's only about 10,000 people."

Xia Xia turned to look at this guy and said, "How do you know?"

During the busy day, Slater had a little understanding of the soldier, and whispered, "After all, you have no experience. After waiting for several years in the army, you can see how many enemies there are. . Such an array, such a thickness, the number of people can guess. "

Oh shit! Ten thousand people ... ten thousand people are already a lot! I can only fight a total of 2,000 people here, and many of them are transport teams or artisan grooms who pick up weapons.

Xia Xia spit on her mouth.

He was afraid.

I was really scared.

It's not funny. Except for the lack of mind, no one is born without fear of death. Looking at the Odin who made the scalp numb in front of her, Charlie felt that she was short of breath, her mouth and throat were dry, she had no foam at all, her heart throbbed!

He couldn't help but have such a question in his mind at the moment:

Hey, can I really block these Odin attacks? **** it! There are too many of them! Can I block them?

Or, can I live? !!

Afraid to die is not a man? joke! He is also afraid of death!

His hand holding the axe tightened again, pressing on his chest, which was hard inside, and he had hidden dragon scales on his chest and back-not many dragon scales he brought out, except On his own, he quietly divided Shalpa and Cato into two pieces. As for the others ... he couldn't help it.

He is dead or alive, it depends on the battle!

土鳖 tightened the axe severely!

He has no sense of belonging to the Byzantine Empire.

Even, to be more mean, his sense of belonging to the Thirteenth Corps has not reached the point where he can die for him. Until now, he only has affection for these friends of the Guards.

In such a dangerous situation, he was also timid, and even thought that when he was gone, he would find a place on the wildfire field, and wait for the battle to be over, whether he won byzantium or odin If anyone wins, he can go back to Wildfire Town as his dirt hunter.

But ... no!

土鳖 also has the dignity of the 鳖! His only friends are here now, throwing away the friends and escaping themselves is not made by the soil!

Others, there is another important reason.

土鳖 also has its own ideal!

At first he came out of the mountain and walked to the outside world. He would spend a lifetime in the mountain unwilling to humiliate! He wants to be a mercenary, a samurai, and break into this world!

Who said that Tu Yuan has no ambition? He has it too! Although so far, he has not thought of anything like power and wealth, but he also has a little ambition in his heart.

At least ... break out of a little "famous hall"! As for what this famous church is, there is only a vague concept in his mind.

He doesn't have to think too much.

This battle, a hundred dead! If you can survive ... that's the "famous hall" in Tu Yan's heart! !!

(I will not die! I will not die here! I am still a virgin! I have never enjoyed a woman! There are so many coins left at home! I still have to buy a piece of land ~ ~ Buy a big house! I also Have a good life!

So, I won't die here! Absolutely not! !! )

The roar of the Odins was one after another, like the howl of a beast, which stimulated the hearts of the Byzantine soldiers.

At this time, a tall figure suddenly stepped forward, facing away, facing the densely crowded figure in the distance, facing the rising and screaming in the distance, he took a deep breath and roared! !!

His roar is fiercer, more vigorous, and more unyielding!

If it's all beasts ... then, he must be even more majestic! !!

"Come on! Odin people! I won't die !!! I will never die here !!!"

Siaia's muscles were all twisted. Turning her head, she was full of expressions like a desperate beast, and Slater was shocked.

土鳖 raised his axe and yelled at the soldiers around him in a frantic sentence! And this sentence even later became a legendary slogan!

Uh ...

"Kill the Odins !!! Kill the Odins !!! Kill more Odins !!!"

Howling like a thunder!


[Twelve o'clock tonight! On time! Update the next chapter on time! !!

All siblings who like this book to support dancing, are you ready?

Also, double the monthly pass starting on January 1st! !!

It ’s a good time, so ... fight! !!

After a year of absence, let's make a comeback and fight the monthly ticket list again! !! !! 】




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