
Chapter 86: [Bonfret's Tragedy]

Chapter 86

Shan State Fleet felt that his situation was a tragedy.

He has a noble origin, and the family he belongs to has an ancient and pure bloodline. The long history of this bloodline can be traced back more than a thousand years ago. If you ignore the power, just look at the nobleness of the bloodline. Even if this kind of heritage is In the magnificent and luxuriant capital, Oscaria, can also be ranked in the top ten.

虽然 Although he was not the eldest son, he was respected and flattered by the people around him from birth. Even if he could not inherit the family title, it was not a big deal. Moreover, God has given him a good face. If you look at it by face alone, some people even think that he is the first beautiful man in Emperor Oscilia-no one!

Since he was fifteen years old, he has been the darling in the eyes of all the women around him-of course, now too. Even if everyone knows that he is imprisoned by the Crown Prince, there are often some beautiful aristocratic ladies who secretly send him autumn waves. He could drink the best wine, wear the most expensive clothes, ride the finest steeds, and even the green gem ring on his finger was enough to be worth the income of an ordinary little aristocrat for a year.

Although he knew that there were some people in the emperor who looked down on him, this did not prevent him from being noble-at least those people dared to speak bad things behind their backs, and when face to face, they were respectful one by one. Quail.

Every sentence he says will be taken as an irresistible order. He does n’t even need to do anything or speak by himself. As long as he reveals a little meaning and makes a look, someone will help him to handle it carefully and then give it with his hands. To the front.

But now ... his situation is simply a tragedy, a nightmare! !!

The most important thing is ... Poor Sir, he doesn't know yet, his noble name was used by a local dude! And in that shameless way, he took his name and challenged one of the famous strong men in the mainland, the first master in the Odin Empire army.

Fortunately, he has been locked in the storehouse of the Armory. The walls of the storehouse are very thick, and he wrapped a blanket to cover his head, so he did not hear the yell from Charya on the battlefield.

But, in the morning, the warehouse door opened. The humble relative named "Kato" came in to feed himself. Why did this wicked guy look at me with that weird look?

The expression on Cato's face seemed to be non-smile, and he gently placed the plate in front of the noble jazz, and then his eyes gradually became compassionate.

With Cato's wisdom and his knowledge of Charlie-uh, anyway, the smugglers in this army would not think that Charlie ’s earthworm, which looks honest and has a bad belly, will really run to Hastings. Come to a fair battle.

Twenty-eight percent of that earthworm had already thought about kicking this little white face out as a cannon fodder.

Looking at Bonfret, Cato sighed sympathetically, squatted down and glanced at his face: "Oh, I've been caught by that soil owl, you are really unfortunate."

"Eh? What?" Bonfret immediately felt a little uneasy in his heart. "What do you mean?"

"No, it's nothing." Cato sighed with sigh, and even his attitude became more kind. He patted Bonfret's shoulder lightly. "Eat now, eat as much as you can now. Click it ... well, do you want to drink? I can get you some ... "

With such an unexpected and kind attitude, Bonfret's heart was very cold, and he seemed to smell a very bad taste ...

Cato still gave him a closer look: "Eat and eat, don't think too much ... hey, this poor guy."

Such weirdness made Bonfrett ponder over the morning. He felt as if he had encountered some kind of dangerous situation, and then ... at noon, he finally saw Xia.

He was carried out of the storeroom by several soldiers, and was carried directly to the entrance of the camp. He saw the residual blood stains on the wall of the wall, and the strong smell of blood in the air. Almost smoked and fainted, and on the stakes on the wall of the wall, there are minced meat, dead bodies, and those **** scenes, making Bonfrett's face pale and papery, his legs softened, if there is no side The soldier was helping him, and he was probably sitting on the ground on the spot.

He spent the morning praying with a blanket covering his head. He knew that the Odin were coming. He prayed that the Almighty God would bless and bless the Thirteenth Corps to win this battle ... because only then could he live.

Huh, isn't the 13th Corps very powerful?

I watched the camp door still stubborn, Bonfret felt relieved-it seemed, was it held? Did we win? Can we go home?

That **** earthworm appeared in front of Bonfret again, Charlie's face with a weird smile, grinned, as if looking at the animal, stared at Bonfret, then regretfully Two beeps.

"You ... what do you want?" Bonfret trembled, his calf shaking: "I, I observe ..."

当然 "Of course, you are an observant." Xia nodded his head, bandaged on his arm, but his tone was serious: "We are fighting in blood to protect your safety."

Then he paused and said in an extremely sincere tone: "The soldiers are sacrificing, bleeding, and fighting! We have repelled a fierce offensive by the Odin. But now, it is your coach to do something What time is it! "

…… "... me, me?" Bonfret's face suddenly became uglier than crying. Where did he know what martial arts? Although he also studied with the swordsman teacher for two years, he learned the kind of slender and aristocratic sabre. Such swordsmanship is not so much martial arts as dance.

Fight and kill? What a joke! The distinguished jazz has grown up. He has never seen any human blood except for the virgin redness!

"Relax, don't let you fight with those humble Odin fighters." Charlie's tone is sincere: "How can your noble status, such as these humble Odin soldiers, stain your noble hands? ! "

Shan State Frett breathed a sigh of relief-no matter what, he was a boss after all, and the official position was placed here.

But Char's next sentence made Bonfret collapse!

"... So, we have selected you an enemy with the same noble status ... Odin's commander, Valkyrie Odin, Hastings! In a while he will be waiting for you on the battlefield and come to you with a warrior Fair duel between-what do you think? "

Such words fell into my ears, Bonfret ... Soul is out!

"Come here! Put on the armor of the Sir Jazz, and then bring the adult's war horse!" Xia ignored the Lord Sir as if he were a quail.

He opened his throat and yelled into the distance outside the camp door: "Hasting! Are you ready! I will come out and cut your head now! The fair showdown between our warriors must be Be fair and do not insult the glory of the warrior! I will only take one out! If I die, my entourage will bring my body back! "

Listening to the words of Suga, Slater on the side just felt ashamed to die!

This **** soil 鳖! Shameless! Shameless! !! Actually shouting about the glory of a warrior ...

In the opposite direction, after a while, Hasting's indifferent voice came: "As you wish!"

On the other side of the battlefield, Odin first dropped Hastings a red silk scarf, and wiped a new, black shiny triangular war gun, with a touch of piety and fanaticism on his face. .

"The dignity of the warrior ... Huh, when did a strong man named Bonfret come out of Byzantium? There is a species!" Hasting started his gun, his expression gradually became fanatical, watching a cadre around him, A stern tone with a hint of piety: "The glory of the strong must not be defiled! You must not interfere in the duel for a while!"

Kick the belly of the horse lightly, Hasting jumped his horse and shot it out! The Odin warriors behind him watched the God of War in their hearts with an adoring look.


Shan State Frett quickly put on the armor, and his unique gorgeous **** armor was worn on his body, and it turned out to be a bit of power! This gorgeous style is exactly the style of the most popular Paladin armor among the Byzantine empires. Charya glanced carefully, the armor was gorgeous, and the style was enough to frighten people ... but ...

Suddenly he slaps his head and raises his sword. He smashed a few times on Bonfret's shoulders, arms, and chest, and smashed a number of holes and damages in a gorgeous and mighty Paladin armor. Then, he ran to the camp door and dragged a piece of corpse left over from the wooden stakes by the Odins. He smeared it on Bonfret's body, and looked bloody.

"Well, it's like so much." Xia Ya smiled with satisfaction. Bonfret was almost scared ... well, it wasn't almost, he had urinated his pants.

He was tied to the horse's back with a tendon and was fixed so that it would not fall off. He was lined with an iron bar in the back of the waist to support his back, which could keep his back straight and not bend down. .

Charlie put a helmet on him, lowered the overlying mask, only exposed a pair of eyes, and then patted Bonfret, whispering in his ear: "Listen, I won't let you Really sent to death! I tied your legs, feet and body, as long as you play a show with me! Your body is very similar to me, that guy has a 50% certainty to be fooled! You only have the right hand to move, I The spear prepared for you is made of wood, painted with iron paint, and looks like a real knight's spear! For a while, you are not allowed to speak! As long as you make a little gesture and attract his attention! "

After a pause, Xia Ya snorted, his eyes were fierce: "Don't try to run away, don't think about my bad things! If you dare to shout half a word then! Don't wait for Hasting to kill you, I Just behind you, you can be struck by a single shot! You guessed, did I kill your courage? "

He has! This lunatic! This soil! This bastard! He must have! !!

Shan State Frett screamed wildly! !! This **** dare treat me like this, what else is he afraid of? !!

不过 "But ..." Xia thought for a moment, "I don't worry about your little white face ..."

He lifted Bonfret's faceplate again and stuffed a hemp core into his mouth: "So you won't say anything! I will protect you for a while if you obey! Otherwise, Humph!"

Sretra gave Charlie a hand: "Hey! What on earth are you trying to do! What did you just say to bring a 扈 from here ... what do you mean ?!"

意思 "Meaning?" Charlie rubbed her face vigorously, and her face became hot, before she stopped her hand. He squinted, and there was a hint of madness in Tu Zhi's eyes.

"I want to find a chance ... to assassinate Hastings !!!"

Slater changed color suddenly, pointing at Charlie: "You! You're crazy !!!"

Xia Ya snorted: "Even if you can't kill him, if you can seriously hurt him ... um, as soon as Hastings is injured, the Odin will mess up! At least they can delay their attack!"

Slater was very anxious: "You! You're sent to death! What level of Hastings is strong! How can you hurt him? You are sent to death! For nothing!"

Charlie took a breath, gritted her teeth fiercely, and gnawed her teeth loudly, and then struck Slater severely: "Relax! I won't die so easily !!! This is the only one Opportunity to fight! If you win, everyone will have a way to live! I won't die! You can rest assured! I cherish my life more than you! "

He Tutu touched his arms, and he had dragon scales on his chest and back-and it was still two layers!

The scales of the dragon dragon are a set of first-class leather armor. In addition to the leather armor, a strong heavy cavalry steel armor is also fitted! This set of steel armor was cut off from the strong man in Shalpa, which is a full circle larger than Charya's body. He was afraid that Hastings would see the flaws. Since he could not shrink his body, he could only deliberately wear a large size. Armored.

Two layers of dragon scales, one layer of leather armor, one layer of heavy armored steel armor ... Even if it fails, save your life and escape, shouldn't the problem be too big?

As long as he can get close to Hastings, when he is not prepared, he suddenly uses ... Dragon Spike!

I have great hope to hurt that guy!

And, Charlie still has a leaning! That is, his attack method is different from all the warriors on the mainland!

武 The warriors on the continent are using fighting spirit! When the vindictive spirit is destroyed, it has a dazzling light. If you want to sneak attack, it will dazzle the human eye first without waiting for your shot ... but your own crimson and murderous spirit has been controlled so that the red light is not exposed. If you cooperate with the "Dragon Spike" that concentrates all your power several times ...

"If you don't fight, there will be a dead end! If you fight, if you win, you will have a living!" Charlie turned over an inconspicuous steed and glanced at Slater.

Tessler was excited and looked at Xia, giving birth to an indescribable reverence. She couldn't help but bow deeply to Xia and forced her chest to make the highest courtesy of the Byzantine soldiers.

Xia Ya suddenly changed her face and cursed: "Don't salute! My day! It's like saying goodbye to the remains! I'm not dead! I won't die! I will definitely come back alive! I am! What a **** mischief! "

A loud horn sounded, and the camp door slowly opened a gap. Bonfret was ahead, Charya was behind, and the two men came out of the camp slowly.

On the battlefield, a black war horse covered with a waistcoat, a half-moon horse sickle on the horse's head, a man on the horse's back, a black robe wrapped around his body, and a triangular war gun in his hand. Tim! !!

The horses moved forward slowly. When the two sides approached, Bonfret ’s horse stopped. Charlie was sitting next to him next to him. He even helped Bonfret hold the reins in one hand. A look of obedience.

Hasting stared at Lord Jazz: "You are Bonfred!"

Gaze is like a blade!

Bonfreder was a Paladin's armor, full of blood and damage. The body was magnificent, the figure was great, and the high-end horse picked by his majesty, and a black spear was hanging on the saddle ... Suddenly, there are some masters!

Although Sir Bonfret was trembling, but he was in the armor, but he could not see it.

Even his dreadful, fearful eyes, in Hastings' eyes, mistakenly regarded them as "sharp eyes"!

All in all, Hastings is very satisfied with this opponent.

In other words, a real strong man such as Hastings has already seen Charana ’s amazing strength on the battlefield just now. He has a preconceived mind and uses his own heart to control people. I want to come to such a strong man ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ It should be the heart of a noble power like yourself ...

既 "That's it ... then, fight!"

Hasting slowly lifted the triangular rifle, the tip of the gun pointed at Bonfret, and above the tip of the gun, a black stream of flames suddenly turned out!

Bonfret ’s body shivered even more. Under the threat of Char ’s, he had no choice but to lift his spear. Although the wooden spear was not heavy, at this moment Bonfret ’s arms were weak and weak. After lifting the spear, even the body shook more and more obviously, and the armor also made a slight trembling sound.


Hasting was a little curious.

怎么 How can this respectable opponent shake like this?

Hmm ... what kind of clever martial arts is this? Is mad warfare? Or bloodthirsty fighting? Awesome power? Or is it like a secret trick that maddens us before the war as if we were Odins?

Hasting felt the blood that had been indifferent for many years heated up again! His heart was so hot that he couldn't help but want to scream! Huh! !! The spear swept away, with a black flame, and the horse trot towards Bonfret! !!

When Hastings approached quickly, Sir Bonfret suddenly closed his eyes-he collapsed! There was a long flow of urine in the crotch, and the spear in his hand fell, but the body was tied, the waist plate was pinned by the iron bar, and he was still so straight and straight on the horse ... straight, Wei An! Just like a fearless master when facing the enemy's attack!

Hasting had no doubt about him, with a clear howl, the black war gun cut across a beautiful arc and fell off! !!

(Now!) Charlie's eyes were instantly lit!

(Help! Help! Who will save me !!!) Bonfret's heart was crying ...

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