Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 132: 'dead space'

"Wai Zefa?!"


   After seeing the crazy mother who was still dying, Hudson couldn't help but yelled: "You irresponsible scum!"


"All right."


   Hicks saw that the opponent's pupils had spread, closed his eyes and shook his head, then stood up with a grim face.


   And use the high-power communication that comes with the individual equipment to report to the base on Mars:


  "This is Corporal Hicks Dawn stationed at FC336. It has been confirmed that there is an abnormal phenomenon on FC336 that can affect the human mind.


   No abnormal phenomenon has been found for the time being. I judged that it was hidden and handled by the chief company and needed to send a containment force to assist. Please reply if you receive it. "


   "嗞...嗞..." Current busy tone.


   Hicks frowned when he heard the movement, looked around his hands and said in a deep voice, "Communication is blocked."


   "Made." Hudson clenched the M41A with both hands and scolded, "It must be the chief gang doing it."


   Gina, who was guarding the door, turned around and asked, "Sir, what should I do?"


   "The destination remains the same, continue to the control room." Hicks closed the M41A insurance in his hand and walked outside the house calmly:


   "The chief company must have the specific information and location of the abnormal phenomenon, and more importantly, the central control room can also resume communication and call support."


   Hudson, who followed Hicks, hesitated and said:


  "Hicks, this anomaly is too weird. Yesterday it was only a violent incident, but today it has developed into a collective suicide...


   How about we leave the colony in an escape boat first, so that communication can be restored, and then notify the Mars base to send reinforcements, how about it? "


   "No." Hicks immediately rejected:


   "Because we may also be affected, we must not let it leak from this asteroid until we don't know the mode of transmission of the anomaly."


   Then he roared in a low voice: "Marine Corps, have I clarified?!"


   "Huha!" (x2)


   Hudson and Gina also responded with roars.


   "Very well, let's go!"


   Hicks raised the M41A in his hand and walked out of the house first.


   Hudson is in the middle and Gina is behind, keeping a distance of two meters between them and heading towards the control room.


on the way.


   The houses and corridors of the colony are full of families of miners who committed suicide. They cannot bear to look directly at them.


   either cut the neck or hang.


   As Hudson said.


   The colony was still a violent incident last night, which only attracted their attention, but today it has become a collective suicide.


   Explains that this anomalous phenomenon has an extremely rapid impact on the human mind.


   But the three of them have not been infested at all for the time being.




   is strange.


   But there is an explanation circulating within Umbrella that the employees of the company are sheltered, and abnormal phenomena cannot control the minds of the employees.


   This statement has been more and more affirmed by everyone since the ‘cult sect’s stubbornness’ was taken into custody.


   Hicks, who is no more than a cautious by nature, dare not relax his vigilance due to rumors, which leads to a crisis for the company and humanity.




   The three people came to the office area of ​​the chief company's senior employees. The decoration style is far from the miners' living area, and it is clean and bright.


   The square layout and the garden with grassy scenery in the center seem to be used to relieve visual fatigue.


   But here still has something in common with the miners’ living quarters.


   There are suicide corpses everywhere.




   Hudson glanced around, shook his head and sighed: "It seems that the people in the colony are all dead, and the miners who enter the mine are not lucky enough.


  嗬, DeadSpace? "


   "My God... People are crazy... crazy!"


   But as soon as Hudson's voice fell, a chief employee wearing a shirt and suit pants appeared in his vision with blood stains all over his body.


   The employee walked swayingly, covered his face with his hands and finally slumped on the lawn, muttering to himself nervously:


   "It's crazy...all crazy... my goodness..."


   Upon seeing this, the three Marines immediately aimed their guns at the chief employee and moved slowly towards it.


   At this time, the holographic glasses connected to the helmet also completed the scan of the employee.


   named Edward Jones, is one of the few chief corporate executives in the colony.


   Looking at the data in front of him, Hudson pointed his gun at Jones's forehead and said with a grin: "Huh, since it's the chief's scum, then there is no need to treat him with a good face.


   (looks at Hicks) Do you want me to pry his mouth open for interrogation? "


   Hicks lifted his left hand and shook, and whispered, "Well, he is also a survivor anyway, you two watch the surroundings."


   "Yes." (x2)


   Hicks approached Jones and asked coldly: "Mr. Jones, may I ask..."


  ! ?


   However, before Hicks could finish speaking, Jones suddenly raised his head, looked at Hicks with bloodshot eyes, and said in a panic:


   "Corporal? Oh! My goodness! Great, you are not affected, hurry, run, we are going to escape from here!"


   Talking, Jones quickly stood up, reaching out to drag Hicks towards the escape boat.


   But Hicks avoided with a disdainful face, and also reached out and grabbed Jones by the collar, narrowing the distance between the two of them, and then...




   Controlling force slapped Jones and asked again: "Please be more clear-headed, please report to us."


   Jones, who was slapped, was in a much better condition, and he nodded somewhat prostrably:


   "Okay... Corporal, can you please... let go of me first?"


   Hicks opened his hand and gave the opponent freedom.


   said: "Did the communication interfere with you? Also, what exactly did you unearth?"


   Jones unbuttoned a button on the to make breathing more smoother, and looked in the direction of the control room and said:


  "Sergeant, the communication interference was opened by the supervisor himself, and I also know the authority password.


   I can help you untie it. As for what you can dig into... There are also image data in the control room, I just hope you can protect my safety! "


   "No problem." Hicks certainly had no objection to Jones' surrender, and ordered:


   "Gina open the way, Hudson, you are here to protect Mr. Jones' safety throughout."


   "Yes." Gina walked forward with M56 in his hand.


   "Yes, sir." Hudson responded weirdly and came to Jones.




   Thanks to Jones' help, the three of them didn't need to use violence, so they opened the code door of the central control room.




   was empty inside, and it seemed that it was affected by the abnormal phenomenon before the chief technicians could enter the post.


   Jones also, as he said, assisted the Marine Corps in resuming communications, and at the same time broadcasted the ‘stuff’ data that the chief had dug up.


   Only in the depths of the mine, that is, in the cavity inside the asteroid, there is actually a giant double helix structure carved with lines.


   is obviously an abnormal phenomenon of man-made objects, ‘Marker’.

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