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The data of Phantom is as follows;

Length: 224m.

Width: 336m.

Height: 177m.

Fusion engines: six

Jump Engine: One.

Hull armor: new titanium alloy armor.


Hull armed

① Hector class hydrogen bomb x5.

②Missile launching chamber x24.

③ Near-anti-gun array.

④ Electromagnetic acceleration gun x1.


Hull technology;

① Optical camouflage function.

②High temperature resistant stealth coating.

③Energy shield system.



①D77 Pelican transport boat x2.

②F-X carrier-based aircraft x16.

③Individual airborne warehouse x60.


Ship member

Bridge group: 20.

Maintenance group: 40.

Aviation group: 50.

Ground crew: 70.



① A company of 120 Marines of the ‘Protector’.

②30 Alphas led by Hank.

③The 30 most elite **** paratroopers.

④Spartan Blue Team.


Appendix information:

After the success of the Sailing Dawn project, Delphi became Umbrela's main shipyard.

Twelve Paris-class heavy frigates and one Phoenix-class aircraft carrier (Fire Spirit) can be built every year.

And a large number of colonial ships with no technical difficulty.

Due to the construction of the Phantom in 2008-09, the process of the heavy frigate was delayed, but the remaining seven Paris-class ships in the original plan were still equipped.

The Umbrella First Fleet consists of a Huo Ling aircraft carrier and twelve heavy-duty frigates.

The Phantom is not affiliated with any fleet.


Inside the bedroom.

The accident caused by the chief company can be regarded as a reminder for William to terminate cooperation with other companies as soon as possible to avoid more tragedies.

Looking at the virtual park scenery outside the window, enjoying the simulated natural breeze, a lot of the haze in my heart has also disappeared.

In the deep space of the universe, there can be a sleeping cabin with such a resting environment, which really effectively avoids the appearance of claustrophobia.

Of course, the cabins of the Phantom or other warships are also similar virtual environment systems.

But the number of people is often between 4 and 8, which is not a luxurious single room like William. After all, it is necessary to make reasonable use of the space inside the warship.

There is only one boss, and William has to live on the Phantom for a long time, so it is understandable that he treats himself specially.

There is another reason why William is in a good mood.

That was Halsey's research room, which was also transferred from the hive to the Phantom, so that she could study by her side.

This also means...

"Yeah~" I heard a sweet chant next to me.

William retracted his gaze from the window, and instead looked at the position next to his right hand.

Halsey, with a messy haircut, poked her head out of the bed, her white arms stretched out, and her hands clasped and closed like a cat.

She opened her dim eyes and met William.

Then he hugged William with an expression of extreme happiness and contentment, and asked in a delicate voice: "Why do you get up so early, my stupid boss."

Yes, this means that the two of them are finally ‘cultivating the right result’.

Feeling the two {REDACTED}, William suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and then raised his hand to draw her bangs.

She smiled and shared her worries with her girlfriend, saying, "Didn't you just buy the other two mining companies yesterday?

The thought of those capitalists who only put their interests first, causing unnecessary casualties, makes me angry, hey..."

"Alright~" Halsey raised his hand and pinched William's nose, comfortingly said:

"These are all things that can't be helped, and letting the Umbrella family dominate is also helpful in containing anomalies."

Having said this, Halsey covered her mouth and chuckled: "William, have you forgotten that you are also a capitalist?"

"I'm not!"

William denied it immediately, but on another thought, she seemed to be right.

But he insisted on his point of view, patted his chest and said, "I'm not like those greedy guys.

Umbrella has the best benefits and salaries in the world. I have never deviated from a people-oriented approach. The equipment and weapons are also the most advanced. "

"Haha~ Stop teasing you, I know you have always been employee-centric." Halsey laughed softly.

"You, you." William sighed helplessly.

But it is with her by her side that adds a little bit of color to the boring life.


Yellow noodles make up the majority.

William shook his head, shaking off the dirty thoughts.

Although that kind of thing is satisfying, you can't just think about it when you get to bed in the morning, or you'll be gone.

Immediately he lifted the quilt, put on slippers and walked to the closet, and said to Halsey:

"Okay, get up and wash, your translation of the'beacon' has not finished yet, otherwise I will deduct your salary."

"Cut." Halsey gave William a white glance, pretending to be impatient:

"The other female employees are all based on their bodies. I have to deduct wages the first time I was taken away by you? If you are not a wicked capitalist, then the world is a saint!"

"Haha!" William was successfully amused by Halsey. He looked back at her who was still hiding in the bed and said:

"Don't be mean, get up and work quickly, rest and rest, but you can't delay the process of research."



William, who had changed his suit trousers and white shirt, showed a kind smile walking in the deck corridor of the Phantom.

On the left side of the corridor are huge portholes.

If you look down through the porthole, you can see the deep space of the universe and the gray moon.

And the colony of "Wine Sea" is diagonally below the Phantom.

Colonial cities protected by giant domes are located in the inner moon sea, and the cities are connected by tunnels.

The city buildings in the dome are full of people, and there is a thriving scene.

(figure 1)

(figure 2)

While enjoying such a wonderful view, William also quickened his pace a bit, heading to the bridge of the Phantom.


"Boss here!"

As soon as the automatic door opened, William heard a loud reminder from the guards, and immediately followed by the salute of all the bridge crew.

He waved his hand and smiled: "Just rest a little."

"Yes!" The group members continued to work on their own affairs.

In addition to the twenty bridge crew members, the Phantom also has two special ‘captains’, namely the artificial intelligences Serena and Cortana.

As soon as William walked to the center console, the two artificial intelligences generated their respective images and stood on the screen.

He supported the table with both hands and looked at the colonized planets, satellites and asteroids in the solar system. After a little thought, he whispered to them:

"I just finished reviewing the Jiuhai Colony yesterday, and it is almost the same as expected. It's time to take a look at the largest colony in the solar system.

Ready to start the jump engine, set the coordinates to the low earth orbit of Mars. "

"Yes, boss." (x2)

Serena: "Coordinates are being set... Setting is complete."

Cortana: "There is a clear space ahead, allowing the jump."

"Very good." William turned to look at the porthole, and commanded with his hands behind his back: "Perform a jump."


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