Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 149: Doesn’t match expectations...

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Soon after the hydrogen explosion.

Somewhere in the trench

"Boom!" The air exploded like a torn apart.

"Hoo--!" and the ensuing shock wave.

Various movements blew sand and gravel into the trenches and sprinkled them on the three British, Canadian, and French soldiers lying on the ground.

A little time.

The communication that has been processed to prevent electromagnetic pulses sent a command: "All units pay attention to the impact of the hydrogen explosion, and they all stand on guard."

"Ahem!" (x3)

After hearing the reminder, the three soldiers coughed a few times, took their weapons, and slowly stood up.

As soon as they straightened up, they saw a mushroom cloud rising straight into the sky.

After seeing a more spectacular scene than "God", the British soldier exclaimed without hesitation: "Jesus..."

The magic soldier closed his eyes, clasped his hands in prayer, and was still mumbling about this:

"Bless, I can do it, and muster the courage." words like that.

However, the reaction of adding troops was more calm. He looked at the mushroom cloud and said:

"Everyone, I didn't say the above is to lift the alert. It means that the hydrogen bomb has not solved the ancient creatures. Let's prepare to fight."

"Well, what you said is quite right." The British soldier who had come from shock to his mind nodded.

As for the voice of the soldiers, they trembled and said: "Guys, I want to go to the toilet, can you help me..."

The remaining two soldiers vetoed: "No."


During these episodes, Athena and Spartans, who were originally at the forefront of the line, began to move forward after receiving orders.

"Om~!" (x2)

Carl and Jerome's two electromagnetic accelerated sniper guns are accumulating energy, and their huge index fingers are also on the trigger, ready to fire at all times.

The rest of the Spartans, led by Athena, ran towards the center of the hydrogen explosion.

"Boom! Boom!" The earth trembled with their steps.


"Roar--!" A deafening dragon roar came from a distance.

Moreover, the clouds that were originally blown away by the hydrogen explosion began to condense black dark clouds along with the dragon roar, and even flashed strange yellow lightning.

Under the light of lightning, a 100-meter dragon with a wingspan of more than 500 meters and three heads and two tails flew in the air.

It is an anomaly named by William himself, Quidora.

not only that.

In the direction of the mountain where the hydrogen exploded, eight huge ‘human figures’ are still faintly visible, rushing towards the north coast.

It seems...

The hydrogen bomb still has some effect.

After all, according to Athena, there are twelve Titans in total.

Now there are only eight.

It shows that the 40-million-ton-equivalent hydrogen bomb successfully ‘gasified’ the other four.

However, the human soldiers only saw Gidola, who had descended like evil gods, and did not notice that four Titan gods had been killed by hydrogen bombs.

On the ground, even the so-called elites of a certain country have begun to lose their minds. They are still good at dealing with the insurgents in Africa.

But dealing with this kind of creature that shouldn't exist in theory is too reluctant...

"call out!"


When a large number of soldiers were timid, Athena, who was running quickly, threw the golden war spear in her hand directly at Gidola.

The war spear pierced the air with a shining golden light, but it pierced Gidola's abdomen in an instant.


Jidora couldn't dodge at all, wailed after being penetrated by the war spear, and then fell to the ground.


The earth trembled again.

"咻——!" (x2)

It's a pity that before Gidola healed the wound in his abdomen, it was hit by two dazzling ‘blue lights’ again.

"Puff!" (x2)

In an instant, Gidola disappeared nearly two-thirds of his body, and the "blue light" swept away without slowing down.


The ‘Blue Light’ hit two Titans who survived the hydrogen bomb.

"Boom!" (x2)

Two strands of blue light penetrated the Titan again, and finally shot into the ground and raised two small ‘nuclear explosions’.

The billowing smoke and two mushroom clouds directly ‘swallowed’ those Titan giants and **** beasts coming northward.

This ‘blue light’ is the tungsten projectile shot by Karl and Jerome.

After seeing this situation.

Athena stopped and stood firmly on the spot, stretched out her hand to hold the spear that flew back automatically, and raised the huge shield in her left hand to signal the Spartans to stand by.


Then she used the voice of a colossus to encourage the Spartans who followed her and the soldiers in the distant position:

"From ancient times to the present, I have witnessed that you have overcome difficulties again and again and created miracles.

This time is no exception!

And I will be with you too—! "

"Shoo!" (x12)

As soon as Athena's words fell, the twelve heavy frigates seemed to have negotiated with her, and immediately carried out a salvo of electromagnetic guns.

"Boom-Long -!" (x12)


Mushroom cloud.

Once again swallowed those Titans and Hell beasts.


at the same time.

Next to the center console of the Phantom bridge;

William frowned slightly in confusion, his left eyebrows were still raised, and his expression looked strangely at the screen.

"Boss." At this moment, Serena, who was standing on the screen, reported to him:

"Athena and Cronus have met each other, and the Spartan forces have taken cover from it and shot the rest of the Titans.

After my test.

It was discovered that the electromagnetic acceleration cannon and the Gauss cannon can cause effective damage to the Titans except Cronus.

Counting the hydrogen explosion, it has been confirmed that six Titan Protoss have been killed.

The only tricky thing is Quidora, which is healing fast and is expected to recover in three minutes. "

Hear all kinds of reports.

Only then did William put away the strange expression, nodded, and continued to ask: "Where are those **** beasts?"

"Boss, before the **** beasts entered the range of the soldiers, they were blocked by the artillery fire from the fleet.

I think they may not be able to get close to the trenches until the ammunition is exhausted. "Selina replied.

"Okay, I see." William turned his back with both hands, looking out the porthole and whispered:

"Let Karl and Jerome focus on Gidola, and the rest of Spartans cooperate with Athena to strangle other Titans."

"Yes, boss."

After issuing various orders.

William walked behind the porthole.

I saw a salvo of artillery from the fleet, Spartans and Titans in the fierce battle in the distance, and Gidola who was taken care of by two electromagnetic accelerated sniper guns.

Upon seeing this, William couldn't help sighing inwardly: ‘This does not match the expectations...’

After all, Athena and the system stated that this abnormal phenomenon is a high threat, so he mobilized so many troops and firepower.


Throw away the hydrogen bomb, and it took less than ten minutes to start the The Titans were about to be defeated by Sparta and Athena.

Does this go well too, right?

Shun was a little flustered.

And the only thing that didn't go well was that Gidola who was struggling on the ground should be left.

But it will die sooner or later.

Even if Carl's "Critical Strike" stunt is not activated, the electromagnetic acceleration gun can still disable it.

As that sentence:

"When the caliber of our weapon is larger than that of the enemy, no matter how fast it recovers, it is useless."

Even though this sentence is somewhat different from Quidora's situation, Daniel is just that way.

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