Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 162: "Black Tyrant" and "Nano Serum"

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Main building lobby

Here is the most spacious square space in the entire scientific research station, with a variety of potted plants, rows of sofas, giant screens, etc.

Although the scientific research station has lost power due to ‘unknown’ reasons, the standby generator below the hall still supplies power here continuously.

So it is not as dim as other places.

At this time, the researchers and staff in the scientific research station, as well as one or three groups of security guards, gathered here.

The hall that was originally very spacious was very crowded, and the faces of most people were panicked.

After all, Blizzard keeps here isolated.

The ‘ice cube’ pulled back from the exploration team, the creatures that sprang out, killed two people in succession.

Even just a few minutes ago, there were two more gunshots from the blocked scientific research area, completely making the people at this scientific research station tremble.

Sander, who was supposed to monitor blood before, was standing in front of the giant screen, but the researchers who were also in the laboratory were nowhere to be seen.

More importantly, the sixteen security regiments of the first and third groups surrounded Sander, seemingly to be the leader of Sander.

"Supervisor, why are you calling us here?"

"Yes, director, and what's the matter with the power supply of the scientific research station?"

The panicked people hope to get useful information from the supervisor.

However, before Sander could say anything, a security guard wearing a white airtight suit but covered in blood came hobbled from the direction of the scientific research area.

"Plop!" Finally fell to the ground.


After seeing this situation, people who were closer rushed over immediately, wanting to check the status of the security guard.

"Get out of here! I'm a doctor! Leave him alone!"

Within a few seconds, the doctor stationed at the scientific research station passed through the crowd and reminded people not to move the security guard casually to avoid secondary injuries.

The doctor knelt beside the security guard, and quickly helped him to tear open the blood-stained airtight gown, and carefully examined it.

Then he immediately turned his head and said: "Come and a few people to help! He is going to die!"


At the same time the research area;

"This... ugh..."

After seeing the scene in front of her, Rebecca almost vomited the undigested food in her abdomen, but finally let her hold it back.

Because there are blood stains, dental fillings, bone fixing plates and other items that should be in the human body everywhere.

Especially in a dim environment, those things in the holographic mask appear extremely crooked and bloody.

For Rebecca, who was nineteen years old and had encountered an abnormal phenomenon for the first time, it was really unbearable.

On the contrary, Li Mu, who is accustomed to blood, did not have any adverse reactions.

Instead, he squatted down and analyzed: "There are no bullet casings and no traces of flame burning. It seems that those things have gained the trust of the second group, and then they were wiped out in an instant.

Ho. "Speaking of this, Li Mu coldly snorted:

"After all, it is not Umbrella's people. If they follow the order, they should kill and destroy anyone who wants to enter here."

"Li... Li Mu... This thing can be assimilated in a few minutes. If the people at the scientific research station go to the lobby, then... then this means that the entire scientific research station is only us two normal humans..." Rebecca Shen Feeling desperate.

"Aside from you and me, there are 141 people in the scientific research station, 23 of whom are security guards carrying guns..."

While talking, Li Mu raised his left hand and looked at the personal computer on his left wrist, and said in a low voice:

"At least twenty-six hours before the end of Blizzard, well, a little tricky."

"A bit tricky? This is not a bit tricky question..." Rebecca panicked.

"Keeping calm is the basic quality of the agents." Li Mu still taught her.

He took out a spiral-shaped sealed tube with purple liquid faintly exuding in the dim light from the waist pocket and asked:

"Rebecca, are you sure that Nano Serum can effectively fight that kind of thing?"

"Huh..." Rebecca nodded after relieving her nervousness, "That kind of thing can only be swallowed and assimilated after it enters the body.

If the serum is injected in advance and the nanorobots are dispersed throughout the body, that kind of thing can be destroyed the moment it invades the body. "

"Good." Li Mu took off his sealed gloves and injected himself with serum without saying a word.

Rebecca also took out serum injections.

After that, Li Mu walked to the ‘leaky’ scientific research room and...


Use the mechanical bones to kick the baffle open with one foot.

"Hoo--!" Blizzard's howl instantly rushed to the scientific research area.

Immediately afterwards, Li Mu pulled Rebecca beside him with one hand, pushed her outside and said:

"The hydrogen battery can work continuously for 30 hours, and the agent's individual equipment has also added a temperature control system."

", what are you going to do?" Rebecca asked somewhat unclearly.

"Drive the snowmobile to leave the scientific research station, the farther the better, and the things here will be uploaded as soon as Blizzard passes." Li Mu warned.

"What about you!? We can leave together!"

"I will destroy the remaining snowmobiles, and then'clean up' the abnormal phenomenon by the way. Someone is always required to stay to ensure that they will not escape." Li Muyi turned around and left without hesitation.

"I'm with you!" Rebecca suddenly summoned the courage: "I am also an agent!"

"Rebecca." Li Mu's tone was serious and angrily said:

"I taught you to focus on human safety in everything. Someone must survive and inform the company. This is an order. Get out."

"This..." Rebecca just wanted to return to the room, but after hearing the other party's words, she finally followed the order and turned and left.

And in the individual newsletter he said with a choked voice: "You must survive!"

"Ah, don't worry." The news came back with a calm response.

"Boo..." After leaving a certain distance, only the noise of electric current remained in the individual communication.


At this time, on the floor of the main building hall, there were dozens of naked, **** human beings lying on the floor.

Some people are putting on clothes, with sweat dripping on their hair and skin, as if they had just gone through the above process.

And Sander and those armed security guards looked at the group with no expressions.

In just ten minutes, and a few drops of blood that can flow autonomously, the 141 people in the scientific research station were completely destroyed.


With a sudden, crisp sound, a dark shadow fell in the center of the hall.

Immediately after a "boom", the black shadow exploded at the moment it landed, flashing a dazzling dazzling light, and then began to burn.

A white phosphorous shell with a grenade launcher on the gun.



The burned ‘people’ screamed inhumanly, struggling to extinguish the flames on their bodies.

At the entrance to the scientific research area, Li Mu was sprinting and loading.

"Papa!" The ‘security guards’ who had reacted responded with guns.

However, Li Mu made a forward somersault to avoid the bullets, and replaced the grenade at the moment when he was in the air, while swinging the muzzle towards the group of security.



Launch, explode, all in one go.

"Tata!" Li Mu also landed steadily, and the entire process took less than two seconds.




Then there were gunshots, explosions, and screams of that kind of thing in the hall.

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