Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 178: "Everyone, get ready for the entry-level interstellar campaign."

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①Since the fleet is a space fleet, "sea area" will generally refer to areas in space in the future.

②ETM (EarthtoMoon) unit.

The distance between the earth and the moon is about 400,000 kilometers.

As for the size of the universe, it is no longer appropriate to use kilometers as a unit, but light-years as a unit is a bit too much.

So in the Umbrella fleet, 1ETM equals 400,000 kilometers, 0.5ETM equals 200,000 kilometers, and so on.


Inside the driving bolt;

"Boss, the giant flying saucer stayed still after reaching a position 0.25 ETM from our fleet.

Do you want me to try to communicate with them? "Selina asked.

After hearing what Serena said, William was no longer the extremely serious face before, but smiled slightly with his mouth curled up:

"Communication is definitely to communicate, but it's not the kind you imagine."

As he said, William ordered her: "Notify the second and third fleets to carry out a salvo of fire after three minutes.

Tell the commanders of the two fleets to let the frigates with electromagnetic accelerated guns carry out precise strikes at the same point. "

"This..." Serena said slightly worried:

"Boss, the other party hasn't expressed any intentions yet. If it's a friendly race, then we will start an interstellar war by firing first."

"I know." William said unchanged face: "But I can be sure that the opponent's race is by no means good. They are the harvesters of terrestrial planets. Don't ask for the specific reasons.

Listen to my orders, prepare the carrier aircraft, and have all the Spartans stand by in Divine Body.

When the artillery fired volleys together, they were caught off guard. "

Having said that, William reconnected with his divine body again, patted Serena's head with a finger and smiled:

"Don't you want to communicate with them? We will drive this special plane to attack together and rush directly into the interior of their spacecraft.

Then how about hacking and hacking their systems? "

The "Reaper" in the "Independence Day" movie was cracked by a computer virus and all defenses were broken, indicating that they are weak in software, not to mention Serena, who has surpassed the existing human technology for more than 400 years.

After Serena felt the temperature of William's finger, she no longer doubted the order to attack first, and immediately revealed her former self-confident face.

Nodded and said: "Yes."


During the confrontation, the Umbrella fleet slowly shortened the distance from the flying saucer, and finally stopped at a distance of 10,000 kilometers.

There was no communication between the two parties.

Obviously, the Reaper didn't expect to have a civilization that could make transitions in the solar system, so they couldn't advance or retreat.

It may be considering retreating, or it may be considering waiting for the arrival of ‘support’ before taking action.


call out-! (XN)

Huh-! (XN)

However, William, who understood their racial inferiority, didn't want to beep too much. In a short time, the Umbrella fleet fired a volley of artillery fire.

Twenty-four electromagnetic guns flashing dazzling blue light focused on one point, and the energy shield system of the Reaper UFO did indeed work.


The 30-ton tungsten projectile accelerated to one percent of the speed of light in an instant, and in particular suffered 24 such blows at the same point.

The result can be imagined.

Their protective shield suddenly failed, and the remaining projectiles went straight through the 25-kilometer-diameter flying saucer that looked very bluffing.

Synchronized with the salvo of gunfire, countless carrier-based aircraft left the fleet and flew forward at extremely fast speeds.

The forefront is the formation of various F-X fighters, the latter is the formation of Viking fighters, and the last is dozens of vulture fire support boats.

Mixed in the fighter aircraft group, there is also the Spartan body formation centered on the William dedicated aircraft.

Since the red team followed the first fleet to stay behind, only the blue, black, and white teams were dispatched this time.

Take the three Spartans of the Blue team as an example.

A-007 John’s fuselage is hung with six floating cannons on the left side, and he holds a standard Gauss cannon in his right hand.

A-003 Myron is holding a rotating Gauss cannon with both hands, and is equipped with mechanical arm-style shields on both sides of the back to enhance the defensiveness of the divine body.

A-004 Karl is still the old electromagnetic sniper gun.

The three of the blue team circled William, heading toward the flying saucer that was getting closer together.


Inside the driving bolt of William's body;

"Boss, it has been detected that the spacecraft of the Reaper race has some kind of energy shield technology, but it cannot defend against the concentrated attack of the electromagnetic acceleration gun.

In the salvo just now, their energy shields only intercepted the first projectile, and the remaining 23 projectiles directly penetrated their spaceship. "

"Only one projectile was intercepted?" William asked slightly differently.

"Yes, they only stopped one." Serena shrugged and continued to report:

"But their luck is not bad. The rest of the projectiles only caused penetrating damage. It seems that the volley of artillery fire just now did not hit the critical point of the spacecraft."

"Selena, hurry up!"

Upon hearing this, William hurriedly ordered: "Notice the fleet to stop artillery strikes, otherwise the spaceship will be blown up by the fleet before we can complete the invasion."

"It's the boss."

"Huh..." William breathed a sigh of relief.

He wanted to test the defensiveness of the Reaper's shield.

Thinking about the performance in the movie, it should be very strong, after all, that is the only outstanding point of the Reaper civilization.

Who thought...

Their energy shield can only resist one projectile...

Only one.

In other words, if the two Paris-class battleships cooperate with each other, they can easily destroy these 25-kilometer-long behemoths.

I really don't want to use it...

"Boss, it has been detected that the opponent's spacecraft has released at least a thousand carrier-based aircraft." Serena reported quietly again.

"Okay, I see." William restored his deep face and raised his voice on public communications:


What we have to face is a rogue alien race, the Reapers, who rely on plundering the cores of terrestrial planets to improve technology and energy.

In other words, the earth is their goal.

This combat mission is very simple. I will lead Spartans to invade their ships, and then Serena will be able to obtain all the information about their races.

So everyone, before we complete the mission, remember not to attack their ships again, remember!

As for the ‘little flies’ released by their spacecraft, there is no need to show mercy.

In addition, their carrier aircraft are also equipped with energy shields, and our airborne Gauss cannons should also be able to cause effective strikes.


But be careful, don’t lose your life because of carelessness, have you heard everything? ! "

"Oh!" (xN)

"Yeah." William nodded in satisfaction.

After looking at the enemy aircraft that was getting closer and closer, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Everyone, get ready for the entry-level interstellar battle."

"Yes! Boss!"

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