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Inside the driving bolt;

"Woohoo! Boss! The trick you just did was really awesome! It directly relieved a lot of pressure!"


William, who had already slowed down, could not help but exhorted after hearing Mellen's voice from the communication: "Mellen, concentrate on fighting for me."

"Yes! Boss!"

Afterwards, William did not pay attention to Myron, but concentrated on driving his body through the gap, entering the interior before the Reaper Mothership's shield was restored.

Through the screen, he and Serena saw the interior of the mothership with huge space.

They exude emerald green light, have their own ecological environment, and fly various types of transport aircraft at high altitudes.

At the same time, there are several gaps penetrated by electromagnetic guns, and low-intensity explosions occur from time to time.

Using the vision of the divine body to look towards their deck, a large number of reapers wearing cream yellow biological armors can be found urgently repairing the destroyed parts.

Suddenly, dozens of enemy planes appeared not far in front of the divine body, and dozens of green light beams were shot out.

It's just that William was facing this density of attack, so he easily avoided it.

He also increased the power of his back thruster, quickly shortened the distance between him and the enemy plane, and swept the giant ship-cutting knife with both hands.

The beam blades that are nearly two hundred meters long, regardless of whether their fighters have energy shields or not, they slashed directly and brutally.


"Clear the screen" immediately.

Afterwards, William continued to control the divine body to fly into the interior of the Reaper Mothership, and said to Serena: "How about it."

Serena's body glowed with a faint blue light, and she frowned and said, "Boss, it will take some time."

"it is good."

At this time, the screen on the left reminded William that a large number of enemy planes were approaching.

Upon seeing this.

William used nerve induction to recycle the floating cannon behind the divine body for charging, and then disassembled the giant ship-cutting knife and retracted one handle to the right side of his back.

He picked up the short-barreled Gauss cannon again in his right hand and prepared to confront the enemy with a knife in one hand and a'gun' in the other.


at the same time.

On the periphery of the Reaper mothership, the Umbrella fleet and the disc-shaped destroyers continued to exchange fire.

In addition, Umbrella, who has an advantage in performance and firepower, gradually began to feel a little weak due to the large number of opponents.

The battle between carrier-based aircraft and enemy fighters has also entered a stalemate, and the number of losses has reached a plural number, and it is still slowly increasing.

Fortunately, Umbrella has the support of fourteen divine bodies to stabilize the situation with a difference of dozens of times.

The most eye-catching performance should be Spartan's blue team and red team.

Carl and Jerome, armed with electromagnetic accelerated sniper guns, began to cooperate with each other to assist the fleet in combating the ‘flying saucers’.

The two Spartans, Myron and Alice, used rotating Gauss cannons to form absolute barrage attacks on enemy fighters and ‘flying saucers’, and even created a short-term absolute vacuum zone.

As for Douglas, who is not the captain of the red team, its body is also equipped with six floating cannons, which cooperate with John's floating cannons for fire support and coverage.

Even if the Reapers are in a complete quantitative advantage, Umbrella can still win, but it will be a miserable victory.


If you observe closely in the sea area where the two fighters are fighting, you can find an F-X or Viking fighter, which often needs to deal with ten to ten enemy aircraft.

Immediately afterwards, the pilots will take advantage of the absolute performance advantage to pull the distance and make rapid ascent or descend to avoid the fire support of the squadron comrades.

These F-Xs and Vikings are decoys to lure enemy planes that are not very mobile.

But once it is entangled by dozens or hundreds of enemy planes, then the result facing the decoy plane is self-evident.


One F-X responsible for the decoy encountered the above situation and was bitten by its tail by a large number of enemy aircraft.

Even if you make a rapid barrel flip or spin, you can't get rid of those ‘flies’, after all, there are too many.

Moreover, the squadron responsible for supporting this F-X seems to have encountered certain conditions and cannot provide fire support in time.

If effective support is not available within a few seconds, then the fate of this F-X and the pilot...

It is destroyed and died.

call out-! call out-!

Dozens of green light beams formed a huge barrage net and ‘pounced’ towards the F-X.

But the pilot still didn't want to give up, and made an urgent evasive action, trying to avoid the attack.

Om-! Om-!

However, the expected scene of being hit and exploded did not appear, but a huge divine body blocked the barrage.

The green light beam fell on the energy shield, just causing a painless attack on the divine body.

But those extremely arrogant ‘flies’ who chased F-X ended up a bit miserable...

boom-! boom-!

They couldn't control their speed, and just like those green light beams, they slammed straight against the energy shield of the divine body.

The F-X that was chased before flew in a circle in front of God's body, and the pilot in the cockpit also gave a thumbs up, expressing gratitude for the rescue.

And this sacred body just nodded at F-X, and then held the Gauss and launched an attack on those ‘flies’ that were beyond count.

This kind of scene is constantly being staged, and not all pilots have good luck and can be saved by the Sparta who controls the divine body.

If this continues...

The death toll will break Umbrella's record.


"Ahhhhhhhh! You hateful flies! Go to death!!!"

After seeing an exploded F-X with his own eyes, Myron immediately pointed the muzzle of the rotating Gauss cannon at the group of enemy aircraft and couldn't help but roar.

Whoops whoops-!

The dense spikes came out of the gun.

Boom boom boom -!

However, the emerald green energy shield was not generated, but was directly destroyed by Myron's burst of fire.

More than that.

Those ‘flies’ who were entangled and fought with F-X and Viking fighters also stopped instantly and floated motionless in the universe, even those twenty-five-kilometer-long flying saucers.


After seeing the situation in front of him, Myron, who was sitting in the driving bolt, was taken aback for a moment and seemed to be somewhat unresponsive.

"Everyone!" William's voice came from the communication, and he commanded loudly:

"The system of the Reaper Mothership has been completely captured by Serena, and now, I will destroy all those annoying'flies' and'flying saucers'!

and also! I don't need to be captured in this battle, and I will kill all the gangsters in the universe! "

While everyone was listening attentively to the command, a sudden ray of light flooded the pitch-black sea.

And the center of this glare is the giant mothership that is nearly 600 kilometers away.

Accompanied by light and shock waves visible to the naked eye, a purple-painted divine body flew towards the Umbrella fleet.

After seeing everything, the communication came from the group combatants shouting: "Yes! Boss!"

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