Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 223: Since ancient times, it has not been established?

The ‘God-level’ archives are accepted here.

One of the biggest differences between the god-level anomaly and the Exafanistei-level is that Umbrella is temporarily unable to contain the god-level.

For example, Anubis of God-level anomaly.

After the outbreak in Egypt, Umbrella can only modify human memory on a large scale and make ordinary society believe that Cairo has been hit by a meteorite.

Containment procedures for Anubis: None.

Cannot be contained.

Elimination measures for Anubis: None.

At the current stage, it cannot be obliterated.

And the Titan giants judged by the company as Exafanistei-class can't compete with Umbrella's fleet of electromagnetic guns and the gods controlled by Sparta.

Therefore, Umbrella's rating of anomalies was increased, and the **** level appeared.


Time: April 21, 2015.

Location: Endless.

The simulated environment of the ‘sleeping cabin’ at this time has shifted to late night.

Starlight began to appear on the top of the cabin, and finally turned into a dazzling galaxy, with the whispering of a few insects at the same time.

Yelena’s bedroom on the second floor of the villa.

On the single bed by the window, Yelena fell asleep with a thin quilt and a faint smile.

William, who was sitting next to the bed in pajamas, saw his daughter fall asleep, and put the fairy tale book in his hand on the side table.

Get up.

Turn off the bedside lamp, leave the bedroom lightly, and help her daughter close the door.

Then he walked through the corridor on the second floor, through the stairs at the end of the corridor to the first floor, and went to Halsey's study.


"Is Yelena asleep."

As soon as William opened the door, he heard Halsey's soft question.

He approached the study, closed the door, and smiled: "Ah, that little girl is asleep."

I saw Halsey wearing white lace pajamas, sitting behind the desk, reading the files on the computer screen.

As the study was only illuminated by the desk lamp on the desk, it looked a little dim.

William walked behind Halsey, put his hands on her shoulders, and pressed his fingers lightly and hard.

He said softly, "I have worked hard for you these days, and I have been asking you to analyze that Anubis."

"You..." Hearing William's concern, Halsey couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

Then he leaned his head on William's abdomen, enjoyed the massage given by her husband, and said with his eyes closed slightly:

"How can I be tired? You are the one who makes me worry, OK? You have always participated in all kinds of dangerous actions over the years.

When I was pregnant, I didn't tell you about my participation in the two Reaper campaigns without telling me. A few days ago, I went airborne with the children (Spartan). You said, who should worry about whom? "

"Haha." Upon hearing this, William just smiled helplessly:

"The soldiers fought **** battles. It's not good for my high-powered boss to always sit behind the scenes.

And as long as I fight with the soldiers, the morale will be at least a bit higher, which will also help the success of the containment operation. "

"..." Halsey didn't reply.

Slowly, she opened her eyes, raised her hand and poked William's side firmly, and complained:

"Yes, you are the boss, but you are still Ivan and Yelena's father, and also my husband.

Although I know that the employees and soldiers of the company have their own families, but they are selfish...

At least you have to promise me that in the future, unless absolutely necessary, don't always lead the way, okay? "

Seeing Halsey seemed to be resentful, William also put away his smiling face and walked over to squat down in front of her.

She shook her hands and promised: "Okay, I promise you.

Moreover, in another year, those children of Spartan Phase II can also drive the gods alone.

Then there will be no need for me to do it myself, right? "

"Cut." Halsey cast a blank look at William and said, "Forget it, who knows you will be on a whim again someday."

Seeing that Halsey was still so cute and well-behaved, William couldn't help but stretch out his hand to knead her cheek.

He smiled and said, "Haha, that's all right, tell me what you found from Anubis."

After speaking, William got up and went back behind Halsey, ready to watch the content on the computer screen together.

"Yeah." Halsey also put away his sullen face, and tapped the space on the keyboard twice with his right hand to unlock the screen.

Presented in front of the two were the Anubis archives classified as ‘God-level’.

He also said: "The video and image data collected by William, Cortana and John have subverted scientists' understanding of the structure of the earth in the past.

To be honest, humans may have more knowledge of the universe than the earth.

The oceans of the earth alone, even with Umbrella's full strength, may not be able to fully understand the whole face. "

"Indeed." Later William deeply agreed.

Like the world before he traveled, human beings have the ability to go to the moon, but their knowledge of the ocean is only 5%.

Immediately afterwards, Halsey said: "I learned from the conversation between Anubis and John and Cortana that there are at least a few ancient gods on earth."

"Ancient God?" William was slightly puzzled.

"That's right." Halsey manipulated the wheel of the mouse, sliding the file down.

Subsequently, various artistic images appeared on the screen, including ‘women’ with human bodies and ‘old men’ with white beards and white hair.

Seeing these images, William frowned slightly: "Are these Nu Wa and God?"

"Yes." Halsey did not deny, and continued to explain:

"In the Eastern civilization of China, the dragon represents the supremacy and dignity, is sacred, and possesses a snake body.

Especially Nu Wa who created people, she has the body of a snake.

But in the West...or the Bible mentions that snakes are evil animals, while reptiles are impure.

Take modern times as an example. In Hollywood movies, dragons often represent evil, and in games, there is also the story of slaying dragons. "

"Listen to you..." William raised his hand and kneaded his chin. "It seems that things have not been compatible since ancient times."

"Yes, not right." Halsey nodded lightly.

Then she continued to manipulate the mouse, swiped the file and analyzed: "But I would rather believe that there was a war between these two ancient gods.

Moreover, when John said that human unity can build everything, Anubis once mentioned a jealous man...

The ancient gods it maps are self-evident.

Why did the Chinese civilization never warned that humans should not like this or hate that?

And the "Bible" often mentions that people must obey God, otherwise they will go to hell? "

"It's also..." William nodded without knowing Ha ha. "In the end Halsey just shook his head and smiled:

"No matter what, through Anubis we know that there are at least a few god-level anomalies on the earth."

{Anubis was inspired by "kuaizero old high", and "Elysium" in "Assassin's Creed: Odyssey".

As for the imbalance between East and West...

When the author wrote a few months ago, he felt bored and listened to the reading version of the "Bible" as he wrote.

Then the most heard words are ‘Israel’ and ‘Jewish’, and people cannot like snakes and reptiles.

Of course, this is just the author's creative inspiration, not a fact. }

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