Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 225: One hundred and forty eight

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After the two were warm for a while, William released the arms that hugged Halsey, then looked out of the floor-to-ceiling window and said:

"Well, it's late, let's go back to the house and rest."

"Wait a minute." But Halsey sat back in the office chair and manipulated her computer.


Upon seeing this, William half squatted beside her, wondering: "What's the matter?"

"Be patient~."

Halsey reached out and scratched the bridge of William's nose, then manipulated the mouse to open a new folder, and called up a file called ‘Alloy’.

"Click-click-." Double-click to open, and the file page is generated on the screen.

Its title is ‘’ (Nianli Masking Alloy).

Then the files are densely packed data and analysis, as well as maps of the surface of Mars and so on.

"Mind force...masking?" After seeing the title of the file, William slowly got up, repeating in a low voice in his mouth.

"Yes." Halsey looked up and explained to William:

"Nianli Concealing Alloy was first discovered on January 2 this year, in the Mariner Canyon on Mars, by a group of miners belonging to our company.

After that, Colonel Victor, who was in charge of everything on Mars, reported the incident to me. "

Having said that, Halsey shifted her gaze to the screen and continued to explain to William:

"It's a kind of non-man-made, but the proportions of various metals are just right... a natural alloy."

William nodded silently first, and always felt that this alloy was a bit familiar.

Then he asked: "Since it is called the Mind Power Concealing Alloy, then you must have been doing a lot of experiments... right?"

"Yes, some D-class personnel were used." Halsey wrote lightly.

"Used some..." William's forehead began to faintly ooze cold sweat.

Because Halsey’s expression reminded him of what kind of ‘good kind’ his wife is...

Of course, this is only for those D-class personnel composed of scum.

At this time, Halsey no longer dangled William, but smiled with his finger on the screen: "Well, all about its nature and anomalies are recorded in this file."

"it is good."

William wiped his forehead with the back of his hand, then moved a chair from the coffee table in the study and sat next to Halsey to read the files together.


Item: Nianli Masking Alloy.


The main components of the project are platinum and iridium, of which the mass ratio is 62% and 20%, and the remaining 16.5% is composed of three metals: iron, cobalt and copper.

The final 1.5% is a substance that cannot be detected by mass spectrometry, and it is found to be a lattice-like structure through microscopic observation.

The item has a melting point of about 4500 degrees, a boiling point of about 9000 degrees, and a density of 6.76 grams per cubic centimeter.

Note: The metal with the highest melting point and boiling point on the earth is tungsten, with a melting point of about 3400 degrees and a boiling point of about 5900 degrees.

But the density of the project is not as high as metal tungsten.


Attached file one;

The project was discovered in Mariner's Canyon on Mars on January 2, 2015.

Subsequently, the miners belonging to Umbrella dig and mine under the sign of Colonel Mikhail Victor.

But within three weeks of the discovery of the project, the miners began to show symptoms such as absurd behavior and lack of communication skills.

Upon learning of this situation, Colonel Victor immediately suspended the exploitation of the project and reported the incident to Dr. Halsey.

Within a week of stopping mining, all the miners who were originally affected returned to normal without any adverse reactions.

Since the item can affect humans who have been in contact with it for a long time, it is classified as an anomaly.

Since the true attributes are unknown and no casualties have been caused, it is temporarily classified as Safe.


Attached file two;

January 30.

Dr. Halsey led the Spartan Black Team and the ‘Guardian’ Marine Corps led by Captain Hicks to the space containment center with a 100 kg item.

Prepare to use the contents and detained D-class personnel to conduct a thorough research and analysis of the project.


Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Mac, who is in charge of everything in the asylum center, prepared two rooms in the mid-level area of ​​the asylum center with a length, width, and height of 50mX50mX5m.

Each room is equipped with bright incandescent lamps, and 1kg and 10kg items are placed in the center.

Then, in the fixed range of each room, 5 small glass rooms were arranged in sequence.

There are simple beds, washing and toilet facilities in the glass room.

A total of 10 D-level personnel participated in the experiment.

D-class personnel were escorted to the glass room in the experiment room by technical and security personnel, and different personnel would provide them with three meals a day.

After three weeks of experimentation, it was concluded that there is no direct relationship between the project's scope of influence and the quality. The maximum radius of the project's impact on humans is 5m.

And the project will not cause permanent impact on humans, and it is confirmed that the project belongs to the Safe level.

Experiment ②:

Through the project's special properties that affect human communication and understanding, Dr. Halsey speculates that the project has the function of ‘mind-power shielding’.

Therefore, Dr. Halsey used the items he brought with him to make a batch of'mind power shielding hats' similar to safety helmets.

The subject of the experiment is a special containment object, ‘the evil sect’s getting rough’.

The particularity of the ‘cult’s roughness’ is that when human beings come into contact with it, look at each other, and get along with it in various forms, it will have extreme worship and physical mutations.

But its particularity is invalid for Umbrella employees who signed the confidentiality agreement.

February 21.

The ‘Cult Gunshou’ agreed to cooperate with the experiment ②.

Experimental materials: 3 D-class personnel wearing Nianli masking caps.

Three D-class personnel were escorted to the containment room of the ‘cult stubborn’ in turn, and they had close contact and conversation with them.

The result of the experiment was that three D-class personnel wearing Nian Li masking caps did not suffer any impact.

As a result, the project was proven to have the effect of mind-shielding.


Attached file three;

It has been confirmed that the employees who signed the confidentiality agreement will also not be affected by the project.

For this reason, the miners belonging to Umbrella on Mars signed a non-disclosure agreement and carried out excavation work.

The mined items are stored in a warehouse sixty kilometers north of Mars City, guarded by Marines stationed on Mars.

However, the miners involved in the excavation work and the Marines stationed in the warehouse must undergo mental inspections at least every twenty-one days to confirm that they have not suffered any damage from the project.


In the study.

After reading the file with Halsey, William finally knew why he thought the name of this alloy was familiar.

Because the mind-power shielding alloy that Umbrella mastered is similar to SCP148, or the mind-shielding alloy ().

However, the impact of 148 on humans is permanent, and there are many unknown attributes.

In contrast, the Nianli shielding alloy is more stable.


At this time, Halsey said to William: "If you encounter an abnormal phenomenon that affects the human mind or is destroyed by the power of mind, this alloy can play a miraculous effect."

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