Contract Marriage for 7 Days

Chapter 24:Psycho.....Day 1(3)

What I got myself into? She screamed in her brain.

The whole space was decorated with candles and petals everywhere. But this was not the thing she was looking at. A beautiful classical five-tiered cake adorned with beautiful edible pink flowers was topping anything else. And then there was a table all set with different cuisines.

After taking in the room she looked at him with confusion in her eyes. A fake shy smile was plastered on his face. That she found really creepy. He motioned with his hand for her to keep on walking with his other hand still on her waist. She shook her head in no as she put her palm on his chest to make some distance between their bodies. Her face showed how much his proximity was suffocating her. But before she could retrieve her hand he caged her hand in his and kept it there while leaning into her ear.

"Just play along." He said with his all wicked voice while his cheek was touching hers.

Her innocent eyes were shouting for mercy and on the verge of spilling tears when he almost dragged her to the dining table. His act made her alarmed again. This action of him made her recall of what he was capable of if she had forgotten.

His one hand was still on her waist and the other was holding the knife when he gestured her to cut the cake with him. She placed her shaking fingers on his wrist while her guts churned. She felt nauseous when he was cutting the cake while her eyes were looking away.

He cut the cake and hold the piece for her to eat while her fingers were still on his wrist. As the cake came to her lips she held his wrist a little bit more tightly as she took a bite. A word echoed in her brain. Sociopath.

How many girls have suffered before at his hands? A thought came into her mind. And this thought made her more suffocated. He pulled out a chair for her that she took not leaving her eyes off of him. She couldn't relax under his intense gaze.

"I didn't know what you like to take for breakfast so I kind of ordered little of everything." He casually said while walking towards the bar. She just sat there staring at the plate in front of her that had a piece of cake.

She was already drained and out of energy. She wanted to have the cake but then recalled that he never had the cake for himself. Thinking that it might have something suspicious in it she refrained herself from taking it. Every food on the table was non-veg. He was not eating anything and this made her more alarmed while he was pouring some wine for himself.

He turned to look at her looking here and there.

"Oh, my bad." He said and turned to make another glass for her. She startled when she found him to place a glass for her.

"Why are you not taking anything sweety?" He asked her while gulping down his drink.

She just looked at him blankly not knowing how to get herself out of it.

"You don't really think that I added something in there. Do you?" He guessed looking at her confused state.

It really frightens her how he always knew her thoughts. Maybe other girls didn't eat too. And that's why he knows. She thought.

She was still in her thoughts when he came forward and took a spoon full of cake.

"See?" He said while getting back to the stool beside the bar. Fear was written all over her face when she looked at him using his phone.

Once she knew that it was safe having this cake she couldn't control her hunger anymore. She took the spoon and started having the cake. In a minute, she finished the whole piece. She looked at him to found him looking at her intently. She gulped hard. She wanted to have another piece of cake but decided against the idea. She felt paralyzed under his intense gaze.

"You really have a little appetite." He said looking amused.

"I.. I want to go home." she stutters the words.

"You are, home. Sweets. " He said.

"You know a women's house is where her husband lives. So, ...." He paused for a second. "Welcome to my kingdom wifey." He explained to her like she is a kid.

I am not his wife. This is not how you got married. I really hope that he realizes how absurd he sounds. But there was one thing for sure, I am not gonna tell him how absurd it is because it won't end on the happy note. And it is never smart to talk to psychos. She was lost in her thoughts.

She never noticed when he came behind her. But she flinched when he placed his hand on her bare shoulder. His mouth came to her ear and he whispered. "Wanna ask something else?"

"How many?" She asked without thinking much. Her voice still giving away the fear laced in her tone.

"What?" He asked confused.

"How many girls suffered before me? How many girls you stalked, kidnapped or raped before me?" She asked while turning her head towards him. She wanted to add some anger in voice but couldn't as her voice trailed off once she looked at his eyes.

She held the same disgust for him in her eyes that he hated the most.

He caressed her cheek with his fingers and lean in closer to her face. His face was showing amusement.

"You is not every day that someone tries to slap me." He almost gritted the words.

She was still trying to register his words when he continued.

"So, there are not many before you." He said while clinking his glass with her glass which was still on the table untouched.

He started walking towards the bar when he heard her say.

"I am sorry. I-I am so sorry that I offended you. I didn't mean to do anything. Please let me go."

He turned back and loosened his tie in annoyance. His face looked distressed.

"I would have let you go. But not when you are my wife already."

He said swirling his drink while taking in her exhausted self. Looking at her lost self he finally tried to explain her in words.

"You see, marrying you was never the plan. The plan was only to fuck you hard. To pin you on my bed." He said the words while gritting his teeth in anger. But then a laugh escaped his throat."But the moment you sign those papers." He said like he was recalling an amazing event. "Oh, how naive of you." He scoffed. "You give away your seven days to me. So, it's really not about revenge anymore. I just want to experience a happily married life for seven days. Either you do it happily or with being forced." He said while his eyes fell on her lips as she was taking on all the things he was saying.

He stopped for a while like he was thinking something really good but then came to reality and continued.

"And if you want to ask me how many wives I had already. Let me give you that. You are the first." He casually added with a smirk on his face.

Silence surrounded them for a minute. She looked like she wanted to ask something but was gathering her strength. She finally made the words in her mind to say.

"What makes you change your plan? Why not you just let me go if it is not about revenge anymore." Her voice was hesitant.

He let out a loud laugh. Monster. She thought. "You signed the papers and let me give you The News. Those papers are made legally binding just half an hour ago. So... " He paused for a moment to contain his smile. "Congratulations."

She looked at him dumbfounded. Is this person INSANE? She thought.

She was still in her thoughts when that person laughed again hysterically.

"You still don't realize what you got yourself into. Do you? Ummm, let's just say you will be divorced for the second time and I will be for the first time after this Contract ends."

He said carelessly while taking his second glass of wine. She was still. Breathing hard. Her hands were in her lap while her eyes were on her empty plate.

"But I will suggest you one thing. Just play along. You might enjoy this game too if you decide to comply." He said while looking at her like she is a joke.

She decided not to answer him. She knew she can't reason with him and have to put up with any absurd thing he spits out of his mouth.

On the other side, all he wanted to do was talk. He wanted to talk to her so badly. He wanted to experience something new with her all the time. Most of the time he sent expensive gifts to the women who were good in bed but never spent time with them. But he wanted to do it with her. So, he continued.

"You know I like it when people don't forget their manners." He told her while knitting his brows.

She looked at him lifting up her tired and swollen lids. Not knowing what she had done wrong this time.

"I can use a thank you for whatever I have done for you." He told her while trying to get her attention to her surroundings.

She looked at her left and right to find a number of scented candles and petals.

"I-I never asked for any of this." She said with a voice barely audible.

But he still managed to gather her words. He looked at her confused. He never expected her to jump onto his arms but was hoping for her to be a little bit moved. He looked at her intently. And he didn't really think twice when he said.

"Thank God, I only got married for seven days. Hell, I am already suffocated." He said while removing his cufflinks.

But the moment the words left his mouth a strange feeling blossomed in his chest. It was this new feeling. He was arguing with his wife. Well, it was again a first for him. Because he never gets into arguments. People simply say yes to whatever he has to say. He was still lost in his thoughts when she said.

"Please, t-tell me that you know t-that whatever you are do-doing is not right." She said looking like she will break into tears at any time.

On the other hand, he couldn't care less when he said. "Come again."

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