Contract Marriage for 7 Days
Chapter 46:Whole Again
"It does. Because I never told you to get drunk, Jane! And I will never let my hard work will go in vain just because you can't recollect last night."
Jane looked at him. Still not believing the words he was throwing at her.
"Alex, I don't remem....." She was cut off with his lips on her mouth as he caressed her soft feminine body with his hands.
"It doesn't matter,...." He replied breaking the kiss. She saw how his eyes were a shade darker when he added, "Here I am trying to build something for us. And you being stuck to whether I said yes, or not is not helping."
"What exactly do you mean, Alex?"
She asked with her eyes wide.
"Don't tell me that you even forget about the wedding you asked me." He lied with such skill that left Jane ashamed of herself.
"What! I asked for what?" She was beyond shocked.
"You asked for a wedding ceremony. And I don't find it not reasonable. So, let's do it." He exclaimed excitedly. Jumping out of the bed and walking to the bathroom he shouted. "We gotta lot to do, Jane. So, you better get that ass off the bed."
This is not happening. There is no way that I would ask for a wedding. Or maybe I did. I gotta see a psychologist.
But there was something unsettled about this whole situation. She walked to the bathroom to see him going under the shower already.
" Alex,..... wait! I never forget about my drunken state ever." She tried to clarify.
"Then, you don't really know much about yourself." He walked to her to get her under the running shower too.
Holding her hand he kissed her knuckles while looking into her eyes. And this actually got her off guard as she looked at him with her heart thumping madly.
No, no, no, no, no, no,..... You are not to feel anything for him. She tried to tell herself but her parted lips and heavy breathing were enough for Alex to know that he had her in every way possible. And soon he will be the only thing she will ever want.
"You are so beautiful, Jane." He whispered against her lips sensually before taking her lips in a long kiss as he held her body tenderly. But the moment he took his hands to knead her ass she whimpers a little breaking the kiss.
"I think I went a little overboard." He whispered against her ear. This made her look up at his face when she said with a warning, "You are never trying this again."
"It was you who suggested this." He retorted.
"No," Jane reacted in shock.
"Oh Yes," Alex replied as he leaned in to kiss again.
"Mr. Alexander Black, If there anything left please enlighten me right away."
He hummed like he is thinking and then said, "About you making me delicious breakfast for the rest of our lives?"
"I am never touching anything alcoholic ever again," Jane said but still confused as she can't recall anything like this.
"I too, agree. You should never get drunk." He said as he recalled how much of a nuisance she was last night.
She looked at Alex for the third time who was busy reading some newspaper apparently as she whisks the batter. But she could feel his burning gaze making the red tint her cheeks.
"Can you please stop staring?" She requested as this made her recall Paul somehow, who used to check her out a lot when their marriage was still young. And he is not even her husband. Not in any sane definition.
"I wasn't staring. And even if you think I was I have every right to do so. Get used to it Jane." He said looking at the paper with a mischievous little smile. This made her roll her eyes as she once again gets focused on the task at hand. "At least, try not to have your paper upside down." She replied without looking back but she heard the paper folding afterward. The pancakes were almost ready and she was deciding on the syrups for her when a pair of arms caged her waist.
"Alex?" She meant to say the word to scold but it more like get moaned. And leaning to his body she hated her body that craved his touch and affection when she knew she needs to run. She knew she was attracted to him physically but she was wise enough to know that he was a very bad choice. She badly needed some time to clear her head that she was not getting.
"You look so tempting when you cook." He whispered against her ear. Letting herself to get some warmth affection from this gesture of his she tried to compose herself saying, "Breakfast is ready," and got away to set the table for two.
She started having her breakfast after setting the plates for two. No sound except the cutlery was there and Jane could not be more grateful. At any other normal day, she would list down her problems and look for ways but right now she knew she doesn't have this luxury.
"Diana will be coming in an hour to talk about the design we selected. And they will start this Monday." Alex broke the silence.
She looked at him to find him busy eating. You don't have much time Jane. "Hmm," She replied with a nod.
He is designing a room for us. Talking about a wedding. And though sex with him is mind-blowing,.... but,...but what Jane? He rejected a woman for you. I bought you this beautiful ring. He never needs to arrange that beautiful date and ring when he could have se* with you without these things. He is really making efforts. Her mind was going crazy.
She recalled how he forced her in sex. In this marriage. How he hurt her in his drunken state in that suite. And though he claimed to be in love with her he still sometimes gives remark and does things which are intolerable, suffocating and embarrassing.
The sane and calculative thing is to reject his proposal and get back to the apartment. But why the thought of not seeing and listening from him again bothers me. Am I in love with him? But even if I am I should not be taking a wrong decision. But what if it doesn't turn out to be a bad decision. Her thoughts were beyond jumble.
Diana came and Alex discusses somethings about the color or the timing of the day when her team would be coming to set the things. And this is when Jane decided to talk. "I don't think I am sure about this design. Show us some more and we will get back to you once we decide." She said and look at Alex. It was not difficult to gauge his expression. And they were indeed very hard. He was visibly disappointed.
"Let's do it this way then," Alex gave a short reply to Diana's raised brows.
Alexander Black got smitten this time. Diana thought as she gave an understanding nod and tried to keep her stay short as she could sense something is going on between them.
"You could have told me earlier," Alex complained looking at Diana who was in her car now.
"I didn't know this earlier. You see, it was just at that moment that I realize." She didn't look at him and her nonchalant tone just fired his anger even more. But he knew better than to annoy her. At least until their wedding.
"It's fine Jane, but next time remember I could be realizing things in the public too and won't wait to talk to you in private first."
She was expecting an outburst but in response, she gets this very carefully crafted warning. It could be a lot easier to leave him if they were in a fight but he always surprises her.
... Or maybe you can spend your whole life with him.....with such sweet arguments....stop it, Jane.
They decided to get ready to check on his friend, jimmy. Jane tried to get ready and was surprised that they didn't have sex since morning.
.... Maybe he is becoming sane. And already getting bored of me. Come on, Jane, isn't it good? He may decide to let you go.
The thought made her a little unsettled but she gets done with her makeup anyway.
"How long you are gonna t....?" Alex trailed off looking at her.
"I am ready" She replied but one look at him and she doubts if they are going out now.
"Alex, we are supposed to check on your injured friend." She said when she looked at him loosening his tie.
It's not like he is going to be discharged today. We can leave in the evening." He said as he ran his eyes over her body. And his gaze does turn her on.
"Besides, I feel like it's been ages." He muttered before lifting her up and taking her, to their bed.
His mouth sucked on her neck as he fumbled with her zip. The dress came off in seconds. His heavy breathing and wanton hands ravishing her body were all she could feel.
He could have told me earlier. I feel like all my preparations go to waste....
"You looked so irresistible in this white dress." He whispered all the while spreading her legs with his knees. His acts were followed by a very passionate session of lovemaking.
He lit a cigarette as his left arm held her close while Jane steadies her breaths with her head on his chest.
" I have a surprise for you." Alex chuckled.
"What?" She asked looking at him. And for a moment he did lose in her eyes. How innocent and stupid she is? He thought.
"I will tell you later. First, you get ready so we can leave." He replied.
"But I am gonna take a bath first and then we will leave," Jane told him as she tried to sit but he pulled her to him again to take her lips in a kiss. He was getting addicted to her.
"Don't leave just yet." He requested and she followed.
It took them two hours for finally getting into his range rover. She chose a green knee-length dress with a Kelly bag that she found in her wardrobe. The thought that these dresses, bags, and shoes have been used by someone was unsettling.
"How many women you have brought to your home before?" She asked when he started the engine.
"What kind of question is this?" He laughed.
"Let's just say I want to know more about you." She tried to reply in a casual tone.
"Grow up, Jane. It's really childish of you." He replied shrugging his shoulders. "Did I ever ask you about how many men you have been with? No."
"It's fine if you are not comfortable sharing right now." She replied coldly as she tucked her hair behind her ear and looked at the road.
"Believe me, Jane. I am more than comfortable. But knowing that count is no less than seventy and more than a hundred would be disturbing for you. I was just trying to be careful with your feelings." He said and looked at her to see her reaction.
"I think we should buy some flowers before getting to the hospital." was all her reply.
"Now, this seems sensible to me." He complimented that only made Jane shook her head in disappointment.
Alex forwards his credit card and looks at her purchase when he said, "That's quite thoughtful of you. It seems like you have been visiting patients all your life."
"Everyone knows to buy such things when they are going to see someone sick," Jane replied.
Alex went to hold the basket for her while she carried the bouquet with the card. They found Jimmy reading a paper as his wife was busy doing something on her laptop.
Jimmy's wife, Amoy, offered them some herbal green tea. That they really enjoyed. Jane and Amoy instantly liked each other and hit it off. She was very knowledgeable about all the trending brands and promised Jane to take her out for shopping sometime. And this is when Alex, intervened.
"That will be so nice of you, Amoy. You see, we have a lot to do for our wedding that's coming in three months from now. Right, Jane?"
"Wow, Congrats," Jimmy replied.
"OMG, I am so happy for you." Amoy reacted.
This made Jane almost jump and look at Alex. But he was fast to cover her reaction saying.
"Don't worry Jane. Jimmy is family and my best man without any doubt. He deserves to know."
Jane collected herself in seconds and passed a little smile to their hosts.
"You better get discharged soon. You are throwing me my bachelor party." Alex told Jimmy with a fake grin that made Jimmy rolled his eyes. They talk about Jimmy's recovery and Amoy gives her all the details on the latest wedding gowns that she could give in the next twenty minutes.
".... gonna be so much fun." Jane heard Amoy say at some point. But she was too occupied with processing things in her mind. This is when Alex decided to put her out of misery and asked for their leave. Amoy promised Jane to help her out and advised her to not take the stress.
"Why you didn't ask me first?" Jane asked the moment they got out of their room.
"I do remember to purpose you," Alex replied.
"This is not what I mean. Why you didn't tell me first that you are planning.... I mean from where does three months come?"
"Oh! About that. I meant to tell you but I forgot but then at that moment I realize I should share."
This made her recall their encounter with Diana and she stopped in her tracks as he keeps on walking but soon sensing her absence he turned around to find her annoyed face.
"You are unbelievable." She complained.
"I already know." He passed her a half-smile.
They went home without any fight. She took her time to look at the passing buildings and roads. All she wanted was to relax her nerves. Am I asking for too much? He didn't disturb her and they went home without any fight. Jane knew she didn't have any strength left to argue and Alex knew there will be so many points where he will win without even putting a fight.
"I have something for you." He said holding her hand to stop her from going away.
"What?" She replied coldly.
He took her to his study and gives her two portfolios without wasting a minute.
"What's this?" She asked as she looked at the room having darker shades than the rest of his home and had long dark-colored drapes at the window.
"These are the portfolios of two very famous wedding planners. I want you to choose from these two." He replied as he took a seat behind his big mahogany table.
"Alex, I need some time. It's.... It's something big." She said putting those files on the table.
"Have you ever noticed how much you waste your time thinking? This could be very unhealthy." He replied giving her a frustrated look.
"How?" Jane asked.
"I don't know. It has to be unhealthy." He replied nonchalantly but then extending his hand he ordered her to come here. She went to his side. Holding her hand he guided her to sit on his lap and looked deep in her eyes.
A beautiful ray of sun, seeping through the drapes adorn his face and for some time she wanted to be there in his tender hold. So, she let herself enjoy the warmth of his affection. For some time she doesn't want to think or talk. It feels right. But there was this constant little pinch in her mind. That keeps on banging the door of her conscience. That doesn't let her be at peace. And finally, it wins when it this person can ever be right for you? He forced himself on you. And this made her took a sharp breath.
"Believe me, you are getting worried for no reason. Everything will turn out to be great. We are more than perfect." He said once he sensed the tension in her now rigid body that was relaxed just a moment ago.
"Believe me, I got it cover." He added.
.... Or maybe this is how I was supposed to meet him. Or just maybe he can really make it work. And this person could be my happy Ever after all those nightmares I have been living for the past two years now or maybe God has moved this person's heart and I shouldn't be throwing away what is planned for me.
This made her nod as she pressed her lips hard. She could sense her stupid tears on the way when she hid her face in the crook of his neck as she hugged him.
"Now, that's my Jane." He mutters but she just tightens her hold on his shirt even more.
"If you want to invite your friends or family you are allowed to invite as many people as you want."
She gave him a nod in reply all the while inhaling his cologne. She knew it was a leap of faith. But then everything in this world is just a gamble. You either win or lose. And she was determined not to lose this time.
He had to make some calls to some of his influential sources to confirm their loyalty or threaten them if they don't, for all the mess that was incurred by a very famous politician, Fredrick Erno. She excused herself when he seems so busy for her. Getting to the kitchen she decided to make her a special chocolate cake. And after being done she made some freshly brewed coffee.
She knocked at his door that was followed by a "come in," And the moment his eyes met Jane's beautiful smile he leaned to his chair while a smile adorned his lips.
He breathes the aroma of cake that he found so delicious just like his wife. "You don't need to knock, Jane. Mrs. Black doesn't knock because I never knock."
She just replied with a stupid blushing smile.
Just in the kitchen in these past two hours, she had planned out her whole life with him. It pained her a little that there were no kids in her scenario who might have his eyes or her hair color but with Alex's impulsive and never stopping stupid or clingy remarks, she somehow realized that it won't be that boring. She will become whatever he wants. Because this is the only way she knows how to love.
"Tell me what you wanna do," He asked.
"Why are we supposed to do anything? We can just stay at home." She suggested.
"Yes, but don't you think it would be too boring when we can go out and do anything that we want?" He asked.
She knew by now that he likes to go out a lot. So, let's be it.
"What do you suggest?" She asked.
"I don't know. I don't feel like playing so, maybe shopping?" This made her recall his idea of shopping so she replied instantly. "No,"
"Wanna go to clubbing." He asked.
Maybe I can try this.
"Sure," she replied.
She gets into a short maroon dress. That let her expose her beautiful legs. She chose high golden heels that would make her reach a little over his shoulder.
"Jane!" She heard him say from the living room.
"Coming!" She yelled back.
The moment he saw her coming down the stairs busy in getting securing a bracelet around her wrist, a victorious smile appeared at his lips.
She was his forever. This hot and sexy but stupid and naive woman was his. He could see this in her eyes. Well played, Alex.
"You look beautiful." He didn't forget to compliment with a smile. But somewhere he knew he can't pretend for this long. Always being attentive and careful around her was just too much work for him.
"You look great too." She replied, looking at his casual look. He really seems a lot less intimidating and more young in his jeans and leather jacket. He took her lips in for a kiss. Her soft lips were worth every effort. He thought. But this time she didn't complain and found her lipstick didn't smudge.
"It won't come off. It's kind of long lastin...." She was cut off with another kiss.
"Smart choice," Alex muttered.
The drive was the same as it could be with Alex. She tried to get familiar with his grip on her thigh.
"So, what do you like most about clubbing?" Alex asked as the car stopped at a red light.
She knew she needs to be honest. Because pretending never takes you anywhere. "I have only been to the club twice before. And that too was with Paul." She said getting lost in her thoughts.
"Paul, who?" He casually asked but then he recalled the morning when she was calling for some Paul in her sleep. And this made him even more anxious about her answer but apparently he maintained his cool.
"My ex-husband." She said the words but they felt so foreign on her tongue. She never mentioned him as an ex-husband. But now, it's time to let go.
Jealousy couldn't even start to define the things he was feeling now. If only he could have bought time he would never let anyone touch this precious work of art.
He never made the effort to remember her husband's name from that file but it was indeed written in there.
"Where he used to take you?" Alex asked.
"It doesn't matter." She replied taking a sharp breath.
He nodded suggestively and then said, "I don't feel like going to the club anymore. Do you have somewhere else?" He asked with a little grim expression.
Have I said anything wrong? She thought but replied.
"Great." He replied in a clipped tone.
I should haven't mentioned Paul. I could have said anything.
His phone blows up and he picked it up through speakerphone this time.
"I am busy," Alex said, but the person on the other side was quick to say,
"Elmas is here,"
Jane who was silently watching Alex talk on the phone noticed how his lips turned up.
"What's she doing here?" Alex asked in amusement.
"It's her show, what else? I thought you won't want to miss tonight." The person's tone alone was enough to give away his excitement.
She knew by now that they were not going home anymore. But who was this Elmas? Is she a singer? Or a celebrity?
Alex drove for more than half an hour until the city was left behind and they were getting into a more secluded area. He pulled over against a medium-sized building that has a very spacious parking lot. The walls were illuminated with yellow lights and the only personals she found were security guards.
They didn't stop Alex or her. In fact, they didn't even ask for their i.d's. They went through different hallways. She decided not to ask anything and wait until he explains. Her heels clicking the floor was the only sound breaking the silence until they come across a hallway having so many doors. They went into the room that says 109.
She found herself into a spacious but darkroom. The room only had neon lights and have a big round bed adorning the whole room. But a pole in the center didn't go unnoticed by her. There was a chair with a reading table. This is how it looks but she doubts if it has ever been used for reading. And on the other side, she noticed a wardrobe.
"Make yourself comfortable. It's still half an hour until the show." Alex casually said and crashed on the bed. She too sits at the edge of the bed beside him and asks, "What kind of show?"
In reply, she was pulled to him over his chest. "It's just a dancing show. Don't think too much." He said and guiding her mouth to his, he explored her mouth as he made relaxing circles at her back. And she did relax a lot. She was getting familiar with his arms. She listened to his heartbeat completely oblivious to his thoughts.
His thoughts were so consumed over her ex-husband. He needed to know if he is single or committed. He wanted to know every single detail about her relationship with her ex-husband. When and how they got married? How he proposed? Or if he was still thinking or imaging his Jane as he sleeps. If not, then it's good. But if yes, a creepy smile adorned his lips as he thought, then it's gonna be fun.
He wanted to know if that person was richer or more powerful than him. Judging from Jane's perfect body, her husband has to be at least a millionaire. He wanted to know every single detail. It was hard to believe that her husband who has a taste of her is not up to getting her back. So, it's better to know the situation. And he can't wait until he gets Simon on this. Holding her hand from over his chest he kissed it.
After half an hour Jane found herself in a big hall that had more like cave-like settings. But it was centered on a stage. It was all so dark except the stage that was lighted. The place where Alex took her wasn't far or difficult to reach. "I am gonna take you so hard when we get back to that room," Alex whispered in her ear and her cheeks heated. Not long after they were seated the show begins. Some men with instruments appeared on the stage first and got settled. Never in her life, she attended a show just to see some dance. And from the expression on Alex's friend, she believed that she has to be great.
The school where she used to be a teacher, a lot of girls used to practice dance but it was nothing major and they only practice whenever some gala was arranged.
She looked at Alex who had his all attention on the stage. The stage opened from the center and a beautiful tall brunette came out. She was wearing a very short but exquisite dress. The audience cheered, those men started playing those instruments for some classical Arabic music and that girl started her belly dance.
She looked beyond beautiful with her belly moving perfectly to those beats. Jane too wasn't able to move her eyes away from her belly. This is how perfect she was. The dance went on for half an hour but it was going just more interesting. Her moves were beyond perfect.
She could feel Alex's mouth getting lost in her neck as the hold on her thigh tightens. It was too dark that she knew no one will know. But then that woman removed her top and two stars sticking to her nipples were the only things. Jane was confused at first but it took Jane only a minute to get that she was a stripper.
That girl was still smiling wide and dancing with her perfect moves but Jane lowered her gaze. Jane heard the audience cheering again and looked up to find that woman sensually removing her bottom. And this was it. She hurried stood making some people yell something from behind. But she didn't care and shoot for the exit. His lifestyle is so different from mine. How can he bring me to a place like this? Her tears were getting the best of her. And it pained a lot. She feels like she couldn't breathe.
She went back to room 109 but the moment she opened the room. It was different. There were four men seated with a girl. And two of them were already checking her out. Like they could see her already nak*d. She couldn't comprehend and look at the door again to see it was indeed room 109.
"I am sorry, I think I got it wrong," Jane whispered, and get the door behind her close in an instant. She looked at her front and it was 109 too. She was about to open it when she found herself caged in a stronghold. And the next thing she knew that she was in that room again.
Alex tried to enjoy like his old times but without any woman sitting beside him it wasn't fun at all. What's the point in watching a stripper when you don't have anything real to hold? His mind cursed. He only sits there for five more minutes and left thinking of ways to turn the situation into his interest.
He wanted to show her something far more interesting than his old pathetic excuse of a husband can ever show her. He knew her ex-husband can never be his competitor but this stupid urge of showing himself more worthy than him was somehow important.
I guess I should rush the date before I lost her by doing anything stupid.
And I can ask my lawyer to prepare a prenuptial that can make it difficult for her to leave me. With this, he dialed to Simon and said, "I want every single detail on Miss Monroe's ex-husband. I want details regarding their relationship. And you better get it soon." He ordered and cut the call.
Only he knew how much he was addicted to that woman. She was doing something to him and he was loving every single moment of this torment. The torture he endures staying away from her, doubles the bliss he gets from being in her. She was only his from now on.
Unlocking the door he went to the bed thinking she will be there but she wasn't. Did she leave? He thought but her bag was here. He checked the washroom because it was too silent. He hated women like these who make a fuss out of nothing. He never expected this from Jane. She should be here instead of choosing to make me chase her. And without wasting a minute he left the room.
He decided to call for the entrance to know about her leaving or not when he noticed the room ahead having the same number. He didn't give any thought before opening the room.
And the next thing his ears welcomed were Jane's pleading followed by a scene where he found her struggling under a heavy man as another was trying to help the first man to hold her still. While two persons were busy on the bed with another woman.
Pulling that person away from Jane he punched the person who even in shock was holding her hands. A single punch was all it took for that person to lost his consciousness. Turning back he fisted that person's collar and punched his face. Over and over again. All he could see was this person over Jane.
The commotion gains the attention of the two men but the moment they saw Alex they knew better to help their friends. Throwing him on the floor he was kicking his ribs when he heard someone screaming, "Alex! No! Please no," She called him at the top of her lungs because he was not listening to her all this time.
The moment he turned to find a cut on her lips and a handprint on her face he lost it again and sealed the deal with stomping on his face. The man who was groaning in pain a second ago was silent now.
For a moment even she was afraid of him. He looked so angry as he glared at those two men and gesture something with his hand. But then she knew what to do and wobbled to him as she kept her right hand on her torn dress from the right shoulder.
Balancing her with his arm around her waist he supported her weight and lead her to their room. His mind was just seeking revenge, destruction, and violence. He couldn't rest. After letting her sit on the bed he was about to turn on his heels when he felt a tug on his sleeve. "Please, don't go." Her voice came out so weak. He could feel her body getting cold.
Somehow she knew if he left he might hurt someone or cause a commotion outside. And she doesn't want anyone to know about this.
On the other side, going out and beating the shit out of those men was easy. But he doesn't know a damn thing what to do if he stays beside her.
"Let's go, we should get you checked up." He said, and she shook her head in no as she sobbed hiding her face in her palms. "I am fine," She tried to sound stable and pulled the covers over her body. But he heard a sob again before she started crying harder.
She could feel their hands on her body and feel disgusted from her very existence. And somehow she knew that even Alex might leave her after she made him go through such mess. Nobody wants a woman he has to protect. Paul's voice echoed.
He was also confused that why he was listening to her request. He could literally feel that someone was squeezing his heart. And he doesn't want to feel this thing ever. It was beyond suffocating.
"You can't seriously expect me to sit here and make me hear your cries when I simply can go and make them rot." He snapped and she tried to muffle her sounds with her hand on her mouth.
"Fine, Alex, I know you hate me now. Just go. Go away." She shouted under the covers.
"I don't hate,.... ahh, from where do you think?" Alex retorted. Still shocked about the things she was saying. He knew from his experience that this kind of go away is always a plea from the girl to not to leave them alone. He never stayed before. But this time it was different. This time it was the woman who was supposed to walk on the aisle for him.
Throwing his jacket and tight jeans away he went beside her and encircled her waist. The moment he spooned her from back she jerked a little but then got relaxed. He was wide awake. And he doesn't know if he could sleep at all when those men should be suffering but they are not.
He felt her stir and next, he found her facing him. "You are awake?" He asked and she hummed against his neck. Making him go hard when he knew he can't have her.
He could feel her face wet with all those stupid tears as her body was shivering a little.
"You are safe now. You know that, right?" He whispered over her hair and she nodded.
He noticed another handprint on her arm. And it took the struggle of his every fiber to not let go of her and beat those scums.
He recalled how he was also the reason for her bruises but it was him. No one else can hurt what was his. And he will make sure to make them suffer using his meanest ways.
"Alex, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to,..." She was cut off with him saying.
"Sshhhh, I know, I know,...."
"And I promise you, Jane, that nothing like this will ever happen. I will make sure of that." He said, knowing exactly what he needs to do.
The silence prevailed. Her sobs had turned into little whimpers. And her grip on his shirt tightens.
"Alex?" She whispered.
"Hmm," He replied,
"Make him go away." She said and Alex was beyond shocked. He didn't saw that coming.
On the other side, she wanted to know if he still accepts her or not.
He knew it was a bad idea because she was still traumatized and might be not in her senses. But he also has the idea that rejection might affect her too, as emotionally she was so sensitive right now.
"I don't think it's a good idea." He said carefully. And her heart stopped. He doesn't want me anymore. She thought as she tried to get away from him but he was quick to hold her close.
"Listen up Jane, and listen very carefully." He said in a clipped tone. "I am never letting you go. You are stuck with me for your whole life." He added before he took her lips in a kiss. He doesn't know why he said those words. But why does it feel like he means it?
She groans a little for that cut but soon she was under him. With the person, she feels complete. And the whole again.
Jane looked at him. Still not believing the words he was throwing at her.
"Alex, I don't remem....." She was cut off with his lips on her mouth as he caressed her soft feminine body with his hands.
"It doesn't matter,...." He replied breaking the kiss. She saw how his eyes were a shade darker when he added, "Here I am trying to build something for us. And you being stuck to whether I said yes, or not is not helping."
"What exactly do you mean, Alex?"
She asked with her eyes wide.
"Don't tell me that you even forget about the wedding you asked me." He lied with such skill that left Jane ashamed of herself.
"What! I asked for what?" She was beyond shocked.
"You asked for a wedding ceremony. And I don't find it not reasonable. So, let's do it." He exclaimed excitedly. Jumping out of the bed and walking to the bathroom he shouted. "We gotta lot to do, Jane. So, you better get that ass off the bed."
This is not happening. There is no way that I would ask for a wedding. Or maybe I did. I gotta see a psychologist.
But there was something unsettled about this whole situation. She walked to the bathroom to see him going under the shower already.
" Alex,..... wait! I never forget about my drunken state ever." She tried to clarify.
"Then, you don't really know much about yourself." He walked to her to get her under the running shower too.
Holding her hand he kissed her knuckles while looking into her eyes. And this actually got her off guard as she looked at him with her heart thumping madly.
No, no, no, no, no, no,..... You are not to feel anything for him. She tried to tell herself but her parted lips and heavy breathing were enough for Alex to know that he had her in every way possible. And soon he will be the only thing she will ever want.
"You are so beautiful, Jane." He whispered against her lips sensually before taking her lips in a long kiss as he held her body tenderly. But the moment he took his hands to knead her ass she whimpers a little breaking the kiss.
"I think I went a little overboard." He whispered against her ear. This made her look up at his face when she said with a warning, "You are never trying this again."
"It was you who suggested this." He retorted.
"No," Jane reacted in shock.
"Oh Yes," Alex replied as he leaned in to kiss again.
"Mr. Alexander Black, If there anything left please enlighten me right away."
He hummed like he is thinking and then said, "About you making me delicious breakfast for the rest of our lives?"
"I am never touching anything alcoholic ever again," Jane said but still confused as she can't recall anything like this.
"I too, agree. You should never get drunk." He said as he recalled how much of a nuisance she was last night.
She looked at Alex for the third time who was busy reading some newspaper apparently as she whisks the batter. But she could feel his burning gaze making the red tint her cheeks.
"Can you please stop staring?" She requested as this made her recall Paul somehow, who used to check her out a lot when their marriage was still young. And he is not even her husband. Not in any sane definition.
"I wasn't staring. And even if you think I was I have every right to do so. Get used to it Jane." He said looking at the paper with a mischievous little smile. This made her roll her eyes as she once again gets focused on the task at hand. "At least, try not to have your paper upside down." She replied without looking back but she heard the paper folding afterward. The pancakes were almost ready and she was deciding on the syrups for her when a pair of arms caged her waist.
"Alex?" She meant to say the word to scold but it more like get moaned. And leaning to his body she hated her body that craved his touch and affection when she knew she needs to run. She knew she was attracted to him physically but she was wise enough to know that he was a very bad choice. She badly needed some time to clear her head that she was not getting.
"You look so tempting when you cook." He whispered against her ear. Letting herself to get some warmth affection from this gesture of his she tried to compose herself saying, "Breakfast is ready," and got away to set the table for two.
She started having her breakfast after setting the plates for two. No sound except the cutlery was there and Jane could not be more grateful. At any other normal day, she would list down her problems and look for ways but right now she knew she doesn't have this luxury.
"Diana will be coming in an hour to talk about the design we selected. And they will start this Monday." Alex broke the silence.
She looked at him to find him busy eating. You don't have much time Jane. "Hmm," She replied with a nod.
He is designing a room for us. Talking about a wedding. And though sex with him is mind-blowing,.... but,...but what Jane? He rejected a woman for you. I bought you this beautiful ring. He never needs to arrange that beautiful date and ring when he could have se* with you without these things. He is really making efforts. Her mind was going crazy.
She recalled how he forced her in sex. In this marriage. How he hurt her in his drunken state in that suite. And though he claimed to be in love with her he still sometimes gives remark and does things which are intolerable, suffocating and embarrassing.
The sane and calculative thing is to reject his proposal and get back to the apartment. But why the thought of not seeing and listening from him again bothers me. Am I in love with him? But even if I am I should not be taking a wrong decision. But what if it doesn't turn out to be a bad decision. Her thoughts were beyond jumble.
Diana came and Alex discusses somethings about the color or the timing of the day when her team would be coming to set the things. And this is when Jane decided to talk. "I don't think I am sure about this design. Show us some more and we will get back to you once we decide." She said and look at Alex. It was not difficult to gauge his expression. And they were indeed very hard. He was visibly disappointed.
"Let's do it this way then," Alex gave a short reply to Diana's raised brows.
Alexander Black got smitten this time. Diana thought as she gave an understanding nod and tried to keep her stay short as she could sense something is going on between them.
"You could have told me earlier," Alex complained looking at Diana who was in her car now.
"I didn't know this earlier. You see, it was just at that moment that I realize." She didn't look at him and her nonchalant tone just fired his anger even more. But he knew better than to annoy her. At least until their wedding.
"It's fine Jane, but next time remember I could be realizing things in the public too and won't wait to talk to you in private first."
She was expecting an outburst but in response, she gets this very carefully crafted warning. It could be a lot easier to leave him if they were in a fight but he always surprises her.
... Or maybe you can spend your whole life with him.....with such sweet arguments....stop it, Jane.
They decided to get ready to check on his friend, jimmy. Jane tried to get ready and was surprised that they didn't have sex since morning.
.... Maybe he is becoming sane. And already getting bored of me. Come on, Jane, isn't it good? He may decide to let you go.
The thought made her a little unsettled but she gets done with her makeup anyway.
"How long you are gonna t....?" Alex trailed off looking at her.
"I am ready" She replied but one look at him and she doubts if they are going out now.
"Alex, we are supposed to check on your injured friend." She said when she looked at him loosening his tie.
It's not like he is going to be discharged today. We can leave in the evening." He said as he ran his eyes over her body. And his gaze does turn her on.
"Besides, I feel like it's been ages." He muttered before lifting her up and taking her, to their bed.
His mouth sucked on her neck as he fumbled with her zip. The dress came off in seconds. His heavy breathing and wanton hands ravishing her body were all she could feel.
He could have told me earlier. I feel like all my preparations go to waste....
"You looked so irresistible in this white dress." He whispered all the while spreading her legs with his knees. His acts were followed by a very passionate session of lovemaking.
He lit a cigarette as his left arm held her close while Jane steadies her breaths with her head on his chest.
" I have a surprise for you." Alex chuckled.
"What?" She asked looking at him. And for a moment he did lose in her eyes. How innocent and stupid she is? He thought.
"I will tell you later. First, you get ready so we can leave." He replied.
"But I am gonna take a bath first and then we will leave," Jane told him as she tried to sit but he pulled her to him again to take her lips in a kiss. He was getting addicted to her.
"Don't leave just yet." He requested and she followed.
It took them two hours for finally getting into his range rover. She chose a green knee-length dress with a Kelly bag that she found in her wardrobe. The thought that these dresses, bags, and shoes have been used by someone was unsettling.
"How many women you have brought to your home before?" She asked when he started the engine.
"What kind of question is this?" He laughed.
"Let's just say I want to know more about you." She tried to reply in a casual tone.
"Grow up, Jane. It's really childish of you." He replied shrugging his shoulders. "Did I ever ask you about how many men you have been with? No."
"It's fine if you are not comfortable sharing right now." She replied coldly as she tucked her hair behind her ear and looked at the road.
"Believe me, Jane. I am more than comfortable. But knowing that count is no less than seventy and more than a hundred would be disturbing for you. I was just trying to be careful with your feelings." He said and looked at her to see her reaction.
"I think we should buy some flowers before getting to the hospital." was all her reply.
"Now, this seems sensible to me." He complimented that only made Jane shook her head in disappointment.
Alex forwards his credit card and looks at her purchase when he said, "That's quite thoughtful of you. It seems like you have been visiting patients all your life."
"Everyone knows to buy such things when they are going to see someone sick," Jane replied.
Alex went to hold the basket for her while she carried the bouquet with the card. They found Jimmy reading a paper as his wife was busy doing something on her laptop.
Jimmy's wife, Amoy, offered them some herbal green tea. That they really enjoyed. Jane and Amoy instantly liked each other and hit it off. She was very knowledgeable about all the trending brands and promised Jane to take her out for shopping sometime. And this is when Alex, intervened.
"That will be so nice of you, Amoy. You see, we have a lot to do for our wedding that's coming in three months from now. Right, Jane?"
"Wow, Congrats," Jimmy replied.
"OMG, I am so happy for you." Amoy reacted.
This made Jane almost jump and look at Alex. But he was fast to cover her reaction saying.
"Don't worry Jane. Jimmy is family and my best man without any doubt. He deserves to know."
Jane collected herself in seconds and passed a little smile to their hosts.
"You better get discharged soon. You are throwing me my bachelor party." Alex told Jimmy with a fake grin that made Jimmy rolled his eyes. They talk about Jimmy's recovery and Amoy gives her all the details on the latest wedding gowns that she could give in the next twenty minutes.
".... gonna be so much fun." Jane heard Amoy say at some point. But she was too occupied with processing things in her mind. This is when Alex decided to put her out of misery and asked for their leave. Amoy promised Jane to help her out and advised her to not take the stress.
"Why you didn't ask me first?" Jane asked the moment they got out of their room.
"I do remember to purpose you," Alex replied.
"This is not what I mean. Why you didn't tell me first that you are planning.... I mean from where does three months come?"
"Oh! About that. I meant to tell you but I forgot but then at that moment I realize I should share."
This made her recall their encounter with Diana and she stopped in her tracks as he keeps on walking but soon sensing her absence he turned around to find her annoyed face.
"You are unbelievable." She complained.
"I already know." He passed her a half-smile.
They went home without any fight. She took her time to look at the passing buildings and roads. All she wanted was to relax her nerves. Am I asking for too much? He didn't disturb her and they went home without any fight. Jane knew she didn't have any strength left to argue and Alex knew there will be so many points where he will win without even putting a fight.
"I have something for you." He said holding her hand to stop her from going away.
"What?" She replied coldly.
He took her to his study and gives her two portfolios without wasting a minute.
"What's this?" She asked as she looked at the room having darker shades than the rest of his home and had long dark-colored drapes at the window.
"These are the portfolios of two very famous wedding planners. I want you to choose from these two." He replied as he took a seat behind his big mahogany table.
"Alex, I need some time. It's.... It's something big." She said putting those files on the table.
"Have you ever noticed how much you waste your time thinking? This could be very unhealthy." He replied giving her a frustrated look.
"How?" Jane asked.
"I don't know. It has to be unhealthy." He replied nonchalantly but then extending his hand he ordered her to come here. She went to his side. Holding her hand he guided her to sit on his lap and looked deep in her eyes.
A beautiful ray of sun, seeping through the drapes adorn his face and for some time she wanted to be there in his tender hold. So, she let herself enjoy the warmth of his affection. For some time she doesn't want to think or talk. It feels right. But there was this constant little pinch in her mind. That keeps on banging the door of her conscience. That doesn't let her be at peace. And finally, it wins when it this person can ever be right for you? He forced himself on you. And this made her took a sharp breath.
"Believe me, you are getting worried for no reason. Everything will turn out to be great. We are more than perfect." He said once he sensed the tension in her now rigid body that was relaxed just a moment ago.
"Believe me, I got it cover." He added.
.... Or maybe this is how I was supposed to meet him. Or just maybe he can really make it work. And this person could be my happy Ever after all those nightmares I have been living for the past two years now or maybe God has moved this person's heart and I shouldn't be throwing away what is planned for me.
This made her nod as she pressed her lips hard. She could sense her stupid tears on the way when she hid her face in the crook of his neck as she hugged him.
"Now, that's my Jane." He mutters but she just tightens her hold on his shirt even more.
"If you want to invite your friends or family you are allowed to invite as many people as you want."
She gave him a nod in reply all the while inhaling his cologne. She knew it was a leap of faith. But then everything in this world is just a gamble. You either win or lose. And she was determined not to lose this time.
He had to make some calls to some of his influential sources to confirm their loyalty or threaten them if they don't, for all the mess that was incurred by a very famous politician, Fredrick Erno. She excused herself when he seems so busy for her. Getting to the kitchen she decided to make her a special chocolate cake. And after being done she made some freshly brewed coffee.
She knocked at his door that was followed by a "come in," And the moment his eyes met Jane's beautiful smile he leaned to his chair while a smile adorned his lips.
He breathes the aroma of cake that he found so delicious just like his wife. "You don't need to knock, Jane. Mrs. Black doesn't knock because I never knock."
She just replied with a stupid blushing smile.
Just in the kitchen in these past two hours, she had planned out her whole life with him. It pained her a little that there were no kids in her scenario who might have his eyes or her hair color but with Alex's impulsive and never stopping stupid or clingy remarks, she somehow realized that it won't be that boring. She will become whatever he wants. Because this is the only way she knows how to love.
"Tell me what you wanna do," He asked.
"Why are we supposed to do anything? We can just stay at home." She suggested.
"Yes, but don't you think it would be too boring when we can go out and do anything that we want?" He asked.
She knew by now that he likes to go out a lot. So, let's be it.
"What do you suggest?" She asked.
"I don't know. I don't feel like playing so, maybe shopping?" This made her recall his idea of shopping so she replied instantly. "No,"
"Wanna go to clubbing." He asked.
Maybe I can try this.
"Sure," she replied.
She gets into a short maroon dress. That let her expose her beautiful legs. She chose high golden heels that would make her reach a little over his shoulder.
"Jane!" She heard him say from the living room.
"Coming!" She yelled back.
The moment he saw her coming down the stairs busy in getting securing a bracelet around her wrist, a victorious smile appeared at his lips.
She was his forever. This hot and sexy but stupid and naive woman was his. He could see this in her eyes. Well played, Alex.
"You look beautiful." He didn't forget to compliment with a smile. But somewhere he knew he can't pretend for this long. Always being attentive and careful around her was just too much work for him.
"You look great too." She replied, looking at his casual look. He really seems a lot less intimidating and more young in his jeans and leather jacket. He took her lips in for a kiss. Her soft lips were worth every effort. He thought. But this time she didn't complain and found her lipstick didn't smudge.
"It won't come off. It's kind of long lastin...." She was cut off with another kiss.
"Smart choice," Alex muttered.
The drive was the same as it could be with Alex. She tried to get familiar with his grip on her thigh.
"So, what do you like most about clubbing?" Alex asked as the car stopped at a red light.
She knew she needs to be honest. Because pretending never takes you anywhere. "I have only been to the club twice before. And that too was with Paul." She said getting lost in her thoughts.
"Paul, who?" He casually asked but then he recalled the morning when she was calling for some Paul in her sleep. And this made him even more anxious about her answer but apparently he maintained his cool.
"My ex-husband." She said the words but they felt so foreign on her tongue. She never mentioned him as an ex-husband. But now, it's time to let go.
Jealousy couldn't even start to define the things he was feeling now. If only he could have bought time he would never let anyone touch this precious work of art.
He never made the effort to remember her husband's name from that file but it was indeed written in there.
"Where he used to take you?" Alex asked.
"It doesn't matter." She replied taking a sharp breath.
He nodded suggestively and then said, "I don't feel like going to the club anymore. Do you have somewhere else?" He asked with a little grim expression.
Have I said anything wrong? She thought but replied.
"Great." He replied in a clipped tone.
I should haven't mentioned Paul. I could have said anything.
His phone blows up and he picked it up through speakerphone this time.
"I am busy," Alex said, but the person on the other side was quick to say,
"Elmas is here,"
Jane who was silently watching Alex talk on the phone noticed how his lips turned up.
"What's she doing here?" Alex asked in amusement.
"It's her show, what else? I thought you won't want to miss tonight." The person's tone alone was enough to give away his excitement.
She knew by now that they were not going home anymore. But who was this Elmas? Is she a singer? Or a celebrity?
Alex drove for more than half an hour until the city was left behind and they were getting into a more secluded area. He pulled over against a medium-sized building that has a very spacious parking lot. The walls were illuminated with yellow lights and the only personals she found were security guards.
They didn't stop Alex or her. In fact, they didn't even ask for their i.d's. They went through different hallways. She decided not to ask anything and wait until he explains. Her heels clicking the floor was the only sound breaking the silence until they come across a hallway having so many doors. They went into the room that says 109.
She found herself into a spacious but darkroom. The room only had neon lights and have a big round bed adorning the whole room. But a pole in the center didn't go unnoticed by her. There was a chair with a reading table. This is how it looks but she doubts if it has ever been used for reading. And on the other side, she noticed a wardrobe.
"Make yourself comfortable. It's still half an hour until the show." Alex casually said and crashed on the bed. She too sits at the edge of the bed beside him and asks, "What kind of show?"
In reply, she was pulled to him over his chest. "It's just a dancing show. Don't think too much." He said and guiding her mouth to his, he explored her mouth as he made relaxing circles at her back. And she did relax a lot. She was getting familiar with his arms. She listened to his heartbeat completely oblivious to his thoughts.
His thoughts were so consumed over her ex-husband. He needed to know if he is single or committed. He wanted to know every single detail about her relationship with her ex-husband. When and how they got married? How he proposed? Or if he was still thinking or imaging his Jane as he sleeps. If not, then it's good. But if yes, a creepy smile adorned his lips as he thought, then it's gonna be fun.
He wanted to know if that person was richer or more powerful than him. Judging from Jane's perfect body, her husband has to be at least a millionaire. He wanted to know every single detail. It was hard to believe that her husband who has a taste of her is not up to getting her back. So, it's better to know the situation. And he can't wait until he gets Simon on this. Holding her hand from over his chest he kissed it.
After half an hour Jane found herself in a big hall that had more like cave-like settings. But it was centered on a stage. It was all so dark except the stage that was lighted. The place where Alex took her wasn't far or difficult to reach. "I am gonna take you so hard when we get back to that room," Alex whispered in her ear and her cheeks heated. Not long after they were seated the show begins. Some men with instruments appeared on the stage first and got settled. Never in her life, she attended a show just to see some dance. And from the expression on Alex's friend, she believed that she has to be great.
The school where she used to be a teacher, a lot of girls used to practice dance but it was nothing major and they only practice whenever some gala was arranged.
She looked at Alex who had his all attention on the stage. The stage opened from the center and a beautiful tall brunette came out. She was wearing a very short but exquisite dress. The audience cheered, those men started playing those instruments for some classical Arabic music and that girl started her belly dance.
She looked beyond beautiful with her belly moving perfectly to those beats. Jane too wasn't able to move her eyes away from her belly. This is how perfect she was. The dance went on for half an hour but it was going just more interesting. Her moves were beyond perfect.
She could feel Alex's mouth getting lost in her neck as the hold on her thigh tightens. It was too dark that she knew no one will know. But then that woman removed her top and two stars sticking to her nipples were the only things. Jane was confused at first but it took Jane only a minute to get that she was a stripper.
That girl was still smiling wide and dancing with her perfect moves but Jane lowered her gaze. Jane heard the audience cheering again and looked up to find that woman sensually removing her bottom. And this was it. She hurried stood making some people yell something from behind. But she didn't care and shoot for the exit. His lifestyle is so different from mine. How can he bring me to a place like this? Her tears were getting the best of her. And it pained a lot. She feels like she couldn't breathe.
She went back to room 109 but the moment she opened the room. It was different. There were four men seated with a girl. And two of them were already checking her out. Like they could see her already nak*d. She couldn't comprehend and look at the door again to see it was indeed room 109.
"I am sorry, I think I got it wrong," Jane whispered, and get the door behind her close in an instant. She looked at her front and it was 109 too. She was about to open it when she found herself caged in a stronghold. And the next thing she knew that she was in that room again.
Alex tried to enjoy like his old times but without any woman sitting beside him it wasn't fun at all. What's the point in watching a stripper when you don't have anything real to hold? His mind cursed. He only sits there for five more minutes and left thinking of ways to turn the situation into his interest.
He wanted to show her something far more interesting than his old pathetic excuse of a husband can ever show her. He knew her ex-husband can never be his competitor but this stupid urge of showing himself more worthy than him was somehow important.
I guess I should rush the date before I lost her by doing anything stupid.
And I can ask my lawyer to prepare a prenuptial that can make it difficult for her to leave me. With this, he dialed to Simon and said, "I want every single detail on Miss Monroe's ex-husband. I want details regarding their relationship. And you better get it soon." He ordered and cut the call.
Only he knew how much he was addicted to that woman. She was doing something to him and he was loving every single moment of this torment. The torture he endures staying away from her, doubles the bliss he gets from being in her. She was only his from now on.
Unlocking the door he went to the bed thinking she will be there but she wasn't. Did she leave? He thought but her bag was here. He checked the washroom because it was too silent. He hated women like these who make a fuss out of nothing. He never expected this from Jane. She should be here instead of choosing to make me chase her. And without wasting a minute he left the room.
He decided to call for the entrance to know about her leaving or not when he noticed the room ahead having the same number. He didn't give any thought before opening the room.
And the next thing his ears welcomed were Jane's pleading followed by a scene where he found her struggling under a heavy man as another was trying to help the first man to hold her still. While two persons were busy on the bed with another woman.
Pulling that person away from Jane he punched the person who even in shock was holding her hands. A single punch was all it took for that person to lost his consciousness. Turning back he fisted that person's collar and punched his face. Over and over again. All he could see was this person over Jane.
The commotion gains the attention of the two men but the moment they saw Alex they knew better to help their friends. Throwing him on the floor he was kicking his ribs when he heard someone screaming, "Alex! No! Please no," She called him at the top of her lungs because he was not listening to her all this time.
The moment he turned to find a cut on her lips and a handprint on her face he lost it again and sealed the deal with stomping on his face. The man who was groaning in pain a second ago was silent now.
For a moment even she was afraid of him. He looked so angry as he glared at those two men and gesture something with his hand. But then she knew what to do and wobbled to him as she kept her right hand on her torn dress from the right shoulder.
Balancing her with his arm around her waist he supported her weight and lead her to their room. His mind was just seeking revenge, destruction, and violence. He couldn't rest. After letting her sit on the bed he was about to turn on his heels when he felt a tug on his sleeve. "Please, don't go." Her voice came out so weak. He could feel her body getting cold.
Somehow she knew if he left he might hurt someone or cause a commotion outside. And she doesn't want anyone to know about this.
On the other side, going out and beating the shit out of those men was easy. But he doesn't know a damn thing what to do if he stays beside her.
"Let's go, we should get you checked up." He said, and she shook her head in no as she sobbed hiding her face in her palms. "I am fine," She tried to sound stable and pulled the covers over her body. But he heard a sob again before she started crying harder.
She could feel their hands on her body and feel disgusted from her very existence. And somehow she knew that even Alex might leave her after she made him go through such mess. Nobody wants a woman he has to protect. Paul's voice echoed.
He was also confused that why he was listening to her request. He could literally feel that someone was squeezing his heart. And he doesn't want to feel this thing ever. It was beyond suffocating.
"You can't seriously expect me to sit here and make me hear your cries when I simply can go and make them rot." He snapped and she tried to muffle her sounds with her hand on her mouth.
"Fine, Alex, I know you hate me now. Just go. Go away." She shouted under the covers.
"I don't hate,.... ahh, from where do you think?" Alex retorted. Still shocked about the things she was saying. He knew from his experience that this kind of go away is always a plea from the girl to not to leave them alone. He never stayed before. But this time it was different. This time it was the woman who was supposed to walk on the aisle for him.
Throwing his jacket and tight jeans away he went beside her and encircled her waist. The moment he spooned her from back she jerked a little but then got relaxed. He was wide awake. And he doesn't know if he could sleep at all when those men should be suffering but they are not.
He felt her stir and next, he found her facing him. "You are awake?" He asked and she hummed against his neck. Making him go hard when he knew he can't have her.
He could feel her face wet with all those stupid tears as her body was shivering a little.
"You are safe now. You know that, right?" He whispered over her hair and she nodded.
He noticed another handprint on her arm. And it took the struggle of his every fiber to not let go of her and beat those scums.
He recalled how he was also the reason for her bruises but it was him. No one else can hurt what was his. And he will make sure to make them suffer using his meanest ways.
"Alex, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to,..." She was cut off with him saying.
"Sshhhh, I know, I know,...."
"And I promise you, Jane, that nothing like this will ever happen. I will make sure of that." He said, knowing exactly what he needs to do.
The silence prevailed. Her sobs had turned into little whimpers. And her grip on his shirt tightens.
"Alex?" She whispered.
"Hmm," He replied,
"Make him go away." She said and Alex was beyond shocked. He didn't saw that coming.
On the other side, she wanted to know if he still accepts her or not.
He knew it was a bad idea because she was still traumatized and might be not in her senses. But he also has the idea that rejection might affect her too, as emotionally she was so sensitive right now.
"I don't think it's a good idea." He said carefully. And her heart stopped. He doesn't want me anymore. She thought as she tried to get away from him but he was quick to hold her close.
"Listen up Jane, and listen very carefully." He said in a clipped tone. "I am never letting you go. You are stuck with me for your whole life." He added before he took her lips in a kiss. He doesn't know why he said those words. But why does it feel like he means it?
She groans a little for that cut but soon she was under him. With the person, she feels complete. And the whole again.
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