Night came.

Tonight, it's the same as usual, except that...

Surrounded by these mountains, there is a ghost army numbering in the hundreds, rushing and raiding in the mountains!

The speed of ghosts is very fast, these ghosts are varied, they climb, jump, run, or jump up and down, with various strange gestures, moving quickly in the mountains and forests at night.

The most head, leading this group of ghosts, is the three of the winds, the Qiuza seat!

If the Nest Seat is the main general of this group of ghosts, then on the left and right sides of the Nest Seat are two deputy generals.

Yes, on the left and right sides of the Qiwo seat, the two ghosts who closely followed him were the two lower strings of the Twelve Ghost Moon, namely, the Zero Yuzi of the Lower String, and the Cauldron of the Land of the Lower String.

The next string is a ghost girl with two horns on her head and two marks on each side of her cheeks, looking a little cute.

The Lower String of the Land Kama is a ghost with I-shaped marks on his head and face, and he looks quite ordinary.

Although it looks ordinary, but anyway, these two are also lower strings, and their strength will not be weak.

But even if it is a lower string, the personality is very different.

For example, this ghost girl named Zero Yuzi, he looks weak, and he is reluctant to follow the Yuwoza.

I saw this ghost girl, while running, said to the Ryuza in a panic:

"Lord Ryuza, we... Are we really going to attack the Ghost Killer headquarters? Can we do it? In the headquarters of the Ghost Killer Squad... There must be a lot of ghost-killing swordsmen, right?

We're afraid... Can we be opponents? "

I don't know what is going on with this ghost girl's personality, anyway, he looks quite weak."

It is said that this Zero Yuzi will run away every time he encounters a pillar, which shows how cowardly his character is.

We don't know how his character became the lower string, anyway, Zero Yuzi is indeed the lower string now.

What a tough ghost he is.

So he quite dislikes this character of Zero Yuzi.

When he heard Zero Yuzi's words, he turned his head angrily and cursed:

"Bastard! You're a twelve!

Although he is only a small string, he is also a loyal servant of Lord Wu Miserable!

What's with your cowardly character!? With such a cowardly character, can you take on the Twelve Ghost Moon!?

If it weren't for the fact that you are a female ghost, I would have seen you unfavorably and killed you! Being

reprimanded like this, Zero Yuzi was obviously more afraid and panicked.

Ryuza simply hates iron but not steel:

"Bastard! Cheer me up! Fight well later! Fight to kill a column!

If you continue like this, Lord Wu Miserable will have no patience with you.

At that time, Lord Wu Miserable, will either kill you! Or it will abolish you and expel you from the ranks of the Twelve Ghost Moons!

This time, attacking the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Squad is the best time, you must perform well in this battle, make good merits, and show your value and your ability to Lord Wu Miserable!

Worthless ghosts are not worthy of living! The

words in front of the Yuwo seat seemed to be concerned about Zero Yuzi, and the last sentence was completely cold and cold.

Compared with the cowardly Zero Yuzi, on the other side of the Qiwo seat, the cauldron of the land of the lower string, the personality is a little bad and bad.

I saw him with a fierce smile, and said to the Qiwoza:

"Lord Qiwoza, if we succeed in attacking the Ghost Killing Team this time, can we really make Lord Wuwo look at him differently?"

"It will definitely be able to make Lord Wu Miserable look at him differently!"

"So... That's really good..." Kama

Bird's smile became more and more vicious, he looked at Zero Yuzi over there, and laughed wickedly:

"At that time, can I ask Lord Wuxian to promote me to the next level?"

As soon as these words came out, Zero Yuzi over there instantly became fierce in his eyes, grinned, and looked at Kama Eagle with killing intent, as if he was about to screw off Kama Eagle's head at any time!

From here we can also see Zero Yuzi's other character, wo Li Heng.

Yuwoza glanced back at Kama Bird, and his tone was grim:

"If you want to be on the top, you can launch a bloody battle against her."

After defeating her, you can not only become a captivity, but also eat her!

But that's for later.

Tonight, in tonight's battle, you two must unite, you must not cause trouble to me, you must take the destruction of the Ghost Killing Team headquarters as the primary goal, and you must take the task of killing more Ghost Killing Team swordsmen!

Do you understand?

Kama laughed evilly, and he nodded while laughing:

"Don't worry, Lord Yuwoza, I understand, I will talk about the bloody battle or something later."

By the way, Lord Yuwoza, is the headquarters of the Ghost Killer Team really in this mountain? We have been looking for more than ten minutes now.

"It must be in this mountain, we have so many ghosts, continue to search, we can always find it!"

In this way, the Hysterous Nest Seat took two hundreds of ghosts under the string, raiding and running wildly in the mountains.

Narrow down the search to a small area of mountainous area, and the target is indeed easy to find.

No, it didn't take long for the ghosts of the Qiwo Za to really discover the location of the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Team!

Led by the Qiuza Nest, the group of ghosts drilled out of a mountain forest, stood on a half-way hill, and stopped.

They looked condescendingly at a place in the col below.

In this deep mountain, there is a town, the town is lit up, and it is a place where many people live!

If there is a small mountain village in the deep mountains, it makes sense, but such a big town in this deep mountain and old forest, obviously something is wrong!

Looking excitedly at the town in the col, he realized that he had found his goal!

It is impossible for anyone to build a town deep in the mountains, because it is secret, because it is isolated, because it is inaccessible.

In other words, the light-lit building below is not a man-made town, but... Ghost Squad Headquarters!

Led this group of ghosts, standing on the hillside, looking at the headquarters of the ghost killing team below, and looking at the surrounding terrain and terrain, he calculated this location in his heart.

It turned out to be in this place!

No wonder I couldn't find it no matter how I looked for it before.

It is worthy of being the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Team, and it is really deep!

It's all over, though!

Ghost Killer Team, this group of shrunken turtles! Once they expose their heads, it is the moment of their death!

Yu Woza laughed madly and excitedly:

"Below is the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Team!" Rush down with me! Break through the Ghost Squad headquarters! Destroy the entire Ghost Slayer!

After saying this, the Qiuza rushed down first.

Two lower chords followed.

The remaining hundreds of ghosts, although a little apprehensive, but they could not resist the order of the Qiwoza, simply let it out, all the ghosts cried wolf howling and followed the back of the Nest Seat, rushing down!

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