The situation in Infinity City is like this, Wu Mi was calculated by Horiyue, and there was no way to find his trouble, so he was angry.

What about Horidake?

After he blasted Thunder Ball into the black square space, after he saw the black square space disappear, Hori Yue didn't say a word, his body flashed with purple electric arcs, and quickly withdrew!

Well, to put it bluntly, it's a quick escape.

Why don't you run away?

Waiting for Wu Miserable to pass Naruto's blood demon technique and chase after him?

At that time, the black square space had disappeared, and even if Horitake turned on his spiritual vision, he could not see the situation in Infinite City, just in case, he had to evacuate immediately and ensure his safety first.

Fortunately, Uchi Tengen and Shitou Ichiro had already withdrawn with the swordsmen, and Horitake didn't have to worry about their safety.

With a purple electric arc flashing all over his body and bursting out at an extremely fast speed, Horitake quickly left the old headquarters of the abandoned Ghost Killing Team and ran directly into the vast mountains.

After running a long way, he stopped until Horitake was sure that he would never be able to catch up.

Jump and sit on the trunk of a big tree, keeping your watch.

After observing the surroundings, and even turning on the spiritual vision to confirm the situation around him, Horitake was relieved to confirm that there was no danger.

"Whew... It seems that there is no problem, it seems that the plan is successful! At

this time, Hori Dake was finally a little excited.

His idea worked! Calculated at the last moment!

This time, although he failed to kill the Qiwo Za, it was a pity.

However, Horitake estimated that Horiyaku's injury would not last half a year to recuperate, and only a small part of his severed arm would take more than half a year to grow again.

The three winding of the Nest Seat were abolished for a long time to come.

Even without a miserable anger, it is not impossible to execute the Qiuza Zao.

In addition, there is another gain, that is, the stand-in doll is saved.

Covering the close-fitting doll on his chest, Horitake couldn't help but show a hint of a smile.

This is a life, which means that he has an extra life.

It's great to be able to save this life this time.

Maybe there will be any opportunity in the future to be able to use this stand-in doll, maybe this stand-in doll will be the most important means of turning over in the future!

The situation on the side of the Ghost Killing Team should be good, Horitake couldn't help but guess.

There is no problem on their side, and the ghost killing team must be even more fine, everyone should have evacuated and transferred in turn, and it should be very safe.

Wait a minute!

Horitake suddenly found himself overmissing a very important question.

That is... Where is the new Ghost Slayer headquarters?

Previously, because he had to prepare to deal with the Hypzo, Horitake forgot to ask Yaoya, and now he really doesn't know where the headquarters of the Ghost Killer Squad has been relocated.

This is embarrassing.

The ghost killing team Tianzhu, the strongest combat power of the ghost killing team, did not know where its headquarters was.

Horitake was a little depressed and sighed while sitting on the tree trunk.

"Forget it, wait, wait until the headquarters is settled, Yaoya they will definitely contact themselves."

Good fellow, such a big battle, it's time to let yourself breathe.

With that, Horitake began to examine his body.

I didn't get hurt much, at most I was slightly injured.

He covered his chest, feeling that his breathing was a little uneven, and there was a dull pain in his chest, but this dull pain was completely bearable.

It is estimated that he suffered some internal injuries, which were kicked out by the Qiuza Za, and he vomited blood a little at that time.

And the eyes.

Horitake covered his right eye, which had completely turned into a panda eye, and there was a sour pain.

This is also kicked out by the Zoe Nest.

It is worthy of the third brother, heroic and extraordinary, and he suffered a small loss.

Confirming that there was nothing wrong with anything other than these injuries, Horitake was relieved.

At this moment, Horitake heard a sound of wings flapping.

Turning his head to look, it turned out that it was his own crow flapping its wings and flying over, he landed on the branch next to Horidake, and asked with concern:

"Ga! Horitake-sama, are you okay? Are you okay?

Horitake nodded:

"It's okay, I was slightly injured, and it didn't get in the way at all, how about the headquarters evacuated?" No surprises, right? Is everyone safe?

"Gah! Everything is fine with the evacuation of headquarters! The evacuation of the headquarters went smoothly! No surprises! Everyone is safe!

"How about being Lord Lord?" As soon as he lifted the curse, he had to work hard to travel and travel, and there was no problem with his body, right?

"Gah! Of course, being the Lord is also safe! "

What about Miri and Sister Shinobi?"

"Gah! Ganluji-sama and Butterfly Shinobu-sama are on a guard mission and are safe.

Horitake nodded:

"Well, then it's no problem, it seems that this crisis should have passed smoothly."

Trouble you to report the news, just tell the Lord Lord, I defeated the Ryo Nest Seat, but unfortunately the Rye Nest Seat finally let Wu Mi save me, I am now safe, there is no problem, please rest assured Lord Lord.

By the way, I don't know the location of the new headquarters at all.

That's all, go for it!

"Yes! Ga! The

raven barked, flapped its wings and went to deliver the message.

After the crow left, Horitake sat on the branch, leaned against the trunk, rested a little, and recovered his energy.

Before you know it, the night has passed, the sun has finally risen, and day has arrived.

This represents the absolute safety of everyone, and also means that the crisis has finally passed!

Horidake's crows flew a long distance and finally caught up with the last convoy transferred by the Ghost Killer Team.

If nothing else, the Yaoya family was also in this batch of convoys, moving with the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Team.

From the position of the crow flying in the sky, looking down condescendingly, a convoy is driving between the mountain roads, and the convoy contains not only old-fashioned trucks, but also old-fashioned cars.

This vintage car should be the car of the Yaoya family.

The crow looked at the convoy below, looked at the cars in the convoy, and blinked.

Instead of flying down to report the situation, it flapped its wings, increased its speed, and flew past the convoy.

The crows flew for a long time until they caught up with the penultimate convoy evacuated by the Ghost Killer Headquarters.

This group of convoys is not so mechanized, among which horse-drawn carriages are the mainstay, and all kinds of carriages carrying large bags and small bags are moving forward between mountain roads.

The target of the Raven is this penultimate convoy!

It flew down with flapped its wings, found one of the carriages, stood on the window edge of the carriage, faced the inside of the carriage, and began to report the situation:

"Lord Lord! Ga! Lord Lord!

The Great War is over.

Ugen-sama Tengen and Lord Tokito-no defeated the two lower strings respectively.

Hundreds of ghosts were surrounded and wiped out by the swordsmen, and the swordsmen were slightly injured, but none of them were reduced.

Lord Horitake defeated the three Zomboza of the upper wind, but unfortunately the Ryō was finally rescued without tragedy.

Lord Horitake is now slightly injured and is safe. "

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