Facing the imminent high-decibel sound wave, Horitake raised his eyebrows, and the Chidori stream shrouded in his body began to change.

Don't forget that the sound of the chirping of a thousand birds is also a high-frequency sound wave.

As long as the thunder and lightning are adjusted, the sharp sound emitted by the Chidori stream can cancel each other out and merge with the high-decibel sound waves of Kuki.

No, the overwhelming high-decibel sound wave hit Horidake's side.

Boom! The dirt around Mount Hori was blown apart by high-decibel sonic damage!

But Horitake himself was unharmed.

The purple electric thousand birds around him seemed to absorb the high-decibel sound wave, making the attack of this high-decibel sound wave useless.

Kongxi's expression was also not happy, he looked at this scene, puzzled and surprised.

But soon, he didn't care about that.

Because of the attack method of Kongxi, not only high-decibel sound waves.

Kuki descended from the sky, extremely fast, like a bomber diving, and attacked Horidake, and at the same time attacked, his bird-like claws also caught Horidake!

The ghost avatar of Kong Xi is a pure half-bird man, his limbs are all sharp bird claws, this claw can easily scratch rocks, and the power is very terrifying.

His current movements, like birds of prey hunting, suddenly swooped down and grabbed Horigaku fiercely!

"Where did you dare to fight me in close combat?"

Horitake said something disdainfully, and the thunderbolts of the thousand birds on his body quickly gathered, and in an instant, flowing on the blade-like blade of the thousand birds.

Without saying a word, Horitake directly slashed over with Chidori in the face of the swooping Kuki!

Chidori's stinging power and sharpness are not something that ordinary ghosts can resist!

Sensing something, Kuki quickly flapped his wings in horror, turned and flew away!

However, this move of Chidoku, extremely fast and sudden, still hit the air attack, and it hit the wings of the air attack!

Poof! Blood splattered! Feathers flying! Kuxi was injured in one round, and he did not dare to come down again, strikingly flapped the wings on his back, and flew up vigorously to escape.

But here, there is more than just a ghost.

The haters over there also slowed down, and he ignored the half of his shaved palm and the blurred collapsed nose of his flesh and blood, and roared and angrily rushed towards this side, looking like he was going to tear Horitake to pieces.

Horitake was expressionless, and pinched three feathers between his hands.

These three feathers, which were still the feathers that fell and flew away on Kuki's body, were now borrowed by Horigaku.

The thunder and lightning flashed in his hand, and Horitake pinched these three feathers, flicked them towards the hater, and the three feathers shot out like darts made of stainless steel!

The hatred was rushing forward, and suddenly found the feathers shooting towards him, and he was shocked.

Because when these three feathers shot over, the feathers also carried purple thunder and lightning.

What does this mean? It means that being shot by this feather cannot heal itself!

And the places where these three feathers flew over and aimed were the heart of the hater, the throat, and the eyebrows.

It's really a trick, and the trick is merciless!

In order to avoid being killed, the haters can only brake urgently at the critical moment, and at the same time twist their bodies vigorously, trying to avoid the shooting of these three feathers!

Two of the feathers were completely dodged by the hater, and one feather was not completely dodged, and this feather scraped a large piece of flesh and blood on the shoulder of the hater!

Of course, the shoulder injury of the hatred ghost cannot be healed.

Seeing that the coordinated offensive of the five of them was so depleted, the worst emotions of anger and sorrow could not stand it, respectively, carrying a tin staff and a cross-striped spear, rushed towards Horidake, wanting to start close combat with Horidake!

Among the five ghost doppelgangers, the two of them have melee weapons, the two of them don't go over to fight, who will fight in the past?

Of course, Coke still has a regimental fan in his hand, but how should that regimental fan be made a melee weapon? He is not Uchiha who can play with a fan.

Anger and sorrow stood side by side, holding a tin staff and a cross-striped spear in his hand, and fighting with Horidake!

Horitake was not used to him at all, carrying his sword and power, and began a hand-to-hand white blade battle with two ghost doppelgangers!

The speed and strength of both sides are equal to one.

I saw that between the three of them, the afterimages of tin staffs, guns, knives, and three weapons were staggered together, one move and one style were extremely dangerous, but it was so fast that it was dazzling, and every weapon collision caused a spark!

The three of them fought fiercely, the offensive was quite fierce, and no one spared the other.

Horitake fought one against two, and did not fall behind in the slightest, but seemed to be at ease.

Anger and sorrow are two enemies and one, but the face does not seem relaxed at all, but full of solemnity.

The Nikki Dao in Horigaku's hand is the style of the Tang Dao, it is a short weapon, extremely sharp, brilliant, and accompanied by purple heavenly thunder, it is really unfathomable.

Weiguang was attacked by Horiyue like a shadow, and the attack was airtight, and it was simply impossible to prevent.

The anger and mourning in the hand, whether it is a tin staff or a cross-striped spear, are long weapons, focusing on opening and closing, and paying attention to winning with one move!

The use of these two weapons is still slightly different.

The tin staff is barely a blunt weapon among long weapons, and it is used to face Horitake in anger, often using means such as swinging, smashing, slashing, and touching, but unfortunately these means are all blocked by Horidake.

The cross-striped spear, of course, is a sharp weapon among long weapons, mainly used to stab, pick, poke, dial, block and other attacks, but unfortunately these offensive methods are also useless against Horidake.

Dealing with the slamming of the tin staff, Horitake was not vain at all, and directly fought hard with strong strength and physical fitness.

Against the sharpness of the cross spear, Horitake doesn't care, on the sharp edge, you are not necessarily stronger than my prestige, he directly pointed at Mai Mang!

Although the accumulation of anger and sorrow is to bully the less, and to fight two against one, they are quite suffocated, and there is a feeling that they can barely cope with it, or even can't deal with it at all.

Because Horigaku's sword light was too fast and violent.

Although the long weapons of the two of them have a large attack range, they are a little less flexible in terms of flexibility.

Horigaku's majesty is a short weapon, itself is very flexible, very dangerous, plus Horigaku's own speed can be frightening, people can't be prevented, I don't know when he will come to give you a knife!

Not only is Hori Yue fast and flexible, his strength is also strong and terrifying, and it is not worthwhile to fight hard!

This leads to the feeling of anger and mourning becoming more and more restrained and dangerous in the rapid collision of each other's weapons.

The fierce battle between the three parties aroused eager onlookers.

Coke, Empty Joy, and Ghost Hate, the three of them were doppelgängers, and did not dare to meddle in their battle at will.

Because the frequency of attacks from both sides was too fast, they couldn't intervene at all, and if they rushed to help them deal with Horigaku, they would only interrupt the rhythm of their battle.

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