The headquarters of the Ghost Killing Team, located between the mountains, is extremely hidden, and it is said that Ghost Mai Tsuji spent thousands of years without tragedy, and did not find the location of the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Team.

Think about it, for the entire Ghost Killing Team, the headquarters is as important as the brain, how can it not be hidden and cautious?

It stands to reason that Horidake and their trip to such an important place should require certain secrecy measures, but they don't.

The carriage carrying several people drove into the mountains, turning seven turns between the mountains and ravines, and on the way, there were constantly hidden checkpoints of the ghost killing team to stop the carriage and stop for inspection.

Horitake thought at the time, check it, as long as it is not too excessive, it doesn't matter if the inspection is not too much, anyway, he is not afraid of the shadow oblique.

Who knows, as long as the Isayashiki sisters and brothers on the carriage in front show up, this checkpoint inspection will be exempted!

The two carriages drove almost unimpeded towards the interior of the mountains.

Another point is that there is no cover around this carriage, and Horidake and they can see the road through the window.

What does this mean?

This means that as long as someone has a strong memory, they can remember the way to the headquarters of the Ghost Killer Team.

Horitake is the first time to go to the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Team, Horitake is still a newcomer to the Ghost Killing Team, so he does not avoid him? Trust him so much?

I don't know this, whether it was the sister and brother of Isayashiki in front of him, or the order of Isayashiki Yaoya, but no matter who it was, Horitake felt great respect and trust.

To be honest, this feeling is very good, there is a feeling of dying for a confidant!

No wonder the Isayashiki clan can lead the ghost killing team for thousands of years, no wonder Isayashiki Yaoya is such a sick and weak person, putting a group of elite soldiers and strong generals in order, this means is not simple!

If Yaoya Shiki is a Chinese person, if Horitake is an ordinary person and does not have the arrogance of a traverser, it is not good to say that Horitake is ready to worship.

Even so, Horitake developed a great affection for Yaoya Shiki, who he had not yet met.

By the way, the honey glass around Horigaku became more and more excited because of these respect and trust.

The two carriages continued to drive a mountain road and came to the legendary headquarters of the Ghost Killing Team!

The headquarters of the Ghost Slayer is by no means as simple as a single house, but is composed of many buildings and many departments, a place similar to a town in the mountains.

The two carriages went straight to the interior of the headquarters, where Isaya Shiki Yaoya's residence.

There, is the brain and heart of the entire Ghost Killer Team.

After getting off the carriage, Miri was amazed at the elegance and sophistication of the residence and the building in front of her, and Horitake was not so surprised.

Led by the Isayashiki siblings, Horidake, Yuki, and Miri enter, and they are placed in a place covered with white pebbles, which is also the place where the pillar meeting is held.

After that, the Isayashiki siblings entered the house and went to ask Yaoya Shiki.

The three of Horitake waited quietly here.

Soon, a physically weak man, supported by the Shiki sisters and brothers of the delivery house, came out of the house and stood under the porch.

This person has a handsome face and a gentle temperament, but it is a pity that he has a large area of disfigurement on his forehead, which is somewhat terrifying and regrettable.

Isayashiki Yaoya stood under the porch, looked at the three of Horigaku, and showed a kind smile:

"Finally see you, my new child..."

His voice and movement rhythm make people feel refreshed, this is the ability that only people who can drive the public have, Horitake sighed in his heart, worthy of being a natural leader!

Xinglu was the first to kneel down on one knee to Yaoya, salute, and call the Lord Lord.

Mi Li was a little excited and panicked, but also reacted, kneeling down on one knee to salute, also known as Lord Lord.

What about Horidake? Is he going to come to this set too?

Of course not, next, he made a move that no one expected.

Horitake straightened up, folded his hands forward, and made an extremely grand bow to Shiki Yaoya at the delivery house!

"Horidake, I've seen Lord Dang!"

Not bad! Huaxia ancient gift, hand over the gift!

Not a fist, but a hand-over.

Unlike kneeling, kneeling represents submission, and bowing represents solemnity and respect.

This gift also represents Horidake's attitude towards Yaoya Shiki.

I respect you because you are the leader of the Ghost Killing Team, because you have an outstanding personality, have a good heart, care for your subordinates, lead the entire Ghost Killing Team, have great wisdom and courage, and are a good leader.

I want to be led by you, but I will not honor you as Lord.

Everyone present was shocked by Horitake's salute.

Although Xingyu couldn't see, his ears were surprised to hear Horitake's movements.

At this time, Shiki Yaoya, although his face was widely disfigured and the curse deepened, but he was not yet terminally ill in the later stage, and he still had one eye that was still sound.

Seeing Horitake salute him, Yaoya was very surprised.

Yaoya encountered this kind of etiquette for the first time, and he could obviously feel the profound meaning contained in this gift.

Isayashiki Yaoya was well-informed and recognized that this etiquette came from the suzerainty on the other side of the sea!

Horigaku's salute, Yaoya, who has always been peaceful, also made a little busy, and with the help of his two children, he also quickly bowed back:

"Horigaku, you're welcome."

After the two of them saluted each other, Miri and Xingxi also stood up.

Yaoya couldn't help but be curious about Horigaku:

"Horigaku, you..." Next,

it's time for Horitake to talk nonsense.

This also needs to be justified and convincing.

Fortunately, Horitake had already made a draft in his heart:

"Don't hide from being the master, I am indeed an orphan, but I still remember when I was very young, and I still remember who my parents were.

My mother is a neon man, and my father is a Chinese who came to Neon to take refuge.

So, I still remember the etiquette and knowledge that my father taught me when I was young.

For Horigaku's statement, Yaoya chose to believe it.

The neon local area is relatively closed, ordinary people absolutely do not know what the etiquette of Huaxia looks like, Horigaku's bowing ceremony is solemn and atmospheric, and it is not hearsay imitation at a glance.

Yaoya treats people like a spring breeze:

"It turns out that Horitake is a figure from the suzerainty, which is really disrespectful."

"When the Lord speaks heavily."

In this way, Horitake and Yaoya formally met, because of this small twist and turn, the two sides also confirmed that the relationship between each other was subordinate, not a subjective relationship.

To put it bluntly, it is the relationship between the boss and the employee, not the relationship between the lord and the courtier.

In fact, strictly speaking, the relationship between the pillars of the Ghost Killing Team and Yaoya is not a relationship between the lord and the subject.

Compared to the other members of the Ghost Killing Team, Horitake and Yaoya have a more equal relationship in their relationship.

After the two sides got to know each other, they sat opposite each other under the porch and officially started talking.

Yaoya took the lead in expressing his gratitude to

Horigaku: "I didn't expect that this final selection would have changed so much, if it weren't for Horigaku's timely rescue, my two children would have suffered, really thank you very much."

Horitake smiled heartily:

"The retreat ghost wants to kill us, of course I will not sit still, the two little guys are in danger, of course I will not stand idly by."

"I heard my two children say that this reclusive ghost that appeared this time is very difficult."

Speaking of business, Horitake also became serious:

"Yes, the strength of this ghost is not weak in the first place, and after eating enough people in the vine attack mountain, the strength is even stronger."

Moreover, the most difficult and troublesome thing is his blood ghost technique.

It can sneak between the ground and the soil layer, which is difficult to guard.

Because there is no sunlight underground, reclusive ghosts can also move during the day.

When the Vampire Spell is activated, it can control the ground and dirt on a large scale, causing a small subsidence disaster.

It is even possible to compress the soil to form rock giants and rock pythons. "

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