As we all know, bats can emit sound waves and rely on the reflection of sound waves to judge direction, fly flexibly, and hunt.

And this bat ghost's blood ghost technique is also related to sound.

It can capture all sounds in a wide range, absorb all these sounds into the ear, and then classify these sounds through the brain to obtain very useful information.

There is no doubt that this is a vampire technique used to search.

Black dog ghost's blood ghost technique smell can be used to track, bat ghost's blood ghost technique sound wave can be used to search, these two ghosts work together, it is indeed an excellent partner for search and tracking!

It's no wonder that Wu Miserable would send the two of them out to find the half-day dog.

The bat ghost hangs from the tree, listening carefully to the sounds of the entire town.

Although it is a silent night, every small sound made by the town cannot escape its ears, and it will be heard and discerned.

After listening, the big bat covered its head with its own wings.

Looking at this performance of the bat ghost, the black dog ghost knows:

"It seems that nothing has been found."

The bat ghost let go of the bat wings and nodded helplessly:

"Yes, the whole town is either snoring for sleep, or parents who haven't slept yet, and there is not a single valuable information and voice!"

I said old dog, are you sure you didn't smell wrong? Are you sure that the smell of the dog adults in this town is strong? Questioned

by the bat ghost one after another, the black dog ghost's confidence was even more insufficient:

"This... I'm sure I didn't smell wrong, but the smell of the half-day dog adults in this town is indeed very strong, at least stronger than other places.

Maybe...... I mean maybe.

Maybe Bantendog-sama is not in this town now, or maybe Bantendog-sama stopped in this town for a while, and then left, which may also cause the strong smell of this place. The

bat ghost was helpless, and could only advise the black dog ghost again:

"You smell again, you smell carefully!"

Even if you can't find a half-day dog adult in this town, at least find the place where the half-day dog adult stayed, right? How else would we do business? The

black dog ghost was particularly embarrassed:

"But it's very tired."

There are so many people in this town, and all kinds of smells are mixed together, it is already difficult to separate so many mixed smells and distinguish the smell of Half a Tengu adult.

Not to mention specifically tracking the smell of Half-Tengu adults, which is even more difficult.

My energy is already a little out of energy, and my brain can't process that much information anymore.

The bat ghost couldn't help but scold:

"Fuck off!

I'm no better than you.

There are so many sounds in the whole town so complicated, as soon as I launch the blood ghost technique, these various sounds are endlessly drilling into my head, I also have to carefully distinguish and separate these voices, do you think I am easy!?

After a burst of anger, the bat ghost still tried to calm himself:

"It's not easy for both of us, it's both the lives of part-time workers, don't say anyone."

Others work for money, we both work to death, if we can't find the dog adult for half a day within the specified time, we both have to die!

Is exhaustion important? Or is life important? I'm sure you can make a choice. "

The bat ghost has said so, and the black dog ghost also has a sense of desolation that is also the end of the world.

Shaking his head, in order not to be killed, the black dog ghost had to continue to work, even if the energy was already low, even if the brain was already very tired.

Between the surging of flesh and blood, the black dog ghost changed its form again, changing from a human form to the big black dog that was half human tall.

The big black dog's nose came close to the ground, and it began to smell and smell again, sniffing everything around it.

After walking between the streets and alleys for a long time, and sniffing for a long time, suddenly, the big black dog made a new discovery!

It raised its head sharply and said to the big bat on the street lamp next to it:

"Huh!? In this area, the smell of Half Tengou adults is quite strong!

I'm almost sure!

With such a strong smell, I'm afraid it's not that Half Heavenly Dog Lord has stayed here, I'm afraid Half Heavenly Dog Lord is here at this time! Right in this area! "


The big bat was also happy, hung upside down on the street lamp, and launched the blood ghost spell again, listening carefully to the surrounding sounds.

It's a pity that no useful sound was heard.

The big bat comforted himself:

"There is no useful sound, maybe the dog adult is resting for half a day?"

Old dog, I can't help if the dog adult doesn't make a sound for half a day, I can only rely on your sense of smell to further determine the exact location! Seeing

the hope of completing the task, the black dog ghost was also excited, even if the sense of smell and brain processing were very tired, at this time he still fought and began to smell carefully in this area.

The area has been narrowed, and it is easy to determine the accurate target.

Finally, the big black dog sniffed and stopped in front of an inn in town.

It raised its head and looked at the inn in front of it, a little excited:

"This is it!"

Inside this inn, the smell of Bantengu-sama is the strongest!

I can already confirm! With such a strong smell, the Buddha-figure of Half Tengu-sama should be in it! "

The black dog ghost is quite excited and excited, and the bat ghost is a little puzzled.

It flew over and hung from a tree, looked at the hotel in front of it, and was very strange:

"Strange... Half a day dog adult is obviously a ghost, or a very powerful ghost, how can he suddenly stay in a people's hotel? Aren't you afraid of being discovered?

Or is it that tonight, Half a day dog adults chose to open a meal in the hotel and ate the people in this hotel?

The black dog ghost shook his dog's head and denied the bat ghost's speculation:

"There is no meal, no cannibalism, and there is no smell of blood in this hotel."

"That's strange, why did Lord Tengou stay in a people's hotel?"

The bat ghost thought for a while, and then asked the black dog ghost:

"Old dog, have you smelled that the adult dog is injured for half a day?"

The black dog ghost still shook his dog's head:

"I can't smell such a detailed thing, but I don't smell blood, whether it's human blood or ghost blood."

So it can only be determined that the dog adult did not bleed for half a day. The

bat ghost was puzzled again.

He couldn't help but think of the tips given to them before when Wu Mian gave the two of them a tracking and search mission.

At that time, Wu Miao said that the whereabouts of the dog were unknown for half a day, and it was possible that he was either seriously injured, or he may have defected, and perhaps there were other reasons.

Remembering the hint of Lord Wu Miserable, combined with the fact that the black dog ghost did not smell the blood on the half-day dog, the bat ghost guessed that the half-day dog adult should not be seriously injured, and the possibility of defecting should be a little greater.

It hesitated, should it go in and find Half-Tengu-sama?

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