Being slapped on the body by the three sisters of Doudouyan with a big racket, although it will not hurt, it will hurt a lot.

Pain is secondary, the point is very faceless!

Think about it, being younger than yourself, such a cute little sister, with a beat to teach, but you can't refute or resist, the other party is reasonable, and it's your own side that doesn't reason.

In this way, every time you are beaten, it is yourself who loses face.

Fortunately during the day, the four little ones are full of energy, even if they occasionally lose their minds, they can basically maintain a fully concentrated breathing state.

At night, it was miserable.

Once you fall asleep and lose consciousness, the body can concentrate on breathing no matter what, and the body will subconsciously sleep according to the most comfortable breathing state.

At this time, the three sisters of Doudouyan hidden on the side, or one of the three sisters of Doudouyan, will jump out directly and say hello with a big beat!

A hello to wake them out of their sleep!

Even if they are woken up, they have nothing to say, who let them be wrong? Who left them alone? Who made the three sisters of Doudouyan a legitimate teaching assistant?

The four little ones could only apologize and then went back to sleep.

Well, sleep while breathing intensively.

Can you imagine how difficult it is to sleep in this state?

Unconsciously, I slept deeply, and my body became a normal breathing state again.

The three sisters of Doudouyan didn't say a word, and they greeted each other with a pat.

The four little ones were woken up again.

The cycle goes on and on, and the four little ones are deeply tortured.

There is no way, if you want to get used to the full concentration of normal, you can only grind slowly like this, there is no other way to go, as long as you survive this while, let the body get used to the full concentration of normal, this training is done!

In addition to the usual full-concentration long middle school training, Horitake also conducted other training for his four disciples.

Zhuyu (plot) is ahead, Horitake is too lazy to think of a new training method, or train four small ones according to that set.

Horitake called Kanahu, who had learned to concentrate in all the concentrations, and asked Kanahu to also serve as an assistant teacher to help him train the four little ones.

The content of the training is the same as in the original book.

Mainly train their reflexes and sensitivity.

In fact, it is to pour tea on each other and chase me with you.

Kana, who has long completed this training, is familiar with the road.

And the four little ones who had just started this training were miserable.

There is no doubt that in the training of pouring tea on each other, the four little ones did not take advantage at all at first, each time they could not grab the teacup, and each time they were poured tea by Xiangnai.

In particular, Kanahu's personality is a bit flawed, and she usually keeps a smile.

So when she splashed tea on other people's faces, she still maintained a smiling expression, and in the eyes of others, it seemed to be mocking herself!

Tanjiro, Yae, and Zengyi are okay, and the irascible Inosuke is the most unbearable.

The more angry Inosuke is, the easier it is to make mistakes and the easier it is to be poured tea.

And so on and so forth, a vicious circle.

Pouring tea at each other is a reflex, while the other training is to catch up with me, mainly to train agility and speed.

In this training, the four little ones did not bargain.

Chanai is the party that escapes and avoids, the four little ones are just the party that chases, no matter how hard the four little ones try, even if they do their best, they can't catch up with Xiangnaihu, and they can't even touch the corners of her clothes!

Chanai Hu in the early stage of training, like a big devil, fiercely suppressed the four little ones.

It is also worth mentioning that in the usual training and getting along, Tanjiro and Kana really sparked.

Belch...... It doesn't seem right to describe it as a spark.

After all, there was no spark at all at this time between the two sides.

But the two sides do intersect.

This situation is similar to the original.

Once, during a break, Tanjiro and Kanahu came together, and the two began to chat.

Everyone knows that character of Kanahu, in case of indecision, the coin is solved.

So as to whether to chat with Tanjiro, Kana also tossed a coin at that time.

Fortunately, this time the coin toss is positive, and Kana can chat with Tanjiro.

The two chatted and chatted, and the conversation went deeper.

Tanjiro inevitably asks Kanai why he keeps tossing coins, and Kanajiro begins to talk about himself.

While chatting, Tanjiro opened Kanahu's heart and slowly began to untie Kanahu's heart knot.

At that time, when Tanjiro touched Kanahu, Kanaju only felt the spring breeze blowing, and his heart was warm, and he seemed to be greatly shocked.

And Tanjiro?

God see mercy! At that time, Tanjiro didn't think so much at all, just regarded Kanato as a friend, and wanted to simply want to solve Kanahu's problems, without any dirty thoughts.

However, it was this sincere mind that further moved Chanelhu and further touched Chanelhu.

Since then, Tanjiro's figure has been forever imprinted in Kana's heart.

As Sister Kanae said back then.

Once Xiao Chana has someone she likes, she will slowly open her heart.

Hori also vaguely felt that there was a possibility of sparks between Tanjiro and Kanaku.

He is supportive.

His supportive attitude is embodied in going with the flow.

There is no need to stop the two of them, nor do you need to match the two of them, let the two of them go on naturally, and slowly become good.

In this way, time passed day by day, and the training of the four little ones became deeper and deeper.

The first is the training of the whole concentration.

Under the club education of the three sisters of Doudouyan, the four little ones have made rapid progress and have gradually turned their concentrated breathing into their own instinctive breathing.

Aside from occasional mistakes, there is basically no problem.

Even when they go to bed at night, they can keep their breathing fully focused.

As teaching assistants, the three sisters of Doudouyan rarely shoot them with big rackets.

On the other hand, the training of the four little ones is also very effective.

During the training of pouring tea on each other, the four little ones can also fight back and forth with Chanaihu.

They are not like the unlucky ones who can only be splashed before, and if their hands are fast, they can also hold Xiangnaihu's hands and teacups in advance, and splash Xiangnaihu back.

In fact...... The only one who really pours Kana Na is Inosuke, a guy who doesn't understand the amorousness.

Like Tanjiro, Zenyi, and Yae, the three of them are very friendly, even if they take the teacup, they stop at the last moment, and they don't splash Xiangnai.

And about your training to catch up with me, the four little ones have also made progress.

Originally, they couldn't even catch the corner of Chanel's clothes, but they were able to catch Channahu again and again, and their ability reached parity with Chanel, and their strength further increased.

But whether the training is successful or not, there is one last exam waiting for them.

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