Horitake felt that his guess was very likely, this black curse was the means that Oni Mai Tsuji used to control the ghost!

This finding is so useful! It's huge!

That's right! With your current strength, can you help You Bean to dispel this curse?

If your beans don't have to eat people in the future, or even gradually overcome the sun, and Ghost Mai Tsuji sees this through the curse in your beans, Your beans will be dangerous!

Although this kind of thing did not happen in the original work, who let the butterfly effect now, this kind of thing cannot be prevented!

Horitake began to observe the curse in Your Bean's body vigorously, and at the same time speculated in his heart that his thunder power could not wear down the curse.

After some observation, Horitake came to the conclusion that the

curse of Your Bean is more difficult to dissipate than the curse of Yaoya Shiki.

Fortunately, now his strength has become stronger, fortunately, the breath of thunder has been upgraded to the breath of heavenly thunder, and he only needs to be careful, cautious, and slowly wear and tear down many times, which can dissipate the curse in the body of Your Bean.

Gratifying, congratulatory.

But the problem is, right now Your Bean is sleeping and transforming his body.

In this state, can Horitake make a move? Can you stimulate the body of Your Bean with lightning?

What if Horigaku's thunder and lightning stimulates an uncontrollable disaster for Your Bean's self-transformation?

Horitake can't take this risk!

After thinking about it carefully, Horitake felt that it was better to wait a year and a half later, after Your Bean woke up, he would help You Bean to wear away the curse.

Well, that's the most prudent.

Well!? What's going on!? How come there is still a ray of blue light in your bean's body!

What exactly is this blue light!?

Horidake's eyes widened and he continued to open his spiritual vision, trying to observe and probe.

Indeed, in the body of Your bean, there is also a blue-blue light that travels all over the body of Your bean.

This bluish-blue light, bright and peaceful, was diametrically opposed to the nature of that black qi curse.

How is this possible?

Horitake was unbelievable.

Let's not talk about what this blue light is, let's say that the nature of blue light and black gas curse is diametrically opposite, which is not right.

These two are now coexisting in Your Bean's body, diametrically opposed in nature, and will definitely fight each other head-to-head, once they confront, how can Your Bean sleep so peacefully!?

Ay! Wrong! Wrong!

Horitake sensed the abnormality, and he opened his eyes wide, trying to maximize his spiritual vision.

Between the blue light and the black gas curse, it is not just as simple as diametrically opposite in nature, their relationship is more like... Restraint of relations!

Blue light restrains the black qi curse!

Horitake took his spiritual vision to the extreme, and finally vaguely saw that the blue light in Your Bean's body was protecting Your Bean's body, and every time this blue light traveled through Your Bean's body, it would consume a trace of the black qi curse.

Although the degree of consumption is very small, it is indeed consumption!

Horitake was a little dumbfounded.

Just now, Horitake was still pretentious, feeling that only he could wear down the curse of Your Bean, and the next second he was immediately slapped in the face! You don't need Horitake at all, you can slowly remove the curse by yourself!

This...... Is this the protagonist treatment? There are always inhuman adventures!?

Covering his face with faint phantom pain, Horitake continued to think and guess in distress.

What is the blue light in your bean's body, which can slowly destroy the curse of Oni Mai Tsuji.

Blue light... Cyan...... Cyan! Cyan flower!?

The cyan flower that Ghost Mai Tsuji has spent thousands of years looking for!?

It is said that this flower can make Oni Mai Tsuji overcome the sun without misery and become a truly perfect creature!

Horigaku's eyes widened, feeling as if he had been struck by a lightning strike, feeling as if he had been exposed to the incredible truth!

Horitake vaguely remembers that when netizens discussed the Ghost Slayer Blade on the Internet before he crossed over, there was such a theory:

The reason why You Bean became a ghost, maintained his humanity, did not eat people, and even later overcame the sun, was because You Bean had accidentally eaten cyan flowers when he was a child!

It is already certain that the cyan flower is a flower that blooms only two or three days a year during the day.

According to almighty netizens, the cyan flower grows in the hometown of Your Bean Mother, and once Your Bean Mother returned to her hometown to visit relatives, and when she returned home from her hometown, she brought back some wild vegetables from her hometown, which was inadvertently mixed with cyan flowers.

Those dishes were cooked by Your Bean's mother, and Your Bean inadvertently ate the cyan flower!

It is precisely because the medicinal effect of the cyan flower is still in the body of your beans, and your beans can slowly overcome cannibalism and overcome sunlight later!

No wonder Your Bean is sleeping now, no wonder he is able to transform his body, because she has the medicinal properties of the cyan flower in her body, and this medicinal property is helping You Bean transform.

Get in touch! The logic makes sense!

Horitake's whole person was dumbfounded, and his heart was full of shock.

Although so far, these are just his guesses, but these guesses are very authentic, and the logic has been smoothed!

In other words, he accidentally learned the biggest secret in the Ghost Slayer Blade!

This is really... A bonus.

On this side, a huge storm was set off in Horitake's heart.

Over there, Tanjiro looked at Horigaku's face, strange and worried.

Why was Horigaku's senior shocked, what exactly did he find?

Is there anything on you that shocked Horigaku's senior?

Or is the situation with Your beans not good?

Tanjiro was very worried, and asked cautiously,

"Hori... Senior Horigaku, what happened to your beans? Can you please give accurate conclusions? Hori

broke away from his musings, and he saw the pleading and worry on Tanjiro's face, as well as the eagerness and anticipation of the Youdou family.

He quickly apologized and explained:

"I'm sorry, I just discovered something special, so my mind wandered."

It's okay, let's talk about the situation of Your beans.

The situation with Your Beans is very good.

Although she has been sleeping, you are relying on sleep to transform her own body, so that her body does not have to eat people in the future, and can restore her strength by sleeping. "


Tanjiro rejoices!

The Tanjiro family was also happy, Tanjiro's younger siblings were very happy, and Tanjiro's parents were also relieved.

Taki Taki who had been silent next to him also showed a relieved smile under his tengu mask.

Tanjiro was still asking,

"Horidake-senpai! In other words, you don't have to eat people in the future!?

Horitake nodded and confirmed:

"That's right, you don't have to eat people in the future, she can recover her strength by sleeping."

"So how long will Your beans sleep?" When will she wake up?

"At this pace... You Bean is estimated to have to sleep for a year and a half. "

A year and a half ... That is, a total of two years of sleep.

"Don't worry, Tanjiro, it's good that your bean can fall asleep, maybe after you really enter the ghost killing team, your bean will wake up."

Tanjiro Kwon Horigaku's words were comforting him, and he couldn't imagine that Horigaku's words were prophetic.

After comforting Tanjiro again, Horitake looked at Youdouko's circle of family members, and said with some hesitation:

"That... Tanjiro, there are some things I need to confirm, can you and Master Taki go out for a while? Don't peek and don't eavesdrop.

Tanjiro was stunned, thought of something, and looked at Horigaku's eyes strange and a little wary:

"Horigaku-senpai, shouldn't you... Do something strange to Your beans? "

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