Horitake, who was still sleeping, began to act like a sleepwalker, he first touched Youdou's head to calm her, and then pointed to Youdouko, who was sleeping there.

The meaning of this action is self-evident.

Horitake wants You Bean to wake up Tanjiro first.

Although I don't understand why Horitake is still sleeping, and I don't know if Horitake woke up or not, You Bean feels that he still does as he does and wakes up his brother first!

So, Thou Bean went to his brother again.

She pushed Tanjiro again, this time very hard.

Unfortunately, I still couldn't wake him up.

Thou Bean raised Tanjiro's hand again and let Tanjiro's hand cover his head.

Unfortunately, there is no such warm feeling as when my brother touches his forehead.

As soon as your bean hand loosened, Tanjiro's arm hung down weakly.

Now You Bean is really a little angry.

As the eldest daughter of the same family, You Bean decided to use their mother's head hammer to gently wake up her brother.

Be sure to be gently.

So, you beans came over, faced your brother's brain, and lightly slammed the mallet!

Belch...... If according to the normal situation, such a light hammer, there will be no problem.

But the other party is Tanjiro!

This kid's head is no ordinary iron!

Although the head hammer of their stove family is in the same vein, when it was passed on to Tanjiro, Tanjiro had already thoroughly carried forward the head mallet passed down by their mother, and gave it pure green to practice!

Although your bean's head mallet looks good, it is obviously not your brother's opponent.

Just such a gentle mallet.

Not only did Tanjiro not wake up, his forehead was still unharmed.

But what about Your beans?

Your beans widened your eyes and stood up.

I saw a wound appear on her forehead, and then blood flowed down.

There is no doubt that in the headhammer collision just now, Your bean fell into the downwind, and suffered a little damage, even the blood came out!

Suddenly, Your Bean became very aggrieved, aggrieved and angry.

The aggrieved and angry You Bean tears flowed, she was angry and cried!

Or that their stove family is the head iron.

Obviously, she has already suffered a loss from the mallet that You Bean just had, but Now in a state of anger, You Bean still chooses to use the mallet to wake up her brother.

This time the head hammer is no longer light.

Because You Bean has deeply realized a truth: a

gentle head mallet cannot wake up your brother.

Since that's the case, then use a heavy head mallet, and at the same time add your own vampire magic!

With Midouko's angry scream, she slammed a mallet at Tanjiro's forehead, and when it fell, You Bean also launched her own blood demon technique to burst blood!

In an instant, pink blood flames rose up into the sky!

With the head of Your bean as the center, this blood flame burns higher and higher.

It was this blood flame that burned the rope bound to the wrist of another child and Tanjiro, allowing Tanjiro to get out of the crisis!

At this time, in the dream, Tanjiro, who had realized that he was dreaming, was in his own home, surrounded by his relatives, and fell into an inner struggle.

He knew he was dreaming.

He also knew that this kind of dream that could not wake up was terrible, and it could be a trap.

He also knows that the current situation outside is not clear, and everyone is likely to be in danger.

Tanjiro wants to wake up.

But he couldn't.

On the one hand, Tanjiro is really nostalgic for the days with his relatives, even if all this in front of him is false, but the feelings between relatives are always fake, right?

On the other hand, Tanjiro didn't know how to wake up from such a real dream.

Such a real dream is like entering another world!

Just when Tanjiro's heart was struggling, starting from his wrist, pink blood flames rose up into the sky and burned all over Tanjiro's body!

This sudden vision surprised the Tanjiro family in the dream.

The pink blood flame burned all over his body, and after a burst of burning, Tanjiro's body was not only safe and sound, but also changed his outfit!

In the dream, the clothes that Tanjiro originally burned charcoal at home were replaced by the uniform he usually wears! And on his waist was also stepped over his usual nikkawa knife!

Looking at his changed outfit, Tanjiro understood.

It's time for you to go.

I have to go.

Although this place is good, although nostalgic, it is not a place to stay after all.

There is also the pink blood flame that has just risen from his body, which is obviously the ability of Your Bean.

The Midouzi outside will definitely not launch the Blood Demon Technique for no reason, which means that the situation outside is not good, and even You Bean may be in danger!

The eager Tanjiro no longer struggled, and he made his decision.

Standing up with difficulty, Tanjiro gritted his teeth, shed tears, and said to his family with great reluctance and determination:

"I'm sorry, everyone, I have to go!"

In the dream, Tanjiro's younger siblings were all surprised, and they also said something to keep them:

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"Brother, why did you leave?"

"Brother, where are you going?"

Listening to his brother who spoke again and again in front of him, Tanjiro was simply heartbroken.

After this parting, I am afraid that I will never hear them call their brother again.

But there is no way, this time can only say goodbye.

"Sorry! I'm really sorry for everyone!

Gritting his teeth and saying goodbye at the end, Tanjiro turned and left again.

From now on, everything that Tanjiro experienced in his dream was exactly the same as the original.

But it was at this time that something different from the original happened!

From the beginning, it was said that the butterfly effect is also divided into positive and negative, and the negative butterfly effect will cause very bad things, so the system uses this to issue a task for Horitake to solve.

The positive butterfly effect will promote things on the good side, and the system will subconsciously ignore it, allowing the positive butterfly effect to continue to occur.

What happens next is different from the original, the positive butterfly effect!

In the dream, Tanjiro has already made a decision and turns around to leave.

Who knew that behind him, came the voice of Tanjiro's mother, and Tanjiro's mother's voice was gentle and firm:

"Tanjiro! Go ahead and do what you think is right!

These words were like a thunderbolt that slashed all over Tanjiro's body!

Tanjiro suddenly stood stiffly in the doorway, unable to move forward.

He trembled and turned to look.

The mother in the original dream was a little more realistic.

The mother, as gentle and kind as ever, was looking at herself with a smile and was smiling to see herself off.

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