Asakusa, Tokyo, is brightly lit, crowded, bustling with commerce and thriving economy.

After the Meiji Restoration, it became more and more prosperous, and it has become one of the most prosperous places in the whole neon, faintly showing the shadow of the metropolis of later generations.

In such a prosperous place, there are ghosts living in the crowd.

Don't talk about this point to ordinary people, I'm afraid even Ghost Mai Tsuji Wu Mi will not think of it.

Living in seclusion in Asakusa, Tokyo, is the ghost doctor Suzuyo and her little assistant Yushiro.

Among the many houses, Zhu Shi has a not small mansion, and she uses her blood ghost art to hide her mansion in it, which is quite a big hidden in the city.

Zhu Shi's ordinary life is to read books and research, constantly studying ways to turn ghosts back into people.

In addition to daily research, Zhu Shi occasionally goes out on busy nights.

On the way to shopping, if you encounter a poor family who can't afford to see a doctor, Zhu Shi will naturally lend a helping hand and give the family free medical treatment, and even send free medicine.

It's just that her little follower, Yu Shilang, has some criticism of Zhu Shi's behavior.

"Lord Zhushi, if you help these people too much, your reputation will inevitably spread in the market, and at that time, our traces may be exposed.

Whether it is attracting a ghost killing team or attracting a ghost, it is a troublesome thing!

So please also restrain your compassion, we can't expose it. This

is what Yushiro often advises Zhusei.

For this advice of Yu Shilang, Zhu Shi always refused with a serious smile:

"Yu Shi Lang, if we don't meet these people, that's it, but if we meet them, how can we not lend a hand?"

You are worried about my safety and persuade me to put away my compassion, which I cannot accept.

Back then, it was precisely because of this compassion that I promised you to turn you into a ghost, didn't I? Yushiro

had nothing to say.

Back then, if it weren't for Zhu Shi's sympathy for himself and his own pleading, he would have died of illness a long time ago.

It is precisely because Lord Sushi turned himself into a ghost that he can survive.

Although he became a ghost, Yushiro, like Suzuyo, only needs a small amount of blood to survive, and does not need to eat human flesh and blood at all.

was refuted by Zhu Shi with his own personal experience, what else can Yu Shilang say?

There is no way, but when Zhu Shi reaches out next time, he will be vigilant.

Unfortunately, Yu Shilang's strength is limited, even if he is cautious and careful, it is inevitable that some will be exposed!

No, tonight, Yu Shilang accompanied Zhu Shi to go shopping and relax, and while strolling around, he met a poor family who had no money to treat his illness.

Of course, Zhu Shi will not stand idly by and help the family.

Yu Shilang did not persuade, he was like a loyal servant, following and guarding Zhushi throughout the process, carefully observing the situation around him, and being wary of any possibility of exposure from Lord Zhushi.

As before, in a certain dilapidated house, Zhu Shi saw the little girl on the hospital bed.

A diagnosis, there is salvation!

Zhu Shi quickly rescued the little girl and gave her medicine for follow-up treatment.

This family is also very grateful to Zhu Shi.

On the sick bed, the sick and confused little girl woke up slightly from the coma, and at the first glance, she saw this beautiful and gentle woman.

Although she was sick and confused, seeing her family's gratitude to Zhu Shi, the little girl also knew that this beautiful female doctor was her lifesaver.

She opened her mouth and thanked Zhu Shi a little weakly:

"Beautiful sister... Thank you. "

If you really want to talk about age, Zhu Shi, who is hundreds of years old, is not the girl's sister.

Of course, Zhu Shi has always maintained a beautiful face that is less than twenty years old, and it is still very appropriate to be called a beautiful sister by children.

At least when Yu Shilang next to him heard this title, his heart was very satisfied, and the impatience and vigilance on his face also softened a little.

Zhu Shi walked over, gently stroked the little girl's forehead, and comforted:

"Your illness will be fine soon, recuperate well, take medicine well, and it won't be long before you can go out with your friends."

The little girl lying nodded.

"Okay, Yushiro, let's go."

"Yes, Lord Susei."

In this way, amid the constant thanksgiving of this family, Zhu Shi and Yushiro left.

Even when he left the house, Yu Shilang still followed Zhu Shi closely, vigilantly observing the surroundings, looking like who owed him hundreds of dollars.

Yu Shilang, who was like this, made Zhu Shi laugh:

"Yu Shilang, there is no need to look like this, right?"

Yushiro was serious:

"Protecting the safety of Lord Zhushi is the meaning of my existence!"

"Where is it so serious as you say? It's close to the busy city, there won't be any danger, okay, let's go.

"Yes, Suzusa-sama."

As it turned out, Zhushi was a little too optimistic.

The facts also proved that Yu Shilang's strength was not enough, he was already so vigilant and careful, he still missed important threats.

They didn't notice that on the roof of the house just now, I don't know when, a pot that looked valuable and printed with a tangle pattern appeared.

Said to be a pot, in fact, is a large bottle or jar, in order to sound taller, it is named after the pot, and it can even be called ... Jade pot.

A ghost, a very disgusting and perverted, deformed-looking ghost, like Aladdin's lamp god, came out of this jade pot.

This ghost is white, with yellow eyes, green lips, purple fins on the top of the head, mouth at the position of both eyes, eyes on the forehead and mouth, and several small baby-like arms growing from the head and other places.

This ghost is exactly the Twelve Ghost Moon Winding Army, Jade Kettle!

It is also one of the most disgusting and perverted ghosts in the Twelve Ghost Moon!

Because the jade pot can rely on its own pot to teleport to a certain extent, and because he is good at hiding changes, one of the main tasks that Oni Mai Tsuji gives the jade pot is to find information about the cyan flower.

It is a pity that for so many years, the jade pot has never found information about the cyan flower.

The jade pot originally thought that in a place like Asakusa, Tokyo, where people come and go, fish and dragons are mixed, maybe you can hear the news of the cyan flowers.

Unexpectedly, the cyan flower was not found, but two interesting ghosts were encountered!

Entrenched on the roof of this family, the jade pot said to himself in his perverted and disgusting tone:

"I didn't expect that there would be a ghost to help mankind, and such a ghost must be a failure to betray Lord Wu Miserable!"

The male ghost just now is nothing, a little ghost who is less than a few decades old!

However, the female ghost who healed and saved people just now is interesting....

If I'm not mistaken, it should be Zhushi, right?

Once she seemed to be a confidant of Lord Wu Miserable, and later betrayed Lord Wu Miserable.

Such a betrayer should be eliminated by me, for Lord Wu Miserable!

Well? No, I remember... Zhu Shi seems to be a very powerful doctor, often studying medicines.

Over the years, Lord Wu Miserable has also been engaged in research, although it is not clear what to study, but presumably ... A captured pearl world is more useful than a dead pearl world! Thinking

of this, the jade pot dragged its own pot and came to the corner excitedly, and it was at this corner that Zhu Shi and Yu Shilang had just turned to another road.

"Huh? No! The

jade pot was taken aback, obviously just now the two of them turned around, and now they are gone.

The perverted jade pot did not laugh angrily, his voice was sad and terrifying:

"Hehe... It is worthy of being the former henchman of Lord Wu Miserable, and it is really not simple.

But it doesn't matter, left and right is the area of Asakusa, look slowly, you can always find it! "

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