At the critical moment, Shanyi finally woke up!

Shanyi, who fell into a semi-awakened state, at this time his body was taken over by the second personality, and the combat power that broke out was extremely strong and handsome.

I don't know when, Zenyi, who had his eyes closed, appeared behind Inosuke, ready to draw his sword:

"Thunder breath · one type · thunderbolt flash · six companies!"

In an instant, thunder flashed and thunder roared!

Golden thunder and blue lightning are intertwined, Shanyi suddenly pulled out his sword, and the sharp Nikki knife turned into an extremely fast thunder and lightning slash, and the six knives were coherent in an instant!

In one move, a large number of ribbons were cut off!

After the chopping, Shanyi handsome collected the knife, half squatted on the ground, closed his eyes, and made a knife gesture.

Don't say it, Shanyi at this time is really handsome.

Suma and Muxu over there exclaimed.

The ribbon doppelganger is also dignified.

The speed and power that this yellow-haired imp has just shown is indeed not to be underestimated!

Only Inosuke, who was familiar with Zen-yi, was not confused by Zen-Yi's appearance at this time, and he looked at Zen-Yi who was squatting in front of him and falling asleep, angry and irritable:

"You guy! Really asleep, right? It's better if you're still asleep all the time! The

angry Inosuke even kicked Zenya's ass.

For a while, the originally urgent battle scene seemed a little funny.

The ribbon doppelganger did not act rashly for the time being.

She was not startled by Shanyi's sudden outburst, she was mainly worried about the situation above.

Because the ribbon doppelganger clearly heard that above this underground hollow, there was a roar after roar.

The roar is getting louder, more and more downward, and closer and closer.

Not only the ribbon doppelganger, but others also heard this sound.

Inosuke looked up suspiciously:

"Huh? What is it? With

a loud bang, a large amount of smoke and dust scattered downward, and the dust filled the entire underground hollow, while a figure fell from the sky and fell below.

Several people, including the ribbon doppelganger, looked at this figure.

The smoke and dust cleared, the gorgeous Ujin Tianyuan appeared, this guy turned around, faced everyone high, gorgeous and amazing, and his tone was excited:

"Hey! Well done, Suma, Muxu. "

Lord Tengen!" ×2。

Suma and Maki saw that they were their husbands who were dreaming about it, and they were very excited one by one.

Among them, the most excited was indeed the weak Suma, and this girl cried and told Tianyuan her grievances.

However, this juncture is not the time to tell the love of children.

Without everyone seeming to notice, a large number of ribbons stretched out and once again poked out towards the innocent victims on the ground.

At the critical moment, another person fell from the sky!

With the help of the falling momentum, this person quickly drew the knife, and at the same time burst out the breath of thunder, and a large number of blue thunder and lightning wrapped around her Nikkari knife and body!

The sword light carried ferocious lightning, and the ribbon stretched out was cut off in one breath!

Everyone saw that this person who fell from the sky was Yae.

Yae put away the knife, wiped the non-existent sweat on his head, and looked at everyone.

Fortunately, when Yae saw Inosuke, he immediately looked upset:

"Hey! Inosuke! You guy didn't even wait for me, so he went straight down, so that I couldn't get in and couldn't retreat.

If I hadn't heard an explosion here, I wouldn't have come in time.

Is this the base camp of ghosts? It's really unique.

Inosuke scratched his head:

"Explosions? How can there be an explosion here? "

Blind spot, you found Watson.

The reason why there was an explosion was because of the way Umyelin Tianyuan came in.

Ujin Tengen didn't have the cartilage skills of Inosuke, and he didn't find the hole, so he didn't get in.

As soon as he was on the ground, he heard the sound of fighting from below in the distance, so he confirmed the approximate location below, and then... Pick up a pair of big knives and slash down!

Of course, the simple slash doesn't know when to cut, and at the same time as the cut, Yu Tianyuan also took out the explosives he had with him and blasted it to the next one!

Even the explosion and slashing, taking turns to fight, which caused the effect of Yu Tianyuan's rapid downward breakthrough.

And the place where Uji Tengen broke down, not far from Hagihonya, Yae, who was entangled in Ogihonya, immediately heard an explosion.

So Yae stopped tangling, gave up guarding the cave, and quickly looked for it.

This child is also a bold artist, and after coming over, she saw a big hole leading to the ground here, and she jumped down without saying a word, which was the scene just now.

So, the people of this temporary team basically gathered!

Only the unfortunate Tanjiro, alone has to confront Ji Ji in the distance.

Seeing that everyone who should have come, and seeing that his two wives were okay, Ujin Tianyuan smiled gorgeously, and the two large knife-style Nikkiro knives on his shoulders quickly cut out!

Whoops... I saw that there were constantly flashes of knife light, and Yu Tianyuan didn't know how many knives he cut out in an instant, and cut off all the remaining ribbons in one move!

After the light of the sword dissipated, a large number of broken ribbons fell one after another.

And those innocent victims were squeezed out of these broken ribbons one after another.

In this way, all the missing people were found and rescued.

One of the purposes of this mission is accomplished.

The rest is to kill ghosts.

The ribbon doppelganger in the cave seems to be in a bad situation, I don't know whether to escape or where to go, in short, there are no enemies here.

As Yu Tianyuan laughed, this guy carried his two wives, jumped, climbed and jumped, quickly jumped out of this hole and came outside.

The three little ones who were struggling had no one to carry, nor did they have the speed and strength of Yu Tianyuan, so they could only use their hands and feet together, climbing out of the hole in the ground and climbing out of the ground a little embarrassed.

When the three little ones came out, Yu Tianyuan had already given instructions to his two wives.

Because this time the enemy seems to be very difficult, Uji Tengen does not allow his wife to join him in the war, which is too dangerous.

Although Suma cried and cried, Umaki Tengen also firmly rejected her.

Ujin Tengen instructed his two wives to let the two of them go to the Kirimi side to join the crane, and let the two of them take care of the weak crane until the battle was over.

After finishing the instruction, Yu Tianyuan keenly heard another fierce battlefield through his voice.

The man's blood was also boiling.

He laughed gorgeously, spread his footsteps, and quickly ran in one direction.

The unlucky three little ones had just climbed out of the cave entrance when they saw Yu Tianyuan who ran away.

What can the three of them do? I could only follow the footsteps of Yu Tianyuan with an unhappy look and rushed out.

But the problem is... The speed of the column burst out at full strength, can the three of them keep up?

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