U Ji Tianyuan was also ruthless:

"Unbridled type, sound and slash!"

Ujin Temoto quickly swung his double swords, each of which caused a sound barrier and explosion, and he used this terrifying continuous knife strike to deal with the dense blood blade of the prostitute Taro.

With a large number of explosions and roars, a large number of dense blood blades blasted out by the prostitute Taro were successfully resisted by Ujin Tengen!

Not only that, Ujin Tengen became more and more excited, quickly wielding his double swords, and fought hard to attack all over the prostitute Taro's body, and he was unexpectedly successful!

Ujin Tengen's double knife seems to have found the flaw of the prostitute Taro, and every time he can find the position that the prostitute Taro can't think of, and viciously attack it!

In an instant, Umaki Tengen left several deep wounds on the prostitute Taro!

The prostitute Taro was injured one after another, and his mood was a little broken.

How can it be?

This guy is equal to me when he dies, how did he find my flaws all of a sudden? Familiarized yourself with my attack path and began to suppress me in turn!?

What the hell is going on here!?

In fact, this is another trick of Yu Tianyuan, the beatome!

This trick is actually to determine the rhythm of the enemy's attack action by studying and converting it into a rhythm, so as to understand the opponent's attack habits and dead ends.

It's like adding chords to a song, and you can hit enemies with a neutral attack on the melody.

It's just that it takes a long time to complete this trick.

What do you think Tengen has always been on par with the prostitute Taro?

In fact, he has been analyzing the attack habits and routines of the prostitute Taro to complete the beatmap.

Now, the beatmap is complete, and Yu Tianyuan can be powerful!

In contrast, the prostitute Taro felt constrained everywhere.

The opponent's knife is not only squandered with fierce passion, but also can come from a direction that he can't think of at all every time, thus catching himself off guard and leaving wounds on his body.

It doesn't matter if he leaves a wound on his body, he can heal.

But what if you cut your neck?

What's more, the wound on the prostitute Taro's chest at this time was still bleeding continuously, dragging down his attack and dragging down his body.

The prostitute Taro resists Umye Tengen while observing Horidake watching the battle from a distance.

That ruthless man has not left over there.

These guys can't cope with it themselves, if you add that ruthless person... It's really bad!

No, and my own sister!

If her head and body are separated for too long, if the time is too long, she will also die!

No, you can't sit still!

Although this kind of call for help will make Lord Wu Miserable disappointed in his brother and sister, it is better than losing his life! Better than dying here!

Taro, a prostitute who really had nowhere else to go, made a decision.

He began to communicate the inmiserable cells in his body, and also began to communicate the inmiserable curse in his body, and then roared to the sky, shouting for help:

"Master Wuxiao!"

Yes, in a critical situation, winding can be communicated without misery!

As for whether Wu Miserable will see death or not save after hearing it, it depends on Wu Miserable's mood at this time.

Fortunately, there is no misery far away in Infinite City, and it seems that the mood is okay.

The next second after the prostitute Taro called for help, the prostitute Taro and Yukihime heard a cold rebuke at the same time, which was full of anger:

"It's really useless!"

There is no doubt that this is the distant Innocence, talking to the two brothers and sisters through the curse in the two of them.

The two brothers and sisters were not shocked and rejoiced when they heard the cruel rebuke.

The tone of Lord Wu Miserable showed that Lord Wu Miserable would not abandon the two of them.

If Master Wuxian doesn't say a word and doesn't move, then the two of them are outcasts!

Now that Lord Wu Miserable has responded, it means that adults will not stand idly by!

Sure enough, in the next second, the abnormality appeared!

Under the prostitute Taro, the body of the fallen Hime, and the head of the fallen Hime, a block area of black and not midwinter appeared at the same time!

The sudden change surprised everyone.

Where have the four little ones seen this out? Surprised and puzzled.

When Yushui Tianyuan saw this, he thought of something, and his face changed greatly!

But there's more to it than that.

As the square area of these three black holes appeared, the body of the prostitute Taro and the body of Yukihime both fell into the square area and sank and disappeared.

But don't forget, there is also Ji Ji's head!

Under Ji Ji's head, a square area of the black hole also appeared.

But the problem is that at this time, Jijiro's head is clamped by Tanjiro!

This caused a square area of a black hole to appear under Tanjiro's feet, and he directly stepped on the air, and fell down together with Tanjiro's head, along with the beans in the back box on Tanjiro's back!

These three people, to be precise, one person and two ghosts, fell into the square area of the black hole hole and were engulfed by this space!

The three little ones over there shouted anxiously when they saw this, but they couldn't catch up, to no avail.

Horitake, who was sitting on the roof in the distance, suddenly opened his eyes with a solemn look!

I just said, the task of thinking about this kind of reward will definitely not be an ordinary task.

No, trouble is coming.

Sure enough, this level of trouble can only be solved by himself, and Yu Tianyuan can't solve it!

In an instant, Horigaku's eyes flashed, and he made a move!

The purple arc on Horigaku's body flickered, and the entire moment disappeared.

At the same time, Horitake teleported in front of Ujin Tengen!

Don't ask Horitake how he teleported over, he has been with Ujin Tianyuan for so long, and it's not strange at all to shoot a few Flying Thunder God Techniques on him without Uchi Tengen noticing!

When Ujin Tengen saw Horitake suddenly appear in front of him, he was immediately delighted, as if he had met a savior.

Ujin Tengen wanted to say something anxiously, but Horitake was faster than him!

Horitake looked at the square area of the black hole in front of him, his spiritual sense opened, and his spiritual power probed inside, and the situation on that side of this space was clear in his heart.

Over there, it was indeed the Infinity City.

Over there, it really is miserable!

This means of spatial teleportation is indeed Naruto's blood ghost technique.

Fortunately, I am not helpless now.

At this time, on the opposite side of the space of these three black buronwinters, the bodies of the prostitute Taro and Yukihime had already passed through the space and fell into the Infinite City!

And Tanjiro, who was holding Jijiro's head, also rolled into the Infinite City after a whirlwinding feeling!

Although dizzy, Tanjiro's will is clear.

He quickly guessed that he might have encountered something terrible.

Before Tanjiro's dizziness was over, he immediately stood up with his body propped up, pulling out his knife and looking around, while tightly clamping Jiji's head and not letting go.

Soon, Tanjiro saw the situation in front of him.

Then, Tanjiro came down in a cold sweat!

Great crisis! Great crisis like never before!

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