Sorrow retreated temporarily, but it didn't matter, his purpose had been achieved.

He has already bought time for Tanjiro to change his tactics further.

In fact, this time has hit here, the routine between the four people has been formed, and the form of this routine is quite considerable and clear.

Originally, among these four people, there were two main attacks and two auxiliary attacks.

The combat power of Sorrowful Yu Xingyu and Tanjiro is strong, and they are the main attack.

Shi Tou Wuichiro and Zen Yi's combat power is slightly inferior, and it is a secondary attack.

Belch...... It is almost the same to say that Shanyi's combat power is a little second, but when it is said that Shi Touichilang's combat power is a little less, it is inevitable that he is a little sorry for him, after all, he is also a genius teenager.

The reason why he is counted as a secondary attack is because of Shito's fighting style.

The characteristics of Kasumi's breath are destined to be unable to carry out a frontal onslaught and direct attack, but to make good use of concealment, flexibility, and multi-directional attacks.

This is also one of the important reasons for him to serve as a secondary attacker.

That would have been the case.

However, while fighting, the four people have tacit changes.

The main attack began to become Tanjiro alone, and even the strongest Sorrowful Yuxingyu became Tanjiro's auxiliary attack, and began to help him instead.

This is not only a supporting role to set off the protagonist, the battle has reached this point, and the sad island also has its own ideas.

His strength is indeed very strong, but he can't reach the sword, even if he smashes the Black Death Mu, the Black Death Mu can quickly recover and heal himself.

But Tanjiro is different.

Tanjiro's fire god Kagura restrains the ghost, and once the knife in his hand leaves a wound on the ghost's body, it cannot heal.

Maybe the combat power is not as good as himself, but Tanjiro's destructive power far exceeds his own! It has a more decisive role in the whole war situation today than himself!

It was with this idea that the sorrowful Yu Xingyu resolutely made a decision, turned himself into a secondary attack, and went all out to help Tanjiro and kill the Black Death Mou!

No, Tanjiro wielded the flames of Kagura, the god of fire, and forged ahead.

But his strength is slightly inferior after all, and it takes a certain amount of time to change each move.

Every time, Black Death Mou will take advantage of the gap in his change of moves to attack Tanjiro.

At this time, three other auxiliary attacks are needed.

Whether it is Sorrowful Shadow Yu, or Shi Tou Wuyilang, or Shanyi, under the premise of tacit cooperation, everyone fully assists Tanjiro and interferes with Black Death Mu.

And this interference is after a blow, whether it works or not, immediately retreat.

Because it only takes one blow to give Tanjiro enough time to change his move.

After changing his moves, Tanjiro continued to attack, continuing to attack Black Death Mu relentlessly.

Black Death Mu resisted and resisted, but there was no way to defeat Tanjiro in one go.

In this way, Tanjiro continued to change his moves, Black Death Mou continued to take the opportunity to attack, and the other three continued to assist... The cycle repeats itself to form a perfectly closed chain!

Under the almost perfect cooperation of the four people, the feeling of black death Mou is no longer as simple as binding his hands and feet, and he even feels that the living space is oppressed!

He had such a strong strength, and with the cooperation of these four people, he couldn't play it at all, and even began to show signs of defeat.

This...... Absolutely not!

Angry Black Death Mu I want to find a gap, find a flaw, to defeat the perfect cooperation of these four people, so that their attack frequency completely collapsed!

Yet the idea is beautiful, the reality is cruel.

In such a short period of time, it was necessary to deal with the cooperation of four people, and Black Death Mou really couldn't do it for a while and a half, and he was forced to go a little crazy.

Correspondingly, Tanjiro feels better than ever!

Not only did they cooperate well, but more importantly, the perfect cooperation of the four of them faintly completed Tanjiro!

Looking at the black death mou in front of him, Tanjiro struggled to output Kagura, the god of fire, and constantly used all the tricks he knew, from beginning to end!

From the type of one, all the way to the type of twelve... Output it all from start to finish!

As he fought hard to attack, Tanjiro's eyes became brighter and brighter, and even the markings on his forehead shone brightly, and the whole person's temperament and momentum became more and more excellent!

Even the black death Mu, who was attacked, was discovered.

When he dealt with Tanjiro, the pressure was increasing!

To be precise, Tanjiro seems to be getting stronger and stronger!

Why is it getting stronger? Could it be that this kid actually broke through in the battle!?

While fighting against Tanjiro's awe-inspiring offensive, while dealing with the occasional sneak attacks and interference of the other three, Black Death Mou pondered the current situation.

This kid who uses the breath of the sun did not suddenly become stronger, nor did he break through in battle, but had an epiphany in battle!

He seems to be more comfortable with the breath of the sun!

He seems... The breath of the sun has entered the room!

Yes, Black Death Mou is worthy of being a ghost that has been tempered for hundreds of years, and he can see the true state of Tanjiro at a glance!

Under the urging of such a fierce battle, Tanjiro's fire god Kagura began to be reborn!

To what extent has it been reborn?

Of course, it is the legendary Kagura, the legendary God of Fire, type 13!

God knows how much Tanjiro wants to get the thirteenth type of Kagura, the god of fire! He had been looking forward to it since a long time ago!

Later cultivating in the Forging Knife Village, Tanjiro had some feelings and guesses about the thirteenth type of his fire god Kagura, but it was not very clear.

It was like a layer of window paper in front of him.

This layer of paper seems to be easy to puncture, but it is not easy to break!

Later, under the reminder of Horigaku, under Tanjiro's own perception, this layer of paper became thinner and thinner, and he became clearer and clearer about the thirteenth type of Kagura, the god of fire!

Even before the final showdown, Tanjiro had already pierced this layer of window paper!

That's when Tanjiro realized.

The thirteenth type of the fire god Kagura of their stove family was actually not lost at all!

Because the thirteenth type of Kagura, the god of fire, is to make the first twelve types flow from beginning to end, and the twelve types are combined together to become a continuous stream of thirteen types!

But some things, understanding is one thing, understanding is one thing, and whether you can do it or not is another!

Theory needs to be combined with practice.

Understand the theory, that's just the brain.

If it's really your turn to practice, you may not be on your hands.

This is Tanjiro's state in the early stages of this final showdown.

Even if he knew what was going on with the thirteenth type of the God of Fire Kagura, without real practice and real training, he couldn't use it for a while.

But now it's different!

With the perfect cooperation of the other three companions, Tanjiro was actually fulfilled!

With three other companions so perfectly cooperating with the auxiliary attack, Tanjiro can output the God of Fire Kagura without distraction, so as to achieve the state of entering the hall!

As Tanjiro became more and more handy, his fire god Kagura Type 13 was finally completed!

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